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Rauquírio Marinho da Costa Luci Cajueiro Carneiro Pereira Felipe Fernández 《Hydrobiologia》2008,605(1):55-63
Coenagrionid damselflies are in general decline in the British Isles. Numerous factors have been implicated in the loss of
these species including recent speculation that hybridisation between congeners may result in species decline. Here we use
a panel of 12 microsatellite loci to examine levels of genetic divergence and the likely occurrence of hybridisation in five
populations of Coenagrion puella and C. pulchellum using samples from four sites in south-east England. Coenagrion puella and C. pulchellum were highly genetically divergent, and there was no evidence of hybridisation between any of the populations examined, even
where C. puella and C. pulchellum were sympatric. There was some suggestion that C. pulchellum was less genetically diverse than C. puella, though this may have been a result of ascertainment bias associated with cross-species application of microsatellite markers.
We conclude that there is no evidence that hybridisation between C. puella/pulchellum could be responsible for the on-going demographic decline in C. pulchellum. Nevertheless, further genetic studies such as this one are likely to provide estimates of diversity, population structure
and dispersal capacity that will be invaluable in future conservation management strategies for coenagrionid damselflies.
Handling editor: S. Wellekens 相似文献
Mapping of post-flowering drought resistance traits in grain sorghum: association between QTLs influencing premature senescence and maturity 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
Crasta OR Xu WW Rosenow DT Mullet J Nguyen HT 《Molecular & general genetics : MGG》1999,262(3):579-588
The identification of genetic factors underlying the complex responses of plants to drought stress provides a solid basis
for improving drought resistance. The stay-green character in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is a post-flowering drought resistance trait, which makes plants resistant to premature senescence under drought
stress during the grainfilling stage. The objective of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that control
premature senescence and maturity traits, and to investigate their association under post-flowering drought stress in grain
sorghum. A genetic linkage map was developed using a set of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) obtained from the cross B35 × Tx430,
which were scored for 142 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. The RILs and their parental lines were
evaluated for post-flowering drought resistance and maturity in four environments. Simple interval mapping identified seven
stay-green QTLs and two maturity QTLs. Three major stay-green QTLs (SGA, SGD and SGG) contributed to 42% of the phenotypic
variability (LOD 9.0) and four minor QTLs (SGB, SGI.1, SGI.2, and SGJ) significantly contributed to an additional 25% of the
phenotypic variability in stay-green ratings. One maturity QTL (DFB) alone contributed to 40% of the phenotypic variability
(LOD 10.0), while the second QTL (DFG) significantly contributed to an additional 17% of the phenotypic variability (LOD 4.9).
Composite interval mapping confirmed the above results with an additional analysis of the QTL × Environment interaction. With
heritability estimates of 0.72 for stay-green and 0.90 for maturity, the identified QTLs explained about 90% and 63% of genetic
variability for stay-green and maturity traits, respectively. Although stay-green ratings were significantly correlated (r=0.22, P ≤ 0.05) with maturity, six of the seven stay-green QTLs were independent of the QTLs influencing maturity. Similarly, one
maturity QTL (DFB) was independent of the stay-green QTLs. One stay-green QTL (SGG), however, mapped in the vicinity of a
maturity QTL (DFG), and all markers in the vicinity of the independent maturity QTL (DFB) were significantly (P ≤ 0.1) correlated with stay-green ratings, confounding the phenotyping of stay-green. The molecular genetic analysis of the
QTLs influencing stay-green and maturity, together with the association between these two inversely related traits, provides
a basis for further study of the underlying physiological mechanisms and demonstrates the possibility of improving drought
resistance in plants by pyramiding the favorable QTLs.
Received: 10 October 1998 / Accepted: 12 July 1999 相似文献
水、旱条件下水稻茎秆主要抗倒伏性状的QTL分析 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
以粳型旱稻IRAT109和粳型水稻越富杂交的116个DH株系的群体为材料,利用已构建的分子标记连锁图(包括94个RFLP标记和71个SSR标记),定位了水稻茎秆主要抗倒伏性状的QTL。在水田、旱田栽培条件下,考查了乳熟期DH系及其亲本的茎基粗、茎秆长及茎秆强度等性状。相关分析表明,茎基粗与茎秆长、茎基粗与茎秆强度及茎秆长与茎秆强度间均呈极显著正相关。利用QTLMAPPER进行水、旱田单环境定位分析及水、旱田联合定位分析定位了控制这些性状的QTL。水、旱田单环境定位分析结果表明:3个性状共检测到9个加性QTL和5对上位性QTL;联合定位分析表明:茎基粗、茎秆长共检测到6个加性QTL和6对上位性QTL,其中6个加性QTL和1对上位性QTL在两种方法下都检测到。旱田条件下检测到2个加性及2对上位性QTL(bctla、ct9、c16a-c16c和cs5-cs12)对表型变异的贡献率(简称贡献率)大于30%。这些高贡献率QTL可能对旱田条件下旱稻抗倒伏分子育种有重要意义。 相似文献
以小麦品种‘小偃81’和‘西农1376’构建的含236个家系的自交重组系(RIL)群体(F2:7、F2:8代)为研究材料,采用完全随机区组设计,连续2年在陕西杨陵、河南驻马店和山东济南于灌浆期(花后20d)随机取每个株系10株测量旗叶长、宽,并利用172个SSR标记构建了遗传连锁图谱,通过基于完备区间作图法的QTL IciMapping V3.2软件,对控制小麦旗叶长、宽和面积的数量性状位点(QTL)进行了加性效应分析。结果发现:(1)9个旗叶长QTLs位于1A、4A、3B、5D和7D染色体上,单个QTL可解释5.10%~16.44%的表型变异;10个旗叶宽QTLs位于1A、3A、5A、7A、3B和5D染色体上,单个QTL可解释4.63%~14.24%的表型变异;12个旗叶面积QTLs位于1A、4A、3B、2D和5D染色体上,单个QTL可解释4.25%~22.67%的表型变异。(2)控制小麦旗叶长、宽和面积的QTLs存在差异,同一QTL在不同性状中的遗传贡献率也不同。(3)同一性状在同一年份,不同地点和在不同年份,相同地点下检测到的QTLs有的相同,但有的差异明显。(4)有些控制不同性状的QTLs在染色体的同一标记区间,表现一因多效。研究表明:位于1A和5D染色体上的2个加性QTLs都同时控制旗叶长、宽和面积,且前者为主效基因,后者遗传贡献率也较大,可用于标记辅助育种和分子聚合育种。 相似文献
One of the biggest challenges facing evolutionary biologists is to identify and understand loci that explain fitness variation
in natural populations. This review describes how genetic (linkage) mapping with single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers
can lead to great progress in this area. Strategies for SNP discovery and SNP genotyping are described and an overview of
how to model SNP genotype information in mapping studies is presented. Finally, the opportunity afforded by new generation
sequencing and typing technologies to map fitness genes by genome-wide association studies is discussed. 相似文献
Christopher G. Knight Ricardo B. R. Azevedo Armand M. Leroi 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2001,55(9):1795-1804
Abstract Much life-history theory assumes that alleles segregating in natural populations pleiotropically affect life-history traits. This assumption, while plausible, has rarely been tested directly. Here we investigate the genetic relationship between two traits often suggested to be connected by pleiotropy: maternal body size and fertility. We carry out a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis on two isolates of the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans , and identify two body size and three fertility QTLs. We find that one of the fertility QTLs colocalizes with the two body size QTLs on Chromosome IV. Further analysis, however, shows that these QTLs are genetically separable. Thus, none of the five body size or fertility QTLs identified here shows detectable pleiotropy for the assayed traits. The evolutionary origin of these QTLs, possible candidate loci, and the significance for life-history evolution are discussed. 相似文献
染色体片段导入系在作物遗传育种中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
准确而有效的定位农作物数量性状基因座(Quantitative Trait Loci,QTLs)是植物分子育种的核心,传统的QTL定位群体遗传背景复杂,受群体大小和统计方法等多方面的限制,难以达到QTL精细定位。随着分子标记技术、计算机统计软件及分子辅助选择的飞速发展,一种新的QTL定位群体脱颖而出,这就是染色体片段导入系(Chromosome Segment Introgression Lines,CSILs)。它不但能有效消除"遗传背景噪音"对QTL定位的干扰,还能够在群体中挖掘出大量的有利隐蔽基因,对农作物遗传育种的进一步发展有巨大贡献。对染色体片段导入系的优越性,应用范围以及应用前景作以综述。 相似文献
Wild rat representing a disease-resistant phenotype and genotype, was used in a crossing study with spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) to search for quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting blood pressure. Therefore, one male wild rat was crossed with SHR females and F1 hybrids were transferred in a pathogen free environment by wet-hysterectomy and backcrossed onto hypertensive SHR rats resulting in first backcross hybrids (BC1). Considering that the F1 hybrids are not uniform, as are the cross hybrids of inbred rat strains, we selected 72 BC1 progeny of one F1 female, which were characterised for systolic blood pressure, measured by tail cuff method and were genetically analysed using 200 microsatellites covering the whole genome. We found suggestive linkage of blood pressure to region on chromosome 2 flanked by D2Mit8 and Fgg loci (lod score 2.3). In addition, possible interaction between genes on chromosomes 7 and 3, X and 3, 14 and 3, 13 and 11 was described, indicating that blood pressure development in the SHR might be the result of interacting genes. 相似文献
Mapping of QTL associated with waterlogging tolerance during the seedling stage in maize 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Soil waterlogging is a major environmental stress that suppresses maize (Zea mays) growth and yield. To identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with waterlogging tolerance at the maize seedling stage, a F2 population consisting of 288 F(2:3) lines was created from a cross between two maize genotypes, 'HZ32' (waterlogging-tolerant) and 'K12' (waterlogging-sensitive). METHODS: The F2 population was genotyped and a base-map of 1710.5 cM length was constructed with an average marker space of 11.5 cM based on 177 SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers. QTL associated with root length, root dry weight, plant height, shoot dry weight, total dry weight and waterlogging tolerance coefficient were identified via composite interval mapping (CIM) under waterlogging and control conditions in 2004 (EXP.1) and 2005 (EXP.2), respectively. KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Twenty-five and thirty-four QTL were detected in EXP.1 and EXP.2, respectively. The effects of each QTL were moderate, ranging from 3.9 to 37.3 %. Several major QTL determining shoot dry weight, root dry weight, total dry weight, plant height and their waterlogging tolerance coefficient each mapped on chromosomes 4 and 9. These QTL were detected consistently in both experiments. Secondary QTL influencing tolerance were also identified and located on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 10. These QTL were specific to particular traits or environments. Although the detected regions need to be mapped more precisely, the findings and QTL found in this study may provide useful information for marker-assisted selection (MAS) and further genetic studies on maize waterlogging tolerance. 相似文献