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We report here the results of an 8-year study of the growth and population dynamics of Quercus mongolica ssp. crispula in a Pinus densiflora stand in a state of succession. In 1998, there were 169 Q. mongolica ssp. crispula individuals in a 400-m2 plot under the P. densiflora canopy. This number remained nearly constant between 1998 and 2005. Mean recruitment of new individuals was 11 year−1, while mean mortality was 12 year−1. Of the 35 individuals ≥60 cm in height existing in 1998, 30 were still surviving in 2005. We were able to represent the height growth of Q. mongolica ssp. crispula individuals as H=30 [1+21.96 exp(−0.0839t)]−1, with t = years since 1998 and H = height in meters. Using this equation we predict that by 2015 the mean height of Q. mongolica ssp. crispula trees in the stand will exceed those of understory trees, such as Rhus trichocarpa and Prunus maximowiczii. Once above the understory stratum, the Q. mongolica ssp. crispula trees can be expected to grow more rapidly due to the better light conditions, thereby rapidly reaching the canopy stratum of the P. densiflora stand.  相似文献   
Photosynthetic acclimation of two co-occurring deciduous oaks (Quercus petraea and Quercus pyrenaica) to a natural light gradient was studied during one growing season. In the spring of 2003, 90 seedlings per species were planted along a transect resulting from a dense Pinus sylvestris stand, an adjacent thinned area and a 10-m-wide firebreak (16.5–60.9% Global Site Factor (GSF)). In two dates of the following summer, we measured leaf gas exchange, carboxylation efficiency (CE), chlorophyll and nitrogen content, light–response curves of chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters, and leaf mass per area (LMA). Summer was mild, as evidenced by leaf predawn water potential (Ψpd), which reduced the interactive effect of water stress on the response of seedlings to light. Q. pyrenaica had higher LMA, CE, stomatal conductance (g s max) and photosynthesis per unit area than Q. petraea at all growth irradiances. , LMA, g s max and electron transport rate (ETR) all increased with light availability (GSF) in a similar fashion in both species. Light had also a clear effect on the organization of Photosystem II (PS II), as deduced by chlorophyll a fluorescence curves. Chlorophyll concentration (Chlm) decreased with increasing light availability in Q. pyrenaica but it did not in Q. petraea. Seedlings of Q. petraea acclimated to higher irradiances showed a greater non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) than those of Q. pyrenaica. This suggests a higher susceptibility to high light in Q. petraea, which would be consistent with a better adaptation to shade, inferred from the lower LMA or the lower rate of photosynthesis.  相似文献   
A holm oak forest was exposed to an experimental drought during 5 years to elucidate the growth responses of the dominant species Quercus ilex, Arbutus unedo and Phillyrea latifolia. Soil water availability was partially reduced, about 15% as predicted for this area for the next decades by GCM and ecophysiological models, by plastic strips intercepting rainfall and by ditch exclusion of water runoff. The stem diameter increment was highly correlated with annual rainfall in all species, and drought treatment strongly reduced the diameter increment of Q. ilex (41%) and specially of A. unedo (63%), the species showing higher growth rates. Stem mortality rates were highly correlated with previous stem density, but drought treatment increased mortality rates in all species. Q. ilex showed the highest mortality rates (9% and 18% in control and drought plots, respectively), and P. latifolia experienced the lowest mortality rates (1% and 3% in control and drought plots, respectively). Drought strongly reduced the increment of live aboveground biomass during these 5 years (83%). A. unedo and Q. ilex experienced a high reduction in biomass increment by drought, whereas P. latifolia biomass increment was insensitive to drought. The different sensitivity to drought of the dominant species of the holm oak forest may be very important determining their future development and distribution in a drier environment as expected in Mediterranean areas for the next decades. These drier conditions could thus have strong effects on structure (species composition) and functioning (carbon uptake and biomass accumulation) of these Mediterranean forests.  相似文献   
The response of forest ecosystems to increased atmospheric CO2 is constrained by nutrient availability. It is thus crucial to account for nutrient limitation when studying the forest response to climate change. The objectives of this study were to describe the nutritional status of the main European tree species, to identify growth‐limiting nutrients and to assess changes in tree nutrition during the past two decades. We analysed the foliar nutrition data collected during 1992–2009 on the intensive forest monitoring plots of the ICP Forests programme. Of the 22 significant temporal trends that were observed in foliar nutrient concentrations, 20 were decreasing and two were increasing. Some of these trends were alarming, among which the foliar P concentration in F. sylvatica, Q. Petraea and P. sylvestris that significantly deteriorated during 1992–2009. In Q. Petraea and P. sylvestris, the decrease in foliar P concentration was more pronounced on plots with low foliar P status, meaning that trees with latent P deficiency could become deficient in the near future. Increased tree productivity, possibly resulting from high N deposition and from the global increase in atmospheric CO2, has led to higher nutrient demand by trees. As the soil nutrient supply was not always sufficient to meet the demands of faster growing trees, this could partly explain the deterioration of tree mineral nutrition. The results suggest that when evaluating forest carbon storage capacity and when planning to reduce CO2 emissions by increasing use of wood biomass for bioenergy, it is crucial that nutrient limitations for forest growth are considered.  相似文献   
Land degradation and desertification is a common feature in Mediterranean landscapes due to extensive and intensive land use and natural or man induced disturbances. The ecosystem may need external inputs to recover its composition and function as soils are often impoverished and vegetal key stone species lost. We evaluated the effects of the application of fresh and air-dried biosolids in the establishment and morphological and physiological performance of seedlings of Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex under dry Mediterranean field conditions. Seedling survival was not affected by biosolid treatments in any of the studied species both two and ten years after planting. During the first two years, growth was enhanced by the two biosolid treatments in relation to control, although the change in the biomass allocation pattern differed between species. Rooting depth was significantly enhanced by liquid biosolid in Q. ilex and marginally reduced in P. halepensis as well as the exploration of soil. As a consequence, root-to-shoot ratio reduced significantly with dry and liquid sludge due to promoted aboveground growth while maintaining and even reducing belowground fractions. An improvement of the nutritional status, of fertilized seedlings especially of phosphorus, is the explanation for the better field performance. Vector analysis revealed an important phosphorus limitation for both species that was overcome with the application of liquid (both species) and air-dried biosolid (pine). The higher growth of pine seedlings attained in the liquid biosolid treatment was coupled with a significant decrease in foliar δ13C, suggesting lower water use efficiency. The significant increase in foliar δ15N in the biosolid treatments in both species suggested that a large proportion of the total nitrogen uptake came from the applied biosolids. Instead, with regard to the low biosolid application rate used in the study, treatments had an overall positive effect as a restoration tool by improving nutritional status and promoting growth of planted seedlings.  相似文献   
以黄龙山林区蔡家川林场的辽东栎群落为研究对象,以未采伐为对照,采取皆伐、间伐30%、间伐15%三种经营措施,在进行自然恢复6年后,对辽东栎林建群种径级结构、群落物种多样性、土壤养分水分状况进行了对比分析,以探讨不同经营措施对黄土高原南部辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)林群落多样性的影响.结果表明:不同经营措施实施后建群种径级结构、群落物种多样性、土壤养分水分等指标均与未采伐林地有差异;经过间伐30%的林地,建群种径级结构、群落物种多样性、土壤养分水分等指标均有显著增加;间伐15%林地上述指标均有增加,但不显著;皆伐后的林地相对未采伐林地,建群种径级结构、群落物种多样性、土壤养分水分等指标降低.间伐与皆伐措施后比较,间伐措施的林地建群种个体生长发育良好,林下有大量幼苗,林地物种多样性丰富,土壤养分水分相对优越;皆伐措施的辽东栎建群种个体发育不良,缺乏足够数量的幼苗,林分物种多样性、土壤水分养分相对较差.未来该地区辽东栎林经营管理中,应以近自然经营措施为主,尽量减少对灌草层破坏,完善群落复层结构;间伐强度拟定为30%,尽量间伐劣质木、病虫木,促进群落向异龄方向发展.  相似文献   
Questions: What is the spectrum of variability of chemical elements in a Mediterranean forest ecosystem across the different compartments? Do co‐existing tree species with different leaf chemical composition and nutrient cycling distinctly modify soil conditions? Could these species‐specific, tree‐generated soil changes create a potential positive feedback by affecting long‐term species distribution? Location: Mixed oak forests of southern Spain, Los Alcornocales Natural Park. Methods: We sampled and chemically analysed five different ecosystem components: leaves, leaf fall, litter and superficial (0–25 cm) and sub‐superficial (25–50 cm) soil beneath the canopies of evergreen Quercus suber and deciduous Q. canariensis trees. We used multiple co‐inertia analysis (MCoA) to conjointly analyse the patterns of variability and covariation of eight macro‐ and micronutrients determined in each of the sampled ecological materials. We implemented a path analysis to investigate alternative causal models of relationships among the chemical properties of the different ecosystem components. Results: Variability in the concentration of chemical elements was related to the nature of their biogeochemical cycles. However, the rank of element concentration was consistent across ecosystem components. Analysis of co‐inertia (MCoA) revealed that there was a common underlying multivariate pattern of nutrient enrichment in the ecosystem, which supported the hypothesis of a separation in biogeochemical niches between the two co‐existing oak species, with Q. canariensis having richer plant tissues and more fertile soil directly under each tree than Q. suber. The feasibility of a potential tree–soil positive feedback model was the only statistically validated among several alternative (non‐feedback) models tested. Conclusions: In the studied Mediterranean forests, oak species distinctly modify soil fertility conditions through different nutrient return pathways. Further investigation is needed to address whether these tree‐generated soil changes could affect seedling establishment and ultimately influence species distribution.  相似文献   
Questions: Most modern fire‐prone landscapes have experienced disruptions of their historic fire regimes. Are the primary tallgrass prairies of the Flint Hills reflective of a history of continuous fire occurrence? Did fire frequency, severity, size and seasonality change in connection with changes in land use? Has fire occurrence been related to drought conditions? Location: Edges of Cross Timbers forest stands at the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve (TGPP) in the Flint Hills of Osage County, Oklahoma, USA. Methods: Cross‐sections of 76 Quercus stellata were collected from Cross Timbers stands at or near the grassland edge in the TGPP. Dendrochronological methods were used to identify years of formation for tree rings and fire scars. Superposed epoch analysis was used to evaluate the effect of drought conditions on fire occurrence. Results: Fires were recorded in 46.6% of the years between 1729 and 2005. In 41 cross‐sections at one site, the mean fire interval between 1759 and 2003 was 2.59 years, with fire interval decreasing from a mean fire interval of 3.76 years in the early part of the record to 2.13 years in modern times. No extended periods without fire were recorded in the study area. Drought conditions had no significant effect on fire occurrence. Conclusions: In contrast with many fire‐prone landscapes worldwide, the prairies of the Flint Hills have experienced no recent fire suppression or exclusion. Changes in fire frequency mark transitions in land use, primarily from being traditionally used by Native Americans to being managed for cattle production.  相似文献   
Bahador N  Baserisalehi M 《Anaerobe》2011,17(6):358-360
The family of Enterobacteriaceae is a major group of gram negative bacteria, some of these microorganisms are pathogen and could cause disease mainly gastroenteritis. Recently, due to drug resistant nature of these bacteria specially in developing countries treatment of the patient considered as important investigate. Quercus castaneifolia is a native plant of Yasuj province in Iran, which the people who living in this area consume the fruit of this plant for treatment of enteric disease. Hence, the present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of fruit of Q. castaneifolia extract on pathogenic enteric bacteria viz., E. coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Shigella dysenteriae and Yersinia enterocolitica.Antimicrobial susceptibility and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the extracts were assessed by gel diffusion method and modification of E-test respectively. All the experiments were performed in triplicate and the statistical analysis was carried out on the results. The results obtained from this study indicated that alcoholic extract was shown antimicrobial effect on the microorganisms tested. In addition, S. dysentriae was more sensitive with zone of inhibition 18 mm and MIC value was 2.5 × 10−4 whereas, E. coli was less sensitive with zone of inhibition 12 mm and MIC value 1 × 10−2. Salmonella typhimurium and Yersinia enterocolitica showed relatively intermediate susceptibility to the extract with zone of inhibition of 14 mm and MIC value 5 × 10−3. Overall, Q. castaneifolia may be considered for treatment of the patients suffering from enteric disease.  相似文献   
太行山南麓山区栓皮栎-扁担杆生态系统水分利用策略   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
孙守家  孟平  张劲松  贾长荣  任迎丰 《生态学报》2014,34(21):6317-6325
分析了太行山南麓低丘山区降水、泉水、地下水、土壤水以及栓皮栎、扁担杆的氢氧稳定同位素特征,结合Iso Source模型确定了栓皮栎和扁担杆水分来源的季节性差异,并对栓皮栎和扁担杆水分利用策略进行分析。结果表明,同一生态系统中的栓皮栎和扁担杆枝条水的δ18O和δD值差别明显。雨季中栓皮栎和扁担杆水分来源较浅,以0—20 cm土壤水分为主,但旱季中栓皮栎和扁担杆水分主要来源均比雨季明显加深,其中栓皮栎主要利用40—60 cm土壤水分,扁担杆则主要利用20—40 cm土壤水分。此外,旱季后期栓皮栎还利用部分泉水,其比例达到了19.6%。二者水分来源的不同,使得栓皮栎与扁担杆在旱季期间能避开用水冲突。旱季中生长在生态系统上层的栓皮栎中午部分气孔关闭,蒸腾速率下降,生长在生态系统下层的扁担杆日均蒸腾速率、气孔导度则分别比栓皮栎下降了46.94%和30.58%。栓皮栎和扁担杆分别采取了深水源及部分气孔关闭和浅水源及低蒸腾耗散的水分利用策略来利用旱季中有限的水分,因而其组成的生态系统表现出较强地适合太行山南麓脆弱环境的生态适应性。  相似文献   
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