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The intrinsic rates of increase of insects of different sizes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  • 1 A negative relationship between intrinsic rate of increase, r, and body size has only clearly been shown using data for species drawn from a number of phyla and covering several orders of magnitude in size. Analyses for more closely related species are equivocal.
  • 2 Data for ninety-one species of insects, from nine orders, were used to examine the correlation between intrinsic rate of increase and size.
  • 3 Intrinsic rate of increase was negatively correlated with both length and weight across orders, but no relationship could be shown within orders.
  • 4 Generation times were positively related to body size, but there was no relationship between net reproductive rate (RQ) and size.
  • 5 These results support the hypothesis that documented relationships between species size and colonization success in insects could be a consequence of the scaling of intrinsic rate of increase with size.
Microgeographical variation in shell morphology of the rock-dwelling land snail Chondrina clienta , collected from 30 sites within an area of 0.5 km2 on the island of Öland, Sweden, was examined in relation to its own population density and that of a potential competitor (the land snail Balea perversa ) and to environmental factors. Dispersal of marked individuals averaged 83 cm per year within a stone pile and 291 cm in an area of exposed bedrock. Local population density of active C. clienta ranged from 5 to 794 individuals per m2. Shell characters were highly intercorrelated, both within and between populations. Principal component analysis revealed that most of the interpopulational variation could be expressed by the single character of shell height, which ranged from 5.54 to 6.94 mm. In all populations, snails of a given size had the same whorl number. Shell size was not influenced by habitat type (exposed rock surface, stone pile or stone wall) or proportion of calcareous stones within habitat. It was, however, negatively correlated with local population density, indicating intraspecific competition, and positively correlated with the degree of plant cover within the habitat. Analysis of variance revealed additionally a density effect of B. perversa on shell size in C. clienta , probably as a result of interspecific competition. Breeding experiments using C. clienta from different sites and carried out under unifrom conditions caused most of the phenotypic variation to disappear, demonstrating the high phenotypic plasticity of the species.  相似文献   
Summary The forest annual, Amphicarpaea bracteata L. can reproduce via aerial chasmogamous, aerial cleistogamous, and subterranean cleistogamous flowers. Both plant size and light intensity influenced the utilization of the three modes of reproduction. chasmogamous and aerial cleistogamous flower number and the ratio of chasmogamous flowers to the total number of aerial flowers increased with plant size. The latter demonstrated a shift to xenogamy and outbreeding in larger plants. Light intensity indirectly influenced reproductive modes through its infuence on plant size. Seed set by both types of aerial flowers was low and unrelated to plant size. Subterranean seed number and the total dry weight of subterranean seeds per plant increased with size. The subterranean seeds of Amphicarpaea bracteata are thirty-four times larger than the aerial seeds (fresh weight). Under field conditions, subterranean seeds had greater germination after one year than acrial seeds. The plants arising from subterranean seeds were significantly larger and more fecund than those from aerial seeds. Seeds produced by aerial cleistogamous, hand selfpollinated chasmogamous, and naturally pollinated chasmogamous flowers had equivalent germination rates and produced plants of equal size and fecundity. This suggests that the outbred progeny from chasmogamous flowers have no advantage over the inbred progeny from aerial cleistogamous flowers.  相似文献   
Summary The water balance of three different sized coexisting species of heteromyid rodents (Dipodomys merriami ca. 39 g;Perognathus fallax ca. 23 g;Perognathus longimembris ca. 9 g) was assessed while consuming two different diets (either wheat or hulled sunflower) at ambient temperatures of 15–30°C. The metabolism of wheat as the sole food source was calculated to provide a greater metabolic water production (MWP) than the consumption of sunflower seed because of their different composition. The state of water balance was assessed by measuring urine concentrations and body weight maintenance on each diet at each temperature. Both measures showed that (i) all species were able to maintain a more positive water on the higher MWP seed, (ii) for all species there was an ambient temperature above which water balance could no longer be maintained, (iii) that this temperature was higher with the higher MWP food source and (iv) water regulatory efficiency was negatively correlated with body mass.Dipodomys showed a reduced digestive efficiency compared toPerognathus. When presented with both seedsDipodomys showed no preference for either seed irrespective of the state of water balance whilst thePerognathus species showed a tendency for an increased preference for the high MWP food source at the higher ambient temperatures. The ecological implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary A cyanide-degrading pseudomonad was isolated by selective enrichment in a chemostat inoculated with coke-plant activated sludge and maintained at a dilution rate of 0.042/h for 60 days with a feed of 10 mg/l cyanide. The isolate, a facultative methylotroph capable of growth on methanol and methylamine, degraded cyanide to formate and ammonia; it could utilize the released ammonia as a nitrogen source but did not further metabolize formate under the experimental conditions employed. Both cyanide-degrading enzyme activity and respiratory resistance to cyanide were inducible and were enhanced by repeated exposure to the compound. Cell-free extracts stoichiometrically converted cyanide to formate and ammonia in a reaction that did not require oxygen. Enzyme activity, lost upon dialysis, was restored by less than equimolar ratios of NAD(P)H or ascorbate to cyanide, indicating that the reductants did not function directly as co-enzymes.  相似文献   
Summary Analysis of 6 years' data on a population of free-living white-footed mice documents both phenotypic and environmental control of litter size. Litter size was positively correlated with maternal body size. Maternal size depended upon both seasonal and annual variation. Paradoxically, the proportion of small versus large litters varied among habitats independently of the effects of body size. The result is an influence of habitat on life history that yields patterns of reproduction and survival opposite to the predictions of demographic theory. The habitat producing the largest litters had a relatively high ratio of adult/juvenile survival. Litter size was small in the habitat where the adult/juvenile survival ratio was smallest. All of these anomalous patterns can be explained through density-dependent habitat selection by female white-footed mice. Life-history studies that ignore habitat and habitat selection may find spurious correlations among traits that result in serious misinterpretations about life history and its evolution.  相似文献   
Passive immunization protects guinea pigs from lethal toxoplasma infection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract The cellular and humoral interactions that contribute to protective immunity in toxoplasmosis were studied by adoptive transfer of selective cell populations or immune serum and its fractions into normal syngeneic strain 2 guinea pigs. The results of this study with the RH strain of Toxoplasma gondii confirm and extend the findings of previous studies by showing that the passive transfer of parasite-sensitized T cells or of immune serum from previously infected donors protected recipient guinea pigs against lethal toxoplasmosis. An additional key finding was that similar levels of complete protection against lethal infection occurred in guinea pigs receiving partially purified anti- Toxoplasma immunoglobulins or immune cells that had been enriched for B cells prior to transfer. Cells residing in the spleen, lymph nodes and peritoneal cavity, but not the thymus, were equally effective in conferring immunity to challenged recipients. In addition, cell titration experiments revealed that guinea pigs could survive T. gondii infection by infusing them with as little as 2 × 107 sensitized T cells or B cells. Unlike protection mediated by T cells, protection against lethal disease occurring in the B cell recipients was associated with the formation of Toxoplasma antibodies. These findings illustrate the major role of both humoral and cell-mediated immunity in affording protection against toxoplasmosis based on a guinea pig model of the human disease.  相似文献   
The life history of three populations ofProtohermes grandis and two populations ofProtohermes immaculatus (Megaloptera: Corydalidae) was compared. In general, the larvae lived in stream riffles for 2 years and the adults appeared in summer. Adult body size differed between these closely related species and also between the populations ofP. grandis. Dwarfism occurred inP. immaculatus, a species that is endemic to the small, isolated island, Amami Island. The population ofP. grandis on Yaku Island, located between Amami Island and the mainland Kyushu, had an intermediate body size between that ofP. immaculatus and the mainland population ofP. grandis. Despite being an insular population,P. grandis on Tsushima Island had a similar body size to mainlandP. grandis. In these populations with large adults, some larvae lived in the streams for 3 years. The size distribution of benthic animals, which are the prey available toProtohermes larvae, differed between the streams studied. The density of large prey was lowest on Amami Island, intermediate on Yaku Island, and highest on the mainland and Tsushima Island. Different size distributions of available prey may be caused by the differences of benthic fauna; most of Ecdyonuridae and Ephemerellidae (large mayflies) and Perlidae (large stoneflies) were not found on Amami and Yaku Islands. Thus, there is a tendency to dwarfism in the populations ofProtobermes inhabiting streams where the density of large prey is low.  相似文献   
Jost Borcherding 《Oecologia》1991,87(2):208-218
Summary The annual development of the gonads of Dreissena polymorpha was studied at three sampling sites in two lakes over 3 and 1 1/2 years, respectively. A resting stage occurred after the last spawning in summer/autumn. Oogenesis (accompanied by multiplying segmentation of the oogonia and early growth processes of its oocytes) restarted in specimens at least 1 year old at low temperatures (below 10° C) during winter and early spring. At one location (Fühlinger See) the onset of the spawning season was correlated with an increase of water temperatures above 12° C. At 2 m depth, two main spawning periods in May and August were normally recognized, the first at temperatures of 12–16° C, the second at 16–21° C. It was clearly demonstrated for the first time in Dreissena polymorpha that the oocytes became mature in successive cohorts within one gonad. A female mussel may spawn several times during the reproductive season. At 9 m depth, the onset of spawning also started at about 12° C; this occurred in late summer, with two spawning periods within 1 month at a temperature range of 12–16° C. At another location (Heider Bergsee) the size of the gonads and the oocytes was reduced during April of both years studied, when food supply was low simultaneously with rapidly rising water temperatures in this shallow lake. There was no spawning period during spring. The major spawning period was delayed until July (temperatures 19–22°C). This shows (1) the synchronizing influence of low winter temperatures on the annual reproductive cycle and (2) a temperature threshold of at least 12° C for the start of the spawning processes. The results are discussed with regard to the geographical limits of further spread of Dreissena polymorpha.  相似文献   
Summary Larger nymphs within aquatic insect taxa have been frequently observed to be transported down-stream in the stream drift only at night. Others have hypothesized this pattern results primarily from large nymphs' behavioural avoidance of entering drift during daylight, when size-selective, visually-feeding fish predators are most active. This hypothesis assumes that animals can actively control their entry into the drift, which may not be the case under all flow conditions. We experimentally induced streamflow increases and decreases in adjacent riffles in a hydrologically-stable stream during the daytime to examine whether changes in diel patterns of drift abundance and size-distribution of mayflies were consistent with the hypothesis of active avoidance of diurnal drift. We assessed the likelihood of active vs. passive mechanisms of diurnal drift entry and transport for four taxa that differ with respect to body size, morpho-behavioural attributes, microhabitat use, and general propensity to drift. In each of three seasons, diurnal and nocturnal drift samples were collected in three riffles over two diel cycles. Background drift patterns were established on the first day (no flow manipulation). Six h before sunset on the second day, flow was experimentally increased in one riffle, decreased in the second, and not altered in the third (control). Between-day differences in diurnal and nocturnal drift rate and size composition were then compared among the treatment and reference riffles. Responses of two taxa were consistent with active control over drift entry, transport, or both. For Baetis spp., drift-prone mayflies typically preyed upon by fish, diurnal drift rates immediately increased following both flow reduction and flow elevation in all seasons, but only small individuals comprised the drift. Drift by large individuals was delayed until nighttime. Epeorus longimanus also exhibited significant increases in drift rates following flow reduction and elevation, but responses of this large-bodied species were restricted to nighttime. Drift responses for these two taxa were largely independent of direction of hydrologic change, thus indicating a strong behavioural control over drift. By contrast, numbers and sizes of drifting Paraleptophlebia heteronea and Ephemerella infrequens depended strongly on direction of flow change. Drift rates for both species generally declined after flow reduction and increased after flow elevation. Moreover, after flow elevation, larger individuals often drifted diurnally, a finding consistent with expectations under a passive hydrodynamic model. These experiments indicate that size-dependent mayfly drift reflects not only presumed risk from visual fish predators, but also functional attributes of species such as morphology, behaviour, and microhabitat affiliation, which influence aspects of drift entry and transport under variable hydrologic conditions.  相似文献   
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