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The seasonal variation of food selection in mountainous citril finches was studied in the Black Forest. citril finches show a strong seasonal variation in quantity and quality of food plants. From November to March, only a few plants have been observed as diet, namely seeds of the germander and the mountain pine (period of food restriction). From April to June, the seeds of a few key food plants such as the dandelion, common sorrel, vernal grass, and mountain pine gain special importance during breeding and the rearing period of the young (period of food specialization). Finally, from June/July to October, citril finches enter into a generalist period with a wide variety of seeds of herbs and grasses (period of food generalization). The changes in food selection are well adapted to the changing resource availabilities and climatic conditions of the Black Forest mountains. In direct comparison to other finches, pure mountain-dwelling species such as citril finches and Syrian serins show a clearly higher seasonal variability in food selection than do lowland species such as goldfinches, linnets, and greenfinches.  相似文献   
Population size estimates represent indispensable tools for many research programs and for conservation or management issues. Mountain ungulates in open areas are often surveyed through ground counts that normally underestimate population size. While the use of sample counts is desirable, few studies have compared different probabilistic approaches to estimate population size in this taxon. We compared the size estimates of a male population of Alpine chamois using mark-resight and line transect sampling methods, while block counts were used to obtain the minimum number of males alive in the study area. Surveys were conducted within the Gran Paradiso National Park (Italy), in August–September 2013, using block counts along purposely selected trails and vantage points, mark-resight over 5 consecutive resightings from vantage points and trails, and line transect sampling along 12 transects repeated 8 times. Block counts yielded a minimum number of males alive in the population of n = 72 individuals. This value was greater than the upper bound of the 95 % confidence interval achieved using line transect sampling {n = 54, CV = 14 % [95 % CI (40, 71)]} while mark-resight yielded a more realistic result of n = 93 individuals {CV = 18 % [95 % CI (63, 137)]}. Our results suggest that line transect sampling performed poorly in the Alpine environment, leading to underestimates of population size, likely due to violations of some assumptions imposed by the rugged nature of the terrain. The mark-resight yielded lower precision, possibly due to the limited number of marked individuals and resighting occasions, but it provided robustness and accurate estimates as marks were evenly distributed among animals.  相似文献   
Large‐scale environmental changes create challenges for conservation of wildlife, particularly in fenced, insular protected areas where many wildlife populations persist. Moreover, large mammalian herbivores inhabiting spatially and temporally heterogeneous environments face the challenge of securing highly variable forage resources. Mixed feeders like the eland (Taurotragus oryx) can switch between browse and grass, but the cues that elicit that switch are not well understood. We investigated the seasonal diet shift of eland confined to a small fenced reserve and the role of greenness to elicit that shift. Eland changed from a diet in the wet season, consisting of grasses and browse found in woodland and grassland vegetation types, to a diet in the dry season dominated by the greenest browse species still available in woodland vegetation types, as greenness of dry season forage decreased. Our results suggest that eland switch from browsing to grazing in response to phenophase of the grass sward, which could explain the varying selection of grasses versus browse observed across the species range.  相似文献   
理解山地物种丰富度分布格局及其成因对于山地生物多样性保护具有重要意义。本文基于贺兰山地区甲虫31科252属469种的分布信息, 结合相关气候与生境异质性数据, 系统地探讨了贺兰山地区甲虫及6个优势科物种丰富度地理格局及其影响因素。结果表明, 甲虫物种丰富度及科属区系分化强度以贺兰山中段最高, 南段比北段高, 西坡比东坡高。基于183个栅格内物种分布的二元数据聚类分析, 贺兰山甲虫分布可分为北段强旱生景观甲虫地理群、中西段半湿生景观甲虫地理群、中东段及南段半旱生景观甲虫地理群3个地理群。冗余分析(RDA)表明年均温和年均降水量是影响最显著的因子。方差分解结果显示, 水分与能量因子共同解释了全部甲虫物种丰富度57.1%的空间变异, 单独解释率分别为5.9%和7.1%。生境异质性解释了全部甲虫物种丰富度35.2%的变异, 单独解释率仅为1.8%。气候因素与生境异质性对不同优势科物种丰富度的相对影响并不一致。在贺兰山的南段和北段, 生境异质性和水分因子对甲虫物种丰富度影响作用明显。水分和能量因子是贺兰山地区甲虫物种丰富度空间分布格局的主导因子, 生境异质性有助于提高甲虫物种丰富度。从未解释的比例来分析, 地形和土壤因素可能对贺兰山甲虫物种丰富度存在重要影响。  相似文献   
该文在对中国西藏色季拉山苔藓植物野外采集和鉴定的基础上,报道了西藏合叶苔属新资料。结果表明:合叶苔属植物共有13种,其中西藏新记录种2种,即厚边合叶苔(Scapania carinthiaca J.B. Jack)和东亚合叶苔(S. orientalis Steph. ex K. Müller);此外,还有色季拉山新记录种9种,分别为多胞合叶苔(S. apiculata Spruce)、刺边合叶苔(S. ciliata Sande Lac.)、短合叶苔[S. curta (Mart) Dumort.]、长尖合叶苔[S. glaucocephala (Taylor) Austin]、林地合叶苔[S. nemorea (L.) Grolle]、尼泊尔合叶苔(S. nepalensis Nees)、小合叶苔(S. parvifolia Warnst.)、弯瓣合叶苔(S. parvitexta Steph.)、粗疣合叶苔(S. verrucosa Heeg.)。同时,还对其中厚边合叶苔、东亚合叶苔和长尖合叶苔的形态特征和地理分布进行了描述,并提供了主要形态特征的照片。凭证标本存放于中国农业大学标本室(BAU)中。  相似文献   
乌蒙山位于中国西部半湿润常绿阔叶林与东部湿润常绿阔叶林交界区,是云南省唯一分布峨眉栲、华木荷群系(Formation Castanopsis platyacantha,Schima sinensis)的地区,该群系处于中国西部常绿阔叶林向东部常绿阔叶林过渡的地带,群落更加复杂多样。为了更深入地了解该群系的群落特征,同时找出其与东部湿润常绿阔叶林的联系,该文对该类型群落进行了数量分类研究,分析了聚类归并的各群落类型的乔灌优势种特征(径级结构、高度结构和重要值),同时采用DCA,CCA和DCCA排序分析进行群落特征分异的环境解释,并与四川峨眉山同类群落进行特征对比。结果表明:(1)乌蒙山峨眉栲、华木荷群落可划分为6个类型:峨眉栲群落,峨眉栲、华木荷群落,峨眉栲、十齿花群落,水青冈(Fagus longipetiolata)、华木荷、峨眉栲群落,华木荷、硬斗石栎(Lithocarpus hancei)群落,十齿花(Dipentodon sinicus)、华木荷群落。(2)乌蒙山峨眉栲、华木荷群落中,峨眉栲大树比例较高,华木荷小苗数量巨大,灌木层常以竹类为优势种。(3)海拔、坡度和太阳年辐射值是影响群落分布的主导因素。(4)峨眉山同类群落中优势种种群呈稳定型或增长型,而乌蒙山峨眉栲、华木荷群落中,峨眉栲和水青冈呈现下降型的特点。  相似文献   
长白山国家级自然保护区两栖类动物道路致死特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解旅游道路交通导致的两栖类致死效应,于2007~2014年在环绕长白山国家级自然保护区的环长白山旅游公路(环区公路)、头道环区公路以及白山公路分别选取1条样线,采用直接计数法统计了交通致死的两栖类种类、数量,以及致死个体处于交通路段的位置,共统计257次,累计调查样带总长2 441 km。道路致死两栖类种类有5种,累计致死个体数为7 910只,平均致死率为3.34只/km。最容易致死的两栖类动物是中国林蛙(Rana chensinensi)、东方铃蟾(Bombina orientalis)、中华蟾蜍(Bufo gargariza),这3种动物占到致死总数的96.36%;经Moses Test检验,白山公路的致死率、头道公路的致死率及环区公路致死率均与对照土路致死率差异显著(白山公路:n=67,P=0.000;头道公路:n=76,P=0.000;环区公路:n=164,P=0.000)。白山公路与头道公路两栖类致死率差异显著(n=93,P=0.010),白山公路与环区公路的两栖类道路致死率差异显著(n=181,P=0.000);头道公路与环区公路的两栖类道路致死率差异显著(n=190,P=0.000)。两栖类道路致死高峰期在8月份,其次较集中出现在4~6月的繁殖期。从公路年度致死变化来看,2007~2014年期间除了中国林蛙和中华蟾蜍致死率呈小幅波动外,其他种类致死率总体呈下降趋势,只有日本树蟾(Hyla japonica)年度致死率差异显著(Kruskal Wallis Test:χ2=18.031,df=7,P=0.012);不同月份中华蟾蜍(Pearson:R=0.939,n=7,P=0.002)、中国林蛙(Pearson:R=0.912,n=7,P=0.004)、日本树蟾(Pearson:R=0.904,n=7,P=0.005)致死率与交通量显著相关。本研究认为,两栖类的道路致死率与两栖类种群大小、种群密度、生活史及交通量等都存在显著相关性。  相似文献   
目的:探讨单侧外固定架对不同部位胫腓骨严重开放性骨折的临床治疗效果及关节恢复功能情况。方法:回顾性分析我院自2013年1月至2015年1月共收治胫腓骨严重开放骨折行单侧外固定术治疗患者,根据骨折部位的不同将所有病例分为三组,A组12例,为胫腓骨近端骨折或波及膝关节,固定时需要跨膝关节固定,B组30例,为胫腓骨中段骨折,固定时不跨关节,C组18例,为胫腓骨远端骨折或波及踝关节,固定时需跨踝关节固定。分别对其进行单侧外固定架手术治疗,术后对所有患者骨折愈合情况及膝、踝关节活动度统计,对比观察各组手术疗效。结果:所有手术均获得成功,无不良事件发生,A组下肢功能优良率为83.3%;B组为96.7%;C组为83.3%。下肢功能恢复情况B组与A、C组相比差异具有统计学意义(P0.05),A组与C组相比差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。A组膝、踝关节功能恢复优良率分别为膝66.7%,踝91.7%;B组为膝93.3%,踝96.7%;C组为膝94.4%,踝72.2%。膝关节功能恢复情况A组与B、C组相比差异具有统计学意义(P0.05),B组与C组相比差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。踝关节功能恢复情况C组与A、B组相比差异具有统计学意义(P0.05),A组与B组相比差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:单侧外固定架对不同部位胫腓骨严重开放性骨折的治疗效果良好,关节恢复情况满意,值得临床推广。  相似文献   
Regional synchronization in species dynamics as well as particular ecological and demographic characteristics of peripheral populations poses special challenges for conservation purposes, particularly under the current scenario of global climate change. Here, we study the population trend and spatial synchrony of several peripheral populations of the endangered Lesser grey shrike Lanius minor at the western limit of its breeding range (southern France and northeast Spain). In an attempt to ascertain the effect of environmental change on the decline of the species we also look for evidence of climate changes in the breeding and wintering area of this shrike and related effects on vegetation by using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). We found that the interannual fluctuations of the peripheral populations in France and Spain are strongly correlated, therefore suggesting that their decline can be under the influence of a common factor. We obtained clear evidence of climatic change (an increased thermal oscillation) in one peripheral population that could have resulted in a decrease of the NDVI index in the area. Our study finds correlational evidence that climatic variables in the breeding area may account for fluctuations in abundances of some populations and that environmental conditions experimented by some population could influence the fate of the neighboring populations. Our results indicate that the studied peripheral populations are spatially synchronized, so that conservation efforts should be applied at a large-scale encompassing all the isolated populations at the western border of the range of the species in the Mediterranean area.  相似文献   
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