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Life‐history stages such as reproduction and molt are energetically costly. Reproductive costs include those associated not only with offspring production, but also protecting and provisioning young. Costs typically associated with molting include decreased thermoregulatory and locomotive performance, and increased metabolic and nutritional costs. Energetic demands may disrupt homeostasis, particularly in terms of its maintenance (e.g., oxidative stress and immunity). Few investigators have explored the relationship between effort (increased metabolic rate) and oxidative status and stress by comparing life‐history stages with different energetic demands. However, comparative studies are crucial for understanding the processes of energy allocation and their consequences for different physiological functions. Our objective was to determine how two highly demanding life‐history stages, breeding and molting, affected oxidative balance in Chinstrap Penguins (Pygoscelis antarcticus), a species where these two activities do not overlap. We found that the heterophil/lymphocyte (H/L) ratio was significantly higher during breeding than molting; oxidative damage was also higher during breeding. In contrast, we found no significant differences between these stages in total antioxidant capacity. We also found sex differences, with males having greater oxidative damage than females. Our results suggest that breeding is more stressful and more demanding for Chinstrap Penguins than molting, and provide further support for the relationship between effort, in terms of increased metabolic rate, and oxidative balance.  相似文献   
Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) diet is an important indicator of prevailing environmental conditions and resource availability. In this study, dietary variation within and between years was studied with fatty acid signature analysis (FASA), stomach content analysis (SCA) and stable isotope analysis (SIA). We profiled the fatty acid (FA) composition of whole blood collected from adult penguins throughout the breeding season, and from chicks during the crèche period, in 2001 and 2002. Differences were detected in FA profiles between years, breeding stage and age (adults vs. chicks). These patterns broadly corresponded to those observed from SCA and SIA, with a mix of krill and fish consumed in the early part of the breeding season in both years, krill dominating the diet during the chick-rearing periods in 2001, and fish in 2002. Different metabolic and physiological demands between stages, and ages, may also influence FA profiles but warrants further investigation. In-situ calibrations of adult FA blood profiles were made using corresponding stomach samples to quantify diet composition. Using linear discriminate function analysis, we classified adult FA profiles into 3 meal-types: krill, fish or mixed. A higher proportion of adults had fish-like profiles during the arrival and guard periods. Krill-like profiles dominated during the incubation and crèche periods, although there were a relatively high proportion of fish-like and mixed profiles as well. These patterns corresponded to results from SCA and SIA. This study demonstrates that FASA has the potential to be integrated with other dietary tools to enhance diet monitoring studies, which are currently integral to ecosystem management and conservation measures. The in-situ calibration method used offers a simple and effective alternative to more rigorous calibration techniques developed elsewhere.  相似文献   
Each summer Adélie penguins breed in large disjunct colonies on ice-free areas around the Antarctic continent. Comprising > 10 million birds, this species represents a dominant feature of the Antarctic ecosystem. The patchy distribution within a large geographical range, natal philopatry and a probable history of refugia, suggest that this species is likely to exhibit significant genetic differentiation within and among colonies. We present data from seven microsatellite DNA loci for 442 individuals from 13 locations around the Antarctic continent. With the exception of one locus, there was no significant genic or genotypic heterogeneity across populations. Pairwise FST values were low with no value > 0.02. When all colonies were compared in a single analysis, the overall FST value was 0.0007. Moreover, assignment tests were relatively ineffective at correctly placing individuals into their respective collection sites. These data reveal a lack of genetic differentiation between Adélie penguin colonies around the Antarctic continent, despite substantial levels of genetic variation. We consider this homogeneity in terms of the dispersal of individuals among colonies and the size of breeding groups and discuss our results in terms of the glacial history of Antarctica.  相似文献   
The difficulty in studying nonbreeding birds means that little is known about them or their resource requirements, despite forming a large and significant component of a population. One way to assess food requirements is to examine changes in body mass, because it indicates the amount of food acquired. In terms of body mass changes, our expectation is that nonbreeders will either (a) be in poorer condition than the breeders which potentially explains why they do not breed or (b) remain at a stable higher mass as they are unconstrained by the physiological costs associated with rearing chicks. Here, we interrogate body mass datasets of breeding and nonbreeding birds of two penguin species to assess these predictions and determine whether differences in mass exist between these two groups throughout the breeding season. The first dataset is from a wild Adélie penguin population, where bird mass was recorded automatically and breeding status determined from a resighting program. A second population of captive gentoo penguins were weighed regularly each breeding season. We demonstrate that although there were times in each year when breeders were heavier than their nonbreeding counterparts for both populations, the mass changes showed qualitatively similar patterns throughout the breeding season irrespective of breeding status. Heavier breeders at times during the breeding season are not unexpected but the overall similar pattern of mass change irrespective of breeding status is in contrast to expectations. It appears that breeding status per se and the constraints that breeding places on birds are not the only driver of changes in mass throughout the breeding season and, although not explicitly studied here, the role of hormones in driving changes in appetite could be key to explain these results. These results present a significant step toward understanding food requirements of nonbreeders in avian populations.  相似文献   
张剑  董路  张雁云 《生物多样性》2019,27(12):1291-1664
我国提议在南极恩克斯堡岛新站址北侧3 km的阿德利企鹅(Pygoscelis adeliae)聚集繁殖地建立南极特别保护区, 对保护区边界的划分, 各国尚存争议, 尤其是对南湾(South Bay)的繁殖小种群是否具有遗传独特性, 是否应将其纳入保护区是重点关注的问题。本研究采集了恩克斯堡岛海景湾(Seaview Bay)和南湾的阿德利企鹅样品, 通过全基因组重测序和种群基因组学方法, 分析了恩克斯堡岛不同区域的种群遗传结构。发现恩克斯堡岛海景湾与南湾阿德利企鹅没有显著的遗传分化, 南湾阿德利企鹅不是独特的小种群; 海景湾高海拔区域个体与低海拔区域个体之间也没有显著的遗传差异, 推测该区域阿德利企鹅繁殖群体的分布格局与冰川堆积形成的阶地不具有显著相关性。本工作为恩克斯堡岛保护区和罗斯海新站建设提供了重要科技支撑。  相似文献   
Gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) are found across the Southern Ocean with a circumpolar distribution and notable genetic and morphological variation across their geographic range. Whether this geographic variation represents species‐level diversity has yet to be investigated in an integrative taxonomic framework. Here, we show that four distinct populations of gentoo penguins (Iles Kerguelen, Falkland Islands, South Georgia, and South Shetlands/Western Antarctic Peninsula) are genetically and morphologically distinct from one another. We present here a revised taxonomic treatment including formal nomenclatural changes. We suggest the designation of four species of gentoo penguin: P. papua in the Falkland Islands, P. ellsworthi in the South Shetland Islands/Western Antarctic Peninsula, P. taeniata in Iles Kerguelen, and a new gentoo species P. poncetii, described herein, in South Georgia. These findings of cryptic diversity add to many other such findings across the avian tree of life in recent years. Our results further highlight the importance of reassessing species boundaries as methodological advances are made, particularly for taxa of conservation concern. We recommend reassessment by the IUCN of each species, particularly P. taeniata and P. poncetii, which both show evidence of decline.  相似文献   
Faecal bacteria from 49 Gentoo penguins on the Antarctic Peninsula were identified by biochemical methods and sequencing, and tested for antibiotic susceptibility using agar dilution. Of the 42 Enterobacteriaceae isolates found, 39 belonged to the genus Edwardsiella. All isolates were susceptible to the 17 antibiotics tested. This implies that antibiotic selection pressure is a prerequisite to a high prevalence of antibiotic resistance, and in the absence of contact with human activities, antibiotic resistance in Enterobacteriaceae remains undetectable.  相似文献   
The endocranial anatomy of Pygoscelis calderensis, a fossil species from the Bahía Inglesa Formation (Middle Miocene–Pliocene) of Chile, South America, was described through CT scans. Reconstructions of the fossil P. calderensis and endocasts for the living Pygoscelis adeliae, and Pygoscelis papua are provided here for the first time. Comparisons with the extant congeneric species P. adeliae, Pygoscelisantarctica and P. papua indicate that the morphological pattern of the brain and inner ear of the extant pygoscelids has been present already in the Middle Miocene. The neurological morphology suggests that the paleobiology of the extinct form would have been similar to the extant species. It was probably true for diet, feeding behaviour and diving kinematics.  相似文献   
Traditional methods for sex identification are not applicable to sexually monomorphic species, leading to difficulties in the management of their breeding programs. To identify sex in sexually monomorphic birds, molecular methods have been established. Two established primer pairs (2550F/2718R and p8/p2) amplify the CHD1 gene region from both the Z and W chromosomes. Here, we evaluated the use of these primers for sex identification in four sexually monomorphic penguin species: king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus), rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome), gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua), and Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus). For all species except rockhopper penguins, primer pair 2550F/2718R resulted in two distinct CHD1Z and CHD1W PCR bands, allowing for sex identification. For rockhopper penguins, only primer pair p8/p2 yielded different CHD1Z and CHD1W bands, which were faint and similar in size making them difficult to distinguish. As a result, we designed a new primer pair (PL/PR) that efficiently determined the gender of individuals from all four penguin species. Sequencing of the PCR products confirmed that they were from the CHD1 gene region. Primer pair PL/PR can be evaluated for use in sexing other penguin species, which will be crucial for the management of new penguin breeding programs. Zoo Biol 32:257–261, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The future of penguin population development in the Western Antarctic Peninsula (= WAP) is largely depending on ecological factors like food availability (mostly krill) due to primary production of algae which itself depends on sea ice conditions, water‐ and air temperature and salinity. The extraordinary rise in temperature in the WAP area seems to cause a change in population numbers of Adelie and Gentoo Penguins: Adelies are declining in the north and Gentoos were occupying these sites instead. Gentoos have already reached the southern polar circle. These trends occurred in parallel with regional long‐term warming and significant reduction in sea ice extent. There is a lack of available information for penguin populations breeding possibly more south in the WAP area. We still have large gaps in our present knowledge in Adelies and Emperor Penguins southernmost breeding distribution.  相似文献   
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