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New methods for determining chemical structures from residual dipolar couplings are presented. The fundamental dipolar coupling equation is converted to an elliptical equation in the principal alignment frame. This elliptical equation is then combined with other angular or dipolar coupling constraints to form simple polynomial equations that define discrete solutions for the unit vector(s). The methods are illustrated with residual dipolar coupling data on ubiquitin taken in a single anisotropic medium. The protein backbone is divided into its rigid groups (namely, its peptide planes and C frames), which may be solved for independently. A simple procedure for recombining these independent solutions results in backbone dihedral angles and that resemble those of the known native structure. Subsequent refinement of these - angles by the ROSETTA program produces a structure of ubiquitin that agrees with the known native structure to 1.1 Å C rmsd.  相似文献   
Previous studies (Salmon 1999; Salmon and Daly 1998) have found that sex and birth order are strong predictors of familial sentiments. Middleborns tend to be less family-oriented than firstborns or lastborns, while sex differences seem to focus on the utility of kin in certain domains. If this is a reflection of middleborns receiving a lesser degree of support from kin (particularly in terms of parental investment), are middleborns turning to reciprocal alliances outside the family, becoming friendship specialists? Are there comparable birth order differences with respect to mating strategies? In this study, the impact of birth order on attitudes toward family, friends, and mating were examined. Two hundred and forty-five undergraduates completed a questionnaire relating to their attitudes toward friends and family as well as some aspects of mating behavior. Birth order did have a significant impact in several areas. Middleborns expressed more positive views toward friends and less positive opinions of family in general. They were less inclined to help family in need than firstborns or lastborns. Mating strategies also appeared to be influenced by birth order, most notably in the area of infidelity, with middleborns being the least likely birth order to cheat on a sexual partner.  相似文献   
It has long been known that evolutionary trees (phylogenies) can be estimated by comparing the DNA or protein sequences of homologous genes across different organisms. More recently, attempts have been made to estimate phylogenies by comparing entire genomes. These attempts have focused largely on comparisons of gene content and gene order. Many different methods have been proposed for making these comparisons. These include primarily maximum parsimony and distance methods, although more recently maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods are being developed. This paper discusses each of these approaches in turn, including their merits and limitations, and any software which is available to make use of them.  相似文献   
Amelt solidification technique has been developed to obtain sustained-release waxy beads of flurbiprofen. Low glass transition temperature (t g) and shear-induced crystallization of flurbiprofen made it a suitable candidate for melt solidification technique. The process involved emulsification and solidification of flurbiprofen-cetyl alcohol melt at significantly low temperature (5°C). The effect of variables, namely, the amount of cetyl alcohol and the speed of agitation, was studied using 32 factorial design. The technique and the beads were evaluated on the basis of process and desired yield, surface topography, Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), particle size distribution, crushing strength, and drug release. Average values for process and desired yields were 97% wt/wt and 26% wt/wt, respectively. No interaction was observed between drug and excipient. Multiple regression analysis was carried out, and response surfaces were obtained. A curvilinear relationship was observed between percentage of desired yield and the amount of cetyl alcohol. Linear decrease in crushing strength was observed with increase in the amount of cetyl alcohol. Drug released from the beads followed zero order kinetics. Burst release was shown to a greater extent in beads containing a lower amount of cetyl alcohol. Response surfaces of time required for certain percentage of drug (t D%) showed that after critical concentration of about 20% of cetyl alcohol (400 mg/batch), no significant release retardant effect was observed.  相似文献   
Nonrandomness in the intron and exon phase distributions in a sample of 305 human genes has been found and analyzed. It was shown that exon duplications had a significant effect on the exon phase nonrandomness. All of the nonrandomness is probably due to both the processes of exon duplication and shuffling. A quantitative estimation of exon duplications in the human genome and their influence on the intron and exon phase distributions has been analyzed. According to our estimation, the proportion of duplicated exons in the human genome constitutes at least 6% of the total. Generalizing the particular case of exon duplication to the more common event of exon shuffling, we modeled and analyzed the influence of exon shuffling on intron phase distribution. Received: 28 March 1997 / Accepted: 9 July 1997  相似文献   
Backbone and tryptophan side-chain mobilities in the 26-residue, cytolytic peptide melittin (MLT) were investigated by 15N and 13C NMR. Specifically, inverse-detected 15N T1 and steady-state NOE measurements were made at 30 and 51 MHz on MLT at 22 °C enriched with 15N at six amide positions and in the Trp19 side chain. Both the disordered MLT monomer (1.2 mM peptide at pH 3.6 in neat water) and -helical MLT tetramer (4.0 mM peptide at pH 5.2 in 150 mM phosphate buffer) were examined. The relaxation data were analyzed in terms of the Lipari and Szabo model-free formalism with three parameters: m, the correlation time for the overall rotation; S2, a site-specific order parameter which is a measure of the amplitude of the internal motion; and e, a local, effective correlation time of the internal motion. A comparison was made of motional parameters from the 15N measurements and from 13C measurements on MLT, the latter having been made here and previously [Kemple et al. (1997) Biochemistry, 36, 1678–1688]. m and e values were consistent from data on the two nuclei. In the MLT monomer, S2 values for the backbone N-H and C-H vectors in the same residue were similar in value but in the tetramer the N-H order parameters were about 0.2 units larger than the C-H order parameters. The Trp side-chain N-H and C-H order parameters, and e values were generally similar in both the monomer and tetramer. Implications of these results regarding the dynamics of MLT are examined.  相似文献   
In vitro protein stability studies are commonly conducted via thermal or chemical denaturation/renaturation of protein. Conventional data analyses on the protein unfolding/(re)folding require well‐defined pre‐ and post‐transition baselines to evaluate Gibbs free‐energy change associated with the protein unfolding/(re)folding. This evaluation becomes problematic when there is insufficient data for determining the pre‐ or post‐transition baselines. In this study, fitting on such partial data obtained in protein chemical denaturation is established by introducing second‐order differential (SOD) analysis to overcome the limitations that the conventional fitting method has. By reducing numbers of the baseline‐related fitting parameters, the SOD analysis can successfully fit incomplete chemical denaturation data sets with high agreement to the conventional evaluation on the equivalent completed data, where the conventional fitting fails in analyzing them. This SOD fitting for the abbreviated isothermal chemical denaturation further fulfills data analysis methods on the insufficient data sets conducted in the two prevalent protein stability studies.  相似文献   
The sequence in which 14 laboratory rhesus macaques left their home enclosure during a routine catching procedure was recorded on 30 occasions during 6 weeks. The animals were trained to voluntarily exit one by one and enter a transport cage for weighing and/or treatment. Mean weekly exit orders cross-correlated significantly, and individuals retained their exit positions with remarkable consistency throughout the study period. An animal's position did not depend on its sex, age, or dominance rank. The oldest female never failed to enter the transport cage as number 1. When she was prevented from taking the lead, the group was hesitant but eventually proceeded in the usual order. Food was a strong, yet not absolute, incentive for the monkeys to cooperate. If they could not expect a reward, they took more time before proceeding, but did so in the habitual order. The predictability of the exit sequence has practical managerial value because it makes it possible for a single person to quickly catch a selected group member when necessary.  相似文献   
极具有应用前景的生物学检测技术-生物传感器   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物传感器是近年逐渐发展起来的一种高新生物学分析检测技术,它将生物学或仿生学信号感应部件紧密连接或整合到传感系统内,具有特异、敏感、快速、便携以及操作简便等优点,发展非常迅速,并且被应用到医疗保健、食品工业、畜牧兽医等多个领域,已成为人们研究的热点之一。本文概述了生物传感器的概念与工作原理、分类、与主要领域的研究应用,分析了生物传感器的产业现状,优点与现存问题,并对其应用发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
2010年11月-2011年12月, 研究了华西雨屏区31年生香樟人工林土壤表层(0~30 cm)细根生物量及碳储量.结果表明: 香樟人工林土壤0~30 cm层细根总生物量(活根+死根)和碳储量的平均值分别为1592.29 kg·hm-2和660.68 kg C·hm-2,其中活细根贡献率分别为91.1%和91.8%.随着土壤深度的增加,香樟1~5级活细根和死细根的生物量及碳储量均显著减少;随着根序等级的升高,香樟活细根生物量及碳储量显著增加.香樟细根总生物量及碳储量均在秋季最高、冬季最低,死细根生物量及碳储量为冬季最高、夏季最低;1级根和2级根生物量及碳储量均在夏季最高、冬季最低,而3~5级根则为秋季最高、冬季最低.土壤养分和水分的空间异质性是导致细根生物量和碳储量变化的主要原因.  相似文献   
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