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Replicated lines of Drosophila subobscura originating from a large outbred stock collected at the estimated Chilean epicentre (Puerto Montt) of the original New World invasion were allowed to evolve under controlled conditions of larval crowding for 3.5 years at three temperature levels (13, 18 and 22 degrees C). Several pre-adult life history traits (development time, survival and competitive ability), adult life history related traits (wing size, wing shape and wing-aspect ratio), and wing size and shape asymmetries were measured at the three temperatures. Cold-adapted (13 degrees C) populations evolved longer development times and showed lower survival at the highest developmental temperature. No divergence for wing size was detected following adaptation to temperature extremes (13 and 22 degrees C), in agreement with earlier observations, but wing shape changes were obvious as a result of both thermal adaptation and development at different temperatures. However, the evolutionary trends observed for the wing-aspect ratio were inconsistent with an adaptive hypothesis. There was some indication that wing shape asymmetry has evolutionarily increased in warm-adapted populations, which suggests that there is additive genetic variation for fluctuating asymmetry and that it can evolve under rapid environmental changes caused by thermal stress. Overall, our results cast strong doubts on the hypothesis that body size itself is the target of selection, and suggest that pre-adult life history traits are more closely related to thermal adaptation.  相似文献   
Random asymmetry, that is the coexistence of left‐ and right‐sided (or ‐handed) individuals within a population, is a particular case of natural variation; what triggers and maintains such dimorphisms remains unknown in most cases. Here, we report a field‐based cage experiment in the scale‐eating Tanganyikan cichlid Perissodus microlepis, which occurs in two morphs in nature: left‐skewed and right‐skewed individuals with respect to mouth orientation. Using underwater cages stocked with scale‐eaters and natural prey fish, we first confirm that, under semi‐natural conditions, left‐skewed scale‐eaters preferentially attack the right flank of their prey, whereas right‐skewed individuals feed predominantly from the left side. We then demonstrate that scale‐eaters have a higher probability for successful attacks when kept in dimorphic experimental populations (left‐ and right‐skewed morphs together) as compared to monomorphic populations (left‐ or right‐skewed morphs), most likely because prey fishes fail to accustom to strikes from both sides. The significantly increased probability for attacks appears to be the selective agent responsible for the evolution and maintenance of mouth dimorphism in P. microlepis, lending further support to the hypothesis that negative frequency‐dependent selection is the stabilizing force balancing the mouth dimorphism at quasi‐equal ratios in scale‐eating cichlids.  相似文献   
The metabolic fate of [carbonyl-(14)C]nicotinamide, [8-(14)C]adenine and [8-(14)C]inosine was examined in microspore-derived canola (Brassica napus) embryos at different developmental stages: globular stage (day 10, stage 1), early cotyledonary stage (day 20, stage 2), late cotyledonary stage (day 25, stage 3), and fully developed stage (day 35, stage 4). Uptake of [8-(14)C]nicotinamide by the embryos was always rapid. A lower uptake rate was found for [8-(14)C]adenine and [8-(14)C]inosine, especially at stages 1 and 2. [Carbonyl-(14)C]nicotinamide was converted to nicotinic acid and further metabolized to pyridine nucleotides (NAD/NADP). Some radioactivity was also associated to nicotinic acid glucoside. [8-(14)C]adenine was efficiently utilized for the synthesis of adenine nucleotides and RNA. A small fraction of adenine was degraded to CO(2) via ureides. Up to 40% of [8-(14)C]inosine was salvaged to nucleotides and RNA, although degradation of [8-(14)C]inosine to CO(2) was pronounced. At stage 1, highest salvage activities of nicotinamide, adenine and inosine were observed. In contrast, the lowest purine salvage and highest purine catabolism were found in stage 3 embryos. These results suggest that both nicotinamide and purine salvage for NAD/NADP and purine nucleotides synthesis are extremely high in the globular stage (stage 1). These activities decrease gradually until the late cotyledonary stage (stage 3), before increasing again in the fully developed embryos (stage 4). Overall it appears that nicotinamide and purine salvage are required in support of active growth during the initial phases of embryogenesis and at the end of the maturation period, in preparation for post-embryonic growth.  相似文献   
A series of novel octahedral ruthenium(III) complexes involving 6-benzylaminopurine (L) derivatives as N-donor ligands has been prepared by the reaction of [(DMSO)2H][trans-RuCl4(DMSO)2] with the corresponding L derivative. The complexes 1-12 have the general compositions trans-[RuCl4(DMSO)(n-Cl-LH)] ⋅ xSol (1-3), trans-[RuCl4(DMSO)(n-Br-LH)] · xSol (4-6), trans-[RuCl4(DMSO)(n-OMe-LH)] · xSol (7-9) and trans-[RuCl4(DMSO)(n-OH-LH)] · xSol (10-12); n = 2, 3, and 4, x = 0-1.5; and Sol = H2O, DMSO, EtOH and/or (Me)2CO. The complexes have been thoroughly characterized by elemental analysis, UV-visible, FTIR, Raman, and EPR spectroscopy, ES + (positive ionization electrospray) mass spectrometry, thermal analysis, cyclic voltammetry, magnetic and conductivity measurements. The X-ray molecular structure of trans-[RuCl4(DMSO)(3-Br-LH)] ⋅ (Me)2CO (5) revealed the distorted octahedral coordination in the vicinity of the central atom, and also confirmed that the 3-Br-L ligand is present as the N3-protonated N7-H tautomer and is coordinated to Ru(III) through the N9 atom of the purine moiety. The tested complexes have been found to be in vitro non-cytotoxic against K562, G361, HOS and MCF7 human cancer cell lines with IC50 > 100 μM in contrast to the moderate results regarding the antiradical activity with IC50 ≈ 10− 3 M. On the contrary, in vivo antitumor activity screening showed that the prepared Ru(III) complexes possess higher pro-apoptotic activity than NAMI-A. The reduction of Ru(III) to Ru(II) and Ru(II)-species formation in tumor tissues was confirmed by means of a simple method of detection and visualization of intracellular Ru(II) by fluorescence microscopy. The originality of this method is based on the preparation of a Ru(II)-bipyridine complex in situ.  相似文献   

Although developmental instability (DI), measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA), is expected to be positively related to environmental stress and negatively to habitat quality, the pattern found here was the reverse. Developmental instability of leaf traits (leaf width and vein distances within a leaf) was estimated (using two indices of FA: FA4 and σi 2) and compared between three populations of Plantago major L. (Plantaginaceae) from northern Serbia. Two of the populations are from chronically polluted areas (Karaburma & Zemun), while Crni Lug is from an unpolluted, natural area. Results obtained using both FA indices were the same; higher asymmetry levels in the unpolluted area than in the polluted sites, were found for both traits. Between the two polluted sites, FA values were significantly higher in Karaburma site for vein distances within a leaf. Concerning differences in FA4 values between samples, in two cases, results are similar to those found for σi 2 values, for vein distances within leaf. These are the first quantitative data on P. major indicating that (i) plants living in the stressful sites are more symmetrical and (ii) leaf FA for plant species with wide ecological distribution such as P. major should be considered as an ‘index of habitat quality.’  相似文献   
Drosophila serrata occurs along the eastern coast of Australia with a southern range boundary near Sydney. To compare levels of phenotypic variation in marginal and central populations, we examined morphological variation in populations of this species from the southern range boundary and two more northerly populations. The populations differed for wing traits and there was an increase in wing size in the marginal locations which persisted under laboratory culture. The means of wing and bristle traits increased under laboratory culture, whereas wing trait coefficients of variation and variances decreased. Heritability estimates for wing size traits tended to be lower in the field compared with the laboratory, whereas bristle and crossvein length heritabilities were similar across environments. There was evidence for heritable variation in wing and bristle traits in both the marginal and more northern populations, suggesting that genetic variation was not limiting in marginal populations. Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) was also assessed as a measure of genomic and environmental stress. There were no consistent differences among populations for the FA of individual traits, or for a total FA score summed across traits. FA levels in field parents and laboratory‐reared progeny were similar. Overall, the results do not support the conjecture that levels of phenotypic and genetic variability differ between central and marginal D. serrata populations.  相似文献   
Contemporary approaches that use fluctuating asymmetry (FA) as a possible target for natural and sexual selection are based on the premise that FA is a quantifiable expression of developmental instability (DI) that is inherited. Previous work with Drosophila buzzatii found that male mating success was correlated positively to body size (wing length) and negatively to FA, but these relationships seem to be environmentally induced. Heritability of FA was low and not significantly different from zero, but statistical power was also estimated to be very low and, hence, no conclusive evidence could be obtained. A large half‐sib mating design is used here to examine the relationships of different aspects of development for wing size. Consistently with previous findings, I found high heritabilities for wing length (WL) and wing width (WW), and positive correlations between both traits. Heritabilities of FA (FAWL, FAWW) were low (0.037) but significantly different from zero, and the genetic correlation between FAWL and FAWW was estimated as ?1 because the absolute value for the genetic covariance was similar in magnitude or even larger than the estimated genetic variances of both traits. This suggests that these two traits should be considered to be the same character. The between‐trait phenotypic correlation in FA, which reduces to the repeatability in this situation, was positive and statistically significant thus rendering an estimate of heritability for DI in D. buzzatii of . Nevertheless, the fact that left/right wing sizes were found to be determined by the same set of genes is difficult to reconcile with the presence of special genetic mechanisms that stabilize left/right development in this species. A qualitatively different pattern for asymmetry was observed when the nonlinear composite character wing area (WA ≈ WL × WW) was used, and . Although the results could be made compatible with the existence of a diallelic locus with antagonistic pleiotropic effects on FAWL and FAWW that combine multiplicatively to produce overdominance for FAWA, the available evidence is extremely weak at best. Finally, a test to the null hypothesis of a nongenetic basis of FA, particularly relevant to those situations when directional asymmetry may be heritable, is suggested.  相似文献   
The catalytic portion (F1) of ATP synthases have the subunit composition 3, 3, , , . This composition imparts structural asymmetry to the entire complex that results in differences in nucleotide binding affinity among the six binding sites. Evidence that two or more sites participate in catalysis, alternating their properties, led to the notion that the interactions of individual pairs with the small subunits must change as binding site properties alternate. A rotation of the subunit within the 33 hexamer has been proposed as a means of alternating the properties of catalytic sites. Evidence argues that the rotation of the complete subunit during ATP hydrolysis is not mandatory for activity. The subunit of chloroplast F1 may be cleaved into three large fragments that remain bound to F1. This cleavage enhances ATPase activity without loss of evidence of site-site interactions. Complexes of 33 have been shown to have significant ATPase activity in the absence of . Mg2+ATP affects the interaction of with the different subunits, and induces other changes in F1, but whether these changes are induced by catalysis, or are fast enough to be involved in the catalytic turnover of the enzyme has not been established. Likewise, changes in structure and in binding site properties induced in thylakoid membrane bound CF1 by formation of an electrochemical proton gradient may activate the enzyme rather than be apart of catalysis. Mechanisms other than rotary catalysis should be considered.  相似文献   
The unbiased estimation of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) requires independent repeated measurements on both sides. The statistical analysis of such data is currently performed by a two-way mixed ANOVA analysis. Although this approach produces unbiased estimates of FA, many studies do not utilize this method. This may be attributed in part to the fact that the complete analysis of FA is very cumbersome and cannot be performed automatically with standard statistical software. Therefore, further elaboration of the statistical tools to analyse FA should focus on the usefulness of the method, in order for the correct statistical approaches to be applied more regularly. In this paper we propose a mixed regression model with restricted maximum likelihood (REML) parameter estimation to model FA. This routine yields exactly the same estimates of FA as the two-way mixed ANOVA . Yet the advantages of this approach are that it allows (a) testing the statistical significance of FA, (b) modelling and testing heterogeneity in both FA and measurement error (ME) among samples, (c) testing for nonzero directional asymmetry and (d) obtaining unbiased estimates of individual FA levels. The switch from a mixed two-way ANOVA to a mixed regression model was made to avoid overparametrization. Two simulation studies are presented. The first shows that a previously proposed method to test the significance of FA is incorrect, contrary to our mixed regression approach. In the second simulation study we show that a traditionally applied measure of individual FA [abs(left – right)] is biased by ME. The proposed mixed regression method, however, produces unbiased estimates of individual FA after modelling heterogeneity in ME. The applicability of this method is illustrated with two analyses.  相似文献   
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