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Gymnodiptychus dybowskii is endemic to Xinjiang, China and has been locally listed as protected animals. To investigate its genetic diversity and structure, specimens were collected from six localities in Yili River system and Kaidu River. Fragments of 1092bp Cyt b gene were sequenced for 116 individuals. A total of 21 haplotypes were found in all samples, and no haplotype was shared between Yili River system and Kaidu River population. Sequence comparisons revealed 123 variable sites, with eight singleton sites and 115 parsimony informative sites. For all the populations examined, the haplotype diversity (h) was 0.8298 ± 0.0226, nucleotide diversity (π) was 0.2521 ± 0.1202, and average number of pairwise nucleotide differences (k) was 275.3369 ± 118.5660. AMOVA analysis showed that the differences were significant for total populations except for Yili River system populations. The pairwise Fst values revealed same conclusion with AMOVA analysis: Kaidu River population was divergent from Yili River system populations. The genetic distance between two groups was 0.108 and the divergence time was estimated at 5.4–6.6 Ma, the uplift of Tianshan Mountain might have separated them and resulted in the genetic differentiation. The neutrality test and mismatch analysis indicated that both two groups of G. dybowskii had went through population expansion, the expansion time of Yili River system and Kaidu River population was estimated at 0.5859–0.7146 Ma and 0.5151–0.6282 Ma, respectively. The climate changes of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau might have influenced the demographic history of G. dybowskii.  相似文献   
贵州雷公山秃杉种群生活史特征与空间分布格局   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
秃杉是一种珍稀濒危植物,以斑块状分布于雷公山东南面斜坡海拔800-1300 m之间的沟谷两侧。从年龄结构、生命表特征、存活曲线以及种群不同龄级个体空间分布格局等方面研究了雷公山秃杉种群生活史特征与空间分布格局。研究结果表明:秃杉的种群结构存在波动性,成年阶段个体较丰富,幼苗与老龄数目相对较少,秃杉自身的生物学特性及环境因素是形成这种现象的主要原因;秃杉种群存活曲线趋于DeeveyⅡ型,出现2个死亡率高峰,一个出现在第6龄级阶段,另一个出现在第12龄级阶段,期望寿命单调下降;秃杉种群空间分布格局总体上为聚集分布,处于不同发育阶段的秃杉种群,其分布格局随时间而发生变化,从幼龄期到中龄期再到老龄期,种群分布格局由聚集分布逐渐变为随机分布,秃杉种群在不同发育阶段的空间分布格局差异与其生物学和生态学特性密切相关,同时受群落小环境的影响。  相似文献   
1. The Qilian Mountains represent one of the key livestock‐raising grasslands in China. The two main herbivore species raised in this area – yaks and sheep – are of critical economical value. Grasshoppers compete with these animals for available nutrients, creating multifaceted relationships between livestock, grasshoppers and plants. A clear understanding of such relationships is lacking and is urgently needed to guide conservation efforts. 2. This study aims to document the effects of yak and sheep grazing on grasshopper assemblages and to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of such effects. 3. It is shown here that yaks and sheep impact grasshopper assemblages differently. Grasshopper assemblages exhibited lower density, biodiversity, richness, and evenness of distribution in yak‐grazed pastures than in grazing‐free grasslands. Sheep‐grazed pastures exhibited a dramatically divergent picture, with elevated density, biodiversity and richness, and a slightly decreased evenness of distribution. Grasshoppers were generally larger in grazed pastures than in grazing‐free grasslands, especially in yak‐grazed plots. 4. The present study suggests that differences between yak and sheep pastures in plant assemblage structure and plant traits are probably the underlying forces driving the differences in grasshopper assemblage structure and grasshopper traits, respectively. 5. The study shows that the grasshopper habitat indicator species differ between yak and sheep pastures, raising the possibility that such indicators can be used to monitor grassland usage and degradation in the Qilian Mountains. 6. These results provide novel insights into the dynamic interactions of common domesticated herbivore species, grasshoppers and plants in Qilian Mountains, which augment current knowledge and may ultimately lead to better conservation practices.  相似文献   
秦岭水灾迹地油松和华山松更新种群数量特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 不同植物种群种间比较研究利于揭示种群的形成机制和影响因素。该文研究了秦岭地区蔡玉河流域范家庄段水灾迹地恢复17年后群落优势种油松(Pinus tabulaeformis) 和华山松(P. armandii)的种群数量特征。水灾灾后第一年(1989年)就有油松和华山松个体进入迹地,由于较大的高生长速度和侧生长速度,油松种群的平均高度和地径高于华山松,占据了较大的垂直和水平空间。相对来说, 油松和华山松高度结构和径级结构模式不同,二者均是小个体数量居多,大个体数量极少,但油松中等大小个体多于华山松。油松和华山松种群的年龄结构模式不同,油松的为单峰右偏曲线,华山松的则近似于正态分布。坡向对油松的年龄结构模式没有影响,但对华山松种 群有影响。油松和华山松种群不同高度级、径级和年龄级之间存在显著正或负相关关系,缺少一致性,表明种群大小结构不一定反映年龄结构。油松和华山松种群的密度动态和存活曲线类型一致,均为Ⅱ型,表明二者具有相同的种群动态。总体上说,油松和华山松具有不同的树种生物学特性,使得种群的大小结构和年龄结构不同,但对种群更新存活动态没有影响。  相似文献   
在全面调查昆仑山北坡前山带塔里木沙拐枣(Calligonumroborovskii A.Los.)分布的基础上,设置3个海拔梯度:A1(2190m)、A2(2355m)、A3(2495m),对不同海拔梯度塔里木沙拐枣的生理生态特性进行研究。结果显示:叶绿素a(Chla)、叶绿素b(Chlb)和总叶绿素(chl(a+b))含量均随着海拔的上升而增大,高海拔A3与低海拔A1相比,Chla、Chlb和Chl(a+b)含量分别增大了48.30%、40.10%和43.71%,差异均达显著水平(P0.05)。SLA和Nmass随着海拔的升高都增大,A3与A1相比分别增大了33.99%和20.97%,差异达到显著水平(P0.05)。LMA随着海拔升高而减小,A3与A1相比减小了30.15%,差异达到显著水平(P0.05)。丙二醛(MDA)含量和质膜透性(MP)变化较为一致,随着海拔上升而减小,A3与A1相比分别减小了184.06%和58.33%,差异均达显著水平(P0.05),说明在A1受到的伤害更大。类胡萝卜素(Car)、脯氨酸(Pro)和抗坏血酸(AsA)含量随着海拔的上升呈下降趋势,A3与A1相比分别下降了65.88%、290.21%和38.97%,差异均达显著水平(P0.05),说明A1处非酶类保护物质含量最高。酶保护系统中的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX),只有CAT活性随海拔上升而升高,其余3种酶的活性均随着海拔的升高而降低,A3与A1相比分别降低了18.75%、122.37%、23.03%%,差异均达到显著水平(P0.05)。与此同时,随着海拔的升高,超氧阴离子自由基(O2-)和过氧化氢(H2O2)含量也呈下降趋势,A3与A1相比分别下降了54.48%、9.69%,差异达显著水平(P0.05)。在整个研究区域,AOS维持在低浓度范围,而低浓度AOS正好诱导防御基因表达,及时清除活性氧,另外非酶类保护物质含量的增加也有利于清除细胞内的活性氧,维持细胞膜的稳定性,从而保证塔里木沙拐枣正常的生理功能。  相似文献   
广东省南昆山伯乐树群落特征及其保护策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在广东省南昆山自然保护区内调查了中国特有珍稀植物伯乐树种群的分布格局、龄级结构和伴生群落的物种组成.结果表明:该种群的分布范围狭窄且集中;龄级不完整,Ⅱ、Ⅲ级幼树少见,结构呈衰退型;伴生群落呈典型的亚热带植物区系的特点,其组成不稳定、优势种不显著.建议将伯乐树幼树作为就地保护的重点,适当去除周围的罗浮槭、羊角杜鹃和黄樟等速生树种,以创造有光照和水肥条件的生境;对于Ⅳ级以上成株,应注意拟赤杨和华润楠等空间生态位相近树种的数量和密度,适当疏剪枝条,以帮助成株占据较好的空间位;同时再积极引入异龄的伯乐树幼苗,促进种群恢复和发展.  相似文献   
贵州梵净山自然保护区土壤甲螨群落的季节动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001年7月至2002年4月在不同的季节,对梵净山自然保护区属级水平上土壤甲螨结构的季节变化进行了调查.结果显示,土壤甲螨多度的四季变化为春季>冬季>秋季>夏季.土壤甲螨多样性的四季变化为秋季>夏季>冬季>春季.不同的季节土壤甲螨群落组成不同,但小奥甲螨属、小盾珠甲螨属、木单翼甲螨属3个属在每个季节均为绝对优势属.土壤甲螨主要分布在表层,但从夏季到冬季,土壤甲螨从表层向深层迁徙.  相似文献   
自然保护区规划是保护生物多样性的有效方式.传统保护区规划方法只能识别物种保护的重点区域,无法科学确定保护区的适宜面积.地块选择方法基于数学模型,从规划区域中选择部分地块组成自然保护区,保护特定物种或生态系统,是缓解生态保护与开发利用矛盾的重要手段.现有地块选择法未考虑各单元生态差异,且最优化算法存在计算效率的瓶颈.本文首先构建适用于森林生态系统的生态值赋分评价体系,据此计算戴云山生态值并绘制其分布图;然后,结合生态值建立生态集合覆盖模型(ESCP),并基于ESCP嵌入空间紧凑性提出空间生态集合覆盖模型(SSCP);最后,利用寻优性能良好的自学习禁忌搜索算法(STS)搜索各保护目标下的近似最优选址方案,给出福建省戴云山现有建成区优化方案.结果表明: 戴云山生态值计算结果在空间分布上存在明显差异;ESCP比原集合覆盖模型(SCP)能产生生态值更高的选址方案;SSCP在ESCP基础上对生态值较高区域有聚集作用,且周长权重越大,聚集效果越明显;建议现保护区可向外拓展136 km2,并将西北向分布长苞铁杉的地块纳入保护区范围.研究结果为实现戴云山保护区可持续发展及土地资源优化配置提供了优化方案,也可为我国森林生态系统类型的自然保护区设计提供新思路.  相似文献   
芦芽山自然保护区种子植物区系地理成分分析   总被引:21,自引:6,他引:21  
芦芽山位于吕梁山脉北端,有种子植物914种,隶属于403属、84科。种子植物属、种区系成分复杂多样;比较分析属、种的区系成分,得出芦芽以温带成分点优势。在诸多温带成分中北温带分布型、旧世界分布型的属数和温带亚洲分布型、东亚分布型的种数占较高百分比。中国特有种的分布亚型以华北分布亚型种数最多,其次是西北-华北-东北分布亚型和西南-西北-华北分布亚型。经过芦芽山及部分山地植物属区系地理成分的PCA排序  相似文献   
Changes in plant species richness at various spatial scales were investigated by manipulative experiment in mountain grasslands. The aim of the research was to compare changes in species richness in newly abandoned sites and sites where restoration measures were applied after 20 years of abandonment. The plots were located in two vegetation types with different moisture regime. Species richness decreased significantly after abandonment, mainly at the finest spatial scale of 10 × 10 cm. There was significant increase of species richness on restored sites, but it was apparent mainly at a larger scale. However, even 4 years of regular mowing were not sufficient to restore species richness to the level typical for traditionally managed grasslands in the region. No significant difference was found in the performance of the 2 contrasting vegetation types (wet and dry) in relation to management measures. A significant difference in scale-dependent species richness was only observed. The dry type had a steeper species-area curve, with a lower number of species at the finest spatial scale. According to the results of the experiment, mountain grasslands are very vulnerable habitats, losing their conservation value quickly after abandonment. Restoration is possible due to an extensive species pool in the region, but return to the original species richness at all spatial scales is quite a long process.  相似文献   
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