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甘蔗伤流液中保绿活性物质的分离与初步鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许鸿源   《广西植物》1986,(3):230-234
通过化学与物理学方法,从甘蔗(Sugar-cane)伤流液中分离出五种活性因素,对离体叶片有不同程度的保绿效应。依其化学性质判断,应属嘌呤化合物,可能是细胞分裂素物质。  相似文献   
F Klink  H Schümann  A Thomsen 《FEBS letters》1983,155(1):173-177
Polyphenylalanine synthesis with ribosomes and two separated, partially purified elongation factors (EF) was measured in cell-free systems from the archaebacteria Thermoplasma acidophilum and Methanococcus vannielii, in an eukaryotic system from rat liver and an eubacterial one with Escherichia coli ribosomes and factors from Thermus thermophilus. By substitution of heterologous EF-2 or EF-G, respectively, for the homologous factors, ribosome specificity was shown to be restricted to factors from the same kingdom. In contrast, EF-1 from T. thermophilus significantly cooperated with ribosomes from T. acidophilum.  相似文献   
Clathrin-associated proteins contain bound nucleotide   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An alcohol dehydrogenase isolated from Zymomonas mobilis was found to be activated by ferrous ions but not by zinc, after inactivation with metal-complexing agents. Cobaltous ions also re-activated to a lesser extent. It is suggested that in this species the alcohol dehydrogenase naturally contains iron. Kinetic studies on the iron-treated enzyme indicate an 'alcohol activation' phenomenon, which may have physiological relevance in overcoming product inhibition during fermentation.  相似文献   
Epidermal growth factor stimulated cell proliferation in a primary mammary epithelial cell culture derived from mice at different stages of pregnancy. Moreover, the peptide hormone inhibited casein production induced by the synergistic actions of insulin, cortisol and prolactin. The inhibitory effect of epidermal growth factor was influenced by the gestational stages of the mammary gland. These effects of epidermal growth factor were exerted at physiological concentrations. The dual actions of epidermal growth factor on mammary cells implicate its participation in regulation of the growth and differentiation of the mammary gland during pregnancy.  相似文献   
PPi driven ATP synthesis has been reconstituted in a liposomal system containing the membrane-bound energy-linked PPiase and coupling factor complex, both highly purified from Rhodospirillum rubrum. This energy converting model system was made by mixing both enzyme preparations with an aqueous suspension of sonicated soybean phospholipids and subjecting to a freeze-thaw procedure. In the presence of ADP, Mg2+, Pi and PPi the system catalyzed phosphorylation by up to 25 nmol ATP formed X mg protein-1 X min-1, at 20 degrees C, which was sensitive to uncouplers and inhibitors of phosphorylation such as oligomycin, efrapeptin and N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide.  相似文献   
Delocalized chemiosmotic coupling of oxidative phosphorylation requires that a single-value correlation exists between the extent of Δ\?gmH+ and the kinetic parameters of respiration and ATP synthesis. This expectation was tested experimentally in nigericin-treated plant mitochondria in single combined experiments, in which simultaneously respiration (in State 3 and in State 4) was measured polarographically, FΔψ (which under these conditions was equivalent to Δ\?gmH+) was evaluated potentiometrically from the uptake of tetraphenylphosphonium+ and the rate of phosphorylation was estimated from the transient depolarization of mitochondria during State 4-State 3-State 4 transitions. The steady-state rates of the different biochemical reactions were progressively inhibited by specific inhibitors active with different modalities on various steps of the energy-transducing process: succinate respiration was inhibited competitively with malonate or noncompetitively with antimycin A, or by limiting the rate of transport into the mitochondria of the respiratory substrate with phenylsuccinate; Δ\?gmH+ was dissipated by uncoupling with increasing concentrations of valinomycin; ADP phosphorylation was limited with oligomycin. The results indicate generally that when the rate of respiratory electron flow is decreased, a parallel inhibition of the rate of phosphorylation is also observed, while very limited effects can be detected on the extent of Δ\?gmH+. This behavior is in marked contrast to the effect of uncoupling where the decreased rate of ATP synthesis is clearly due to energy limitation. Extending previous observations in bacterial photosynthesis and in respiration by animal mitochondria and submitochondrial particles the results indicate, therefore, that respiration tightly controls the rate of ATP synthesis, with a mechanism largely independent of Δ\?gmH+. These data cannot be reconciled with a delocalized chemiosmotic coupling model.  相似文献   
Abstract: The pool size and synthesis of phosphatidic acid derived from [2-3H]glycerol were studied in bovine whole retinas and subcellular fractions. Microsomal preparations from retinas incubated with [2-3H]glycerol displayed the highest percentage labeling of phosphatidic acid at 5 min of incubation; labeling decreased rapidly thereafter. In drug-treated retinas,0.5 m M propranolol increased the endogenous content of phosphatidic acid and stimulated [2-3H]glycerol labeling in whole retina and microsomal and postmicrosomal supernatant fractions. This effect was observed during short-term incubations and was reversible. In pulse-chase experiments, 60 min of reincubation greatly reduced the labeling effect, although propranolol still enhanced phosphatidic acid labeling. At the same time, endogenous phosphatidic acid accumulated and reincubation without propranolol reversed the effect. During accumulation, the amount of palmitate increased and that of oleate decreased, whereas the relatively high level of docosahexaenoate in phosphatidic acid remained unchanged. It was concluded that this propranolol-induced effect is due to cationic amphiphilic drug activity in the endoplasmic reticulum that results in a partial inhibition of phosphatidic acid degradation and a stimulation of its de novo synthesis. Hence, net synthesis of phosphatidic acid can be assessed in the retina during short-term incubation with propranolol.  相似文献   
Abstract: Sciatic nerves from 13-day-old rats were incubated in vitro with [35S]methionine in the presence or absence of 0.22 μM monensin and total paniculate and myelin fractions prepared. The total particulate was further subfractionated by continuous density gradient centrifugation, after which the maximal specific activities of three marker enzymes, 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide phospho-diesterase (myelin), 5′-nucleotidase (plasma membrane), and cerebroside sulphotransferase were recovered at 0.72, 0.82, and 0.92 M sucrose, respectively. The radiolabelled proteins present in the gradient subtractions were analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and fluorography, and bands corresponding to the P0 and myelin basic proteins were identified by co-migration with unlabelled myelin marker proteins on both one-dimensional SDS-PAGE and two-dimensional nonequilibrium isoelectric focussing/SDS-PAGE systems. Following a 90-min incubation with [35S]methionine, newly synthesized myelin basic proteins were recovered in fractions between 0.5 and 0.7 M sucrose; this distribution was unaltered by monensin. In contrast, the distribution of newly synthesized P0 protein across the gradients was influenced by monensin: a bimodal distribution across the control gradients with peaks of recovery of 0.60 and 0.82 M sucrose was altered to give a single peak at an intermediate density of 0.72 M sucrose. The total proportions of newly synthesized P0 and myelin basic proteins (MBP) present across the entire gradients were calculated from the fluorograms, and the ratio was found to be 2.8 P0: (LBP + SBP), in both the presence and absence of the ionophore. However, only 70% and 50% of the control levels of MBP and P0 were recovered with a purified myelin fraction after incubation with monensin. The results are discussed with reference to different intracellular transport processes for the P0 glycoprotein and the MBP within the Schwann cell, and also to the differential compartmentation of the sites of synthesis and membrane export within the Golgi body.  相似文献   
Glabrachalcone, a new chromenochalcone has been isolated along with a known chromenochalcone from an ethanolic extract of the seed oil of Pongamia glabra. The structure of glabrachalcone has been established as 2′-hydroxy-2,4,5-trimethoxy-6″,6″-dimethylchromeno(4′,3′:2″,3″)chalcone on the basis of spectral evidence and was confirmed by synthesis.  相似文献   
The levels of ecdysteroids in control and leg-autotomized first-instar nymphs of Blattella germanica were determined by radioimmunoassay from hatching to the time of the first ecdysis. Uninjured nymphs showed a distinct release of ecdysteroids half-way through the stadium, and this resulted in the commencement of the moult cycle which formed the cuticle of the second instar. Cockroaches which had legs autotomized at 48 h after hatching (i.e. before the control ecydsteroid release) had their instar duration increased by that time period. Releases of ecdysteroids and events of the moulting cycle were also postponed by the 48 h period. The titre of ecdysteroids in injured animals was double that of controls. Nymphs were also autotomized at 96 h (i.e. after the normal release of ecdysteroids) but no changes in instar duration, ecdysteroid releases, or events of the moult cycle were recorded. The effects of injury, prothoracicotropic hormone activity and ecdysteroid release are discussed.  相似文献   
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