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Y. Avi-Dor  R. Rott  R. Schnaiderman 《BBA》1979,545(1):15-23
The interrelation was studied between the phototransient absorbing maximally at 412 nm (M412) and light-induced proton release under steady-state conditions in aqueous suspensions of ‘purple membrane’ derived from Halobacterium halobium. The decay of M412 was slowed down by the simultaneous application of the ionophoric antibiotics valinomycin and beauvericin. The former had only slight activity alone and the latter was effective only in conjunction with valinomycin. The steady-state concentration of M412 which was formed on illumination was a direct function of the concentration of valinomycin. Maximum stabilization of M412 was obtained when the valinomycin was approximately equimolar with the bacteriorhodopsin. Addition of salts to the medium increased the number of protons released per molecule of M412 without affecting the level of M412 which was produced by continuous illumination. The effectiveness of the salts in this respect depended on the nature of the cation. Ca2+ and their antagonists La3+ and ruthenium red were found to have especially high affinity for the system. The extent of light-induced acidification could not be enhanced by increasing the pH of the medium from 6.5 to 7.8. The possible mechanism of action of the ionophores and of the cations on the photocycle and on the proton cycle is discussed.  相似文献   
Reaction centers were purified from the thermophilic purple sulfur photosynthetic bacterium Chromatium tepidum. The reaction center consists of four polypeptides L, M, H and C, whose apparent molecular masses were determined to be 25, 30, 34 and 44 kDa, respectively, by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The heaviest peptide corresponds to tightly bound cytochrome. The tightly bound cytochrome c contains two types of heme, high-potential c-556 and low-potential c-553. The low-potential heme is able to be photooxidized at 77 K. The reaction center exhibits laser-flash-induced absorption changes and circular dichroism spectra similar to those observed in other purple photosynthetic bacteria. Whole cells contain both ubiquinone and menaquinone. Reaction centers contain only a single active quinone; chemical analysis showed this to be menaquinone. Reaction center complexes without the tightly bound cytochrome were also prepared. The near-infrared pigment absorption bands are red-shifted in reaction centers with cytochrome compared to those without cytochrome.  相似文献   
Nickel was found to be required for expression of urease activity in batch cultures of Thiocapsa roseopersicina strain 6311, Chromatium vinosum strain 1611 and Thiocystis violacea strain 2311, grown photolithotrophically with NH4Cl as nitrogen source. In a growth medium originally free of added nickel and EDTA, the addition of 0.1–10 M nickel chloride caused an increase in urease activity, while addition of EDTA (0.01–2 mM) caused a strong reduction. Variation of the nitrogen source had no pronounced influence on the level of urease activity in T. roseopersicina grown with 0.1 M nickel in the absence of EDTA. Only nickel, of several heavy metal ions tested, could reverse suppression of urease activity by EDTA. Nickel, however, did not stimulate and EDTA did not inhibit the enzyme in vitro. When nickel was added to cultures already growing in a nickel-deficient, EDTA-containing medium, urease activity showed a rapid increase which was not inhibited by chloramphenicol. It is concluded that the (inactive) urease apoprotein may be synthesized in the absence of nickel and can be activated in vivo without de novo protein synthesis by insertion of nickel into the pre-formed enzyme protein.  相似文献   
Abstract Over 200 strains of marine purple photosynthetic bacteria were isolated. Two strains showed antibiotic activity towards Saccharomyces cerevisiae and were tentatively identified as Chromatium purpuratum . Crude antibiotic, prepared by solvent extraction, showed a broad antimicrobial spectrum. The highest activity was found in the chromatophore fraction. Chromatographic separation of purified light harvesting complex from one strain, NKPB 031704, showed the presence of two separate pigmented compounds which were responsible for antimicrobial activity. Our findings reveal the unexpected ability of photosynthetic bacteria to produce broad spectrum antibiotics. In addition, this is the first example of intracellular localization of antibiotic activity in a marine bacterium.  相似文献   
Abstract Incorporation of [ methyl -3H]thymidine into bacterial DNA was determined for a range of axenic anaerobic bacterial cultures: fermentative heterotrophs, sulphate-reducing bacteria, purple sulphur bacteria, acetogens and methanogens. Anaerobically growing Bacillus sp. and the obligate aerobe Thiobacillus ferrooxidans were also investigated. Actively growing cultures of sulphate-reducing bacteria belonging to the genera Desulfovibrio, Desulfotomaculum, Desulfobacter, Desulfobotulus and Desulfobulbus , purple sulphur bacteria ( Chromatium vinosum OP2 and Thiocapsa roseopersicina OP1), methanogens ( Methanococcus GS16 and Methanosarcina barkeri ) and an acetogen ( Acetobacterium woodii ) did not incorporate [ methyl -3H]thymidine into DNA. The only obligate anaerobes in which thymidine incorporation into DNA could be unequivocally demonstrated were members of the genus Clostridium . Anaerobically growing Bacillus sp. also incorporated thymidine. These data demonstrate that pure culture representatives of major groups of anaerobic bacteria involved in the terminal oxidation of organic carbon and anoxygenic phototrophs within sediments are unable to incorporate [ methyl -3H]thymidine into DNA, although some obligate and facultative anaerobes can. Variability in thymidine incorporation amongst pure culture isolates indicates that unless existing techniques can be calibrated to take this into consideration then productivity estimates in both aerobic and anaerobic environments may be greatly underestimated using the [ methyl -3H]thymidine technique.  相似文献   
A new species of halophilic anoxygenic purple bacteria of the genus Rhodospirillum is described. The new organism, isolated from water/sediment of the Dead Sea, was vibrio-shaped and an obligate halophile. Growth was best at 12% NaCl, with only weak growth occurring at 6% or 21% NaCl. Growth occurred at Mg2+ concentrations up to 1 M but optimal growth was obtained at 0.05–0.1 M Mg2+. Bromide was well tolerated as an alternative anion to chloride. The new organism is an obligate phototroph, growing photoheterotrophically in media containing yeast extract and acetate or a few other organic compounds. Growth of the Dead Sea Rhodospirillum species under optimal culture conditions was slow (minimum td 20 h). Cells contained bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the spirilloxanthin series and mass cultures were pink in color. Absorption spectra revealed the presence of a B875 (light-harvesting I) but no B800/B850 (light-harvesting II) photopigment complex. The new organism shares a number of properties with the previously described halophilic phototrophic bacterium Rhodospirillum salinarum and was shown to be related to this phototroph by 16S rRNA sequencing. However, because of its salinity requirements, photosynthetic properties, and isolation from the Dead Sea, the new phototroph is proposed as a new species of the genus Rhodospirillum, R. sodomense.  相似文献   
紫米基因与RFLP标记的连锁分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
庄杰云  杨长登 《遗传学报》1996,23(5):373-375
选用种皮呈紫黑色的水稻体细胞无性系变异体黑珍米和其种皮呈无色的原始亲本Basmati370配制组合,同时应用121个DNA探针检测了黑珍米与Basmati370之间的RFLP。应用F2和F3群体研究了紫色种皮的遗传控制。结果表明,有一个显性主效基因控制着黑珍米和Basmati370在种皮颜色上的差异。通过多态性DNA探针与种皮颜色的共分离分析,发现该基因与水稻第四染色体上的DNA标记RG329和RG214连锁,与RG329和RG214的遗传图距分别为18.9cM和26.3cM。  相似文献   
用闪光动力学光谱仪测量了酰化紫膜LB膜中M衰减速率的变化。酰化紫膜LB膜的衰减无论是悬浮液状态,还是LB膜中,均比未修饰的要慢。在温度为20℃时,酰化紫膜LB随着相对湿度的增加,M衰减加快。在相对湿度较低时(RH34—75%),变化较平缓,即M的衰减加快不明显;在相对湿度较高时(RH84—95%),M衰减明显加快。温度的变化则随相对湿度不同而不同。相对湿度较低时,随着温度的升高,M衰减加快;相对湿度较高时,M衰减反而减慢。酰化紫膜悬浮液的M衰减随着温度的升高而明显加快.这说明酰化紫膜LB膜中BR水合程度可能是直接影响M衰减的因素之一。  相似文献   
本文采用同步辐射小角X射线散射方法研究了用非离子表面活性剂TritonX—100处理后的嗜盐菌紫膜及其视紫红质蛋白结构的变化。实验结果表明,用不同浓度的TritonX—100处理紫膜碎片时,紫膜及其蛋白所处的状态有着很大变化。  相似文献   
用闪光诱导瞬间二向色性方法测量了蔗糖和甘油对菌紫质(BR)分子在脂质泡中的旋转扩散运动的影响。结果表明脂质囊泡本身在悬浮液中的运动并不会影响BR分子在膜中的旋转运动的测量。蔗糖和甘油对BR旋转运动的影响在相变温度以上和相变温度以下是不同的,相变温度以下的主要作用是相分离,使运动减慢,相变温度以上的作用可能是脂的分散,使运动加快。  相似文献   
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