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Phylogenetic relationships in the Desmarestiales (Phaeophyceae) were inferred among the monotypic Arthrocladia (Arthrocladiaceae) and 27 isolates from Desmarestiaceae, representing 17 taxa of Desmarestia and the monotypic Antarctic genera Himantothallus and Phaeurus. Phaeurus and Arthrocladia were used as outgroups. Parsimony analyses of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS1 and ITS2) sequences, in which gaps were both included and excluded, yielded well-resolved trees with a consistent general branching pattern. A parallel analysis of nine morphological and life-history characters and three ecological characters yielded a similar tree but provided little resolution in the terminal clades. The position of the monotypic Arthrocladia villosa within the Desmarestiales is consistent with monophyly for the order, but its position as the most primitive desmarestialean is not resolvable from the molecular data set. The basal position of Phaeurus, the Antarctic Desmarestia species, and Himantothallus is consistent with the hypothesis of a Southern Hemisphere origin for the family Desmarestiaceae. The more recent Northern Hemisphere “aculeata” clade evolved from an Antarctic ancestor. A “D. aculeata-like” species was ancestral to a lineage characterized by annual sporophytes with high sulfuric acid content, which radiated into many species, widely distributed in both hemispheres. Mapping of morphological and ecological characters onto the molecular tree confirm the informativeness of sulfuric acid-containing vacuoles and unilocular sporangial types. There is good congruence between phylogenetic tree topology and temperature impints in relation to biogeographic distribution, supporting the theory that temperature tolerance is a conservative trait.  相似文献   
Small-subunit ribosomal RNA nucleotide sequences were inferred for Giraudyopsis stellifera Dangeard (Chrysomeridales), as well as for Pulvinaria sp. and Sarcinochrysis marina Geitler (Sarcinochrysidales,). Phylogenetic analyses of the molecular data indicate that the former is weakly related to the Phaeophyceae/Xanthophyceae clade, whereas the latter two have affinities to the Pelagophyceae, and the Sarcinochrysidales sensu stricto is transferred to this class. A recent study proposed that the Pelagophyceae belongs to a larger assemblage of chromophytic species characterized by reduced flagellar apparatuses. Although the flagellar apparatus characterizing the Sarcinochrysidales is reduced relative to the Chysomeridaels and some other chromophytes, it is the most complicated to be associated with “the reduced flagellar apparatus” lineage. Cladistic analyses of a traditional data set (largely ultrastructural features of the flagellar apparatus) and a combined traditional/molecular data set were used to assess the evolutionary trends of reduction in the flagellar apparatus within the heterokont chromophytes.  相似文献   
The haptophytes Prymnesium parvum Carter and Prymnesium patelliferum Green, Hibberd, and Pienaar are two closely related species, which can only be distinguished by minor differences in the morphology of their organic body scales. The two Prymnesium species are reported to coexist at several locations, including the Sands-fjord system in southwestern Norway. Comparisons of physiology and toxicity within the two species have failed to reveal differences that can add to the small morphological distinctions used to separate them. To investigate the genetic relationship between the two species, we compared the sequence of the first internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1)and length variation in one intron separating calmodulin genes for four P. parvum strains and eight P. patelliferum strains. Both the ITS1 sequence and the banding patterns obtained by PCR amplification of one intron in the calmodulin genes indicated that the Prymnesium isolates are related by their geographic origin instead of 4 their species affiliation. The results indicate that P. parvum and P. patelliferum are so closely related that they could be considered one species. Alternatively, we discuss the possibility that the two species might be joined in a heteromorphic haploid-diploid life cycle, as is now widely reported for other haptophycean algae.  相似文献   
Apomicts that produce unreduced parthenogenetic eggs are generally polyploid and occur in at least 33 of 460 families of angiosperms. Embryo sacs of these apomicts form precociously from ameiotic megaspore mother cells (diplospory) or adjacent somatic cells (apospory). Polysporic species (bisporic and tetrasporic) are sexual and occur in at least 88 families. Their embryo sacs also form precociously, but only non-critical portions of meiosis are affected. It is hypothesized that (i) the partial to complete replacement of meiosis by embryo sac formation in apomictic and polysporic species results from asynchronously-expressed duplicate genes that control female development, (ii) duplicate genes result from polyploidy or paleopolyploidy (diploidized polyploidy with chromatin from multiple genomes), (iii) apomixis results from competition between nearly complete sets of asynchronously-expressed duplicate genes, and (iv) polyspory and polyembryony result from competition between incomplete sets of asynchronously-expressed duplicate genes. Phylogenetic and genomic studies were conducted to evaluate this hypothesis. Apomictic, polysporic, and polyembryonic species tended to occur together in cosmopolitan families in which temporal variation in female development is expected, apomicts were generally polyploid with few chromosomes per genome (X = 9.6pL0.4 SE), and polysporic and polyembryonic species were paleopolyploid with many chromosomes per genome (x= 15.7pL0.6 and 13.2pL0.4, respectively). These findings support the proposed duplicate-gene asynchrony hypothesis and further suggest asexual reproduction in apomicts preserves primary genomes, sexual reproduction in polysporic and polyembryonic polyploids accelerates paleopolyploidization, and pa-leopolyploidization may sometimes eliminate gene duplications required for apomixis while retaining duplications required for polyspory or polyembryony. Hence, apomixis, with its long-term reproductive stability, may occasionally serve as an evolutionary springboard in the evolution of normal and developmentally-novel paleopolyploid sexual species and genera.  相似文献   
Pericarp structure was investigated in 158 species of the familiesLamiaceae andVerbenaceae. Data from 221 out of 262 genera ofLamiaceae s.l. and a few ofVerbenaceae s.str. were collected in a table. A cladistic analysis was performed on the basis of pericarp characters only. The abandonment of subfam.Pogostemonoideae as a taxonomic unit is considered. Examples of groups given additional support by similarities in pericarp characters are: (1) the gynobasic-styled labiates (subfamiliesPogostemonoideae, Lamioideae, Nepetoideae); (2) aLamioideae-Pogostemonoideae-group; (3)Nepetoideae; (4) aWestringia-Hemigenia-Hemiandra-Microcorys group (in subfam.Chloranthoideae); (5) aLepechinia-Chaunostoma-group (inNepetoideae); (6) aPrunella-Cleonia-group (inNepetoideae).  相似文献   
虎耳草科落新妇族的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨了落新妇族Trib.Astilbeae的系统发育和地理分布。依据进化论、被子植物性状演化总趋势和外类群比较,确认了该族及其外类群Penthorum的重要性状(染色体基数,花粉纹饰,胎座式,心皮、雄蕊、花瓣和萼片数目,萼片脉型,叶型)的极性。采用徐克学(1989)最大同步法做了分支分析,推导出了该族的系统树图。系统树图表明:Rodgersia和Astilboides是一单系类群,而Astilbe为其姊妹群; Rodgersia较Astilbe进化,Astilboides则居二者之间;Penthorum是落新妇族的姊妹群,且与之有共同祖先。迄今为止,已知落新妇族共有24种和13变种(原变种除外)。分布于Takhtajan(1986)的东亚区、大西洋-北美区、伊朗-土兰区和马来西亚区。在东亚区,日本、朝鲜和中国(吉林-辽宁东部)有3属、17种和变种,占该族种与变种总数的45.9%,其中,含有不同演化水平的类群和该族原始种有Astilbe platyphylla,A.simplicifolia和Rodgersia podophylla,此地区是该族的起源中心、现代分布中心和分化中心。 横断山地区有2属、11种和变种,占29.7%,是另一现代分布中心。本族较进化的种Astilbe biternata、A. indica、A.khasiana和Rodgersia nepalensis等,均出现于远离起源中心地区。据此推断,本族植物的散布路线可能是从日本、朝鲜和中国(吉林-辽宁东部)向北通过东西伯利亚和白令陆桥,继而向东南进入北美东南部;向南经中国南部至菲律宾和爪哇,向西南越秦岭-大巴山山地、横断山,入喜马拉雅。落新妇属 Astilbe和鬼灯檠属Rodgersia均分布于亚洲大陆和日本岛屿,而日本于晚第三纪以来,即与亚洲大陆分离,故落新妇属和鬼灯檠属的形成,当在日本与亚洲大陆分离之前。据此推知,落新妇族的起源时间可能在早第三纪,或可追溯至晚白垩纪。  相似文献   
Gene frequencies at 13 isozyme loci were determined in three South American taxa of cultivated potatoes [the diploid group (gp.) Stenotomum, the diploid subgroups (subgp.) Goniocalyx, and the tetraploid gp. Andigena ofS. tuberosum], in the diploid weed speciesS. sparsipilum, and in most of the main cultivars now raised in the Northern Hemisphere (the tetraploid gp. Tuberosum ofS. tuberosum). High levels of genetic variability (mean number of alleles per locus, percentage of polymorphic loci, and mean heterozygosity) were detected, being higher in tetraploid potatoes. An equilibrium among the evolutionary factors which increase genetic variability and artificial selection for maximum yield would explain the high uniformity of heterozygosity values we observed in both Andigena (0.36 ± 0.02) and Tuberosum (0.38 ± 0.01) cultivars.—The low value of genetic distance (D = 0.044) between Stenotomum and Goniocalyx does not support the status of species forS. goniocalyx.—In most isozyme loci, the electromorphs of gp. Andigena were a combination of those found in both gp. Stenotomum andS. sparsipilum, suggesting an amphidiploid origin of gp. Andigena from that two diploid taxa. The presence in Andigena of unique electromorphs, which were lacking in both gp. Stenotomum andS. sparsipilum, suggests that other diploid species could be also implied in the origin of tetraploid Andean potatoes. Furthermore, since Andigena were more related to Stenotomum (D = 0.052) than toS. sparsipilum (D = 0.241), the autopolyploidization of Stenotomum individuals and the subsequent hybridization with gp. Andigena may also have occurred. Thus, our study suggests a multiple origin (amphidiploidy, autoploidy, and hybridization at tetraploid level) of gp. Andigena.—Most of the electromorphs of gp. Tuberosum were also found in gp. Andigena; both the direct derivation of that group from the Andean tetraploid potatoes and the repeated introgression provided by breeding programmes could explain this result. However, the allele c of Pgm-B, present in 30 out of 76 Tuberosum cultivars from Northern Hemisphere as well as in 3 Chilean Tuberosum cultivars, lacks in the 258 Andigena genotypes sampled, suggesting that Chilean germplasm could have taken part in the origin of at least the 39% of the potato cultivars from Europe and North America analyzed here.—The distanceWagner procedure provides an estimate of a 30% of heterogeneity in the evolutionary divergence shown by different groups of cultivated potatoes. Diploid groups show a higher (22.5%) evolutionary rate than tetraploids, which can be attributed to both tetrasomic inheritance and facultative autofecundation that exists in Andigena and Tuberosum groups. Thus, artificial selection acting since 10000 years has not resulted in a higher rate of molecular evolution at the isozyme level in the tetraploids.  相似文献   
Two basic patterns of exine ultrastructure are found in theCompositae, the caveate Helianthoid pattern and the non-caveate Anthemoid pattern. TheHeliantheae, Astereae, Inuleae, Sececioneae, Calenduleae andEupatorieae all have pollen with caveate exines. TheMutisiseae, Vernonieae andCardueae have predominately Anthemoid pollen. TheAnthemideae, Arctoteae andLactuceae have pollen with exines of both patterns. Recent investigations of pollen in theVernonieae suggest that these exine ultrastructures in the family have evolved in response to mechanical stresses on the wall which are caused by changes in volume of the grain as it loses or gains water from its environment.  相似文献   
The remarkable diversity of fruits inValerianella andFedia is revealed by a comparative morphological and anatomical analysis. Characters are evaluated in regard to a new systematic grouping. The knowledge on dispersal biology is summarized and supplemented. Finally, salient features of fruit differentiation are discussed.
3. Teil der Publikationsserie Beiträge zur Systematik und Evolution vonValerianella undFedia (Valerianaceae) (vgl.Ernet 1977a, b).  相似文献   
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