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Qualitative analyses were made from whole-body cuticular extracts of Scapteriscus abbreviatus, Scapteriscus acletus, Scapteriscus vicinus, and Neocurtilla hexadactyla by isothermal and temperature-programmed gas chromatography. Adults of both sexes and nymphs of each species were collected in Florida. The chromatographic profiles of peaks were distinct and easily recognizable for each species, regardless of sex or developmental stage. Distinct sexual differences were found in S. acletus and S. abbreviatus. Specimens of S. abbreviatus from Puerto Rico and S. vicinus from Bolivia produced gas chromatography (GC) traces very similar to those of conspecifics collected in Florida. Evidence is presented to illustrate the potential importance of volatile cuticular lipid analysis as a tool for mole cricket identification. Cuticular extracts of an undescribed short-winged species of Scapteriscus from Bolivia were also examined and produced GC traces unlike those of any other species analyzed to date.  相似文献   
The metabolism of polyphosphoinositides was examined in human platelets activated by thrombin. The addition of thrombin to [3H]glycerol-labeled platelets induced an initial loss and a subsequent increase of the radioactivity in phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (TPI) without any significant change in phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (DPI). A marked enhancement of [32P]Pi incorporation into TPI occurred in parallel with an increase in this lipid content, which was accompanied with a conccurent decrease in phosphatidylinositol (PI). The rate of this subsequent increase in TPI was smaller than that observed in [3H]arachidonic acid-labeled platelets, suggesting that formed TPI in activated platelets may contain much greater amount of arachidonate than preexisting TPI in resting platelets. These data indicate that thrombin causes a rapid change in TPI metabolism (initial degradation of preexisting TPI and subsequent production of arachidonate-rich TPI), which might be a primary candidate to modulate thrombin-induced function in human platelets.  相似文献   
Stimulation of rabbit neutrophils prelabeled with 32P by the synthetic chemotactic peptide f-Met-Leu-Phe induces a rapid decrease in the radioactivity in both phosphatidylinositol, 4,5 bis phosphate and phosphatidylinositol 4-monophosphate. The mean +/- standard error of the mean values of the maximum decrease in phosphatidylinositol, 4,5 bis phosphate occurred at 10 seconds following stimulation and is equal to 19 +/- 3% of the control value. The corresponding value for phosphatidylinositol 4-monophosphate occurred at 60 seconds following stimulation and is equal to 37 +/- 7% of the control value. On the other hand, the radioactivity in phosphatidic acid and lysophospholipids increased continuously with time following stimulation. The relationship of these changes to calcium release and neutrophil activation is discussed.  相似文献   
Adipocytes from streptozotocin-diabetic rats are approximately 50-times more sensitive to the lipolytic action of glucagon. This change is only perceived in the presence of a small quantity of adenosine deaminase which itself has little effect on basal lipolysis. Insulin treatment restores glucagon sensitivity to normal.  相似文献   
The incubation of suspensions of canine tracheal epithelial cells of greater than 95% purity with arachidonic acid (25-200 micrograms/ml) for 60-120 min resulted in the generation of a maximum of 36.2 +/- 9.1 picomoles of leukotriene B4/10(6) cells, less than 2.0 picomoles of leukotrienes C4, D4, and E4/10(6) cells, and 1030 +/- 463, 767 +/- 500, and 324 +/- 100 picomoles/10(6) cells of 15-, 12-, and 5-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acids, respectively (mean +/- SEM, n = 8). The identity of leukotriene B4 was established by chromatographic and spectral properties, by reactivity with mono-specific anti-plasma, and by the chemotactic activity for neutrophils. Thus, the epithelium may be an important source of mediators of inflammation and hypersensitivity of pulmonary airways.  相似文献   
Purification of proteins is commonly a multiple-step process involving size exclusion, ion exchange, affinity, hydrophobic, and other modes of chromatography. In an effort to circumvent the laborious process of collecting the solutes from each column and reintroducing them onto a second column, a valving system is described that directs the samples eluted from a high-performance liquid chromatographic column through a detector with a high-pressure cell into either a second column or into storage loops of a multiloop value. This multiloop value is referred to as a high-pressure fraction collector. After development of the first column is complete, a second solvent can be directed to the second column or high-pressure fraction collector to elute the solutes back through the detector and onto any other column in the system. The process of eluting a sample from a column through a single detector and directing it to the high-pressure fraction collector or any other column in the system may be repeated a number of times. Such valving systems make it possible to chromatograph a single protein component on two or three columns in a short time.  相似文献   
The microorganism Brevibacterium flavum 21129 has been used to produce multigram batches of L-[15N2]lysine of high purity and isotopic enrichment by supplementation of the growth medium with (15NH4)2SO4 of 98.0 atom% excess. The doubly 15N-labeled lysine can be detected at dilutions 10 times greater than singly labeled lysine when isotope dilution curves are analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. This enhanced sensitivity permits kinetic measurements of plasma free-lysine isotope content over a 300-fold dilution during 6 h following a single oral bolus of 5 mg/kg body wt. This inexpensive preparation method lends itself to the production of highly useful biochemical compounds for kinetic studies of human nutrition.  相似文献   
Horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase was immobilized on glycerylpropyl-silica (10 micron, 1000-A pores) activated with 2,2,2-trifluoroethanesulfonyl chloride (tresyl chloride). The coupling and activity yield was almost 100%. The coenzyme-binding sites were equivalent and virtually unaffected by the immobilization process, as judged from Scatchard plots and active-site titrations. The silica-bound enzyme, packed in steel columns, was integrated with HPLC equipment and then successfully used for chromatography of adenine nucleosides, adenine nucleotides, and triazine dyes. Dissociation constants were calculated from chromatographic data and found to correspond well with literature values. The dissociation constants for a number of nucleotide derivatives with potential application in affinity chromatography were also determined. The spaces were found to affect the binding strength of the nucleotides in a qualitatively predictable way. Theoretical plate heights were calculated and found to be in the range 0.01 to 0.1 cm. Attempts to correlate peak widths with the rate constants for the binary complexes involved were only partially successful.  相似文献   
A sensitive and specific assay method for cysteine sulfinic acid (CSA) and cysteic acid (CA) using high-performance liquid chromatography has been developed. The method includes post-column derivatization of various amino acids with o-phthalaldehyde in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. The column packed with cation-exchange resin (ISC-07S1504, Shimadzu Sci entific instruments, Inc., Kyoto, Japan) was used for obtaining general separation of amino acids except CSA and CA, while the separation of CSA and CA was achieved using a strong-base anion exchange (ISA-07S2504, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments) column. The fluorescence peak area for CSA was linear between 20 pmol and 5 nmol, whereas that for CA was 10 pmol to 5 nmol. The regional distribution of CSA, CA, and other amino acids in the rat brain was studied using this new assay method.  相似文献   
Abstract: The combined techniques of HPLC and radioimmunoassay were used to identify and quantitate enkephalin-related peptides in the guinea pig hippocampus. Both met- and leu-enkephalin were identified, in approximately a 2:1 ratio, as well as a third enkephalin-like molecule that is neither met- nor leu-enkephalin. The third enkephalin elutes earlier than met- or leu-enkephalin from a reversed-phase column, has a molecular weight similar to the other enkephalins, and is as active as these enkephalins are in inhibiting binding of labeled opiates to rat brain membranes. All regions of the hippocampus (dentate gyrus, CA1–2, CA3–4, and subiculum) contain all three immunoreactive peptides. Immunocytochemical techniques, using antisera raised against met-enkephalin, show with one antiserum immunoreactivity in the granule cell-mossy fiber system, and with the other scattered immunoreactive cells mostly in the CA2 region. Enkephalins are not confined to the mossy fiber system, as previously suggested, but may be a component of another hippocampal innervation.  相似文献   
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