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We described the diets of two procyonids, the brown-nosed coati Nasua nasua and the crab-eating raccoon Procyon cancrivorus, through analysis of stomach contents of road-killed specimens in southern Brazil. We compared them with previously published dietary information for another syntopic mesopredator, the crab-eating fox Cerdocyon thous. The landscape of the study area includes native grasslands, forests, exotic tree plantations, and other crops. Food items were represented by frequency of occurrence (FO) and relative volume (RV). Stomach contents of 23 coatis were analyzed. Animal and plant items were equally frequent, although the volume of plants was greater. Exotic plant species were consumed more than native plants. Among prey items, invertebrates were more important than vertebrates, mainly because of the frequency of coleopterans and annelids and the volume of necrophagous dipteran larvae. Five specimens of raccoons were analyzed, in which animal items had the highest FO and plant items had the highest RV. Both invertebrate and vertebrate prey had the same FO, although vertebrates had a higher RV. Our data suggest that these procyonids are opportunistic hypocarnivores, utilizing anthropic sources, with diet overlap. The coatis also overlapped their diet substantially with the foxes. The stomach-contents analysis revealed the importance of fruit pulp biomass, soft-bodied animals such as larvae, and also soil, which might indicate feeding habits such as scavenging and geophagy.  相似文献   
We investigated the use of space and structures of raccoons in their enclosure in the “Wildpark Schwarze Berge” near Hamburg. During two studies at a time interval of two years we measured which parts of their enclosure were visited more frequently and the visiting frequency was measured.The results of the studies show that the raccoons have long-lasting preferences of certain areas. They avoid open water but stay at the shallow banks. In contrast of the first study the racoons use all parts of the enclosure regularly in the second study.  相似文献   
Abstract: Although domestic animal transmission of rabies has largely been mitigated, the disease remains a concern in both Europe and North America where wildlife transmission has caused epizootics. Raccoon (Procyon lotor) rabies was established in Alabama, USA, in 1975, primarily in the southeastern corner of the state. However, with the exception of isolated events, rabies has not continued to spread westward across the Alabama River. We monitored movements of 100 radiocollared raccoons on 2 sites within hardwood and agriculture habitats in a rabies enzootic area east of the Alabama River, in managed pine habitat area west of the river where rabies sporadically occurs, and in a mixed pine hardwood area outside of the known rabies enzootic area to determine if raccoon movements and habitat use in certain habitat types and the presence of a river may serve as natural barriers preventing the western spread of rabies in Alabama. We also examined raccoon contact rates to determine if they influence disease transmission through static and dynamic interactions. Raccoons in mixed pine-hardwood forest habitats had smaller home ranges and less overlap of ranges compared to the other 3 habitats. However, static interactions between habitats in the use of overlap areas did not differ (F11,129 = 1.63, P = 0.09). Rabies antibody titers were highest in the managed pine habitat (28%) even prior to oral vaccine bait distributions in spring of 2004 and 2005. Biomarker data from radiocollared and additional raccoons captured after the bait distribution west of the Alabama River demonstrated a low efficacy of the vaccine reaching the small southern raccoons. The combination of the river as a partial barrier, the high percentage of pine forested habitat west of the river, and limited spatial movements of raccoons within these forested habitats appears to have reduced the likelihood of rabies establishing west of the river. Understanding different host-habitat- disease systems is important for successful management of diseases. Based on our results, we recommend that the oral vaccine program continue to use the Alabama River as a partial barrier and baiting be concentrated in the fragmented bottomland hardwood forests and around larger bodies of water where raccoon densities are highest. Success of baiting strategies designed to take advantage of northern raccoon dynamics and habitat use may not be applicable to southern populations.  相似文献   
Conflicts between humans and mesopredators are frequent and widespread. Over the last decades, conflicts have led to the development and application of different mitigation methods to diminish the costs and damage caused by such conflicts. We conducted a systematic literature search and meta-analysis to assess the influence of different mitigation methods on 3 common nuisance species: raccoons (Procyon lotor), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), and striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis). A majority of the studies, from 1963‒2022, were conducted in North America, followed by Australia and Europe. The predation of wildlife species of conservation concern by nuisance species is the main reported source of conflict in the published literature. Lethal control is the most commonly tested method and is generally effective at reducing conflicts based on the calculated effect size. Barriers have mixed effects, with electric fences and nest exclosures both being effective, whereas conventional fences seem to be less effective. Repellents mimicking predators (e.g., guard animal, predator smell) are also effective. Conditioned taste aversion is a promising approach, but no precise product or chemical has proven to be effective. Many interventions suffered from a lack of validation through experimental approach. Research on human–mesopredator conflict mitigation would benefit from repeated studies using the same methods in similar contexts, thus reducing heterogeneity in the results, and by testing new and innovative methods.  相似文献   
We report the isolation and characterization of 17 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the North American raccoon (Procyon lotor). These loci exhibit high levels of allelic diversity, with between four and 13 alleles per locus, and heterozygosity, with observed values of 0.500-1.000 in a sample of 20 individuals. All genotypes conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations and there were no instances of linkage disequilibrium detected.  相似文献   
Abstract: Although numerous studies have examined habitat use by raccoons (Procyon lotor), information regarding seasonal habitat selection related to resource availability in agricultural landscapes is lacking for this species. Additionally, few studies using radiotelemetry have investigated habitat selection at multiple spatial scales or core-use areas by raccoons. We examined seasonal habitat selection of 55 (31 M, 24 F) adult raccoons at 3 hierarchical orders defined by the movement behavior of this species (second-order home range, second-order core-use area, and third-order home range) in northern Indiana, USA, from May 2003 to June 2005. Using compositional analysis, we assessed whether habitat selection differed from random and ranked habitat types in order of selection during the crop growing period (season 1) and corn maturation period (season 2), which represented substantial shifts in resource availability to raccoons. Habitat rankings differed across hierarchical orders, between seasons within hierarchical orders, and between sexes within seasons; however, seasonal and intersexual patterns of habitat selection were not consistent across hierarchical orders of spatial scale. When nonrandom utilization was detected, both sexes consistently selected forest cover over other available habitats. Seasonal differences in habitat selection were most evident at the core-area scale, where raccoon selection of agricultural lands was highest during the maturation season when corn was available as a direct food source. Habitat use did not differ from availability for either sex in either season at the third-order scale. The selection of forest cover across both seasons and all spatial orders suggested that raccoon distribution and abundance in fragmented landscapes is likely dependent on the availability and distribution of forest cover, or habitats associated with forest (i.e., water), within the landscape. The lack of consistency in habitat selection across hierarchical scales further exemplifies the need to examine multiple biological scales in habitat-selection studies.  相似文献   
Sexual selection involving genetically disassortative mate choice is one of several evolutionary processes that can maintain or enhance population genetic variability. Examples of reproductive systems in which choosers (generally females) select mates depending on their major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes have been reported for several vertebrate species. Notably, the role of MHC‐dependent choice not in mating contexts, but in other kinds of social interactions such as in the establishment of complex social systems, has not yet drawn significant scientific interest and is virtually absent from the literature. We have investigated male and female MHC‐dependent choice in an invasive population of North American raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Germany. Both male and female raccoons rely on olfaction for individual recognition. Males have an unusually complex social system in which older individuals choose unrelated younger ones to form stable male coalitions that defend territories and a monopoly over females. We have confirmed that females perform MHC‐disassortative mate choice and that this behaviour fosters genetic diversity of offspring. We have also observed that males build coalitions by choosing male partners depending on their MHC, but in an assortative manner. This is the first observation of antagonistic MHC‐dependent behaviours among sexes. We show that this is the only combination of MHC‐dependent partner choice that leads to outbreeding. In the case of introduced raccoons, such behaviours can act together to promote the invasive potential of the species by increasing its adaptive genetic divergence.  相似文献   
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