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Reversed phase microcolumns have been widely used for peptide pretreatment to desalt and remove interferences before tandem LC–MS in proteomics studies. However, few studies have characterized the effects of experimental parameters as well as column characteristics on the composition of identified peptides. In this study, several parameters including the concentration of ACN in washing buffer, the microcolumn's purification effect, the peptide recovery rate, and the dynamic‐binding capacity were characterized in detail, based upon stable isotope labeling by amino acids in a cell culture quantitative approach. The results showed that peptide losses can be reduced with low ACN concentration in washing buffers resulting in a recovery rate of approximately 82%. Furthermore, the effects of ACN concentration and loading amount on the properties of identified peptides were also evaluated. We found that the dynamic‐binding capacity of the column was approximately 26 μg. With increased loading amounts, more hydrophilic peptides were replaced by hydrophobic peptides.  相似文献   
Recently, we reported a novel proteomics quantitation scheme termed “combined precursor isotopic labeling and isobaric tagging (cPILOT)” that allows for the identification and quantitation of nitrated peptides in as many as 12–16 samples in a single experiment. cPILOT offers enhanced multiplexing and posttranslational modification specificity, however excludes global quantitation for all peptides present in a mixture and underestimates reporter ion ratios similar to other isobaric tagging methods due to precursor co‐isolation. Here, we present a novel chemical workflow for cPILOT that can be used for global tagging of all peptides in a mixture. Specifically, through low pH precursor dimethylation of tryptic or LysC peptides followed by high pH tandem mass tags, the same reporter ion can be used twice in a single experiment. Also, to improve triple‐stage mass spectrometry (MS3) data acquisition, a selective MS3 method that focuses on product selection of the y1 fragment of lysine‐terminated peptides is incorporated into the workflow. This novel cPILOT workflow has potential for global peptide quantitation that could lead to enhanced sample multiplexing and increase the number of quantifiable spectra obtained from MS3 acquisition methods.  相似文献   
In this ethnobotanical study, the authors provide the first quantitative analysis of the use of wild edible plants in Estonia, describing the domains and assessing the food importance of different species. The information was collected using free‐listing written questionnaires and concerned plants used by the respondents in their childhood. As part of a major study, this article covers the responses of professionals with some botanical education at vocational or university level, to ensure the greatest possible reliability without using voucher specimens. Fifty‐eight respondents provided information on the use of 137 plant taxa, corresponding to approximately 6% of the native and naturalized vascular plants of Estonia. According to use frequency, the most typical wild food plant of Estonia is a fruit, eaten raw as a snack. The results clearly signal that the majority of famine and food shortage plants had already been forgotten by the end of the 20th century, but new plants have been introduced as green vegetables for making salads. Despite changes in the nomenclature of the plants, the use of wild food plants in Estonia was still thriving at the turn of the 20th century, covering many domains already forgotten in urbanized modern Europe. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 172 , 239–253.  相似文献   
Obesity is a predictor of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. One consequence of obesity is dyslipidemia characterized by high blood triglycerides. It has been proposed that oxidative stress, driven by utilization of lipids for energy, contributes to these diseases. The effects of oxidative stress are mitigated by an endogenous antioxidant enzyme network, but little is known about its response to high fat utilization. Our experiments used a multiplexed quantitative proteomics method to measure antioxidant enzyme expression in heart tissue in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity. This experiment showed a rapid and specific up-regulation of catalase protein, with subsequent assays showing increases in activity and mRNA. Catalase, traditionally considered a peroxisomal protein, was found to be present in cardiac mitochondria and significantly increased in content and activity during high fat feeding. These data, coupled with the fact that fatty acid oxidation enhances mitochondrial H2O2 production, suggest that a localized catalase increase is needed to consume excessive mitochondrial H2O2 produced by increased fat metabolism. To determine whether the catalase-specific response is a common feature of physiological conditions that increase blood triglycerides and fatty acid oxidation, we measured changes in antioxidant expression in fasted versus fed mice. Indeed, a similar specific catalase increase was observed in mice fasted for 24 h. Our findings suggest a fundamental metabolic process in which catalase expression is regulated to prevent damage while preserving an H2O2-mediated sensing of diet composition that appropriately adjusts insulin sensitivity in the short term as needed to prioritize lipid metabolism for complete utilization.  相似文献   
An in vitro study of morphological alterations between sound dental structure and artificially induced white spot lesions in human teeth, was performed through the loss of fluorescence by Quantitative Light‐Induced Fluorescence (QLF) and the alterations of the light attenuation coefficient by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). To analyze the OCT images using a commercially available system, a special algorithm was applied, whereas the QLF images were analyzed using the software available in the commercial system employed. When analyzing the sound region against white spot lesions region by QLF, a reduction in the fluorescence intensity was observed, whilst an increase of light attenuation by the OCT system occurred. Comparison of the percentage of alteration between optical properties of sound and artificial enamel caries regions showed that OCT processed images through the attenuation of light enhanced the tooth optical alterations more than fluorescence detected by QLF System.

QLF versus OCT imaging of enamel caries: a photonics assessment  相似文献   

随着质谱技术及各种定量方法的不断完善和发展,定量蛋白质组学的方法不断地被应用到各类生物学研究中。蛋白质组学定性定量数据的处理主要通过一些多功能的商业化或者开源软件来进行,如常用的数据分析软件Proteome Discoverer和Maxquant。但是在通过化学标记对蛋白质N末端乙酰化程度进行定量这一方面,Proteome Discoverer和Maxquant在一定程度上存在准确性不高和完整度不够的问题。于是本研究针对自己的实验特点,通过Java算法编写了相应的定量程序Acequant来完成N末端乙酰化程度的相对定量。本研究将该程序在已有相关报道的He La cell上进行了验证,Acequant共定量到1 587个蛋白质N末端,而Proteome Discoverer和Maxquant分别只定量到42个和306个N末端。同时,手动验证原始图谱也证实了Acequant定量的准确性更好。于是,本研究将此方法进一步应用到秀丽隐杆线虫N末端乙酰化的研究中,并初步发现了线虫整体的N末端乙酰化状态,为进一步的N末端研究提供了支持。  相似文献   
In order to understand in which biological processes the four-stranded G-quadruplex (G4) DNA structures play a role, it is important to determine which predicted regions can actually adopt a G4 structure. Here, to identify DNA regions in Schizosaccharomyces pombe that fold into G4 structures, we first optimized a quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay using the G4 stabilizer, PhenDC3. We call this method the qPCR stop assay, and used it to screen for G4 structures in genomic DNA. The presence of G4 stabilizers inhibited DNA amplification in 14/15 unexplored genomic regions in S. pombe that encompassed predicted G4 structures, suggesting that at these sites the stabilized G4 structure formed an obstacle for the DNA polymerase. Furthermore, the formation of G4 structures was confirmed by complementary in vitro assays. In vivo, the S. pombe G4 unwinder Pif1 helicase, Pfh1, was associated with tested G4 sites, suggesting that the G4 structures also formed in vivo. Thus, we propose that the confirmed G4 structures in S. pombe form an obstacle for replication in vivo, and that the qPCR stop assay is a method that can be used to identify G4 structures. Finally, we suggest that the qPCR stop assay can also be used for identifying G4 structures in other organisms, as well as being adapted to screen for novel G4 stabilizers.  相似文献   
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