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辽宁和江苏两省杂草稻植物性状多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
辽宁和江苏两省是我国杂草稻(Oryza sativa f. spontanea)发生最为严重的地区之一, 为明确两省杂草稻识别特征和类型, 我们在两省14个市29个样点采集样品, 与当地栽培水稻品种一并在南京种植, 观测了营养生长期和生殖生长期的23个植物性状。结果表明, 两省杂草稻在营养生长期的1月株高、1月和2月分蘖数, 在生殖生长期的果皮色、谷粒长/宽比、百粒重、落粒性、秆硬度、剑叶宽、剑叶长、有效穗数、50%黄熟、50%黄熟–50%抽穗和全黄熟等性状与相应的当地栽培稻存在差异;主成分1和主成分2组成的二维散点图(累计贡献率达43.24%)也显示出两省杂草稻间以及与栽培稻间的差异性。采用欧氏距离对两省杂草稻进行系统聚类可以将杂草稻分为籼型和粳型。其中辽宁省杂草稻全部聚在粳型类群中, 它们又可细分为两类; 江苏省杂草稻既有粳型, 又有籼型, 其中粳型与辽宁省杂草稻聚在粳型类群中, 籼型又可分为3类。这6个类群分别具有如下突出特点: 第1类为强落粒、粒轻、秆矮、早熟、偏粳等; 第2类为无芒、穗多、强休眠、剑叶窄、偏粳等; 第3类为长芒、弱分蘖、穗少、弱落粒、偏粳等; 第4类为硬秆、剑叶宽、迟熟、强休眠、偏籼等; 第5类为红果皮、粒长、软秆、粒重、偏籼等; 第6类为无芒、株高、穗长、剑叶长、偏籼等。上述杂草稻的形态学指标和类型的研究将为两省开展杂草稻危害防治工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Healthy blood plasma is required for several therapeutic procedures. To maximize successful therapeutic outcomes it is critical to control the quality of blood plasma. Clearly initiatives to improve the safety of blood transfusions will have a high economical and social impact. A detailed knowledge of the composition of healthy blood plasma is essential to facilitate such improvements. Apart from free proteins, lipids and metabolites, blood plasma also contains cell-derived microvesicles, including exosomes and microparticles from several different cellular origins. In this study, we have purified microvesicles smaller than 220nm from plasma of healthy donors and performed proteomic, ultra-structural, biochemical and functional analyses. We have detected 161 microvesicle-associated proteins, including many associated with the complement and coagulation signal-transduction cascades. Several proteases and protease inhibitors associated with acute phase responses were present, indicating that these microvesicles may be involved in these processes. There was a remarkably high variability in the protein content of plasma from different donors. In addition, we report that this variability could be relevant for their interaction with cellular systems. This work provides valuable information on plasma microvesicles and a foundation to understand microvesicle biology and clinical implications.  相似文献   
云南茶树地方品种农艺性状与品质性状遗传多样性分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为发掘具有优异农艺性状与品质性状的茶树品种资源,对51份云南茶树地方品种进行农艺和品质性状遗传多样性分析。结果表明,云南茶树地方品种农艺和品质性状存在丰富的遗传变异,农艺性状变异系数平均为25.84%,多样性指数平均为1.94;生化成分变异系数平均为16.53%,多样性指数平均为1.88;茶叶感官审评红茶品质总分达87.5分~94.2分,绿茶品质总分达78.8分~91.5分,茶树品种红、绿茶适制性的多样性指数平均为0.92和0.94;聚类分析将供试材料分为3类:第Ⅰ类品种主要适合制作红茶,第Ⅱ类品种主要适合制作绿茶,第Ⅲ类为生化成分特异性品种。并从中筛选出18份优异品种资源,为今后的生产和育种提供利用。  相似文献   
在宁夏六盘山区的辽东栎灌丛,以不同大小的辽东栎种子、野李和华山松种子为材料,研究了种子大小和种皮特征对啮齿动物取食和搬运行为的影响.结果表明:辽东栎小种子和华山松种子的就地取食率均显著高于辽东栎大种子和野李种子;具有厚而坚硬种皮(内果皮)的野李种子被啮齿动物搬运后的取食率和贮藏率均最高.辽东栎大种子被啮齿动物搬运后取食的距离最大(3.10 m),被搬运后贮藏的距离(6.48 m)显著大于其他类型种子.除野李种子外,其他3种类型种子的单个种子取食点都在80%以上,所有种子的单个种子贮藏点都在90%以上,含2个以上种子的取食点和贮藏点较少.较高比例的华山松种子在灌丛基部和洞穴以外的其他环境被取食,其他3种类型种子被啮齿动物搬运后主要集中在灌丛基部和洞穴中取食;种皮(内果皮)厚而坚硬的种子以土壤埋藏方式贮藏的比例偏高.  相似文献   
水稻苗期耐旱性基因位点及其互作的分析   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25  
随着全球水资源的日益贫乏和旱灾的日趋严重,水稻耐旱性的研究越来越重要,对籼稻窄叶青8号(ZYQ8)和粳稻京系17(JX17)以及由它们构建的加倍单倍体(DH)群体,参照国际水稻研究所的耐旱鉴定方法,在苗期进行断水,调查期耐旱性,利用该群体的分子连锁图谱进行数量性状座位(QTL)区间作图分析,共检测到2个耐旱的QTL(qDT-5和qDT-12),分别位于第5染色体的GA41-GA257之间的和第12染色体的RG457-Y12817R之间,这两个QTL的加性效应均来自ZYQ8的等位基因,用Epistat软件检测到2个单位点,即GA257和Y12817R,与区间作图分析的结果一致,Epistat还检测到与GA257互作的3个位点(RG541、G318和G192,分别位于第1、4和8染色体上)和与Y12817R互作的1个位点(CT234,位于第3染色体上)。  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨消癌平注射液联合表柔比星新辅助化疗对三阴性乳腺癌(TNBC)患者免疫功能、生活质量及血清肿瘤标志物的影响。方法:选取TNBC患者89例,按照随机数字表法分为对照组和研究组,对照组(n=44)患者给予表柔比星新辅助化疗治疗,研究组(n=45)患者给予消癌平注射液联合表柔比星新辅助化疗。对比两组疗效、免疫功能、生活质量、血清肿瘤标志物及不良反应。结果:研究组治疗12周后的临床总有效率为91.11%(41/45),高于对照组的63.64%(28/44)(P<0.05)。两组治疗12周后健康调查简表(SF-36)量表各维度评分升高,且研究组较对照组高(P<0.05)。两组治疗12周后CD4+CD25+Treg、Th17/ Treg均降低,且研究组较对照组低(P<0.05),Th17升高,且研究组较对照组高(P<0.05)。两组治疗12周后癌胚抗原(CEA)、糖类抗原199(CA199)、糖类抗原125(CA125)均降低,且研究组较对照组低(P<0.05)。两组不良反应发生率对比未见差异(P>0.05)。结论:消癌平注射液联合表柔比星新辅助化疗治疗TNBC,具有确切的治疗效果,可降低血清肿瘤标志物水平,改善患者免疫功能和生活质量。  相似文献   
Successful growth of a tree is the result of combined effects of biotic and abiotic factors. It is important to understand how biotic and abiotic factors affect changes in forest structure and dynamics under environmental fluctuations. In this study, we explored the effects of initial size [diameter at breast height (DBH)], neighborhood competition, and site condition on tree growth, based on a 3‐year monitoring of tree growth rate in a permanent plot (120 × 80 m) of montane Fagus engleriana–Cyclobalanopsis multiervis mixed forest on Mt. Shennongjia, China. We measured DBH increments every 6 months from October 2011 to October 2014 by field‐made dendrometers and calculated the mean annual growth rate over the 3 years for each individual tree. We also measured and calculated twelve soil properties and five topographic variables for 384 grids of 5 × 5 m. We defined two distance‐dependent neighborhood competition indices with and without considerations of phylogenetic relatedness between trees and tested for significant differences in growth rates among functional groups. On average, trees in this mixed montane forest grew 0.07 cm year?1 in DBH. Deciduous, canopy, and early‐successional species grew faster than evergreen, small‐statured, and late‐successional species, respectively. Growth rates increased with initial DBH, but were not significantly related to neighborhood competition and site condition for overall trees. Phylogenetic relatedness between trees did not influence the neighborhood competition. Different factors were found to influence tree growth rates of different functional groups: Initial DBH was the dominant factor for all tree groups; neighborhood competition within 5 m radius decreased growth rates of evergreen trees; and site condition tended to be more related to growth rates of fast‐growing trees (deciduous, canopy, pioneer, and early‐successional species) than the slow‐growing trees (evergreen, understory, and late‐successional species).  相似文献   
汪雪峰  杜久伟  卢建华 《生物磁学》2009,(15):2929-2931
本文旨在探讨医学检验专业本科生素质教育的新模式,作者从当前医患矛盾激烈,医学检验培养目标和方向出发,提出医学检验本科教学中素质教育的重要性,从师资队伍建设、教学内容改革,以及教学方法探讨三个方面提出在医学检验本科教学中加强素质教育的策略,为培养符合当今人才需要,具有高素质的医学检验人才提供借鉴、参考。  相似文献   
层次分析法在大花蕙兰品种选择上的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用层次分析法对大花蕙兰8个品种的株高、叶色、花色、花香、花径、花枝数、每枝花朵数、花枝长度、抗性、是否春节开花等10个性状进行综合评价。结果表明:所选品种综合性状表现优良,与生产实际基本相符,尤其是‘开心果’、‘韩国小姐’和‘欲望’3个品种,可在育种和生产上多加重视。  相似文献   
The limited population sizes used in many quantitative trait locus (QTL) detection experiments can lead to underestimation of QTL number, overestimation of QTL effects, and failure to quantify QTL interactions. We used the barley/barley stripe rust pathosystem to evaluate the effect of population size on the estimation of QTL parameters. We generated a large (n=409) population of doubled haploid lines derived from the cross of two inbred lines, BCD47 and Baronesse. This population was evaluated for barley stripe rust severity in the Toluca Valley, Mexico, and in Washington State, USA, under field conditions. BCD47 was the principal donor of resistance QTL alleles, but the susceptible parent also contributed some resistance alleles. The major QTL, located on the long arm of chromosome 4H, close to the Mlo gene, accounted for up to 34% of the phenotypic variance. Subpopulations of different sizes were generated using three methods—resampling, selective genotyping, and selective phenotyping—to evaluate the effect of population size on the estimation of QTL parameters. In all cases, the number of QTL detected increased with population size. QTL with large effects were detected even in small populations, but QTL with small effects were detected only by increasing population size. Selective genotyping and/or selective phenotyping approaches could be effective strategies for reducing the costs associated with conducting QTL analysis in large populations. The method of choice will depend on the relative costs of genotyping versus phenotyping. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   
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