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Adenylate kinase (AdK), a phosphotransferase enzyme, plays an important role in cellular energy homeostasis. It undergoes a large conformational change between an open and a closed state, even in the absence of substrate. We investigate the apo-AdK transition at the atomic level both with free-energy calculations and with our new dynamic importance sampling (DIMS) molecular dynamics method. DIMS is shown to sample biologically relevant conformations as verified by comparing an ensemble of hundreds of DIMS transitions to AdK crystal structure intermediates. The simulations reveal in atomic detail how hinge regions partially and intermittently unfold during the transition. Conserved salt bridges are seen to have important structural and dynamic roles; in particular, four ionic bonds that open in a sequential, zipper-like fashion and, thus, dominate the free-energy landscape of the transition are identified. Transitions between the closed and open conformations only have to overcome moderate free-energy barriers. Unexpectedly, the closed state and the open state encompass broad free-energy basins that contain conformations differing in domain hinge motions by up to 40°. The significance of these extended states is discussed in relation to recent experimental Förster resonance energy transfer measurements. Taken together, these results demonstrate how a small number of cooperative key interactions can shape the overall dynamics of an enzyme and suggest an “all-or-nothing” mechanism for the opening and closing of AdK. Our efficient DIMS molecular dynamics computer simulation approach can provide a detailed picture of a functionally important macromolecular transition and thus help to interpret and suggest experiments to probe the conformational landscape of dynamic proteins such as AdK.  相似文献   
The eukaryotic cyto-/nucleoplasmatic 70-kDa heat-shock protein (HSP70) has homologues in the endoplasmic reticulum as well as in bacteria, mitochondria, and plastids. We selected a representative subset from the large number of sequenced stress-70 family members which covers all known branches of the protein family and calculated and manually improved an alignment. Here we present the consensus sequence of the aligned proteins and putative nuclear localization signals (NLS) in the eukaryotic HSP70 homologues. The phylogenetic relationships of the stress-70 group family members were estimated by use of different computation methods. We present a phylogenetic tree containing all known stress-70 subfamilies and demonstrate the usefulness of stress-70 protein sequences for the estimation of intertaxonic phylogeny. Correspondence to: S.A. Reusing  相似文献   
Tight junctions are multiprotein complexes that form the fundamental physiologic and anatomic barrier between epithelial and endothelial cells, yet little information is available about their molecular organization. To begin to understand how the transmembrane proteins of the tight junction are organized into multiprotein complexes, we used blue native-PAGE (BN-PAGE) and cross-linking techniques to identify complexes extracted from MDCK II cells and mouse liver. In nonionic detergent extracts from MDCK II cells, the tight junction integral membrane protein claudin-2 was preferentially isolated as a homodimer, whereas claudin-4 was monomeric. Analysis of the interactions between chimeras of claudin-2 and -4 are consistent with the transmembrane domains of claudin-2 being responsible for dimerization, and mutational analysis followed by cross-linking indicated that the second transmembrane domains were arranged in close proximity in homodimers. BN-PAGE of mouse liver membrane identified a relatively discrete high molecular weight complex containing at least claudin-1, claudin-2, and occludin; the difference in the protein complex sizes between cultured cells and tissues may reflect differences in tight junction protein or lipid composition or post-translational modifications. Our results suggest that BN-PAGE may be a useful tool in understanding tight junction structure.  相似文献   
Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF) is regulated by oxygen-dependent prolyl hydroxylation. Of the three HIF prolyl hydroxylases (PHD1, 2 and 3) identified, PHD3 exhibits restricted substrate specificity in vitro and is induced in different cell types by diverse stimuli. PHD3 may therefore provide an interface between oxygen sensing and other signalling pathways. We have used co-purification and mass spectrometry to identify proteins that interact with PHD3. The cytosolic chaperonin TRiC was found to copurify with PHD3 in extracts from several cell types. Our results indicate that PHD3 is a TRiC substrate, providing another step at which PHD3 activity may be regulated.  相似文献   
Based on the identification of residues that determine receptor selectivity of arrestins and the analysis of the evolution in the arrestin family, we introduced 10 mutations of "receptor discriminator" residues in arrestin-3. The recruitment of these mutants to M2 muscarinic (M2R), D1 (D1R) and D2 (D2R) dopamine, and β(2)-adrenergic receptors (β(2)AR) was assessed using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer-based assays in cells. Seven of 10 mutations differentially affected arrestin-3 binding to individual receptors. D260K and Q262P reduced the binding to β(2)AR, much more than to other receptors. The combination D260K/Q262P virtually eliminated β(2)AR binding while preserving the interactions with M2R, D1R, and D2R. Conversely, Y239T enhanced arrestin-3 binding to β(2)AR and reduced the binding to M2R, D1R, and D2R, whereas Q256Y selectively reduced recruitment to D2R. The Y239T/Q256Y combination virtually eliminated the binding to D2R and reduced the binding to β(2)AR and M2R, yielding a mutant with high selectivity for D1R. Eleven of 12 mutations significantly changed the binding to light-activated phosphorhodopsin. Thus, manipulation of key residues on the receptor-binding surface modifies receptor preference, enabling the construction of non-visual arrestins specific for particular receptor subtypes. These findings pave the way to the construction of signaling-biased arrestins targeting the receptor of choice for research or therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   
Lee SH  Hamaker BR 《FEBS letters》2006,580(25):5803-5806
Twenty-seven kilodalton gamma-zein is a subclass of the maize zein storage proteins and, due to its localization at the protein body periphery, is critical to digestibility characteristics of all zeins. This protein had low in vitro digestibility, presumably due to its high Cys content (7.35 mol%) that is similar to the hard-to-digest analogous sorghum protein, gamma-kafirin. Therefore, each of the conserved disulfide-bonded Cys' was mutated to create C144A, C148A, C155A, and C156A maize gamma-zein mutants. The C155A showed a remarkable increase in digestibility to proteases - pepsin, chymotrypsin, and trypsin. A high conservation of this Cys among cereal gamma-prolamins indicates the utility of this finding.  相似文献   
Structural plasticity and dynamic protein–protein interactions are critical determinants of protein function within living systems. Quantitative chemical cross-linking with mass spectrometry (qXL-MS) is an emerging technology able to provide information on changes in protein conformations and interactions. Importantly, qXL-MS is applicable to complex biological systems, including living cells and tissues, thereby providing insights into proteins within their native environments. Here, we present an overview of recent technological developments and applications involving qXL-MS, including design and synthesis of isotope-labeled cross-linkers, development of new liquid chromatography–MS methodologies, and computational developments enabling interpretation of the data.  相似文献   
With the continuing interest in deciphering the interplay between protein function and conformational changes, small fluorescence probes will be especially useful for tracking changes in the crowded protein interior space. Presently, we describe the potential utility of six unnatural amino acid fluorescence donors structurally related to tryptophan and show how they can be efficiently incorporated into a protein as fluorescence probes. We also examine the various photophysical properties of the new Trp analogues, which are significantly redshifted in their fluorescence spectra relative to tryptophan. In general, the Trp analogues were well tolerated when inserted into Escherichia coli DHFR, and did not perturb enzyme activity, although substitution for Trp22 did result in a diminution in DHFR activity. Further, it was demonstrated that D and E at position 37 formed efficient FRET pairs with acridon-2-ylalanine (Acd) at position 17. The same was also true for a DHFR construct containing E at position 79 and Acd at position 17. Together, these findings demonstrate that these tryptophan analogues can be introduced into DHFR with minimal disruption of function, and that they can be employed for the selective study of targeted conformational changes in proteins, even in the presence of unmodified tryptophans.  相似文献   
The continuous and rapid development of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus remains a health concern especially with the emergence of numerous variants and mutations worldwide. As with other RNA viruses, SARS-CoV-2 has a genetically high mutation rate. These mutations have an impact on the virus characteristics, including transmissibility, antigenicity and development of drug and vaccine resistance. This work was pursued to identify the differences that exist in the papain-like protease (PLPro) from 58 Saudi isolates in comparison to the first reported sequence from Wuhan, China and determine their implications on protein structure and the inhibitor binding. PLpro is a key protease enzyme for the host cells invasion and viral proteolytic cleavage, hence, it emerges as a valuable antiviral therapeutic target. Two mutations were identified including D108G and A249V and shown to increase the molecular flexibility of PLPro protein and alter the protein stability, particularly with D108G mutation. The effect of these mutations on the stability and dynamic behavior of PLPro structures as well as their effect on the binding of a known inhibitor; GRL0617 were further investigated by molecular docking and dynamic simulation.  相似文献   
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