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With the success of protein kinase inhibitors as drugs to target cancer, there is a continued need for new kinase inhibitor scaffolds. We have investigated the synthesis and kinase inhibition of new heteroaryl-substituted diazaspirocyclic compounds that mimic ATP. Versatile syntheses of substituted diazaspirocycles through ring-closing metathesis were demonstrated. Diazaspirocycles directly linked to heteroaromatic hinge binder groups provided ligand efficient inhibitors of multiple kinases, suitable as starting points for further optimization. The binding modes of representative diazaspirocyclic motifs were confirmed by protein crystallography. Selectivity profiles were influenced by the hinge binder group and the interactions of basic nitrogen atoms in the scaffold with acidic side-chains of residues in the ATP pocket. The introduction of more complex substitution to the diazaspirocycles increased potency and varied the selectivity profiles of these initial hits through engagement of the P-loop and changes to the spirocycle conformation, demonstrating the potential of these core scaffolds for future application to kinase inhibitor discovery.  相似文献   
Protein trans-splicing by split inteins holds great potential for the chemical modification and semisynthesis of proteins. However, the structural requirements of the extein sequences immediately flanking the intein are only poorly understood. This knowledge is of particular importance for protein labeling, when synthetic moieties are to be attached to the protein of interest as seamlessly as possible. Using the semisynthetic Ssp DnaB intein both in form of its wild-type sequence and its evolved M86 mutant, we systematically varied the sequence upstream of the short synthetic IntN fragment using both proteinogenic amino acids and unnatural building blocks. We could show for the wild-type variant that the native N-extein sequence could be reduced to the glycine residue at the (?1) position directly flanking the intein without significant loss of activity. The glycine at this position is strongly preferred over building blocks containing a phenyl group or extended alkyl chain adjacent to the scissile amide bond of the N-terminal splice junction. Despite their negative effects on the splicing yields, these unnatural substrates were well processed in the N–S acyl shift to form the respective thioesters and did not result in an increased decoupling of the asparagine cyclization step at the C-terminal splicing junction. Therefore, the transesterification step appeared to be the bottleneck of the protein splicing pathway. The fluorophore 7-hydroxycoumarinyl-4-acetic acid as a minimal N-extein was efficiently ligated to the model protein, in particular with the M86 mutant, probably because of its higher resemblance to glycine with an aliphatic c-α carbon atom at the (?1) position. This finding indicates a way for the virtually traceless labeling of proteins without inserting extra flanking residues. Due to its overall higher activity, the M86 mutant appears most promising for many protein labeling and chemical modification schemes using the split intein approach.  相似文献   
Posttranslational modification of proteins with ubiquitin (ubiquitylation) regulates numerous cellular processes. Besides functioning as a signal for proteasomal degradation, ubiquitylation has also non-proteolytic functions by altering the biochemical properties of the modified protein. To investigate the effect(s) of ubiquitylation on the properties of a protein, sufficient amounts of homogenously and well-defined ubiquitylated proteins are required. Here, we report on the elaboration of a method for the generation of high amounts of site-specifically mono-ubiquitylated proteins. Firstly, a one-step affinity purification scheme was developed for ubiquitin containing the unnatural amino acid azidohomoalanine at the C-terminal position. This ubiquitin was conjugated in a click reaction to recombinant DNA polymerase β, equipped with an alkyne function at a distinct position. Secondly, addition of defined amounts of SDS to the reaction significantly improved product formation. With these two technical improvements, we have developed a straight forward procedure for the efficient generation of site-specifically ubiquitylated proteins that can be used to study the effect(s) of ubiquitylation on the activities/properties of a protein.  相似文献   
Penicillin-Binding Proteins are peptidases that play an important role in cell-wall biogenesis in bacteria and thus maintaining bacterial infections. A wide class of β-lactam drugs are known to act on these proteins and inhibit bacterial infections by disrupting the cell-wall biogenesis pathway. Penicillin-Binding proteins have recently gained importance with the increase in the number of multi-drug resistant bacteria. In this work, we have collected a dataset of over 700 Penicillin-Binding and non-Penicillin Binding Proteins and extracted various sequence-related features. We then created models to classify the proteins into Penicillin-Binding and non-binding using supervised machine learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machines and Random Forest. We obtain a good classification performance for both the models using both the methods.  相似文献   
The molecular integrity of the active site of phytases from fungi is critical for maintaining phytase function as efficient catalytic machines. In this study, the molecular dynamics (MD) of two monomers of phytase B from Aspergillus niger, the disulfide intact monomer (NAP) and a monomer with broken disulfide bonds (RAP), were simulated to explore the conformational basis of the loss of catalytic activity when disulfide bonds are broken. The simulations indicated that the overall secondary and tertiary structures of the two monomers were nearly identical but differed in some crucial secondary–structural elements in the vicinity of the disulfide bonds and catalytic site. Disulfide bonds stabilize the β-sheet that contains residue Arg66 of the active site and destabilize the α-helix that contains the catalytic residue Asp319. This stabilization and destabilization lead to changes in the shape of the active–site pocket. Functionally important hydrogen bonds and atomic fluctuations in the catalytic pocket change during the RAP simulation. None of the disulfide bonds are in or near the catalytic pocket but are most likely essential for maintaining the native conformation of the catalytic site.


PhyB - 2.5 pH acid phophatese from Aspergillus niger, NAP - disulphide intact monomer of Phytase B, RAP - disulphide reduced monomer of Phytase B, Rg - radius of gyration, RMSD - root mean square deviation, MD - molecular dynamics.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that CD36 is a membrane protein that facilitates long chain fatty acid (FA) transport by muscle tissues. We also documented the significant impact of muscle CD36 expression on heart function, skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity as well as on overall metabolism. To identify a comprehensive set of genes that are differentially regulated by CD36 expression in the heart, we used two microarray technologies (Affymetrix and Agilent) to compare gene expression in heart tissues from CD36 KnocK-Out (KO-CD36) versus wild type (WT-CD36) mice. The obtained results using the two technologies were similar with around 35 genes differentially expressed using both technologies. Absence of CD36 led to down-regulation of the expression of three groups of genes involved in pathways of FA metabolism, angiogenesis/apoptosis and structure. These data are consistent with the fact that the CD36 protein binds FA and thrombospondin 1 invoved respectively in lipid metabolism and anti-angiogenic activities. In conclusion, our findings led to validate our data analysis workflow and identify specific pathways, possibly underlying the phenotypic abnormalities in CD36 Knock -Out hearts.  相似文献   
油松天然群体的种实性状表型多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示油松天然种群在不同地理环境条件下表型变异的程度和规律,在油松整个天然分布范围内选择了12个具有代表性的居群作为研究对象,对其球果、种子、种翅等12个种实性状的变异程度及其与环境因子间关系进行了比较分析。结果显示:(1)各个性状在居群内和居群间均存在较大的变异(CV>12%)。其中千山(QS),曾家镇(ZJ)和互助(HZ)3个居群表现出了较高的变异(CV>20%),而球果干重(CDW)和种子长(CL)是所有表型性状中变异幅度最大的(CV分别为31%和21%),但种翅性状与其他性状相比具有较高的稳定性。(2)巢式设计方差分析表明,在居群内表型分化系数(Vst)变化在3.18%~89.86%之间,而群体间的Vst为38.97%;与其他针叶树种相比,油松拥有较高的表型分化系数,且居群内的变异程度远高于居群间的变异,尤其是千山(QS)、曾家镇(ZJ)和互助(HZ)3个居群,这说明油松具有较高的环境异质性适应能力或恶劣环境耐受能力。(3)相关性分析表明,该研究的各形态特征与潜在蒸发量均为负相关,且大部分形态指标间及它们与潜在蒸发量间存在显著相关性,表明潜在蒸发量是油松形态特征变化的最重要环境影响因子,预示油松最适宜生长于温暖潮湿的环境中;并表明因各形态特征间相互紧密关联,所以它们受环境条件影响而共变。  相似文献   

The catechol-cathodic stripping voltammetric (CSV) method for measurement of the copper complexing capacity of marine and estuarine waters, has been modified and applied to fresh-waters. The optimum catechol concentration needed was the major difference between the two methods. It was found necessary to separately optimise the catechol concentration for each of the three fresh-water samples tested, presumably because of the much greater differences in the concentration of complexing ligands in fresh-water compared with marine or estuarine waters. This limits the usefulness of the CSV method for the determination of the complexing capacity of fresh-waters.

The total ligand concentration ([Lt]) and conditional stability constants (*K) derived for the three fresh-waters are compared with similar data obtained using an anodic stripping voltammetric (ASV) method. The set of copper-binding ligands determined using the CSV method were slightly lower in concentration, but stronger binding, than those obtained using the ASV method (CSV: [Lt] 0.04–0.06 μM, log K(pH 6) 8.9–9.4; ASV: [Lt] 0.11–0.17 μM, log *K(pH 6) 7.9–8.1).  相似文献   
Large White male turkeys were sacrificed at 4-week intervals from 4 to 28 weeks of age to study the fatty acid distribution in lipid of breast and thigh muscles. A total of 70 turkeys were sampled for this experiment.

Fatty acid distribution varied with advancing maturity and between muscle types. The most abundant fatty acids in the tissues were those with carbon chain lengths of 15:0, 16:0, 18:0, 18:1, 18:2, 20:4 and 24:0. Thigh muscle contained significantly more linoleate (18:2) than did breast. Larger proportions of pentadecanoic (15:0), arachidonic (20:4) and lignoceric (24:0), however, appeared in breast. Indications of minor fatty acids appeared on the chromatograms, but their low concentrations made their estimation and identification difficult.  相似文献   
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