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Cesium ions block potassium channels in biological membranes in a voltage dependent manner. For example, external cesium blocks inward current with little or no effect on outward current. Consequently, it produces a characteristic N-shaped current-voltage relationship. We have modeled this result by single file diffusion of ions in a narrow channel spanning the membrane with a special blocking site in the channel for cesium ions. The model enables us to make detailed comparisons of the effects of cesium on potassium channels in different types of biological membranes.  相似文献   
The reactivity of sonicated phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol liposomes with cholesterol : oxygene oxydoreductase, an enzyme which catalyses the oxidation of the 3 beta hydroxyl group of cholesterol to a ketone group, is compared with that of ternary system phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol-Thesit. Regardless to the phosphatidylcholines nature and the phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol molar ratio (R), the enzymatic oxidation rate of liposomal cholesterol is slower than when the reaction is developed in the present of Thesit, a surfactif agent which destroyes the lamellar particles. This is true whether Thesit is added during preparation of dispersions or during incubation with cholesterol oxydase. The enzymatic oxydation rate of cholesterol of ternary systems phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol-Thesit is independent of the (R) value and the phosphatidylcholine fatty acid unsaturation, whereas that of phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol dispersions depends on these two parameters. The reaction rate increases in the order: dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine to yolk egg phosphatidylcholines, and dioleylphosphatidylcholine. The optimal conditions for cholesterol oxidation were found to be R = 0.5. This result is not affected by the phosphatidylcholines nature. In order to explain these data, various hypotheses are considered. In particular, the weak liposomal cholesterol reactivity with cholesterol oxidase could result from an inhibitory effect on the enzyme-substrate combination due to the polar phosphorylcholine groups.  相似文献   
Summary Pea albumin 2 (PA2:Mr26000) is a major component of the albumin fraction derived from aqueous salt extracts of pea seed. Sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel resolve PA2 into two closely related components (PA2a and PA2b). A cDNA clone coding for one of these components has been sequenced and the deduced amino acid sequence compared with partial, chemically-determined sequences for cyanogen bromide peptides from both PA2 components. Complete amino acid sequences were obtained for the C-terminal peptides. The PA2 molecule of 230 amino acids contains four imperfect repeat sequences each of approximately 57 amino acids in length.The combined sequence data, together with a comparison of PA2-related polypeptides produced in vitro and in vivo, indicate that PA2 is synthesized without a signal sequence and does not undergo significant post-translational modification. Although both forms of PA2 contain Asn-X-Thr consensus sequences, neither form is glycosylated. Accumulation of PA2 contributes approximately 11% of the sulfur-amino acids in pea seeds (cysteine plus methionine equals 2.6 residues percent). Suppression of levels of PA2 polypeptides and their mRNAs in developing seeds of sulfur-deficient plants is less marked than that for legumin, in spite of the lower content of sulfur-amino acids in legumin.  相似文献   
The sinus gland is a major neurosecretory structure in Crustacea. Five peptides, labeled C, D, E, F, and I, isolated from the sinus gland of the land crab have been hypothesized to arise from the incomplete proteolysis at two internal sites on a single biosynthetic intermediate peptide "H", based on amino acid composition additivities and pulse-chase radiolabeling studies. The presence of only a single major precursor for the sinus gland peptides implies that peptide H may be synthesized on a common precursor with crustacean hyperglycemic hormone forms, "J" and "L," and a peptide, "K," similar to peptides with molt inhibiting activity. Here I report amino acid sequences of these peptides. The amino terminal sequence of the parent peptide, H, (and the homologous fragments) proved refractory to Edman degradation. Data from amino acid analysis and carboxypeptidase digestion of the naturally occurring fragments and of fragments produced by endopeptidase digestion were used together with Edman degradation to obtain the sequences. Amino acid analysis of fragments of the naturally occurring "overlap" peptides (those produced by internal cleavage at one site on H) was used to obtain the sequences across the cleavage sites. The amino acid sequence of the land crab peptide H is Arg-Ser-Ala-Asp-Gly-Phe-Gly-Arg-Met-Glu-Ser-Leu-Leu-Thr-Ser-Leu-Arg-Gly- Ser-Ala-Glu- Ser-Pro-Ala-Ala-Leu-Gly-Glu-Ala-Ser-Ala-Ala-His-Pro-Leu-Glu. In vivo cleavage at one site involves excision of arginine from the sequence Leu-Arg-Gly, whereas cleavage at the other site involves excision of serine from the sequence Glu-Ser-Leu. Proteolysis at the latter sequence has not been previously reported in intact secretory granules. The aspartate at position 4 is possibly covalently modified.  相似文献   
Summary A genomic clone of a wheat -amylase gene (Amy3/33) was identified, on the basis of hybridisation properties, as different from -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes which had been characterised previously. The nucleotide sequence revealed that this gene has the normal sequence motifs of an active gene and an open reading frame interrupted by two introns. The protein sequence encoded by this open reading frame is recognisably similar to that of -amylase from the -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes and there is high sequence homology in all three proteins at the putative active sites and Ca++ binding region. In addition, the introns are at positions equivalent to the position of introns in the -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes. However, the sequence was less similar to -Amy1 and -Amy2 than these are to each other. Southern blot analysis showed that the Amy3/33 DNA is one of a small multigene family carried on a different chromosome (group 5) from either the -Amy1 or -Amy2 genes. A further difference from the -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes was the pattern of expression. Amy3/33 was expressed only in immature grains and, unlike the -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes, not at all in germinating aleurones. These data suggested therefore that this gene represents a third type of -amylase gene, not described before, which shares a common evolutionary ancestor with the -Amy1 and -Amy2 genes.  相似文献   
Summary Comparison of the 5′ flanking regions of three α-amylase genes from chromosome 6B of hexaploid wheat by heteroduplex and sequence analysis revealed the presence of a 1.6 kb stem-loop insertion sequence (WIS1) in one of them. Polymorphism among hexaploid wheat varieties suggests the relatively recent insertion/excision of this sequence from its present position. The complete sequence of the stem-loop insertion shows that it has many of the features found in transposable elements, including target site duplication and terminal inverted repeats. One unusual feature is a tandem array of direct repeats comprising a wheat “minisatellite” sequence. Both the insertion sequence and the minisatellite are found at multiple locations in the wheat genome, but the functional significance of their association in WIS1 is unknown. The minisatellite arrays share a common core structure, and long arrays are polymorphic between different hexaploid varieties.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of middle repetitive sequences in the genic and extragenic regions of the rat albumin and -fetoprotein genes was analyzed. Their presence was determined by probing Southern blots of restriction fragments of albumin and -fetoprotein genomic subclones with 32P-labeled total rat DNA. Repetitive sequences were detected in both genes. They were classified as weak, moderate and intense hybridizing elements according to the intensity of hybridization. Weak repetitive sequences were characterized as dG·dT repeats by using 32P-labeled poly-(dG·dT)(dC·dA) oligomer probe. They occurred in 5 and 3 extragenic regions of the two genes and in introns 4 and 5 of the albumin gene. The moderate repetitive sequence present in intron 6 of the albumin gene was identified as the rat SINES element, 4D12. The intense repetitive sequence, localized in the 3 non-coding region of the albumin gene, corresponded to the terminal segment of a rat high repeat long interspersed DNA family, L1Rn. 4D12 and L1Rn sequences were also scattered throughout the -fetoprotein locus as moderate and intense repetitive elements, respectively, but their distribution was different from that of the albumin genomic region. These results indicate that repetitive sequences invaded the two loci in a non-conservative manner.  相似文献   
Summary The cells of origin of afferent and efferent pathways of the lateral forebrain bundle were studied with the aid of the cobalt-filling technique. Ascending afferents originated from the lateral thalamic nucleus, central thalamic nucleus, posterior tuberculum and the cerebellar nucleus. They terminated in the anterior entopeduncular nucleus, amygdala and the striatum. Telencephalic projection neurons, which are related to the lateral forebrain bundle, were located mainly in the ventral striatum and the anterior entopeduncular nucleus, but were not so numerous in the dorsal striatum. Irrespective of their location, most of the neurons projecting axons into the lateral forebrain bundle had piriform or pyramidal perikarya. Long apical dendrites usually arborized in a narrow space, whereas widely arborizing secondary dendrites originated from short dendritic trunks. The other neurons that contributed to the lateral forebrain bundle were fusiform or multipolar cells. Striatal efferents terminated in the pretectal area and in the anterodorsal, anteroventral and posteroventral tegmental nuclei.  相似文献   
The 37,000 bp double-stranded DNA genome of bacteriophage Mu behaves as a plaque-forming transposable element of Escherichia coli. We have defined the cis-acting DNA sequences required in vivo for transposition and packaging of the viral genome by monitoring the transposition and maturation of Mu DNA-containing pSC101 and pBR322 plasmids with an induced helper Mu prophage to provide the trans-acting functions. We found that nucleotides 1 to 54 of the Mu left end define an essential domain for transposition, and that sequences between nucleotides 126 and 203, and between 203 and 1,699, define two auxiliary domains that stimulate transposition in vivo. At the right extremity, the essential sequences for transposition require not more than the first 62 base pairs (bp), although the presence of sequences between 63 and 117 bp from the right end increases the transposition frequency about 15-fold in our system. Finally, we have delineated the pac recognition site for DNA maturation to nucleotides 32 to 54 of the Mu left end which reside inside of the first transposase binding site (L1) located between nucleotides 1–30. Thus, the transposase binding site and packaging domains of bacteriophage Mu DNA can be separated into two well-defined regions which do not appear to overlap.Abbreviations attL attachment site left - attR attachment site right - bp base pairs - Kb kilobase pair - nt nucleotide - Pu Purine - Py pyrimidine - Tn transposable element State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY 11204 USA  相似文献   
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