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The sibling species of the Echinogammarus berilloni-group are endemic for the Iberian Peninsula and southern France. These species show wide morphological variability with some overlap in their dianostic characters making their distinction difficult. Reroductive isolation and enzmatic jivergence amon allopatric and sympatric populations of four species sharing the same chromosome number has been studied. The results show a clear genetic differentiation of E. longiserosus and E. calvus versus the other two species. However, E. margalefi and E. echinosetosus show no clear genetic differentiation between them, confirming their crose relationship. All four species often coexist in the same drainage system. Isozme analysis was employed to check the hypothesis Of Margalef that sympathy would occur age, long-term phenomena of speciation inside of a given basin with subsequent contact and overlap between the differentiated forms. Electrophoretic data were also used to determine whether one flow among gammarids populations exists. A model proosed by other authors according to which the heterozyosity decreases towards the headwaters foes not fit to the data we have obtained from E. calvus. Thus, populations of this species from sources and springs of the Duero basin show the hiFhest values of mean heterozygosity. The differentiation in this basin can be explained by drift. Migration between populations of different rivers is prevented by natural barriers. The lowest river stretches are without amhipods interrupting the gene flow amon populations. A correction between genetic and geographic fistances among subbasins and basins was found applying a double logarithmic model. A model of migration of E. calvus in the Duero basin is proposed on the basis of allelic frequencies and on the distribution of mean hetero-zygosities.  相似文献   
Summary The sites of seven tRNA genes (Arg-2, Lys-2, Ser-2b, Ser-7, Thr-3, Thr-4, Val-3b) were studied by in situ hybridization.125I-labeled tRNA probes fromDrosophila melanogaster were hybridized to spreads of polytene chromosomes prepared from fourDrosophila species representing different evolutionary lineages (D. melanogaster, Drosophila hydei, Drosophila pseudoobscura, andDrosophila virilis). Most tRNA loci occurred on homologous chromosomal elements of all four species. In some cases the number of hybridization sites within an element varied and sites on nonhomologous elements were found. It was observed that both tRNA 2 Arg and tRNA 2 Lys hybridized to the same site on homologous elements in several species. These data suggest a limited amount of exchange among different linkage groups during the evolution ofDrosophila species.  相似文献   
Synopsis The spawning patterns of four Hawaiian reef fishes with similar reproductive habits, but different biogeographic distributions were studied from September 1980 to October 1981. Two species are Hawaiian endemics [Centropyge potteri (Pomacanthidae) and Chaetodon multicinctus (Chaetodontidae)] and the other two have pan-tropical Pacific distributions [Ctenochaetus strigosus and Zebrasoma flavescens (Acanthuridae)]. All showed increased spawning activity from January to July, the prevalent pattern among a majority of coastal marine fishes in Hawaii. Environmental correlatives to the period of peak reproduction include cycles of (a) daylight length and temperature which probably function as proximate cues and (b) seasonal variations in ocean current patterns which may ultimately affect survival of larvae and dispersal. Peak reproduction takes place during months when (1) mesoscale eddies most likely occur, and (2) the probability is greatest of drifting objects remaining near the islands.  相似文献   
Synopsis Fish reproduction in floodplain ecosystems, based on relative abundance and total biomass of 0+ juveniles, was studied using the synchronic approach to typological analysis in conjunction with Point Abundance Sampling by modified electrofishing. In 3 different flood plains of the Upper Rhône River, 1015 point samples yielding 4573 juveniles (0+) from 21 species were collected from 48 ecosystems of various geomorphological origin. The results demonstrate the lotic-to-lentic succession of floodplain ecosystems to be a series of non-sequential reproductive zones, with spawning conditions being reflected by the specific composition and guild structure of the YOY fish assemblages. The habitat diversity and the fish reproductive potential of floodplain ecosystems are strongly influenced by geomorphological origin and by past and present hydrological conditions. The YOY assemblages of autogenically driven ecosystems (usually of anastomose or meander origin) tend to differ both in composition and in quantity from those found in allogenically driven ecosystems (generally of braided origin). Ecosystems of intermediate character, and fish reproduction thereof, occur as the result of either ecosystem rejuvenation or senescence: autogenically driven ecosystems by allogenic mechanisms, or allogenically driven ecosystems by anthropic and/or autogenic mechanisms, respectively. Because of co-occurrence of ecosystems at similar and at different successional status, the flood plain as an entity is seen as stable with respect to fish reproduction.  相似文献   
云南西部狭臀蚤属四新种记述:蚤目:多毛蚤科   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文报告云南西部狭臀蚤属Steni(?)chia 4新种:1)金氏狭臀蚤,新种 S.chini sp.nov.与锐额狭臀蚤 S.angustifrontalis Xie et Gong接近;2)李氏狭臀蚤,新种 S.liae sp.nov.与金氏狭臀蚤新种和锐额狭臀蚤接近;3)柳氏狭臀蚤,新种 S.liui sp.nov.与李氏狭臀蚤新种和高山狭臀蚤S.montanis xie et Gong接近。4)吴氏狭臀蚤,新种 S.wui sp.nov.与卢氏狭臀蚤 S.lewis Smit接近。本文认论了李氏狭臀蚤新种与金氏狭臀蚤新种的形态分类及本属蚤类的宿主等生态问題,并编制本属14种的检索表。  相似文献   
本文描述1个珠恙螨属 Doloisia一新种,采自广东省罗定县社鼠 Rattus confucianus 鼻内,其感器双角状,盾板后侧毛的分枝长密,前侧毛光裸;足指数795。  相似文献   
Eighteen graded non-metric characters and 30 measurements of the mandible and lower dentition were used to investigate the grouping of African species of the genera Crocidura, Suncus and Sylvisorex. Seventy-seven taxa (species, subspecies and synonyms), including four European species, were represented by one to nine mandibles (147 mandibles in all), and the means of four Pleistocene African species were also included. The metric data were subjected to principal component and canonical variate analyses, and the non-metric data to principal component analysis. Grouping was detected by comparing the results of the three analyses. Six groups are recognized within the genus Crocidura , typified by C. fumosa, C. turba, C. russula, C. fuscomurina, C. hirta and C. flavescens. Sylvisorex is divisible into two groups, typified by S. lunaris and S. granti. The African species of Suncus (but not the introduced species, S. murinus ) form a single group, which is linked to the Sylvisorex granti group. Suncus is closely related to, or convergent with, the Crocidura fuscomurina group. The first non-metric principal component, the second metric principal component and the second canonical variate are significantly correlated. It is considered that these together represent a general trend of evolutionary advance. Phylogenetic relations are discussed in the light of this; Crocidura may be diphylefic.  相似文献   
Using a bacterial speciesPseudomonas PG-1, evidence has been obtained which indicates that uptake ofn-pentane ton-octane by microbial cells takes place primarily from the gas phase either directly orvia the aqueous phase. Specific growth rate increased along with the increase in substrate concentration but above the alkane concentration of 0.3% by volume, specific growth rate decreased indicating substrate inhibition of growth. In the case of less volatile alkanes,n-nonane andn-decane, substrate transfer is predominantly through substrate solubilization system elaborated by the cells. EDTA, a strong inhibitor of hydrocarbon solubilization by the cells, inhibited growth on these two alkanes but had negligible effect on growth onn-pentane ton-octane.  相似文献   
农业生态系统中新物种引进的初步探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在现有的农业生态系统中,引进某些新物种,往往可以使整个系统的功能发生变化。如果新物种引进得当,则可产生良好的效果,系统功能得以改善,效益提高;反之,则会造成人力、物力、财力的损失,削弱系统的功能,甚至可能遗患无穷。因此,对农业生态系统中  相似文献   
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