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微卫星座位对实验动物beagle犬的遗传分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的对美国进口、广州自养beagle犬基因组中存在的微卫星结构进行分析,研究其群体的微卫星多态性,以此探索在分子水平上对作为实验动物的beagle犬进行检测。方法通过微卫星分子标记技术进行遗传背景分析,并结合微卫星位点测序结果,研究DNA分子特征。结果在研究位点上共发现6个复等位基因,进口犬群体共有6个等位基因片段,自养犬群体共有5个等位基因片段,根据基因型计算各群体等位基因频率,由相关公式计算杂合度、群体多态信息含量(PIC)、基因纯合率、基因分化系数。结论两群体的杂合度、PIC值均较高(分别为0.7010、0.6747和0.7876、0.7515),基因分化系数很低(0.021),表明两群体没有形成明显的独立群。  相似文献   
毕氏海蓬子SbDREB基因的克隆与表达分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以毕氏海蓬子的基因组为模板,通过PCR技术扩增到一个编码DREB蛋白AP2保守结构域的基因片段;根据该片段序列设计引物,以毕氏海蓬子经NaCl处理的植株肉质茎cDNA为模板,应用RACE技术获得该基因的cDNA全长,命名为SbDREB(GenBank登录号:JF894301)。SbDREB基因cDNA全长1206bp,包含一个编码284个氨基酸的完整开放阅读框。对氨基酸序列比对分析表明,该蛋白在靠近N端具有典型的AP2/EREBP保守结构域,且该结构域与一些高等植物DREB类转录因子的AP2区域具有高度同源性。进化树分析表明SbDREB属于DREB亚家族中的A-6亚族。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示:干旱、高盐和ABA能够诱导其表达,而低温则使其表达下调,表明该基因在毕氏海蓬子植株对干旱、盐和低温等非生物胁迫的应答中起作用。  相似文献   
在粳稻品种嘉花1号(Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica ‘Jiahua No.1’)种子经60Co γ射线辐照处理的后代中, 发现了1个低温敏感叶色突变体mr21。在较低温度(<25.0°C)条件下, 该突变体幼苗叶色呈黄色; 随着温度逐渐升高, 叶色由黄转绿,其临界温度约为27.5°C; 在低温条件下, 突变体幼苗总叶绿素含量以及叶绿素a、b的含量均较野生型嘉花1号明显下降, 表明该突变体的叶色性状具有明显的温敏感性。遗传分析表明, 该突变体叶色性状受1对隐性核基因控制, 暂将该突变基因命名为thermo-sensitive leaf-color 1(tsl-1)。以该突变体与籼稻9311(Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica ‘9311’)杂交的F2代分离群体作为定位群体, 利用SSR分子标记将tsl-1基因初步定位在水稻(Oryza sativa)第1号染色体短臂上的MM1799与RM8132分子标记之间, 其遗传距离分别为2.4 cM和3.0 cM; 然后, 进一步利用扩大F2代群体及新发展的分子标记将tsl-1基因定位在分子标记InDel2与InDel4之间的198 kb内。研究结果为今后对该基因的克隆和功能分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   
The selective genotyping approach, where only individuals from the high and low extremes of the trait distribution are selected for genotyping and the remaining individuals are not genotyped, has been known as a cost-saving strategy to reduce genotyping work and can still maintain nearly equivalent efficiency to complete genotyping in QTL mapping. We propose a novel and simple statistical method based on the normal mixture model for selective genotyping when both genotyped and ungenotyped individuals are fitted in the model for QTL analysis. Compared to the existing methods, the main feature of our model is that we first provide a simple way for obtaining the distribution of QTL genotypes for the ungenotyped individuals and then use it, rather than the population distribution of QTL genotypes as in the existing methods, to fit the ungenotyped individuals in model construction. Another feature is that the proposed method is developed on the basis of a multiple-QTL model and has a simple estimation procedure similar to that for complete genotyping. As a result, the proposed method has the ability to provide better QTL resolution, analyze QTL epistasis, and tackle multiple QTL problem under selective genotyping. In addition, a truncated normal mixture model based on a multiple-QTL model is developed when only the genotyped individuals are considered in the analysis, so that the two different types of models can be compared and investigated in selective genotyping. The issue in determining threshold values for selective genotyping in QTL mapping is also discussed. Simulation studies are performed to evaluate the proposed methods, compare the different models, and study the QTL mapping properties in selective genotyping. The results show that the proposed method can provide greater QTL detection power and facilitate QTL mapping for selective genotyping. Also, selective genotyping using larger genotyping proportions may provide roughly equivalent power to complete genotyping and that using smaller genotyping proportions has difficulties doing so. The R code of our proposed method is available on http://www.stat.sinica.edu.tw/chkao/.  相似文献   
The acaricides clofentezine, hexythiazox and etoxazole are commonly referred to as ‘mite growth inhibitors’, and clofentezine and hexythiazox have been used successfully for the integrated control of plant mite pests for decades. Although they are still important today, their mode of action has remained elusive. Recently, a mutation in chitin synthase 1 (CHS1) was linked to etoxazole resistance. In this study, we identified and investigated a Tetranychus urticae strain (HexR) harboring recessive, monogenic resistance to each of hexythiazox, clofentezine, and etoxazole. To elucidate if there is a common genetic basis for the observed cross-resistance, we adapted a previously developed bulk segregant analysis method to map with high resolution a single, shared resistance locus for all three compounds. This finding indicates that the underlying molecular basis for resistance to all three compounds is identical. This locus is centered on the CHS1 gene, and as supported by additional genetic and biochemical studies, a non-synonymous variant (I1017F) in CHS1 associates with resistance to each of the tested acaricides in HexR. Our findings thus demonstrate a shared molecular mode of action for the chemically diverse mite growth inhibitors clofentezine, hexythiazox and etoxazole as inhibitors of an essential, non-catalytic activity of CHS1. Given the previously documented cross-resistance between clofentezine, hexythiazox and the benzyolphenylurea (BPU) compounds flufenoxuron and cycloxuron, CHS1 should be also considered as a potential target-site of insecticidal BPUs.  相似文献   
选用从大麦、小麦和水稻中分离的RFLP标记 ,构建了大麦半矮秆基因brh1精细图谱。以快中子处理六棱大麦品种Steptoe的种子 ,从M2 代中选择出brh1突变体FN5 3。brh1是一个极易鉴别的形态学标记 ,通过对FN5 3×Morex的F2 代群体进行鉴定表明 ,brh1基因为隐性 ,前人通过BSA法将其初步定位在大麦第 1染色体 (7H)短臂上 ,靠近端粒区。这一区间还有一个控制秆锈病抗性的显性基因Rpg1。所以 ,brh1的精细定位不仅对研究其本身具有重要意义 ,同时 ,也为Rpg1的图位克隆和功能研究提供了更大的重组配子群体。定位实验全部以F2 中具有brh1特征的个体为对象完成 ,鉴定工作在苗期进行。在该精细图上 ,brh1区间长15 .2cM ,各标记间的平均距离为 0 .8cM。其中 ,大麦的cDNA克隆MWG2 0 74B与brh1共分离。 2 0 74A在靠近着丝点一侧 ,与brh1相距 0 .8cM。BCD12 9和R3139在定位群体内呈现与MWG2 0 74A共分离。CDO5 4 5位于端粒一侧 ,距离brh1为 0 .8cM。根据禾谷类作物基因组的共线性原理 ,CDO5 4 5成功定位在水稻的同源染色体即第 6染色体短臂brh1区间内。然而 ,由于在定位亲本间缺乏多态性 ,BCD12 9和MWG2 0 74的 2条主带A和B均未能定位在水稻的共线性区段内。推测MWG2 0 74的其他各带可能被定位在水稻的目标区间内 ,从而有  相似文献   
Kernel size-related traits, including kernel length, kernel width, and kernel thickness, are critical components in determining yield and kernel quality in maize (Zea mays L.). Dissecting the phenotypic characteristics of these traits, and discovering the candidate chromosomal regions for these traits, are of potential importance for maize yield and quality improvement. In this study, a total of 139 F2:3 family lines derived from EHel and B73, a distinct line with extremely low ear height (EHel), was used for phenotyping and QTL mapping of three kernel size-related traits, including 10-kernel length (KL), 10-kernel width (KWid), and 10-kernel thickness (KT). The results showed that only one QTL for KWid, i.e., qKWid9 on Chr9, with a phenotypic variation explained (PVE) of 13.4% was detected between SNPs of AX-86298371 and AX-86298372, while no QTLs were detected for KL and KT across all 10 chromosomes. Four bulked groups of family lines, i.e., Groups I to IV, were constructed with F2:3 family lines according to the phenotypic comparisons of KWid between EHel and B73. Among these four groups, Group I possessed a significantly lower KWid than EHel (P =0.0455), Group II was similar to EHel (P =0.34), while both Group III and Group IV were statistically higher than EHel (P <0.05). Besides, except Group IV exhibited a similar KWid to B73 (P =0.11), KWid of Groups I to III were statistically lower than B73 (P <0.00). By comparing the bulked genotypes of the four groups to EHel and B73, a stable chromosomal region on Chr9 between SNPs of AX-86298372 to AX-86263154, entirely covered by qKWid9, was identified to link KWid with the positive allele of increasing phenotypic effect to KWid from B73, similar to that of qKWid9. A large amount of enzyme activity and macromolecule binding-related genes were annotated within this chromosomal region, suggesting qKWid9 as a potential QTL for KWid in maize.  相似文献   
Trachurus japonicus is an economically important fish in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. However, its resources have declined seriously and there is an urgent need for a wide-range of investigations of the existing genetic resources. This requires a large number of diverse molecular markers with high discriminating power. In this study, we identified 43,264 perfect SSRs in T. japonicus genome using SLAF-seq technology. Of these, we randomly selected 106 SSRs (tri-nucleotide to hexa-nucleotide) to test for polymorphism. Eventually, we successfully developed a total of 33 loci including 8 tri-nucleotide and 25 long repeat motifs (tetra-nucleotide to hexa-nucleotide). The number of alleles (Na) of these loci ranged from 4 to 24 (mean 12.6). The observed heterozygosity (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (He) varied from 0.258 to 0.969 (mean 0.723) and from 0.452 to 0.962 (mean 0.827), respectively. All loci except TJ6-7 were highly informative (PIC > 0.5). These results showed that the shortlisted 33 loci exhibited moderate to relatively high genetic diversity, of which 18 were regarded as highly polymorphic and well-resolved. In summary, these diverse and potential microsatellites detected in our study provide substantial genetic basis for the screening of polymorphic SSR markers of T. japonicus and also provide a powerful tool to perform further studies on the genetic resource assessment and conservation of T. japonicus.  相似文献   
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