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C1q, a collagen-like complement protein, was purified from the serum of a ddermatosparactic calf which lacks procollagen N-terminal proteinase (pN-proteinase). The specific hemolytic activity of the serum Clq from the dermatosparactic animal was identical to that of C1q from a normal calf. Gel-filtration of serum from dermatosparactic calf, on Sepharose 6B, showed the presence of C1q-antigenic material at only one position which was identical to the elution position of normal bovine C1q. No differdence, under dissociating conditions, could be seen in the size of the chains of C1q in specific immunoprecipitates isolated from the sera of dermatosparactic and normal animals, as judged by polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis (PAGE) in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The C1q from the dermatosparactic animal showed the same N-terminal amino acid and typtic-digest peptide pattern on HPLC as C1q from the normal calf. These results strongly suggest that pN-proteinase is not involved in the extracellular processing of C1q.  相似文献   
The lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of a rough (R) and a smooth (S) strain of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola were analysed. The S-LPS revealed markedly more rhamnose and fucose, but less glucose, than the R-LPS. The presence of 3-O-methyl-rhamnose (acofriose) in the S-LPS was confirmed by cochromatography with authentic acofriose. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the S-LPS demonstrated a cluster of regularly spaced high molecular weight fractions, which was almost lacking in the R-LPS. The main fatty acids of the lipid A of both LPS species were 3-OH-10:0,3-OH-12:0,2-OH-12:0, and 12:0. Two N-linked diesters were demonstrated: 3-O(12:0)-12:0 and 3-O(2-OH-12:0)-12:0. S-LPS was subjected to mild hydrolysis and the degraded polysaccharide separated into three fractions by gel permeation chromatography on a Fractogel TSK HW-50 column. Fraction I, representing nearly only the O-specific side chain, consisted of rhamnose and fucose in a molar ratio of 4:1, with 4% of the rhamnose being 3-O-methylated (acofriose). Fraction II, representing mostly core material, was composed of glucose, rhamnose, heptose, glucosamine, galactosamine, alanine, and a still unidentified amino compound, in an approximate molar ratio of 3:1:1:1:1:1:1, and KDO. Fraction III consisted of released monomers and salts. The LPS was highly phosphorylated (3.28% phosphorus in the core fraction). The thus characterized composition of the LPS O-chain seems to be unique for the pathovar phaseolicola of P. syringae, although many similarities exist to other pathovars as well as to other bacterial species.Abbreviations LPS lipopolysacchairdes - GC/MS combined gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry - HVE high voltage electrophoresis - KDO 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonic acid - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate P.s. pv. phaseolicola is termed P. phaseolicola in the text  相似文献   
Abstract Twelve different chloramphenicol-resistance (Cmr) plasmids detected in Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated between 1952 and 1981 were characterized by restriction endonuclease, DNA hybridization and heteroduplex analyses. These studies revealed three families of Cmr plasmids which were distinguished by their chloramphenicol acetyltransferase sequences; the prototype plasmids of the families were pC221, pC223 and pC194. The cat and replication ( rep ) genes of the plasmid pC221 were highly conserved in other pC221 family members and were related to their homologs in the pC223 family plasmids; however, the cat and rep genes of the pC194 family plasmids were distinct.  相似文献   
Based on pollen and floral morphology,Blechum grandiflorum is transferred toRuellia, and the nameR. mirandana is proposed for this species. A new species,Ruellia tuxtlensis, is described which is distinguishable fromR. mirandana by its longer spike and elliptic bracts. It is presently known only from the lowlands of Veracruz, Mexico.  相似文献   
The regulation of amidase synthesis inP. aeruginosa is under positive control. This review describes the experimental evolution of amidase and its regulator protein for the hydrolysis of novel substrates and experiments to elucidate the mechanism of the control system.  相似文献   
The ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) large- and small-subunit genes are encoded on the chloroplast genome of the eukaryotic chromophytic alga Olisthodiscus luteus. Northern blot experiments indicate that both genes are co-transcribed into a single (>6 kb) mRNA molecule. Clones from the O. luteus rbc gene region were constructed with deleted 5 non-coding regions and placed under control of the lac promoter, resulting in the expression of high levels of O. luteus Rubisco large and small subunits in Escherichia coli. Sucrose gradient centrifugation of soluble extracts fractionated a minute amount of carboxylase activity that cosedimented with native hexadecameric O. luteus Rubisco. Most of the large subunit synthesized in E. coli appeared insoluble or formed an aggregate with the small subunit possessing an altered charge: mass ratio compared to the native holoenzyme. The presence in O. luteus of a polypeptide that has an identical molecular mass and cross reacts with antiserum generated against pea large-subunit binding protein may indicate that a protein of similar function is required for Rubisco assembly in O. luteus.  相似文献   
In vitro enzyme activities of glycolysis, pentose-phosphate pathway and dark CO2 fixation were assayed in batch cultures of heterotrophic Catharanthus roseus cells under various gassing rates and partial pressures of carbon dioxide. Detrimental effects of low pCO2 culture conditions on the growth characteristics could be linked to marked changes in levels of enzymes of primary metabolism during growth. The enzyme levels observed during the early stages of growth were found to be more stable when a constant pCO2 (20 mbar) was maintained and enabled exponential growth to be reached more rapidly.The importance of carbon dioxide as a conditioning factor of the culture medium is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The proteins P10 and P12 have been shown to be gene products of a new stability system, ParD, of plasmid R1. It is now shown that an R1 miniplasmid, pAB112, carrying a trans-complementable amber mutation in the gene of the P10 protein, is lethal for the host in the absence of suppression. This lethal effect is suppressed in a supF background and also by deletions in pAB112 that affect the gene of the P12 protein. These data indicate that the P12 protein has a lethal effect on the host and that this effect is neutralized by the P10 protein. The possibility that the stabilization conferred by the ParD system could be due to a counterselection, mediated by P12, of cells that lose the plasmid at cell division, is discussed.  相似文献   
The leaf ultrastructure of NADP-malic enzyme type C4 species possessing different anatomical features in the Cyperaceae was examined: types were the Rhynchosporoid type, a normal Kranz type in which mesophyll cells are adjacent to Kranz cells, and Fimbristyloid and Chlorocyperoid types, unusual Kranz types in which nonchlorophyllous mestome sheath intervenes between the two types of green cells. They show structural characteristics basically similar to the NADP-malic enzyme group of C4 grasses, that is, centrifugally located chloroplasts with reduced grana and no increase of mitochondrial frequency in the Kranz cells. However, the Kranz cell chloroplasts of the Fimbristyloid and Chlorocyperoid types exhibit convoluted thylakoid systems and a trend of extensive development of peripheral reticulum, although those of the Rhynchosporoid type do not possess such particular membrane systems. The suberized lamella, probably a barrier for CO2 diffusion, is present in the Kranz cell walls of the Rhynchosporoid type and in the mestome sheath cell walls of the other two types, and tightly surrounds the Kranz cells (sheaths) that are the sites of the decarboxylation of C4 acids. These ultrastructural features are discussed in relation to C4 photosynthetic function.  相似文献   
A soluble Lewis blood-group gene associated -3/4-L-fucosyltransferase has been purified from human milk by a series of steps involving hydrophobic chromatography on Phenyl Sepharose 4B, ion exchange chromatography on CM-Sephadex C-50, affinity chromatography on GDP-hexanolamine Sepharose 4B and gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200. The first step separated -3-L-fucosyltransferase activity directed towardsN-acetylglucosamine in Type 2 (Gal1-4GlcNAc-R) acceptors from an -3/4-fucosyltransferase fraction acting on both Type 1 (Gal1-3GlcNAc-R) and Type 2 acceptors. Further purification of this latter fraction on CM-Sephadex and GDP-hexanolamine Sepharose gave a single peak of fucosyltransferase activity that catalysed the addition of fucose toN-acetylglucosamine in both Type 1 and Type 2 acceptors and to theO-3 position of glucose in lactose-based oligosaccharides. The enzyme preparation at this stage resembled previously described -3/4-fucosyltransferase preparations purified from human milk. However, gel filtration of this preparation on Sephacryl S-200 or Sephadex G-150 separated further amounts of -3-fucosyltransferase activity acting solely on Type 2 acceptors and left a residual -3/4-fucosyltransferase that retained strong -4 activity with the Type 1 acceptor, lacto-N-biose 1, and -3 activity with 2-fucosyllactose, but had relatively little -3 activity withN-acetyllactosamine and virtually no capacity to transfer fucose to glycoproteins withN-linked oligosaccharide chains having unsubstituted terminal Type 2 structures.  相似文献   
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