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Abstract: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is widely held to be a disorder associated with oxidative stress due, in part, to the membrane action of amyloid β-peptide (Aβ). Aβ-associated free radicals cause lipid peroxidation, a major product of which is 4-hydroxy-2- trans -nonenal (HNE). We determined whether HNE would alter the conformation of synaptosomal membrane proteins, which might be related to the known neurotoxicity of Aβ and HNE. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, using a protein-specific spin label, MAL-6(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-maleimidopiperidin-1-oxyl), was used to probe conformational changes in gerbil cortical synaptosomal membrane proteins, and a lipid-specific stearic acid label, 5-nitroxide stearate, was used to probe for HNE-induced alterations in the fluidity of the bilayer domain of these membranes. Synaptosomal membranes, incubated with low concentrations of HNE, exhibited changes in protein conformation and bilayer order and motion (fluidity). The changes in protein conformation were found to be concentration- and time-dependent. Significant protein conformational changes were observed at physiologically relevant concentrations of 1–10 µ M HNE, reminiscent of similar changes in synaptosomal membrane proteins from senile plaque- and Aβ-rich AD hippocampal and inferior parietal brain regions. HNE-induced modifications in the physical state of gerbil synaptosomal membrane proteins were prevented completely by using excess glutathione ethyl ester, known to protect neurons from HNE-caused neurotoxicity. Membrane fluidity was found to increase at higher concentrations of HNE (50 µ M ). The results obtained are discussed with relevance to the hypothesis of Aβ-induced free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation, leading to subsequent HNE-induced alterations in the structure and function of key membrane proteins with consequent neurotoxicity in AD brain.  相似文献   
Endothelin Stimulates Phospholipase D in Striatal Astrocytes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract: In primary cultures of mouse striatal astrocytes prelabeled with [3H]myristic acid, endothelin (ET)-1 induced a time-dependent formation of [3H]phosphatidic acid and [3H]diacylglycerol. In the presence of ethanol, a production of [3H]phosphatidylethanol was observed, indicating the activation of a phospholipase D (PLD). ET-1 and ET-3 were equipotent in stimulating PLD activity (EC50 = 2–5 n M ). Pretreatment of the cells with pertussis toxin partially abolished the effect of ET-1, indicating the involvement of a Gi/Go protein. Inhibition of protein kinase C by Ro 31-8220 or down-regulation of the kinase by a long-time treatment with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) totally abolished the ET-1-induced stimulation of PLD. In contrast, a cyclic AMP-dependent process is not involved in the activation of PLD, because the ET-1-evoked formation of [3H]phosphatidylethanol was not affected when cells were coincubated with either isoproterenol, 8-bromo-cyclic AMP, or forskolin. Acute treatment with PMA also stimulated PLD through a protein kinase C-dependent process. However, the ET-1 and PMA responses were additive. Furthermore, the ET-1-evoked response, contrary to that of PMA, totally depended on the presence of extracellular calcium. These results suggest that at least two distinct mechanisms are involved in the control of PLD activity in striatal astrocytes. Finally, ET-1, ET-3, and PMA also stimulated PLD in astrocytes from the mesencephalon, the cerebral cortex, and the hippocampus.  相似文献   
Characterization of the Palmitoylation Domain of SNAP-25   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Abstract: SNAP-25 (synaptosomal associated protein of 25 kDa) is a neural specific protein that has been implicated in the synaptic vesicle docking and fusion process. It is tightly associated with membranes, and it is one of the major palmitoylated proteins found in neurons. The functional role of palmitoylation for SNAP-25 is unclear. In this report, we show that the palmitate of SNAP-25 is rapidly turned over in PC12 cells, with a half-life of ∼3 h, and the half-life for the protein is 8 h. Mutation of Cys to Ser at positions 85, 88, 90, and 92 reduced the palmitoylation to 9, 21, 42, and 35% of the wild-type protein, respectively. Additional mutations of either Cys85,88 or Cys90,92 nearly abolished palmitoylation of the protein. A similar effect on membrane binding for the mutant SNAP-25 was observed, which correlated with the degree of palmitoylation. These results suggest that all four Cys residues are involved in palmitoylation and that membrane association of SNAP-25 may be regulated through dynamic palmitoylation.  相似文献   
Abstract: Both the Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent protein kinases (protein kinases C, PKCs) and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) have been implicated as participants in the secretory response of bovine adrenomedullary chromaffin cells. To investigate a possible role for these kinases in exocytosis and the relationship of these kinases to one another, intact chromaffin cells were treated with agents that inhibited each of the kinases and analyzed for catecholamine release and MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) kinase (MEK)/MAPK activation after stimulation with secretagogues of differential efficacy. Of the three secretagogues tested, inactivation of PKCs by long-term phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) treatment or incubation with GF109203X had the greatest inhibitory effect on nicotine-induced catecholamine release and MEK/MAPK activation, a moderate effect on KCl-induced events, and little, if any, effect on Ca2+ ionophore-elicited exocytosis and MEK/MAPK activation. These results indicate that PKC plays a significant role in events induced by the optimal secretagogue nicotine and a lesser role in exocytosis elicited by the suboptimal secretagogues KCl and Ca2+ ionophore. Treatment of cells with the MEK-activation inhibitor PD098059 completely inhibited MEK/MAPK activation (IC50 1–5 µM) and partially inhibited catecholamine release induced by all secretagogues. However, PD098059 was more effective at inhibiting exocytosis induced by suboptimal secretagogues (IC50~10 µM) than that induced by nicotine (IC50~30 µM). These results suggest a more prominent role for MEK/MAPK in basic secretory events activated by suboptimal secretagogues than in those activated by the optimal secretagogue nicotine. However, PD098059 also partially blocked secretion potentiated by short-term PMA treatment, suggesting that PKC can function in part by signaling through MEK/MAPK to enhance secretion. Taken together, these results provide evidence for the preferential involvement of MEK/MAPK in basic secretory events activated by the suboptimal secretagogues KCl and Ca2+ ionophore and the participation of both PKC and MEK/MAPK in optimal secretion induced by nicotine.  相似文献   
Protein kinase C (PKC) is a ubiquitous enzyme family implicated in the regulation of a large number of short- and long-term intracellular processes. It is hypothesized that modulation of PKC activity may represent, at least in part, a functional link between mutations (genotype) that lead to the pathological accumulation of naturally occurring compounds that affect PKC activity and perturbation of PKC-mediated substrate phosphorylation and cellular function in the corresponding diseases (phenotype). This model provides a unifying putative mechanism by which the phenotypic expression of some inborn errors of metabolism may be explained. Recent studies in a cell-free system of human skin fibroblasts support the hypothesis that alteration of PKC activity may represent the functional link between accumulation of sphingolipids and fatty acyl-CoA esters, and perturbation of cell function in sphingolipidoses and fatty acid oxidation defects, respectively. Further studies will elucidate the effects of these alterations on PKC-mediated short- and long-term cellular functions in these diseases, as well as the possible role of PKC in the pathogensis of other diseases. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary Two-dimensional 1H NMR techniques were used to determine the spatial structure of ectatomin, a toxin from the venom of the ant Ectatomma tuberculatum. Nearly complete proton resonance assignments for two chains of ectatomin (37 and 34 amino acid residues, respectively) were obtained using 2D TOCSY, DQF-COSY and NOESY experiments. The cross-peak volumes in NOESY spectra were used to define the local structure of the protein and generate accurate proton-proton distance constraints employing the MARDIGRAS program. Disulfide bonds were located by analyzing the global fold of ectatomin, calculated with the distance geometry program DIANA. These data, combined with data on the rate of exchange of amide protons with deuterium, were used to obtain a final set of 20 structures by DIANA. These structures were refined by unrestrained energy minimization using the CHARMm program. The resulting rms deviations over 20 structures (excluding the mobile N- and C-termini of each chain) are 0.75 ? for backbone heavy atoms, and 1.25 ? for all heavy atoms. The conformations of the two chains are similar. Each chain consists of two α-helices and a hinge region of four residues; this forms a hairpin structure which is stabilized by disulfide bridges. The hinge regions of the two chains are connected together by a third disulfide bridge. Thus, ectatomin forms a four-α-helical bundle structure.  相似文献   
An in vivo model system to study the initiation of embryo development is presented. From the so-called Salmon system of wheat (alloplasmic lines with a 1BL-1RS chromosome translocation), three completely isogenic and homozygous lines were produced by selection for uniformity in about 20 selfing/backcross generations as well as between sublines of doubled haploids. The line (aestivum)-Salmon is male fertile and sexual. The lines (caudata)-Salmon and (kotschyi)-Salmon are male sterile and have a parthenogenetic capacity of about 90%. The expression of nuclear-cytoplasmic male sterility is different for the two parthenogenetic lines. The initiation of autonomous embryo development at defined developmental stages of the ovaries and the maximum degree of parthenogenesis are identical in both parthenogenetic lines as proved by the auxin test and progeny analyses. The protein patterns from ovary extracts of the three isogenic lines were identical for more than 200 spots of 2-D polyacrylamide gels, confirming their homogeneity. However, one protein (P 115.1) was found 3 days before and during anthesis only in ovaries of the parthenogenetic lines. It seems to be involved in the initiation of parthenogenesis.  相似文献   
Rat pancreatic acini were preincubated with 0.4 mM 32Pi for 45 min at 37 degrees C, then exposed for 15 min to VIP, secretin or CCK-8. The incubation was terminated with a stop solution and a fraction rich in mitochondria and zymogen granules was separated from a microsome-rich fraction by differential centrifugation. After heating in the presence of SDS, beta-mercaptoethanol was added and the pattern of equivalent amounts of 32P-labelled proteins was examined by autoradiography of SDS-PAGE gels. VIP, secretin, and CCK-8 stimulated the phosphorylation of a Mr=33 K microsomal protein and that of two proteins of Mr=21 K and Mr=25 K mostly present in a fraction rich in mitochondria and zymogen granules. Stimulations were dose-dependent, the highest stimulant concentrations tested allowing 2- to 3-fold increases of phosphorylation over basal. When 1 nM CCK-8 was used simultaneously with 1 microM VIP, the cyclic AMP levels attained and the pattern of protein phosphorylation were similar to those obtained with VIP alone, and there was a potentiation of amylase secretion; when a supra-maximal 0.1 microM CCK-8 concentration was added, the VIP-induced elevation in cyclic AMP levels and the phosphorylation of the Mr=21 K and Mr=25 K proteins were partially antagonized, and no potentiation any more of secretion occurred. To conclude the in vitro phosphorylation of three particulate proteins (Mr=33 K, 25 K, and 21 K) was similarly increased in rat pancreatic acini in response to secretin and VIP (acting through cyclic AMP) and to CCK-8 (acting mostly through Ca2+).  相似文献   
Because of a possible relationship between schizophrenia and celiac disease, a condition in some individuals who are sensitive to wheat gluten proteins in the diet, there has been interest in observations that peptides derived from wheat gluten proteins exhibit opioid-like activity in in vitro tests. To determine the origin of the peptides exhibiting opioid activity, wheat proteins were fractionated by size (gel filtration), by charge differences (ion exchange chromatography) and by differences in hydrophobicity (reversed-phase HPLC). These fractions were hydrolyzed by pepsin or pepsin and trypsin and the resulting peptides separated by gel filtration chromatography. The separated peptides were tested for opioid-like activity by competitive binding to opioid receptor sites in rat brain tissue in the presence of tritium-labeled dihydromorphine. The peptides showed considerable differences in activity; while some peptides exhibited no activity, 0.5 mg of the most active peptides were equivalent to 1 nM of morphine in the binding assay. The most active peptides were derived from the gliadin fraction of the gluten complex.  相似文献   
Filtered proteins including the low-molecular-weight protein lysozyme are reabsorbed by the proximal tubule via adsorptive endocytosis. This process starts with binding of the protein to the brush-border membrane. The binding of 125I-labelled egg-white lysozyme (EC to isolated brush-border membranes of rat kidney and the effect of several low-molecular weight proteins on that binding was determined. The Scatchard plot revealed a one-component binding type with a dissociation constant of 5.3 μM and 53.0 nmol/mg membrane protein for the number of binding sites. The binding of the cationic lysozyme was inhibited competitively by the addition of cationic cytochrome c to the incubation medium, while the neutral myoglobin had no effect. The anionic β-lactoglobulin A inhibited the lysozyme binding in a noncompetitive manner. These data suggest that the binding takes place between positively charged groups of the protein molecule and negative sites on the brush-border membrane, and, the competition between the cationic cytochrome c and the cationic lysozyme for the binding sites may be responsible for the inhibitory effect of cytochrome c on renal lysozyme reabsorption. The binding step at the brush-border membrane appears to be cation-selective.  相似文献   
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