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In mixed-mating plant populations, one can estimate the relative fitness of selfed progeny w by measuring the inbreeding coefficient F and selfing rate s of adults of one generation, together with F of adults in the following generation (after selection). In the first application of this multigenerational method, we estimated F and s for adults over three consecutive generations in adjacent populations of two annual Mimulus taxa: the outbreeding M. guttatus and the inbreeding M. platycalyx. This gave estimates of w for the last two generations. Although average multilocus selfing rates were high in both taxa (0.63 in M. guttatus; 0.84 in M. platycalyx), the relative fitness of selfed progeny averaged only 0.19 in M. guttatus and 0.32 in M. platycalyx. An alternative estimator for w that incorporates biparental inbreeding gave even lower estimates of w. These values are significantly below the 0.5 threshold thought to favor selfing, and show that partially selfing populations can harbor substantial genetic load. In accordance with the purging hypothesis, the more highly selfing M. platycalyx showed marginally lower inbreeding depression than M. guttatus in both years (P = 0.08). Inbreeding depression and selfing rates also varied among years in concert among taxa. Several sources of bias are discussed, but computer simulations indicate it is unlikely that w is biased downwards by linkage of marker loci to load loci.  相似文献   
Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used to generate molecular markers to trace the origin of the fodder legume tagasaste (Chamaecytisus proliferus (L. fil.) Link ssp. palmensis (H. Christ) Kunkel) in the Canary Islands. Results from multivariate analyses of data through Two Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) and Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DECORANA) showed that genotypes collected on the island of La Palma exhibited a wider range of variation than those from the other islands. This supports the existing hypothesis that tagasaste originated on La Palma and emphasizes the importance of conserving and evaluating germ plasm from this island.  相似文献   
We have designed a simple and rapid assay for chloroplast-based triazine resistance in higher plants using PCR amplification of thepsbA gene coupled toMaeI digestion of the amplified product to distinguish triazine resistant from sensitive biotypes. Our assay is universal and avoids the need of lengthy procedures of previously published assays, which either required spraying of seedlings in a controlled environment, quantification of chlorophyll fluorescence of leaf discs after incubation in triazine solution, DNA sequencing of thepsbA gene, or Southern-blot analysis. Our diagnostic system is qualitative, reliable, fast and simple. More than 100 seedlings taken directly from the field can be analyzed in one day. This system has a direct application towards a more rational use of herbicides in production fields. It also represents a valuable tool to monitor spreading of resistant biotypes through time and space and can serve as a model system applicable to other gene monitoring needs.  相似文献   
Homology among RAPD fragments in interspecific comparisons   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The use of RAPDs for comparative purposes relies on the assumption that similarity of fragment size is a dependable indicator of homology. To test the validity of this assumption, homology among 220 pairs of comigrating fragments from three wild sunflower species was determined. Ninety-one per cent cross-hybridized and/or displayed congruent restriction fragment profiles suggestive of homology. However, comparative linkage mapping data indicated that 13% of the homologous loci mapped to genomic locations that were incongruent with the majority of loci, suggestive of paralogous rather than orthologous relationships. Thus, of the 220 pairwise comparisons, only 174 (79.1%) identified loci that are useful for comparative genetic studies. These problems, as well as several other factors discussed in the text, will introduce noise into RAPD data sets and thereby reduce the probability of generating accurate estimates of genetic relationships. Recommended methods for reducing noise in RAPD data sets include increasing gel resolution and/or testing fragment homology. However, implementation of these approaches will not eliminate all uncertainties, and it is also recommended that RAPD data sets be tested for structure and reliability.  相似文献   
A subtractive-hybridization technique, combined with differential screenings and subsequent whole mount in situ hybridization (ISH) reactions, was used to isolate novel cDNA clones representing developmentally-regulated genes of carp. Small-scale differential screenings of an oocyte and a segmentation-stage cDNA library using oocyte-specific and segmentation stage-specific enriched probes, yielded 75 positive clones. ISH screening showed that 65% (15) of the oocyte-stage clones and 50% (26) of the segmentation-stage clones were indeed stage-specific. Partial sequence analysis suggests that approximately 65% of the 41 stage-specific clones represent novel genes. In addition, an Otxl clone was isolated. Two novel clones and the Otxl clone are of special interest for developmental studies. The clones represent genes that are locally expressed during embryonic development. The expression patterns of Otxl and one of the novel clones suggest functions in specification of the anterior-posterior axis. The three clones provide molecular markers for the study of gastrulation and the patterning of the a-p axis in teleosts.  相似文献   
Talbot, N. J., Vincent, P., and Wildman, H. G. 1996. The influence of genotype and environment on the physiological and metabolic diversity ofFusarium compactum. Fungal Genetics and Biology20,254–267. Fungal species produce a large variety of secondary metabolites which are of considerable interest to the pharmaceutical industry. It is clear that the secondary metabolite production of a species varies significantly in strains from different geographic locations and from different habitats. The influence of genotype and environment on metabolite production is, however, poorly understood. In this study we examined the influence of genotypic variability, physiological variability, environmental location, and habitat on metabolite production byFusarium compactum.Isolates of the fungus from two geographic locations and two distinct habitat types were examined for growth on 95 different carbon sources, and genotypic variability was determined using RAPDs and rDNA–RFLP analysis. In a blind test secondary metabolite production was assessed using HPLC profiles of methanolic cell extracts. A number of correlations were observed between genotypic groupings, as determined using parsimony, and specific metabolite production. Similar correlations were also observed with physiological groups although genotypic analysis proved to be a more sensitive predictor of metabolite variability. The data suggest a complex relationship between environment, genotype, and metabolite production but highlight the use of genetic screening as a means of optimizing the chances of identifying a wide range of metabolites from a given species.  相似文献   
The thermo-sensititve genic male-sterile (TGMS) gene in rice can alter fertility in response to temperature and is useful in the two-line system of hybrid rice production. However, little is known about the TGMS gene at the molecular level. The objective of this study was to identify molecular markers tightly linked with the TGMS gene and to map the gene onto a specific rice chromosome. Bulked segregant analysis of an F2 population from 5460s (a TGMS mutant line) x Hong Wan 52 was used to identify RAPD markers linked to the rice TGMS gene. Four hundred RAPD primers were screened for polymorphisms between the parents and between two bulks representing fertile and sterile plants; of these, 4 primers produced polymorphic products. Most of the polymorphic fragments contained repetitive sequences. Only one singlecopy sequence fragment was found, a 1.2-kb fragment amplified by primer OPB-19 and subsequently named TGMS1.2. TGMS1.2 was mapped on chromosome 8 with a RIL population and confirmed by remapping with a DHL population. Segregation analysis using TGMS1.2 as a probe indicated that TGMS1.2 both consegregated and was lined with the TGMS gene in this population. It is located about 6.7 cM from the TGMS gene. As TGMS1.2 is linked to the TGMS gene, the TGMS gene must be located on chromosome 8.This research was supported by the Rockefeller Foundation and China National High-Tech Research and Development Program. The first author is a Rockefeller Career Fellow at Texas Tech University  相似文献   
Species-specific molecular markers were designed to assist in the identification of closely related black spruce (Picea mariana [B.S.P.] Mill.) and red spruce (P. rubens Sarg.) in northeastern North America. Trees from six provenances of black spruce and three provenances of red spruce were sampled from outside the sympatric zone. They were first classified using a composite index of five qualitative morphological traits. The species-specific genetic markers were developed using random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPD) and a combination of bulk sample and individual tree analyses. Each species bulk sample was constructed from DNAs obtained from 12 trees that were from outside the sympatric zone and showed a morphological composite index specific of each species. A total of 161 primers were screened with the bulk samples. From these, 52 primers showing segregating fingerprints were further screened with the individual trees. Most of the markers observed were shared by the two species, and there was less diversity in P. rubens. A small number of markers were found to be monomorphic or nearly monomorphic and specific to either P. mariana or P. rubens. These markers remained species-specific when F1 progenies derived from independent intraspecific crosses were screened, and they were subsequently found to co-segregate in hybrids derived from independent interspecific crosses here used as controls.  相似文献   
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were utilized for the identification of Lilium species and inter-specific hybrids. The optimum annealing temperature of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the RAPD assay in Lilium was 54 °C, which is relatively higher than the temperature used for other genera reported by previous researchers. Among 76 primers used to amplify genomic DNA by PCR, 18 primers (24%) generated polymorphic DNA fragments in Lilium species and hybrids. Cultivars were also identified by RAPD markers. Some amplified fragments were unique to species of each section and to hybrids derived from these species; that is, they were the section-specific DNA markers. Sections, Sinomartagon, Leucolirion b, Leucolirion a and Archelirion could be identified by 6 section-specific markers amplified with five primers. Seven inter-section hybrids showed the section-specific bands of both parental sections, indicating that these markers would be useful for identifying the parental sections of inter-section hybrids.  相似文献   
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