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Abstract A dense population of the purple sulfur bacterium Amoebobacter purpureus in the chemocline of meromictic Mahoney Lake (British Columbia, Canada) underwent consistent changes in biomass over a two year study period. The integrated amount of bacteriochlorophyll reached maxima in August and declined markedly during early fall. Bacteriochlorophyll was only weakly correlated with the light intensity and water temperature in the chemocline. In the summer, bacterial photosynthesis was limited by sulfide availability. During this period the intracellular sulfur concentration of A. purpureus cells decreased. A minimum concentration was measured at the top of the bacterial layer in August, when specific photosynthetic rates of A. purpureus indicated that only 14% of the cells were photosynthetically active. With the exception of a time period between August and September, the specific growth rates calculated from CO2 fixation rates of A. purpureus were similar to growth rates calculated from actual biomass changes in the bacterial layer. Between August and September 86% of the A. purpureus biomass disappeared from the chemocline and were deposited on the littoral sediment of Mahoney Lake or degraded within the mixolimnion. This rise of cells to the lake surface was not mediated by an increase in the specific gas vesicle content which remained constant between April and November. The upwelling phenomenon was related to the low sulfur content of A. purpureus cells and a low resistance of surface water layers against vertical mixing by wind.  相似文献   
The effects of flowing water on net photosynthesis, dark respiration, specific growth rate, and optimum N:P ratios by Spirogyra fluviatilis Hilse were assessed. The alga was cultivated under nitrogen or phosphorus limitation in laboratory streams at three flow velocities: 3, 12, and 30 cm·s?1. The Droop equation adequately described respiration and photosynthesis (PSnet) as a function of N or P cell quota (QN or Qp). The data show that for N- or P-limited Spirogyra fluviatilis, flowing water is physiologically costly. Generally, flowing water had little effect on respiration rates; however, the proportion of gross photosynthesis devoted to dark respiration did increase with flow velocity. For photosynthesis, the minimum N and P cell quotas increased with velocity, and the theoretical PSnet maxima for N and P both appeared greatest at 12 cm·s?1. The Droop models showed that for any given QN or Qp, PSnet, was reduced by the 30-cm·s?1 treatment. Consistent with this finding, independent estimates of specific growth rates for P-limited S. fluviatilis in the laboratory streams were inversely related to flow velocity when ambient PO4?3 was undetectable. However, growth was not diminished at the fastest velocity when PO4?3 was available for uptake. Thus, the increase in cellular phosphorus demand can be offset by flow-enhanced P uptake when conditions permit; otherwise, growth will be impaired. The optimum N:P ratios for S. fluviatilis at 3, 12, and 30 cm·s?1 were 50, 58, and 52 by atoms, respectively, when calculated for PSnet= 0. The optimum ratios were inversely related to PSnet and decreased to approximately 20 when PSnet was near maximum. The potential for flowing water to mediate nutrient partitioning among lotic algae by altering growth rates and optimum nutrient ratios is discussed.  相似文献   
The effect of electroporation on Dunaliella tertiolecta at constant osmotic pressure (or water activity) was investigated. The following metabolic and physiological parameters were determined: extracellular and intracellular glycerol content, soluble protein content, photosynthetic oxygen evolution, mitochondrial oxygen uptake, cell volume and cell density. Electroporation conditions are described that released about 10% of intracellular glycerol to the external medium with minimal apparent effects on metabolism. Glycerol release originated from most cells rather than by total rupture of a small proportion of cells. Cell volume, measured on motile cells by video microscopy, reduced by 23% immediately after electroporation. Cell density did not increase. The uptake of mannitol, the major solute in the electroporation medium, was less than 20% of glycerol release. Following electroporation, the intracellular glycerol content and the cell volume both returned to pre-electroporation values after about 30min. Because the cells were maintained at constant external osmotic pressure throughout the procedure, it is concluded that the regulatory mechanism responsible for setting the intracellular glycerol content does not sense external osmotic pressure per se. These findings are consistent with a mechanism that senses a parameter linked directly to cell volume to set the intracellular glycerol content.  相似文献   
The unicellular cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 has three psbA genes encoding two different forms of the photosystem II reaction centre protein D1 (D1:1 and D1:2). The level of expression of these psbA genes and the synthesis of D1:1 and D1:2 are strongly regulated under varying light conditions. In order to better understand the regulatory mechanisms underlying these processes, we have constructed a strain of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 capable of over-producing psbA mRNA and D1 protein. In this study, we describe the over-expression of D1:1 using a tac-hybrid promoter in front of the psbAI gene in combination with lacI Q repressor system. Over-production of D1:1 was induced by growing cells for 12 h at 50 mol photons m-2 s-1 in the presence of 40 or 80 g/ml IPTG. The amount of psbAI mRNA and that of D1:1 protein in cells grown with IPTG was three times and two times higher, respectively. A higher concentration of IPTG (i.e., 150 g/ml) did not further increase the production of the psbAI message or D1:1. The over-production of D1:1 caused a decrease in the level of D1:2 synthesised, resulting in most PSII reaction centres containing D1:1. However, the over-production of D1:1 had no effect on the pigment composition (chlorophyll a or phycocyanin/number of cells) or the light-saturated rate of photosynthesis. This and the fact that the total amounts of D1 and D2 proteins were not affected by IPTG suggest that the number of PSII centres within the membranes remained unchanged. From these results, we conclude that expression of psbAI can be regulated by using the tac promoter and lacI Q system. However, the accumulation of D1:1 protein into the membrane is regulated by the number of PSII centres.  相似文献   
We report here on the characterization and isolation of two ecotypes of Chlorella vulgaris Beyerinck that coexist in wastewater reservoirs. One ecotype (C1) contains high amounts of chlorophyll b, is capable of autotrophic growth, and can utilize only a few organic solutes for growth. The second ecotype (C2) contains low amounts of chlorophyll b, requires vitamin B12, and can support its growth with a broad range of organic compounds. Of the two ecotypes, the latter showed slower growth rates when light was the sole source of energy. Cells of C2-type Chlorella attained higher photosynthetic activities than C1-type cells at saturating irradiances. However, their low chlorophyll b content and lower light utilization efficiency suggest that C2-type Chlorella contains relatively low amounts of light-harvesting antennae, a disadvantage in severely light-limited ecosystems like wastewater reservoirs. We hypothesize that the two Chlorella types coexist by adopting different lifestyles: C1-type cells rely largely on their photosynthetic potential for energy conservation and growth, whereas C2-type cells may exploit their heterotrophic properties for this purpose.  相似文献   
Van de Geijn  S. C.  Vos  J.  Groenwold  J.  Goudriaan  J.  Leffelaar  P. A. 《Plant and Soil》1994,161(2):275-287
A research facility is described for the integrated study of soil-root-shoot-atmosphere relationships in crops. The Wageningen Rhizolab has been in use since 1990, and consists of two rows, each with eight below-ground compartments aligned along a corridor. A rain shelter automatically covers the experimental area at the start of rainfall. Compartments are 125 cm × 125 cm and 200 cm deep. Each compartment has a separate drip irrigation system. Crop canopy photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration can be measured simultaneously and continuously on four out of eight compartments at a time. Each compartment can be filled with a selected soil material (repacked soil) and is accessible from the corridor over its full depth. Multiple sensors for measuring soil moisture status, electrical conductivity, temperature, soil respiration, trace gases and oxygen are installed in spatial patterns in accordance with the requirements of the experiments. Sensors are connected to control and data-acquisition devices. Likewise, provisions have been made to sample manually the soil solution and soil atmosphere. Root observation tubes (minirhizotrons) are installed horizontally at depth intervals ranging from 5 cm (upper soil layers) to 25 cm (below 1 m). The facility is at present in use to study growth and development of vegetation (crops) in relation to drought, nutrient status, soil-borne diseases, and underground root competition. One important application is the study of elevated CO2 concentration and climate change and the way they affect crops and their carbon economy. Growth and development of field grown vegetables and winter cover crops are also evaluated. The common aspect of those studies is to gain a better understanding of crop growth under varying environmental conditions, and to collect datasets that may help to improve mechanistic crop growth simulation models that can address suboptimal growth conditions.  相似文献   
A whole-plant carbon balance model incorporating a light acclimation response was developed for Alocasia macrorrhiza based on empirical data and the current understanding of light acclimation in this species. The model was used to predict the relative growth rate (RGR) for plants that acclimated to photon flux density (PFD) by changing their leaf type, and for plants that produced only sun or shade leaves regardless of PFD. The predicted RGR was substantially higher for plants with shade leaves than for those with sun leaves at low PFD. However, the predicted RGR was not higher, and in fact was slightly lower, for plants with sun leaves than for those with shade leaves at high PFD. The decreased leaf area ratios (LARs) of the plants with sun leaves counteracted their higher photosynthetic capacities per unit leaf area (Amax). The model was manipulated by changing parameters to examine the sensitivity of RGR to variation in single factors. Overall, RGR was most sensitive to LAR and showed relatively little sensitivity to variation in Amax or maintenance respiration. Similarly, RGR was relatively insensitive to increases in leaf life-span beyond those observed. Respiration affected RGR only at low PFD, whereas Amax was moderately important only at high PFD.  相似文献   
The extent to which the parasitic angiosperm Striga hermonthica reduces the growth of its sorghum host is dependent on the concentration of nitrogen (as NH4NO3 in 40% Long Ashton Solution) supplied to the plants. The biomass of 0.5,1 and 2 mol m?3 N-grown infected plants was 22,30 and 66%, respectively, of uninfected plants after 140d growth. The biomass of 3 and 4 mol m?3 N-grown infected plants differed little from uninfected plants. No grain was set in 0.5 and 1 mol m?3 N-grown infected plants, grain yield reached 42 and 73% of controls in 2 and 3 mol m?3 N-grown plants, and was unaffected in 4 mol m?3 N-grown plants. Striga hermonthica also altered the allometry and architecture of the host, at all but the highest N concentration. Higher N concentration (3 and 4 mol m ?3 N) reduced the growth of S. hermonthica. Foliar N concentrations in sorghum ranged from 11 mg g?1 dwt. in 0.5 mol m?3 N-grown plants, to 28 mg g?1 dwt. in 4 mol m?3 N-grown plants, and were not affected by S. hermonthica. Higher N concentrations were measured in S. hermonthica, and ranged from 18 to 45 mg g?1 dwt. in 0.5 and 3 mol m?3 N-grown plants, respectively. The relationship between photosynthesis (CO2 flux) and N concentration differed between uninfected and infected sorghum. This was most apparent in 0.5 mol m?3 N-grown plants, with rates of 16 and 11 μmol m?2 s?1 in uninfected and infected plants, respectively (at 1500–1800 μmol m?2 s?1 photosynthetic photon flux density). At higher N concentrations, this difference was smaller, with both sets of plants reaching 26 μmol m?2 s?1 at 4 mol m?3 N. Varying the level of S. hermonthica infection showed that the effect of N on host photosynthesis cannot be explained by differences in the mass or number of parasites supported by the host. At low levels of infection in 1 mol m?3 N-grown plants, the negative effect of the parasite was reversed, and photosynthesis in infected plants exceeded that in uninfected plants by 20%. Photosynthesis in S. hermonthica at 3 mol m?3 N (8 μmol m?2 s?1) was double that in 0.5 mol m?3 N-grown plants. Stable carbon isotope and gas exchange measurements data demonstrated that this higher level of autotrophic carbon fixation was accompanied by a lower dependency on hetero trophic carbon. The latter ranged from 27 to 6% in 0 5 mol m?3 and 3 mol m?3 N-grown plants, respectively.  相似文献   
The effects of extreme phosphate (Pi) deficiency during growth on the contents of adenylates and pyridine nucleotides and the in vivo photochemical activity of photosystem II (PSII) were determined in leaves of Helianthus annuus and Zea mays grown under controlled environmental conditions. Phosphate deficiency decreased the amounts of ATP and ADP per unit leaf area and the adenylate energy charge of leaves. The amounts of oxidized pyridine nucleotides per unit leaf area decreased with Pi deficiency, but not those of reduced pyridine nucleotides. This resulted in an increase in the ratio of reduced to oxidized pyridine nucleotides in Pi-deficient leaves. Analysis of chlorophyll a fluorescence at room temperature showed that Pi deficiency decreased the efficiency of excitation capture by open PSII reaction centres (φe), the in vivo quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (φPSII) and the photochemical quenching co-efficient (qP), and increased the non-photochemical quenching co-efficient (qN) indicating possible photoinhibitory damage to PSII. Supplying Pi to Pi-deficient sunflower leaves reversed the long-term effects of Pi-deficiency on PSII photochemistry. Feeding Pi-sufficient sunflower leaves with mannose or FCCP rapidly produced effects on chlorophyll a fluorescence similar to long-term Pi-deficiency. Our results suggest a direct role of Pi and photophosphorylation on PSII photochemistry in both long-and short-term responses of photosynthetic machinery to Pi deficiency. The relationship between φPSII and the apparent quantum yield of CO2 assimilation determined at varying light intensity and 21 kPa O2 and 35 Pa CO2 partial pressures in the ambient air was linear in Pi-sufficient and Pi-deficient leaves of sunflower and maize. Calculations show that there was relatively more PSII activity per mole of CO2 assimilated by the Pi-deficient leaves. This indicates that in these leaves a greater proportion of photosynthetic electrons transported across PSII was used for processes other than CO2 reduction. Therefore, we conclude that in vivo photosynthetic electron transport through PSII did not limit photosynthesis in Pi-deficient leaves of sunflower and maize and that the decreased CO2 assimilation was a consequence of a smaller ATP content and lower energy charge which restricted production of ribulose, 1-5, bisphosphate, the acceptor for CO2.  相似文献   
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