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We hypothesize that the evolution of an ecologically important character, the host associations of specialized phytophagous insects, has been influenced by limitations on genetic variation. Using as a historical framework a phylogenetic reconstruction of the history of host associations in the beetle genus Ophraella (Chrysomelidae), we have employed quantitative-genetic methods to screen four species for genetic variation in larval survival, oviposition (in one species only), and feeding responses to their congeners' host plants, in the Asteraceae. We here report results of studies of one species and evaluate the results from all four. Analysis of half-sib/full-sib families and of progenies of wild females of O. notulata, a specialist on Iva (Ambrosiinae), provided evidence of genetic variation in larval consumption of five of six test plants and in adult consumption of four of six. Larval mortality was complete on five plants; only on Ambrosia, a close relative of the natural host, was there appreciable, and genetically variable, survival. Oviposition on Ambrosia showed marginally significant evidence of genetic variation; a more distantly related plant elicited no oviposition at all. In compiling results from four Ophraella species, reported in this and two other papers, we found no evidence of genetic variation in 18 of 39 tests of feeding responses and 14 of 16 tests of larval survival on congeners' hosts. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that absence or paucity of genetic variation may constrain or at least bias the evolution of host associations. The lower incidence of genetic variation in survival than in feeding behavior may imply, according to recent models, that avoidance is a more common evolutionary response to novel plants than adaptation. The usually great disparity between mean performance on congeners' hosts and the species' natural hosts, and an almost complete lack of evidence for negative genetic correlations, argue against the likelihood that speciation has occurred by sympatric host shift. The presence versus apparent absence of genetic variation in consumption was correlated with the propinquity of relationship between the beetle species tested and the species that normally feeds on the test plant, suggesting that the history of host shifts in Ophraella has been guided in part by restrictions on genetic variation. It was also correlated with the propinquity of relationship between a test plant and the beetle's natural host. The contributions of plant relationships and insect relationships, themselves correlated in part, to the pattern of genetic variation, are not readily distinguishable, but together accord with phylogenetic evidence that these and other phytophagous insects adapt most readily to related plants. In this instance, therefore, the macroevolution of an ecologically important character appears to have been influenced by genetic constraints. We hypothesize that absence of the structural prerequisites for genetic variation in complex characters may affect genetic variation and the trajectory of evolution.  相似文献   
Geoffrey Fryer 《Hydrobiologia》1995,307(1-3):57-68
The distinctness of the Anomopoda and the polyphyletic nature of the so-called Cladocera are emphasized.An attempt is made to reconstruct the ancestral anomopod, which probably lived in Palaeozoic times. This task is facilitated by the availability of detailed information on extant forms, which includes functional as well as purely morphological considerations and enables us to understand the means whereby complex mechanisms were transformed during evolution. Comparative studies on the ecology and habits of extant forms also throw light on the probable way of life of the ancestral anomopod.Adaptive radiation within the Anomopoda is briefly surveyed and an outline of the suggested phylogeny of the order is indicated.Institute of Environmental and Biological Sciences, University of Lancaster  相似文献   
A cladistic analysis of the lower Hymenoptera, including all the ‘symphytan’ families and the apocritan families Stephanidae, Megalyridae, Trigonalyidae, Ibaliidae, Vespidae and Gasteruptiidae, has been undertaken. A total of 98 characters were scored for 21 taxa. Twenty equally parsimonious minimum-length trees were obtained. The phylogenetic status of the Xyelidae is uncertain: they might be monophyletic. or the Xyelinae might be the sistergroup of the rest of the Hymenoptera. The non-xyelid Hymenoptera are probably monophyletic; the phylogeny Tenthredinoidea + (Megalodontoidea + (Cephidae + (Anaxyelidea + (Siricidae + (Xiphydriidae + (Orussidae + Apocrita)))))) is proposed for this clade. The Blasticotomidae are probably the sistergroup of all othe Tenthredinoidea, but tenthredinoid phylogeny is otherwise uncertain. Substantial homoplasy occurs within the ‘siricoid’ families, making the relative positions of the Anaxyelidae and Siricidae uncertain. The Stephanidae might be the sistergroup of the rest of the Apocrita; the phylogeny of the remaining apocritan taxa included is insufficiently elucidated. The phylogeny proposed here supports the hypothesis that the appearance of parasitism in the Hymenoptera took place in the common ancestor of Orussidae + Apocrita, the host of which was probably wood boring insect larvae. The exact larval mode of feeding of the ancestral hymenopteran cannot be determined due ot the diversity of lifestyles in the basal lineages of the order.  相似文献   
Ineffective Frankia endophytes were retrieved from various wet soils by using Alnus glutinosa clones as trapping plants. No pure cultures could be isolated from these ineffective nodules. Therefore, the phylogenetic position of these endophytes was determined by sequence analysis of cloned PCR products of bacterial 16S rDNA, derived from nodules. The results showed that all nodule endophytes belong to a hitherto undescribed cluster of the Frankia phylogenetic tree. The position of these uncultured ineffective Frankia nodule endophytes is different from that of the ineffective Frankia isolates derived from A. glutinosa nodules, even when originating from the same geographical location. This suggests a bias in current isolation techniques.  相似文献   
Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain the occurrence of hybrid zones between red-flowered Ipomopsis aggregata and white-flowered I. tenuituba . Either local adaptation to hummingbird and hawkmoth pollinators has given rise to sympatric (or parapatric) divergence of flower colour and morphology (primary intergradation at hybrid zones), or alternatively two previously allopatric species are coming into contact at several geographical areas of secondary intergradation. We examined restriction site patterns in nuclear DNA (nrDNA), chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from populations of I. aggregata and I. tenuituba representing seven zones of sympatry. No variation was detected in a 350-bp fragment of mtDNA and uninformative levels of variation were observed for nrDNA. We detected 22 potentially informative restriction site polymorphisms in cpDNA, all of which united geographical areas containing populations of both species. We detected no informative species-specific markers. Studies of other species (e.g. oaks) have detected similar species-independent geographical structure of cpDNA. However, in these cases secondary interegradation could be inferred from species-specific nuclear alleles. The pattern in Ipomopsis is consistent with both primary intergradation (independent speciation in each area of sympatry) or secondary intergradation involving complete cytoplasmic replacement. Thus, additional data are needed to explain the origin of hybrid zones in Ipomopsis .  相似文献   
The cDNA for vitellogenin (Vg) of the parasitoid wasp Pimpla nipponica (Hymenoptera: Apocrita) was cloned and sequenced.1 The deduced amino acid sequence with 1807 residues was obtained. The N-terminal 20 amino acids chemically determined for vitellin (Vn) agreed completely with the deduced 20 amino acids that follow the 16 amino acid residues for putative signal peptide. The cDNA clone for the Vg of the turnip sawfly Athalia rosae (Hymenoptera: Symphyta), previously obtained and partially sequenced, was also completely sequenced and the amino acid sequence deduced. Amino acid sequences were compared between these two species and also with known Vg sequences from other insects. Common to all these insects is the presence of two long regions with relatively well-conserved amino acid sequences, one near the N-terminal extending 267–282 residues (including two cysteines at conserved locations), and the other starting at position 450 to 655 and extending 279–283 residues, and of a region at the C-terminal extending some 200 residues (about 250 in Aedes aegypti due to the presence of a serine-rich stretch) with 10 cysteines at conserved locations. A molecular phylogenetic tree was constructed.  相似文献   
The family Draconematidae is reviewed. Diagnoses of all taxa are updated or emended, basedupon an evaluation of diagnostic features. Aphylogenetic analysis at the genus level based onparsimony suggested that Tenuidraconema belongsto the Draconematinae. A new genus Bathychaetosoma is erected to accomodate B.uchidai (Kito, 1983). It is characterized by acephalic region with a smooth, non-thickened cuticleand numerous cephalic adhesion tubes located posteriorto the head region and extending over more than twohead diameters along the cervical region.  相似文献   
The chaetognaths are an extraordinarily homogeneous phylum of animals at the morphological level, with a bauplan that can be traced back to the Cambrian. Despite the attention of zoologists for over two centuries, there is little agreement on classification within the phylum. We have used a molecular biological approach to investigate the phylogeny of extant chaetognaths. A rapidly evolving expansion segment toward the 5′ end of 28S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), cloned, and sequenced from 26 chaetognath samples representing 18 species. An unusual finding was the presence of two distinct classes of 28S rDNA gene in chaetognaths; our analyses suggest these arose by a gene (or gene cluster) duplication in a common ancestor of extant chaetognaths. The two classes of chaetognath 28S rDNA have been subject to different rates of molecular evolution; we present evidence that both are expressed and functional. In phylogenetic reconstructions, the two classes of 28S rDNA yield trees that root each other; these clearly demonstrate that the Aphragmophora and Phragmophora are natural groups. Within the Aphragmophora, we find good support for the groupings denoted Solidosagitta, Parasagitta, and Pseudosagitta. The relationships between several well-supported groups within the Aphragmophora are uncertain; we suggest this reflects rapid, recent radiation during chaetognath evolution. Received: 19 March 1996 / Accepted: 5 August 1996  相似文献   
The phylogeny of the Synurophyceae was investigated by parsimony analysis of scale case characters and small-sub unit (18S) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequence data. Analysis of 1 eustigmatophycean (outgroup), 3 chrysophycean, and 10 synurophycean 18S rRNA sequences corroborated the inference from ultrastructural information that the Synurophyceae is a monophyletic assemblage . Tessellaria vol-vocina, which had been tentatively proposed as a member of the Synurophyceae, was confirmed as the earliest lineage within the Synurophyceae by both the molecular analysis and an evaluation of published ultrastructural data. A second set of analyses investigated the relationships among Tessellaria volvocina, 6 Synura species, and 10 Mallomonas species/varieties, with particular reference to the validity of current classifications of the Synurophyceae and the characters upon which they are based. The molecular and scale case phylogenies were not totally resolved but were largely congruent. The data sets were combined to produce another phylogeny, which showed greater resolution. The combined phylogeny weakly supported our representatives of Synura and Mallomonas as monophyletic groupings and also upheld several of the sections within these genera that are recognized by current classifications. However, some changes to the classification and delineation of these genera are recommended and predicted. Both our 18S rRNA sequence and scale case data sets were more appropriate for examining the branching order among the more closely related text rather than resolving the deeper branching points of the synurophycean phylogeny .  相似文献   
The phylogeny of Ectocarpus and Kuckuckia strains representing widely separated populations from both hemispheres was inferred from sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacers of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS 1—5.8S-ITS 2) and the spacer region in the plastid-encoded ribulose- bis -phosphate-carboxylase (RUBISCO) cistron (partial rbc L-spacer-partial rbc S ). Both sequences resulted in matching phylogenies, with the RUBISCO spacer region being most informative at the level of genera and species and the internal transcribed spacer sequences at the level of species and populations. Three major clades were formed by strains previously described by morphology and physiology as Kuckuckia, E. fasciculatus, and E. siliculosus, confirming the validity of these taxa . Ectocarpus and Kuckuckia are regarded as sibling taxa with respect to the outgroup species Feldmannia simplex, Hincksia mitchelliae, and Pilayella littoralis. The clade formed by sexual E. siliculosus strains and most asexual Ectocarpus strains was subdivided into several clades that are consistent with geographical races within E. siliculosus. The inferred phylogeny of Ectocarpus corresponds generally with results from cross-fertilization experiments, morphology, and lipid analysis. A hypothesis on the origin and dispersal of E. siliculosus suggests several natural dispersal events during periods of global cooling as well as recent and possibly anthropogenic dispersal events .  相似文献   
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