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Glutamine synthetase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa is regulated by repression/derepression of enzyme synthesis and by adenylylation/deadenylylation control. High levels of deadenylylated biosynthetically active glutamine synthetase were observed in cultures growing with limiting amounts of nitrogen while synthesis of the enzyme was repressed and that present was adenylylated in cultures with excess nitrogen.NADP-and NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase could be separated by column chromatography and showed molecular weights of 110,000 and 220,000, respectively. Synthesis of the NADP-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase is repressed under nitrogen limitation and by growth on glutamate. In contrast, NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase is derepressed by glutamate. Glutamate synthase is repressed by glutamate but not by excess nitrogen.  相似文献   
Intact lipopolysaccharide antigens isolated from seven different immunotypes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa have been examined by 31P-NMR spectroscopy. These macromolecular complexes contain phosphorus covalently attached to the carbohydrate residues present in the lipid A moiety and the ‘core’ oligosaccharide region. The spectral signals for various ortho- and pyro-phosphoric esters were observed. All phosphate groups appeared to be mono-esterified. Certain shifts characteristic for phosphate diester groups, observed in lipopolysaccharide complexes from other Gram-negative bacteria, were absent. Furthermore, no evidence was found to indicate that phosphate groups are involved in the covalent linkage of individual lipopolysaccharide complexes to form dimers or trimers.  相似文献   
Intact lipopolysaccharide antigens isolated from seven different immunotypes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa have been examined by 31P-NMR spectroscopy. These macromolecular complexes contain phosphorus covalently attached to the carbohydrate residues present in the lipid A moiety and the ‘core’ oligosaccharide region. The spectral signals for various ortho- and pyro-phosphoric esters were observed. All phosphate groups appeared to be mono-esterified. Certain shifts characteristic for phosphate diester groups, observed in lipopolysaccharide complexes from other Gram-negative bacteria, were absent. Furthermore, no evidence was found to indicate that phosphate groups are involved in the covalent linkage of individual lipopolysaccharide complexes to form dimers or trimers.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas cepacia grew rapidly using a mixture of all three branched chain amino acids as carbon source, but failed to use individual branched chain amino acids as sole carbon source. Extracts of bacteria grown on branched chain amino acids had between 2- and 3-fold higher levels of -ketoglutarate-dependent branched chain amino acid aminotransferase activity than extracts of glucose-grown bacteria. The increase in enzyme activity was due to the presence of a second aminotransferase not detected in extracts of glucose-grown bacteria. The enzyme, which presumably plays a role in branched chain amino acid degradation, had an apparent molecular weight (mol. wt.) of 75,000. The other aminotransferase was formed constitutively and apparently functions in synthesis of branched chain amino acids. It was more stable than the 75,000 mol.wt. enzyme, and was purified to homogeneity and found to be a 180,000 mol.wt. oligomer containing 6 subunits of approximately 30,000 mol.wt. Antiserum prepared against the purified enzyme inhibited its activity but failed to influence the activity of the 75,000 mol.wt. aminotransferase, suggesting that the two isoenzymes are encoded by different genes.  相似文献   
A stable community of bacteria that had unusually high tolerance of soluble silver was isolated from soil by chemostat enrichment. The community consisted of three bacteria: Pseudomonas maltophilia, Staphylococcus aureus and a coryneform organism. The pseudomonas was primarly responsible for the silver resistance. The tolerance of high silver concentrations, up to 100 mM Ag+, was greatly reduced when the community was grown in the absence of silver. Pseudomonas maltophilia comprised approximately 50% by numbers of the community when grown in chemostats in the presence or absence of Ag+ but large fluctuations occurred in population sizes of the other two bacteria; the S. aureus population was small (less than 1%) in the presence of Ag+ but comparised a third of the total numbers when Ag+ was omitted from the medium. Silver-resistant respiration of the silveradapted community was significant even when it was confronted with high concentrations of Ag+. In contrast the respiration of the coryneform organism and particularly S. aureus was highly sensitive to silver. The inhibition constants for silver-sensitive respiration were 0.78 mM and 0.04 mM for silver acclimatized and nonacclimatized communities respectively.The community had great capacity for silver bioaccumulation. Maximum concentrations of over 300 mg silver per g dry weight of biomass were recorded at an accumulation rate of 21 mg Ag+ h-1 (g biomass)-1. The extent of silver removal from solution was a function of initial concentration of silver; at low external concentrations (ca. 1 mM) all the silver was rapidly removed from solution, at high concentrations (ca. 12 mM) 84% removal occurred in 15 h.  相似文献   
A spontaneous mutant of Pseudomonas putida (PRS 2017) has been isolated which is incapable of growth on benzoate, does not induce the enzymes of the catechol branch of the -ketoadipate pathway when grown in the presence of benzoate, cannot accumulate radioactively labeled benzoate, yet grows well with mandelate as sole source of carbon and energy. This strain apparently lacks a benzoate permease, which in the wild type shows a K mof about 0.1 mM for benzoate, is inducible, and is not under the control of the regulatory system which governs the induction of the enzymes of the catechol branch of the -ketoadapate pathway. The lesion in PRS 2017 is apparently single site and maps near other genes governing benzoate dissimilation.Dedicated to R. Y. Stanier on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
【目的】从海洋样品中分离筛选出产葡萄糖氧化酶菌株。【方法】采用双层平板筛选法进行初筛、复筛确定一株酶活较好的菌株,命名为GOD2(Glucose oxidase)。通过形态学、生理生化特征及16S rRNA基因序列分析研究其分类地位,并对其产生的葡萄糖氧化酶进行分离纯化和部分酶学性质的研究。【结果】细菌GOD2为产葡萄糖氧化酶菌株且遗传稳定,初步鉴定该菌株为假单胞杆菌(Pseudomonas migulae),其所产酶最适反应温度为20°C,热稳定性较差,40°C剩余相对酶活80%;超过40°C酶活力迅速下降。【结论】GOD2是一株极具研究价值的产低温葡萄糖氧化酶菌株。目前没有关于利用该菌生产葡萄糖氧化酶的报道。  相似文献   
【目的】荧光假单胞菌(Pseudomonas fluorescens)2P24中PcoI/PcoR群体感应系统是调控生物膜形成与植物根部定殖能力的重要元件,同时该系统也受到多种上游因子的调控。利用遗传学方法研究P.fluorescens 2P24中gidA基因对群体感应系统的调控作用。【方法】将群体感应信号合成基因pcoI的转录报告质粒p970km-pcoIp转入菌株2P24和gidA基因突变体中以检测gidA对pcoI基因表达的影响,并利用报告菌Agrobacterium tumefaciens NTL4(pZLR4)测定菌株2P24及其衍生菌的信号N-乙酰高丝氨酸内酯(AHL)产量。【结果】gidA基因突变后pcoI基因的转录表达和AHL产量与野生型2P24相比显著降低。gidA基因突变体的游动能力没有受到明显的影响,但生物膜的形成显著低于野生型和互补菌株。小麦根部定殖实验表明,温室条件下gidA突变菌株在灭菌土和自然土中对小麦根尖和根围的定殖量较野生型和互补菌显著减少。此外,突变gidA基因并不影响菌株在LB培养基中的生长,但以葡萄糖、蔗糖、果糖、甘油、半乳糖、阿拉伯糖、甘露糖、木糖或山梨醇为唯一碳源时,gidA突变体的生长受到明显的抑制。【结论】GidA对假单胞菌2P24中的PcoI/PcoR群体感应系统、生物膜形成、定殖和碳源利用具有显著的正调控作用。  相似文献   
微生物次生代谢产物的研究对开发微生物源农药具有重要意义。近年来一系列根际来源的铜绿假单胞菌被分离和鉴定,因其产生抑菌次生代谢产物,具有很好的生物防治效果。本文将系统综述铜绿假单胞菌生防菌株的种类及其抑菌代谢产物的多样性,并进一步介绍铜绿假单胞菌生防菌株的抑菌代谢产物合成机制及其遗传改造,简要讨论铜绿假单胞菌生防菌株抑菌代谢产物在生物防治上的应用和前景。  相似文献   
假单胞菌(Pseudomonas sp.)M18是促进植物生长的根际细菌,能产生吩嗪-1-羧酸(PCA)和藤黄绿菌素(Plt)两种不同的抗生素.根据生物信息学分析,铜绿假单胞菌PA2572基因编码蛋白可能是一个双元调控系统的应答调节子.本研究从假单胞菌M18基因组中扩增出PA2572同源基因片段ppbR,利用体外定点插入突变和同源重组技术构建了M18的ppbR突变株M18P.研究结果表明,突变株M18P在泳动能力和群集运动能力上有显著的下降.突变株合成PCA的能力比野生型有显著的下降,在发酵液中PCA积累量仅为野生型的50%.在KMB培养基中,突变株Plt的积累量和野生型没有显著的差异.  相似文献   
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