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A few studies indirectly support the existence of an intermediate in the transition of Ca(2+)-saturated bovine alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA) from the native (N) to the acidic (A) state, known as the molten globule state. However, direct experimental evidence for the appearance of this intermediate has not been obtained. The signal of circular polarization of luminescence (CPL) is sensitive to fine conformational transitions because of its susceptibility to changes in the environmental asymmetry of fluorescent chromophores in their excited electronic states. In the present study, CPL measurements were applied using the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of alpha-LA as well as the fluorescence of 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (ANS) bound to alpha-LA. CPL of tryptophan and ANS was measured in the pH range of 2.5-6 in order to find direct experimental evidence for the proposed intermediate. CPL (characterized by the emission anisotropy factor, g(em)) depends on the asymmetry of the protein molecular structure in the environment of the tryptophan and the ANS chromophores in the excited electronic state. The pH dependence of both the gab, absorption anisotropy factor determined by CD, and the ANS steady state fluorescence, showed a single transition at pH 3-3.7 as already reported elsewhere. This transition was interpreted as being a result of a change of the alpha-LA tertiary structure, which resulted in a loss of asymmetry of the environment of both the tryptophan residues and the ANS hydrophobic binding sites. The pH dependence of the tryptophan and ANS g(em) showed an additional conformational transition at pH 4-5, which coincided with the pKa of Ca2+ dissociation (pKa 5), as predicted by Permyakov et al. (1981, Biochem Biophys Res Commun 100:191-197). The titration curve showed that there is a pH range between 3.7 and 4.1 in which alpha-LA exists in an intermediate state between the N- and A-state. We suggest that the intermediate is the premolten globule state characterized by a reduced Ca2+ binding to the alpha-LA, native-like tertiary structure, and reduced asymmetric fluctuation of the tertiary structure on the nanosecond time scale. This intermediate resembles the "critical activated state" theoretically deduced by Kuwajima et al. (1989, J Mol Biol 206:547-561). The present study demonstrates the power of CPL measurements for the investigation of folding/unfolding transitions in proteins.  相似文献   
The suggestion that the ethanol regulatory protein from Aspergillus has its evolutionary origin in a gene fusion between aldehyde and alcohol dehydrogenase genes (Hawkins AR, Lamb HK, Radford A, Moore JD, 1994, Gene 146:145-158) has been tested by profile analysis with aldehyde and alcohol dehydrogenase family profiles. We show that the degree and kind of similarity observed between these profiles and the ethanol regulatory protein sequence is that expected from random sequences of the same composition. This level of similarity fails to support the suggested gene fusion.  相似文献   
To improve secondary structure predictions in protein sequences, the information residing in multiple sequence alignments of substituted but structurally related proteins is exploited. A database comprised of 70 protein families and a total of 2,500 sequences, some of which were aligned by tertiary structural superpositions, was used to calculate residue exchange weight matrices within alpha-helical, beta-strand, and coil substructures, respectively. Secondary structure predictions were made based on the observed residue substitutions in local regions of the multiple alignments and the largest possible associated exchange weights in each of the three matrix types. Comparison of the observed and predicted secondary structure on a per-residue basis yielded a mean accuracy of 72.2%. Individual alpha-helix, beta-strand, and coil states were respectively predicted at 66.7, and 75.8% correctness, representing a well-balanced three-state prediction. The accuracy level, verified by cross-validation through jack-knife tests on all protein families, dropped, on average, to only 70.9%, indicating the rigor of the prediction procedure. On the basis of robustness, conceptual clarity, accuracy, and executable efficiency, the method has considerable advantage, especially with its sole reliance on amino acid substitutions within structurally related proteins.  相似文献   
Refined solution structure of human profilin I.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Profilin is a ubiquitous eukaryotic protein that binds to both cytosolic actin and the phospholipid phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate. These dual competitive binding capabilities of profilin suggest that profilin serves as a link between the phosphatidyl inositol cycle and actin polymerization, and thus profilin may be an essential component in the signaling pathway leading to cytoskeletal rearrangement. The refined three-dimensional solution structure of human profilin I has been determined using multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. Twenty structures were selected to represent the solution conformational ensemble. This ensemble of structures has root-mean-square distance deviations from the mean structure of 0.58 A for the backbone atoms and 0.98 A for all non-hydrogen atoms. Comparison of the solution structure of human profilin to the crystal structure of bovine profilin reveals that, although profilin adopts essentially identical conformations in both states, the solution structure is more compact than the crystal structure. Interestingly, the regions that show the most structural diversity are located at or near the actin-binding site of profilin. We suggest that structural differences are reflective of dynamical properties of profilin that facilitate favorable interactions with actin. The global folding pattern of human profilin also closely resembles that of Acanthamoeba profilin I, reflective of the 22% sequence identity and approximately 45% sequence similarity between these two proteins.  相似文献   
Using a variety of homology search methods and multiple alignments, a new extracellular module was identified in (1) agrin, (2) enterokinase, (3) a 63-kDa sea urchin sperm protein, (4) perlecan, (5) the breast cancer marker MUCI (episialin), (6) the cell surface antigen 114/A10, and (7/8) two functionally uncharacterized, probably extracellular, Caenorhabditis elegans proteins. Despite the functional diversity of these adhesive proteins, a common denominator seems to be their existence in heavily glycosylated environments. In addition, the better characterized proteins mentioned above contain all O-glycosidic-linked carbohydrates such as heparan sulfate that contribute considerably to their molecular masses. The common module might regulate or assist binding to neighboring carbohydrate moieties.  相似文献   
The X-ray structure of a mutant version of Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase (H412N) in which His-412 was replaced by Asn has been determined at both low (-Zn) and high (+Zn) concentrations of zinc. In the wild-type structure, His-412 is a direct ligand to one of the two catalytically critical zinc atoms (Zn1) in the active site. Characterization of the H412N enzyme in solution revealed that the mutant enzyme required high concentrations of zinc for maximal activity and for high substrate and phosphate affinity (Ma L, Kantrowitz ER, 1994, J Biol Chem 269:31614-31619). The H412N enzyme was also inhibited by Tris, in contrast to the wild-type enzyme, which is activated more than twofold by 1 M Tris. To understand these kinetic properties at the molecular level, the structure of the H412N (+Zn) enzyme was refined to an R-factor of 0.174 at 2.2 A resolution, and the structure of the H412N(-Zn) enzyme was refined to an R-factor of 0.166 at a resolution of 2.6 A. Both indicated that the Asn residue substituted for His-412 did not coordinate well to Zn1. In the H412N(-Zn) structure, the Zn1 site had very low occupancy and the phosphate was shifted by 1.8 A from its position in the wild-type structure. The Mg binding site was also affected by the substitution of Asn for His-412. Both structures of the H412N enzyme also revealed a surface-accessible cavity near the Zn1 site that may serve as a binding site for Tris.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
We present an efficient new algorithm that enumerates all possible conformations of a protein that satisfy a given set of distance restraints. Rapid growth of all possible self-avoiding conformations on the diamond lattice provides construction of alpha-carbon representations of a protein fold. We investigated the dependence of the number of conformations on pairwise distance restraints for the proteins crambin, pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, and ubiquitin. Knowledge of between one and two contacts per monomer is shown to be sufficient to restrict the number of candidate structures to approximately 1,000 conformations. Pairwise RMS deviations of atomic position comparisons between pairs of these 1,000 structures revealed that these conformations can be grouped into about 25 families of structures. These results suggest a new approach to assessing alternative protein folds given a very limited number of distance restraints. Such restraints are available from several experimental techniques such as NMR, NOESY, energy transfer fluorescence spectroscopy, and crosslinking experiments. This work focuses on exhaustive enumeration of protein structures with emphasis on the possible use of NOESY-determined distance restraints.  相似文献   
We address the question of whether the distribution of secondary structure propensities of the residues along the polypeptide chain (denominated here as secondary structure profiles) is conserved in proteins throughout evolution, for the particular case of alpha-helices. We have analyzed by CD the conformation of peptides corresponding to the five alpha-helices of two alpha/beta parallel proteins (ComA and Ara). The large alpha-helical population of peptide ComA-4 detected by CD in aqueous solution has been confirmed by NMR. These proteins are members of the CheY and P21-ras families, respectively, which have been studied previously in the same way (Muñoz V, Jiménez MA, Rico M, Serrano L, 1995, J Mol Biol 245:275-296). Comparison of the helical content of equivalent peptides reveals that protein alpha-helix propensity profiles are not conserved. Some equivalent peptides show very different helical populations in solution and this is especially evident in very divergent proteins (ComA and CheY). However, all the peptides analyzed so far adopted an important population of helical conformations in the presence of 30% trifluoroethanol, indicating that there could be a conserved minimal requirement for helical propensity.  相似文献   
Residues P19, L28, C31, and C32 have been implicated (Di Donato A, Cafaro V, D'Alessio G, 1994, J Biol Chem 269:17394-17396; Mazzarella L, Vitagliano L, Zagari A, 1995, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA: forthcoming) with key roles in determining the dimeric structure and the N-terminal domain swapping of seminal RNase. In an attempt to have a clearer understanding of the structural and functional significance of these residues in seminal RNase, a series of mutants of pancreatic RNase A was constructed in which one or more of the four residues were introduced into RNase A. The RNase mutants were examined for: (1) the ability to form dimers; (2) the capacity to exchange their N-terminal domains; (3) resistance to selective cleavage by subtilisin; and (4) antitumor activity. The experiments demonstrated that: (1) the presence of intersubunit disulfides is both necessary and sufficient for engendering a stably dimeric RNase; (2) all four residues play a role in determining the exchange of N-terminal domains; (3) the exchange is the molecular basis for the RNase antitumor action; and (4) this exchange is not a prerequisite in an evolutionary mechanism for the generation of dimeric RNases.  相似文献   
The structure of the potassium channel blocker agitoxin 2 was solved by solution NMR methods. The structure consists of a triple-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet and a single helix covering one face of the beta-sheet. The cysteine side chains connecting the beta-sheet and the helix form the core of the molecule. One edge of the beta-sheet and the adjacent face of the helix form the interface with the Shaker K+ channel. The fold of agitoxin is homologous to the previously determined folds of scorpion venom toxins. However, agitoxin 2 differs significantly from the other channel blockers in the specificity of its interactions. This study was thus focused on a precise characterization of the surface residues at the face of the protein interacting with the Shaker K+ channel. The rigid toxin molecule can be used to estimate dimensions of the potassium channel. Surface-exposed residues, Arg24, Lys27, and Arg31 of the beta-sheet, have been identified from mutagenesis studies as functionally important for blocking the Shaker K+ channel. The sequential and spatial locations of Arg24 and Arg31 are not conserved among the homologous toxins. Knowledge on the details of the channel-binding sites of agitoxin 2 formed a basis for site-directed mutagenesis studies of the toxin and the K+ channel sequences. Observed interactions between mutated toxin and channel are being used to elucidate the channel structure and mechanisms of channel-toxin interactions.  相似文献   
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