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Dried ligulate flowers of Matricaria chamomilla contain 7–9% glucosides of apigenin and 0.3–0.5% free apigenin. Glucosides were identified as apigenin 7-glucoside and a 1:3 mixture of the 2″- and 6″-acetates, as determined by 13C NMR analysis.  相似文献   
The effects of K fertiliser (160 kg ha-1) applied with Cl- or SO4 2- as the accompanying anion on the K nutrition of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa var. deliciosa) were assessed in a field experiment, using vines with varying degrees of K deficiency. Leaf K concentrations in spring were significantly higher for vines receiving KCl, compared to those receiving K2SO4. This effect did not interact significantly with the degree of K deficiency, and persisted for about 6 weeks. Subsequently there was no significant difference between the leaf K concentrations for the vines receiving KCl or K2SO4. Applying K as KCl increased the leaf Cl concentration, especially in spring, while applying K as K2SO4 had no significant effect on the leaf S concentration at that time. These results implied a greater requirement for organic acid anions for K+ uptake from K2SO4 than from KCl, and the importance of organic acid anions for K+ uptake from different sources of K fertiliser is discussed. This transient effect of the accompanying anion on leaf K status was associated with large effects on flowering, and fruit yields were about 28% higher for plants receiving KCl rather than K2SO4.The effects on growth and tissue nutrient composition of varying the concentrations of Cl-, NO3 -, SO4 2- and H2PO4 - around the roots of kiwifruit vines were examined in a solution culture experiment. For H2PO4 -, plant growth was very similar over a wide range of rates of addition. For the other anions, the range between deficiency and toxicity was clearly delineated. For Cl- and NO3 -, toxicity was associated with high tissue concentrations of Cl and N, respectively, and was consistent with competition for uptake between Cl- and NO3 -. However, for SO4 2-, toxicity was associated with only a small increase in the tissue S concentration relative to that associated with maximum growth, and appeared to result more from effects on uptake of other anions and cations rather than from direct effects of high tissue S concentrations.It is concluded that the sensitivity of kiwifruit to the anion accompanying K+ in fertiliser may be related to the unusually high requirement for Cl previously reported for this species.  相似文献   
The manner whereby the oil-producing bisaccate flowers ofAngelonia (Scrophulariaceae) are pollinated by female oil-collecting bees is reported for the first time. Observations were made in the Caatinga formation of Pernambuco, NE. Brazil, on four synchronopatric species. These differ in sizes and structural details of the corolla, level of flower exposition, and habitat preferences. All legitimate visitors wereCentris spp. (Anthophoridae):Angelonia hirta was mainly pollinated byC. fuscata andA. pubescens byC. hyptidis; A. bisaccata andA. hookeriana shared an unidentified species. Several exomalopsine, tetrapediine and meliponid bees exploit the flowers less descriminately for oil or pollen, respectively, without regularly contacting anthers and stigma. The flowers are protandrous, and are self-incompatible except those of the annualA. pubescens. After alighting, theCentris bees introduce their front legs simultaneously into each of the pouches and start alternate collecting movements to gather the oil from the trichome elaiophores. While doing so, they are forced by projections of the corolla floor to press their head under the anthers and stigma, whereby pollen is transferred with their frons or clypeus. On account of their collector type and behaviour,C. fuscata andC. spec. are not specialized toAngelonia but may equally exploit other nonrelated taxa for oil, whereasC. hyptidis exhibits oligolecty onA. pubescens. It possesses relatively elongate forelegs with padlike collectors suitable for sweeping the lipids from the scattered glandular hairs inside the divergent spurs of its host. It is the only species that also collects pollen (by buzzing) from the oil host.A. hirta and relatives, provided with dense elaiophore carpets, are, for their part, adapted to scrapingCentris species with typical oil collectors. Flower and bee phenologies, although largely dependent on the irregular rainfalls, are not always coincident.  相似文献   
How much pollen can thrips destroy?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ABSTRACT. 1. A laboratory technique for measuring the number of pollen grains consumed by thrips is described.
2. Thrips imaginis Bagnall and Thrips obscuratus (Crawford) (Thripidae) were studied particularly on pollen of the kiwifruit Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chevalier) Liang & Ferguson in New Zealand, and Echium plantagineum L. in Australia.
3. Mean daily feeding rates (in grains per thrips per day) ranged from 29 to 843, with an individual rate as high as 1626 for T.imaginis larvae II on E. plantagineum.
4. The time taken to feed on a single grain was proportional to grain volume, and decreased with temperature.
5. Daily feeding rates were significantly different between pollens, and were higher for smaller grains. The total volume of pollen contents consumed and the total time spent ingesting this volume per thrips per day may be constant with respect to pollen species.
6. Daily feeding rates were equivalent to 0.2–0.7% of the average total pollen production of a flower per thrips per day.
7. Extrapolation of the daily feeding rates suggests that pollen damage by thrips could sometimes be reducing crop yield or plant fitness.  相似文献   
A high rate of ethylene production was observed in buds and young flowers of Aranda orchid, which increased with bud growth, reaching a high value in half-opened flower. This was followed by a gradual decline but it increased again when the flowers showed sign of senescence. Aminooxylacetic acid (AOA) inhibited ethylene production and bud expansion of Aranda buds.  相似文献   
In vitro flowers have been obtained by culturing thin epidermal cell layers of a partial somatic intergeneric hybrid. The phenotype of these flowers differs from that of flowers formed on seed-grown plants (in situ flowers) and from that of flowers of either parental line. In addition, modifications in the phenotype were observed when cultures were sustained for more than four months. Dimorphic leaves present in juvenile and adult stages of mother plants of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and the somatic hybrid were formed on different ends of the thin epidermal cell layers. No anomalies were observed during microsporogenesis and in the meiotic and mitotic figures of the somatic hybrid, which resembled those of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia.  相似文献   
Structure of inflorescences and flowers and flowering behaviour are reported for the woody liana Anchietea pyrifolia (Violaceae) from Brazil. The specimen studied is grown for some decades now in the greenhouses of Halle Botanical Garden and turned out unisexually male, which adds a further example of dioecism to the family Violaceae, in which this type of sex distribution is rarely encountered. The flowers are exceptional also for the strongly asymmetric anterior petal, which represents a rare case of a species with enantiomorphic flowers pollinated by Lepidoptera. They have a fully developed gynoecium with a complicated architecture comparable to the pistil of bisexual Violaceae flowers, though without ovules. The style head is capable to release viscose liquid on tactile stimulation or pressure, which is known to act as pollen-gathering mechanism in bisexual Violaceae species with usually dry pollen and buzz-pollination. This function has switched in male A. pyrifolia to a mechanism for efficient pollen release mediated by insect pollinators from its short-lived flowers.  相似文献   
圆唇苣苔属(Gyrocheilos)是苦苣苔科的中国特有属,有5种,全部狭域分布在我国西南及广东的高海拔山区。圆唇苣苔属所有物种的花柱侧偏且花柱顶端呈90°弯折,使得柱头位于花开口的中央位置。这种独特的侧偏弯折花柱结构,说明圆唇苣苔属可能有着特殊的演化历史和适应机制。为揭示这种特殊的花柱侧偏弯折现象的发生范围、发育过程及其传粉适应机制,该研究在圆唇苣苔(Gyrocheilos chorisepalus)、折毛圆唇苣苔(G. retrotrichus)和微毛圆唇苣苔(G. microtrichus)3个物种中开展了花部综合征观察,并研究了广东大雾岭保护区内的折毛圆唇苣苔花发育过程、花部特征和繁育系统以及传粉过程。结果表明:(1)微毛圆唇苣苔只有花柱左偏弯折现象,而圆唇苣苔和折毛圆唇苣苔虽然大部分花是花柱左偏弯折,但在部分个体中出现了少量的花柱右偏弯折现象(占种群总花数的2%~3%)。(2)传粉观察发现,折毛圆唇苣苔在花蕾期即出现了花柱弯折现象,2个可育雄蕊的花药合生、位于花冠筒喉部中央位置,与侧偏花柱不存在左右镜像对称关系。(3)折毛圆唇苣苔的花粉胚珠比(P/O)为456.98±15.55,属于兼性异交繁育系统。折毛圆唇苣苔存在一定的传粉限制,自交授粉可以结实,但异交种子萌发率更高,可能存在近交衰退。(4)折毛圆唇苣苔的访花昆虫较少,访花频率较低,主要访花昆虫有隧蜂、熊蜂、食蚜蝇等; 熊蜂体型较大,访花时降落在弯折花柱和花瓣下唇,胸部侧面及下部能有效接触到柱头。(5)反射率结果显示,折毛圆唇苣苔花瓣反射波长范围集中在紫光和蓝紫光区域,花冠的反射波长范围与蜂类视觉范围一致且花冠筒外侧和花瓣下唇的反射强度最大,更容易吸引蜂类落置在花冠宽大的下唇; 圆唇苣苔属的花柱侧偏弯折现象可能来自近缘的长蒴苣苔属(Didymocarpus)的花柱下弯现象或镜像花(mirror-image flowers)。综上认为,这种侧偏弯折的花柱,可能通过提供昆虫降落平台,使得柱头位于花开口中央和花瓣下唇的上方位置,提高了柱头接触访花昆虫的概率,是适应高海拔地区低频率访花者的一种机制。  相似文献   
ROMERO, G. A., 1992. Non-functional flowers in Catasetum orchids (Catasetinae, Orchidaceae). Plants of the genus Catasetum generally produce unisexual, dimorphic flowers but occasionally bear intermediate, polymorphic flowers. Staminate (male) flowers are commonly produced both in cultivation and in nature. Within the genus, the morphology, texture, resupination, and colour of male flowers are extremely variable. Pistillate (female) flowers, in contrast, are rarely produced in cultivation and in nature and have relatively constant morphology, texture, resupination and colour. Intermediate, polymorphic flowers are extremely rare, ranging in morphology from male-like to female-like, often combining characters of both. Some are bilaterally half male and half female. Intermediate flowers have previously been regarded as functionally hermaphroditic but evidence presented here shows that in Catasetum male and female functions appear to be mutually exclusive. Intermediate flowers that approach the morphology of female flowers may bear seeds but do not have functional pollinaria; those that approach male flower morphology do not have functional stigmas and seldom have functional pollinaria. The vast majority of Catasetum intermediate flowers are sterile. The absence of truly hermaphroditic flowers in Catasetum is important in the interpretation of evidence for gender choice in this genus, as flowers and/or plants can be unequivocally scored as either functionally male or female.  相似文献   
Ornamental flowers commonly grown in urban gardens and parks can be of value to flower‐visiting insects. However, there is huge variation in the number of insects attracted among plant varieties. In this study, we quantified the insect attractiveness of 79 varieties in full bloom being grown in a public urban garden that is popular due to its beautiful flowers and other attractions. The results showed very clearly that most varieties (77%, n = 61) were either poorly attractive or completely unattractive to insect flower visitors. Several varieties (19%, n = 15) were moderately attractive, but very few (4%, n = 3) were highly attractive. Closer examination of Dahlia varieties showed that “open” flowered forms were approximately 20 times more attractive than “closed” flowered forms. These results strongly suggest that there is a great potential for making urban parks and gardens considerably more bee‐ and insect‐friendly by selecting appropriate varieties.  相似文献   
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