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G. Schilling 《Plant and Soil》1983,72(2-3):321-334
Summary Mineral nitrogen did not increase grain yield and seed protein levels ofVicia faba L. andLupinus luteus L. in field trials and pot experiments. Fixed N2 was substituted by mineral nitrogen in these cases because of inhibition of N2 fixation by mineral nitrogen. Contrary to these results mineral nitrogen increased grain yields and seed protein amounts ofLupinus albus L.,Pisum sativum L., andGlycine max. (L.) Merr. The nitrogen effect was caused at an early stage by saving energy due to inhibition of N2 fixation (measurement of gas exchange by means of IRGA). In case of the N application after flowering grain, yields and seed protein levels increased because the mineral N was an additional nitrogen source for plants. At this stage the plants had ceased fixing atmospheric nitrogen. The high sink activity of growing fruits induced a lack of assimilates in nodules (determined by means of14CO2 application). The N effect was therefore the consequence of the lower assimilate pool for supplying root nodules in these plants in comparison withVicia faba L. andLupinus luteus L. Hence it follows that response to mineral nitrogen can be a criterion for discovering more effective Rhizobium-host combinations.  相似文献   
Transfer RNAs have been prepared from control and regenerating rat skeletal muscle. The yield of tRNA is highest during the early stages of the regeneration process (5 and 8 days following the induction of regeneration) and decreases to near control values thereafter. The amino acid acceptor activity (extent of aminoacylation) of tRNA from regenerating muscle was also found to be higher for some amino acids than the activity of control tRNA, and the maximum increase in activity was observed between 5 and 8 days following the initiation of regeneration with a decrease to control levels through 15 and 30 days. The isoacceptor pattern, determined by RPC-5 chromatography, for methionyl-tRNAs from control muscle and 5-day regenerating muscle were essentially indistinguishable, while a minor peak of prolyl-tRNA was observed in the population from 5-, 8- and 15-day regenerates which was apparently absent from the control tRNA. Lysyl-tRNAs from control muscle contain two major isoacceptors while a third isoacceptor is observed in the tRNA preparations from 5-, 8- and 15-day regenerating muscle. The relative amount of this third isoacceptor is highest in the 8-day population and decreases in amount in tRNAs from 15- and 30-day regenerates. Control muscle also contains two major glutamyl-tRNA species while a third isoacceptor can be detected in regenerates. The relative amount of this species increases during the early course of the regeneration process but is present at near control levels by 30 days following Marcaine injection. Cell-free protein synthesis using muscle polyribosomes showed that tRNAs from regenerating muscle were more effective in stimulating [35S]methionine incorporation than tRNAs from control muscle.  相似文献   
It has been known for some time that pokeweed antiviral protein acts by enzymatically inhibiting protein synthesis on eucaryotic ribosome systems. The site of this action is known to be the ribosome itself. In this paper we show that the pokeweed antiviral protein reaction against ribosomes is a strong function of salt concentrations, where 160 mM K+ and 3 mM Mg2+ retards the reaction, while 20 mM K+ and 2 mM Mg2+ allows maximum reaction rate. It is also shown, however, that an unidentified protein in the postribosomal supernatant solution, together with ATP, allows the ribosome to be attacked even in the presence of high salt. Kinetic analysis of the antiviral protein reaction has been carried out under both sets of conditions, and reveals that the turnover number for the enzyme is about 300–400 mol/mol per min. in each case. The Km for ribosomes is 1 μM in the presence of low salt and 0.2 μM at higher salt in the presence of postribosomal supernatant factors plus ATP. The antiviral protein reaction is also shown to be pH dependent and is controlled by a residue with pKa value of approx. 7.0, apparently a histidine. Stoichiometric reaction of the enzyme with iodoacetamide results in a significant loss of antiribosomal activity.  相似文献   
Slowly cooled cells of Streptomyces aureofaciens contained mainly tight-couple ribosomes. Maximum rate of polyphenylalanine synthesis on ribosomes of S. aureofaciens was observed at 40°C, while cultures grew optimally at 28°C. Ribosomes of S. aureofaciens differed from those of E. coli in the amount of poly(U) required for maximum synthetic activity. The polyphenylalanine-synthesizing activity of E. coli ribosomes was about 3-times higher than that of S. aureofaciens ribosomes. The addition of protein S1 of E. coli or the homologous protein from S. aureofaciens had no stimulatory effect on the translation of poly(U). In order to localize alteration(s) of S. aureofaciens ribosomes in the elongation step of polypeptide synthesis we developed an in vitro system derived from purified elongation factors and ribosomal subunits. The enzymatic binding of Phe-tRNA to ribosomes of S. aureofaciens was significantly lower than the binding to ribosomes of E. coli. This alteration was mainly connected with the function of S. aureofaciens 50 S subunits. These subunits were not deficient in their ability to associate with 30 S subunits or with protein SL5 which is homologous to L7/L12 of E. coli.  相似文献   
Concentrated solutions of calf alpha-crystallin (up to 45 g/l) and gamma-crystallin (up to 67 g/l) were subjected to frontal exclusion chromatography at pH 7.3, ionic strength 0.17 and 20 degrees C. The experimental concentration dependence of the weight-average partition coefficient was compared with theoretical expressions, which include considerations of thermodynamic non-ideality effects, for the concentration dependence of a single solute and of a solute undergoing reversible self-association. Two types of association pattern were examined, discrete dimerization and indefinite self-association. The partition chromatography results are consistent with an indefinite self-association of gamma-crystallin, governed by an isodesmic association constant of 6.7 X 10(-3) l/g. alpha-Crystallin appears to self-associate either very weakly, with a maximal association constant of 0.9 X 10(-3) l/g, or not at all; the distinction depends on the assessment of the non-ideality coefficients. The consequences of excluded volume effects on these self-association equilibria at high total protein concentration are discussed. Mixtures of alpha-crystallin and gamma-crystallin were analyzed by frontal exclusion chromatography (up to 14 g/l) and sedimentation velocity (up to 115 g/l): no interaction was observed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Wirkung von Aktinomycin auf die neurosekretorischen Q-und P-Zellen im Cerebralganglion von Enchytraeus wurde untersucht. Die Cytophotometrie lichtmikroskopischer Präparate von Q-Zellen ergab, daß in den ersten Stunden nach Aktinomycin-Behandlung eine deutliche Verminderung PAF-positiven Materials auftritt. Die ersten Veränderungen wurden elektronenmikroskopisch zwischen 1 und 4 Std nach Aktinomycin-Injektion beobachtet. Sie waren in beiden Zelltypen am eindeutigsten am Nucleolus. Es kommt zu einer Sonderung und räumlichen Trennung von granulärem und fibrillärem Material. Letzteres wird sehr stark vermehrt.In bezug auf Veränderungen der Strukturen des Cytoplasmas unterscheiden sich die Q-und P-Zellen besonders im Verhalten des Golgi-Apparates und der Ribosomen. Der Golgi-Apparat wird in den Q-Zellen kurze Zeit nach Applikation von Aktinomycin reduziert. In den P-Zellen persistiert er dagegen über alle beobachteten Zeitstufen hinweg. Die Ribosomen lösen sich von den Membranen in den Q-Zellen 4–8 Std nach Injektion, was in den P-Zellen nicht festzustellen ist. Diese Tatsachen führen zu der Annahme, daß das System der Proteinsynthese der P-Zellen relativ stabiler als das der Q-Zellen ist.Die in den späteren Zeitstufen beobachtete Normalisierung der Zellstrukturen läßt darauf schließen, daß die Wirkung des einmalig injizierten Aktinomycins 24 Std danach nachzulassen beginnt.
Light and electron microscopic studies on the influence of actinomycin D on the dynamics of neurosecretory cells of Enchytraeus (Oligochaeta)
Summary The influence of actinomycin on the neurosecretory Q and P cells of the brain of Enchytraeus was studied. Cytophotometrical measurements of Q cells in light mirocscopic preparations showed a significant decrease of PAF-positive material in the first hours after actinomycin application. At the ultrastructural level primary changes were established one to four hours after injection of actinomycin: In the nucleolus granular and fibrillar material became separated; there was a substantial increase of the fibrillar component.Concerning structural changes of the cytoplasm, Q and P cells differed especially with respect to the Golgi apparatus and the ribosomes. In the Q cells the Golgi apparatus had become greatly reduced shortly after actinomycin treatment. However, it persisted in P cells during all stages examined. Ribosomes became detached from membranes only in Q cells between 4 and 8 hours after injection.These data indicate that protein synthesis in P cells shows greater stability than in Q cells. The restitution of normal ultrastruoture during subsequent stages indicates that effects begin to subside 24 hours after a single injection.
Für technische Unterstützung danken wir Frl. B. Reymann, Frl. A. Zinßer, Frau B. Cosack und Frau E. Wolschner.  相似文献   
以小鼠大脑碎片与[γ-~(32)P]ATP一起保温,观察到溴氰菊酯对蛋白1—3磷酸化的刺激作用和对4、5磷酸化的抑制作用,表明溴氰菊酯对大脑蛋白质磷酸化产生了影响。从鼠脑分离了C、D、S三个组分,分别进行的蛋白质磷酸化试验结果表明,C、D组分可能是重要的磷酸化部位。 蛋白1、2、3的磷酸化明显地受到溴氰菊酯的刺激,这三个蛋白质可能是“蛋白Ⅲb”的几种形式。溴氰菊酯对“蛋白Ⅲb”磷酸化的刺激,可能会影响神经末梢的神经激素释放,从而影响到与其相关的某些神经功能。  相似文献   
Treatment of PC12 cells with nerve growth factor (NGF) resulted in the rapid, but transient, activation of a protein kinase which specifically phosphorylated an endogenous 250-kDa cytoskeletal protein (pp250). We report that the microtubule-associated protein, MAP2, is an alternative substrate for the NGF-activated kinase. NGF treatment maximally activated the kinase within 5 min; however, the activity declined with longer exposure to NGF. The enzyme was localized predominantly in microsomal and soluble fractions and phosphorylated MAP2 on serine and threonine residues. The soluble enzyme was fractionated by DEAE chromatography and gel filtration and had an apparent Mr of 45,000. The enzyme was purified to near homogeneity by chromatofocussing and had a pI of 4.9. Kinetic analysis revealed that NGF treatment caused a sevenfold increase in Vmax for MAP2. The Km with respect to the MAP2 substrate was approximately 50 nM and was not altered by NGF treatment. A novel feature of the NGF-stimulated enzyme was its sharp dependence on Mn2+ concentration. The active enzyme is likely to be phosphorylated, because inclusion of phosphatase inhibitors was required for recovery of optimal activity and the activity was lost on treatment of the enzyme with alkaline phosphatase. Histones, tubulin, casein, bovine serum albumin, and the ribosomal subunit protein S-6 were not phosphorylated by this enzyme. The NGF-stimulated kinase was distinct from A kinase, C kinase, or other NGF-stimulated kinases. The rapid and transient activation of the protein kinase upon NGF treatment suggests that the enzyme may play a role in signal transduction in PC12 cells.  相似文献   
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