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连翘(Forsythia suspensa)不仅是一种常用大宗木本药用植物类型,而且也是重要的绿化植物类型。以太行山南段陵川境内广泛生长的连翘为研究对象,通过样方调查方法,解析连翘群落结构及影响因子,探讨海拔、坡向主要地形因子和土壤因子对群落格局的影响,以期有助于连翘的规模化种植。结果表明:(1)该区连翘群落可分为5类群丛:Ⅰ连翘(Forsythia suspensa)+三裂绣线菊(Spiraea trilobata)-披针叶苔草(Carex lanceolata)群丛;Ⅱ连翘(Forsythia suspensa)+白刺花(Sophora davidii)-披针叶苔草(Carex lanceolata)+铁杆蒿(Tripolium vulgare)群丛;Ⅲ辽东栎(Quercus wutaishanica)-连翘(Forsythia suspensa)+三裂绣线菊(Spiraea trilobata)-披针叶苔草(Carex lanceolata)+白头翁(Pulsatilla chinensis)群丛;Ⅳ油松(Pinus tabuliformis)-连翘(Forsythia suspensa)-披针叶苔草(Carex lanceolata)群丛;Ⅴ连翘(Forsythia suspensa)+黄刺玫(Rosa xanthina)-披针叶苔草(Carex lanceolata)群丛。(2)海拔高度(H)、全钾(TK)和坡向(TRP)是影响该区连翘分布状况的3个主要环境因子。3个因子在4个层级水平上构成群落分型的主导因子。第一级主导因子是海拔高度(H=1330 m);第二级是土壤总钾量(TK=19.07 mg/kg)和海拔(H>1330 m);第三级是坡向(TRP=0.2775)、海拔(H>1330 m)和总钾量(TK<19.07 mg/kg);第四级是总钾(TK=18.47 mg/kg)、海拔(H>1330 m)、和坡向(TRP>0.2775)。海拔高度和土壤肥力是影响太行山南段生境内连翘群落结构和规模化种植的要重环境因子。  相似文献   
Iman Haghiyan 《农业工程》2018,38(6):391-393
In this study the effects of environmental factors on some vegetative characteristics of Quercus brantii was investigated in Kouh gachan, Ilam, West of Iran, using multivariate analysis. Therefore 64 sample plots with a size of 200?m2 were considered for measuring the vegetative parameters. Some environmental factors such as slope, aspect and soil depth were recorded in all sample plots. The Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) was used to investigate the relation between vegetative parameters and environmental factors. Redundancy analysis (RDA) analysis was also used to interpret the results. The results of DCA analysis showed that the effect of environmental factors on vegetation cover is significant. Slope had the smallest and the soil depth had the biggest effect on vegetative characteristics of Quercus brantii. The results also confirmed the usage of RDA analysis for investigating the relationship between environmental factors and vegetative characteristics.  相似文献   
Aims Shrubland is one of the most important vegetation types in subtropical region, but studies on its life-form composition and geographic patterns are scarce. In this paper, we addressed the following questions: what are the characteristics of the composition of plant life forms of subtropical shrublands in China? And what are the relation-ships between the life form compositions, geographic patterns of subtropical shrublands and hydrothermal factors?
Methods A total of 688 plots, designed with the stratified random sampling method, were systematically set and investigated in subtropical shrublands in China. Life forms were identified based on Raunkiaer’s (1934) life form systems. Life form spectrums were compiled at each sampling site and within the whole shrubland, respectively. Partial correlation analysis was applied to reveal the latitudinal, longitudinal and altitudinal patterns of each life form. Pearson’s correlation analysis was adopted to evaluate the relationships between each life form and hydrothermal factors. Further, redundancy analysis (RDA) was used to distinguish the effect of temperature and precipitation on geographical variations of life forms.
Important findings (1) In subtropical shrublands in China, 56.37% of the total species were woody species, among which 33.88% were deciduous species and 22.49% were evergreen species. The remaining 43.63% of the total species were herbaceous species, dominated by 35.15% perennials. Generally, phaenerophytes (Ph) was the most dominant component, while the second dominant one was hemicryptophytes (H). The life form spectrum showed a pattern of Ph (55.74%) > H (31.03%) > T (therophytes 8.80%) > Cr (cryptophytes 4.08%) > Ch (chamaephytes 1.34%). (2) Plant life forms mainly exhibited longitudinal and altitudinal patterns. With the increase of longitude, the percentage of Ph tended to increase while H, Cr and T tended to decrease. Furthermore, an increase in altitude would lead to an increase in H and Cr but a decrease in Ph, Ch and T. (3) Among all the investigated climatic factors, the mean temperature of the warmest month (MWT) and the mean precipitation of the coldest month (MCP) had the greatest impact on Ph, H, Cr and T. With an increase of MWT and MCP, Ph would increase while H, Cr and T would decrease. Taken together, MWT and MCP could explain 41.97% of the variation of life form spectrum, among which 28.35% was attributed to their joint-effect. The results suggested that Ph and H were mainly influenced by both temperature and precipitation, and that Cr was more sensitive to temperature gradients. Besides, T was more sensitive to precipitation, and Ch showed little fluctuation along hydrothermal gradients. In conclusion, MWT and MCP are the most important hydrothermic factors that determine the geographic patterns of life forms in subtropical shrublands in China.  相似文献   
为了探讨在热带天然林景观中不同因素对木本植物(限于乔木和灌木)功能型分布的影响,在对海南岛霸王岭的热带天然林进行样方调查的基础上,运用数量分类方法对热带天然林的木本植物进行了功能型划分,并运用冗余度分析(Redundancy analysis, RDA)分别探讨了功能型出现与否、功能型物种丰富度和功能型木本植物多度3个矩阵与环境、空间和干扰因素之间的关系。运用偏冗余度分析对影响功能型分布变化的环境、干扰、空间及其交互作用等因素进行了定量分解。结果表明:利用木材密度和潜在最大高度两个指标划分出的9个功能型,能较好的区分功能型间对生境的适应响应差异;因子分解表明,纯环境、纯人为干扰和混合的环境-人为干扰是影响3个功能型矩阵分布变化的主要因素,纯空间和与空间位置相耦合的因素相对较低;在诸多因子中,干扰类型、地形因子、土壤类型、砂砾含量、土层厚度以及经纬度坐标是影响功能型分布变化的主导因子;RDA排序分析表明,一般来讲,硬木功能型多在生境条件好和远离人为干扰的立地高发生。软木功能型则更多地出现于生境条件恶劣和人为干扰频繁的立地。而中等硬度功能型则生态幅度较宽。但除了软木灌木功能型外,其它功能型物种丰富度和木本植物多度多在土层深厚和生境条件较好的立地较高。  相似文献   
李晓丽  徐满厚  孟万忠  刘琦  刘敏 《生态学报》2020,40(19):6885-6896
高山草甸作为一种发育在高山林线以上位置的植被类型,高大的海拔促使其对气候变暖响应敏感而迅速,其群落结构在气候变暖影响下发生着显著变化。然而,现在的研究大都集中在诸如极地、青藏高原等高纬度、高海拔地区,对于中低纬度、低海拔地区分布的亚高山草甸研究就显得不足。因此,为了揭示中纬度、低海拔地区亚高山草甸群落结构在气候变暖背景下的动态变化规律,以山西云顶山亚高山草甸为研究对象,设置小幅度增温(OTC1)和大幅度增温(OTC2)两种模拟增温实验样地,调查草甸空气-土壤水热因子及植被群落结构特征,探究增温对亚高山草甸水热因子及群落结构的影响。结果表明:(1)在OTC1和OTC2处理下,草甸空气呈现暖干化,其中空气温度分别增加3.57℃和和5.04℃(P<0.05),空气湿度分别减小7.36%和5.23%(P<0.05);草甸土壤趋向暖湿化,其中土壤温度分别减小0.05℃和增加0.26℃(P<0.05),土壤水分分别减小0.2%和增加0.62%(P>0.05)。(2)增温对草甸物种多样性产生一定负面影响,但Richness指数、Simpson指数、Shannon指数在不同处理间的差异均不显著(P>0.05),表明物种多样性对增温响应不敏感。(3)增温促进草甸群落中禾草类植物生长,抑制杂草类植物生长,且随增温幅度变大,群落中不同植物功能型由杂草类向禾草类转化。(4)RDA排序和相关分析表明,空气、浅层土壤温度促进禾草生长,抑制杂草生长;深层土壤温度抑制莎草生长;浅层土壤水分促进禾草生长。因此,增温改变了云顶山亚高山草甸的水热因子状况,导致草甸群落结构发生改变,使之向禾草类植物进行演替。  相似文献   
亚热带稻田弃耕湿地土壤因子对植物群落结构的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用冗余分析法对弃耕一年稻田湿地生态系统的植物群落与土壤因子进行了分析.结果表明:在亚热带湿地生态系统中,土壤水分条件、有效钾、有效磷和pH是影响物种分布的最主要土壤因子.试验区的主要植物物种可以划分为3个物种组:丁香蓼-水竹叶物种组(组1)、牛鞭草-圆叶节节菜-稻槎菜物种组(组2)和小白酒草-辣蓼-双穗雀稗物种组(组3).其中,组1主要分布于土壤有效钾含量较高的区域;组2主要分布于阶段性淹水区域;组3主要分布于排水区域,且与土壤有效磷和pH呈正相关.物种多样性与土壤pH、植被地上生物量与土壤全钾含量呈显著正相关,均匀度与土壤有效氮含量呈显著负相关,与其他指标的相关性均不显著.  相似文献   


Due to increasing antibiotics resistance, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are receiving increased attention. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a major pathogen in this context, involved, e.g., in keratitis and wound infections. Novel bactericidal agents against this pathogen are therefore needed.


Bactericidal potency was monitored by radial diffusion, viable count, and minimal inhibitory concentration assays, while toxicity was probed by hemolysis. Mechanistic information was obtained from assays on peptide-induced vesicle disruption and lipopolysaccharide binding.


End-tagging by hydrophobic amino acids yields increased potency of AMPs against P. aeruginosa, irrespective of bacterial proteinase production. Exemplifying this by two peptides from kininogen, GKHKNKGKKNGKHNGWK and KNKGKKNGKH, potency increased with tag length, correlating to more efficient bacterial wall and vesicle rupture, and to more pronounced P. aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide binding. End-tag effects remained at high electrolyte concentration and in the presence of plasma or anionic macromolecular scavengers. The tagged peptides displayed stability against P. aeruginosa elastase, and were potent ex vivo, both in a contact lens model and in a skin wound model.

General significance

End-tagging, without need for post-peptide synthesis modification, may be employed to enhance AMP potency against P. aeruginosa at maintained limited toxicity.  相似文献   
Unlike mammals, fish motor function can recover within 6–8 weeks after spinal cord injury (SCI). The motor function of zebrafish is regulated by dual control; the upper motor neurons of the brainstem and motor neurons of the spinal cord. In this study, we aimed to investigate the framework behind the regeneration of upper motor neurons in adult zebrafish after SCI. In particular, we investigated the cell survival of axotomized upper motor neurons and its molecular machinery in zebrafish brain. As representative nuclei of upper motor neurons, we retrogradely labeled neurons in the nucleus of medial longitudinal fasciculus (NMLF) and the intermediate reticular formation (IMRF) using a tracer injected into the lesion site of the spinal cord. Four to eight neurons in each thin sections of the area of NMLF and IMRF were successfully traced at least 1–15 days after SCI. TUNEL staining and BrdU labeling assay revealed that there was no apoptosis or cell proliferation in the axotomized neurons of the brainstem at various time points after SCI. In contrast, axotomized neurons labeled with a neurotracer showed increased expression of anti-apoptotic factors, such as Bcl-2 and phospho-Akt (p-Akt), at 1–6 days after SCI. Such a rapid increase of Bcl-2 and p-Akt protein levels after SCI was quantitatively confirmed by western blot analysis. These data strongly indicate that upper motor neurons in the NMLF and IMRF can survive and regrow their axons into the spinal cord through the rapid activation of anti-apoptotic molecules after SCI. The regrowing axons from upper motor neurons reached the lesion site at 10–15 days and then crossed at 4–6 weeks after SCI. These long-distance descending axons from originally axotomized neurons have a major role in restoration of motor function after SCI.  相似文献   
太平湖浮游动物动态演替与环境因子的相关性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2012年11月至2014年10月, 对太平湖浮游动物群落进行了为期两年的调查研究。共鉴定出浮游动物45属89种, 其中轮虫 29属69种、枝角类5属7种、桡足类2属4种和原生动物9属9种; 优势种主要来自于轮虫异尾轮虫属(Trichocereca)和龟甲轮虫属(Keratella)。浮游动物的丰度值存在明显的季节变化, 表现为夏季最大, 平均达1326 ind./L, 秋季春季次之, 分别为608和605 ind./L, 冬季最小为216 ind./L; 垂直分布表现为春夏季太平湖表层浮游动物丰度最高, 中间层次之, 底层最小, 秋冬季则表现为中间层最高。浮游动物群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Margalef丰富度指数中间层普遍高于表层和底层, Pielou均匀度指数表现为底层要高于表层和中间层, 季节变化表现为夏秋季显著高于冬春季的现象, 水质评价表明夏秋季水质好于春冬季。聚类和多维尺度分析表明: 太平湖浮游动物可分为夏秋季类群与春冬季类群, 两类群均表现为湖心与上下游区域群落结构差异较大, 其中春冬季类群差异较明显; 相关和逐步回归分析表明: 透明度和水温为太平湖浮游动物群落结构变化的主要环境影响因子; 依据结构方程模型(SEM)和冗余分析(RDA)的结果显示, 在溶解氧和水温较高的水环境中浮游动物丰度值表现为较大, 其中水温对轮虫的影响高于对枝角类和桡足类的影响。  相似文献   
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