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The VH domain of anti-influenza neuraminidase antibody NC41, with and without a C-terminal hydrophilic marker peptide (FLAGTM), has been expressed in high yield (15–27 mg/L) inEscherichia coli. Both forms were secreted into the periplasm where they formed insoluble aggregates which were solubilized quantitatively with 2 M guanidine hydrochloride and purified to homogeneity by ion-exchange chromatography. The VH-FLAG was composed of three isoforms (pI values of 4.6, 4.9, and 5.3) and the VH molecule was composed of two isoforms with pI values of 5.1 and 6.7; the difference between the VH isoforms was shown to be due to cyclization of the N-terminal glutamine residue in the pI 5.1 isoform. At 20°C and concentrations of 5–10mg/ml the VH domain dimerized in solution and then partly precipitated, resulting in the broadening of resonances in its1H NMR spectrum. Reagents such as CHAPS,n-octylglucoside, and ethylene glycol, which presumably mask the exposed hydrophobic interface of the VH molecule, prevented dimerization of the VH and permitted good-quality NMR spectra on isotope-labeled protein to be obtained.  相似文献   
Alkaline borohydride treatment is widely used for the release of carbohydrate moieties from O-glycosylated glycoproteins and mucins. We have adapted this procedure to micro quantities of glycoproteins blotted on membranes. After electrophoresis and transfer to nitrocellulose, nylon or polyvinylidene difluoride membrane, alkaline borohydride treatment was done directly on glycoprotein containing areas of membrane which were cut out with the aid of guide strips stained with Coomassie Blue or lectin-digoxigenin. In combination with standard saccharide fractionation techniques, this procedure can be used to characterize the oligosaccharides of mucins or mucin-type glycoproteins that are separated by gel electrophoresis from crude sources. Using this approach we have characterized the saccharides derived from the two species of epitectin, a malignancy-associated mucin type glycoprotein, isolated from metabolically labelled H.Ep2 cells.  相似文献   
Protein phosphorylation was investigated in [32P]-labeled cardiomyocytes isolated from adult rat heart ventricles. The -adrenergic stimulation (by isoproterenol, ISO) increased the phosphorylation of inhibitory subunit of troponin (TN-I), C-protein and phospholamban (PLN). Such stimulation was largely mediated by increased adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity, increased myoplasmic cyclic AMP and increased cyclic AMP dependent protein kinase (A-kinase)-catalyzed phosphorylation of these proteins in view of the following observations: (a) dibutyryl-and bromo-derivatives of cyclic AMP mimicked the stimulatory effect of ISO on protein phosphorylation while (b) Rp-cyclic AMP was found to attenuate ISO-dependent stimulation. Unexpectedly, 8-bromo cyclic GMP was found to markedly increase TN-I and PLN phosphorylation. Both 1- and 2-adrenoceptors were present and ISO binding to either receptor was found to stimulate myocyte AC. However, the stimulation of the 2-AR only marginally increased while the stimulation of 1-AR markedly increased PLN phosphorylation. Other stimuli that increase tissue cyclic AMP levels also increased PLN and TN-I phosphorylation and these included isobutylmethylxanthine (non-specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor), milrinone (inhibits cardiotonic inhibitable phosphodiesterase, sometimes called type III or IV) and forskolin (which directly stimulates adenylyl cyclase). Cholinergic agonists acting on cardiomyocyte M2-muscarinic receptors that are coupled to AC via pertussis toxin(PT)-sensitive G proteins inhibited AC and attenuated ISO-dependent increases in PLN and TN-I phosphorylation. Thein vivo PT treatment, which ADP-ribosylated Gi-like protein(s) in the myocytes, markedly attenuated muscarinic inhibitory effect on PLN and TN-I phosphorylation on one hand and, increased the -adrenergic stimulation, on the other. Controlled exposure of isolated myocytes to N-ethyl maleimide, also led to the findings similar to those seen following the PT treatment. Exposure of myocytes to phorbol, 12-myristate, 13-acetate (PMA) increased the protein phosphorylation, augmenting the stimulation by ISO, and such augmentation was antagonized by propranolol suggesting modulation of the -adrenoceptor coupled AC pathway by PMA. Okadaic acid (OA) exposure of myocytes also increased protein phosphorylation with the results supporting the roles for type 1 and 2A protein phosphatases in the dephosphorylation of PLN and TN-I. Interestingly OA treatment attenuated the muscarinic inhibitory effect which was restored by subsequent brief exposure of myocytes to PMA. While the stimulation of alpha adrenoceptors exerted little effect on the phosphorylation of PLN and TN-I, inactivation of alpha adrenoceptors by chloroethylclonidine (CEC), augmented -adrenergically stimulated phosphorylation. KCl-dependent depolarization of myocytes was observed to potentiate ISO-dependent increase in phosphorylation (incubation period 15 sec to 1 min) as well as to accelerate the time-dependent decline in this phosphorylation seen upon longer incubation. Verapamil decreased ISO-stimulated protein phosphorylation in the depolarized myocytes. Depolarization was found to have little effect on the muscarinic inhibitory action on phosphorylation. Prior treatment of myocytes with PMA, was found to augment ISO-stimulated protein phosphorylation in the depolarized myocytes. Such augmented increases were completely blocked by propranolol. Forskolin also stimulated PLN and TN-I phosphorylation. Prior exposure of myocytes to forskolin followed by incubation in the depolarized and polarized media showed that PLN was dephosphorylated more rapidly in the depolarized myocytes. The results support the view that both cyclic AMP and calcium signals cooperatively increase the rates of phosphorylation of TN-I and PLN in the depolarized cardiomyocytes during -adrenergic stimulation. The results raise the additional possibility that the calcium signal may regulate the dephosphorylation of PLN in the depolarized cell. While muscarinic attenuation of -adrenergic action on protein phosphorylation was mediated, in part, by decreased AC activity, and muscarinic inhibition of AC and protein phosphorylation was not detectably influenced by the depolarization, the evidence was seen that muscarinic stimulation of dephosphorylation mechanisms are intimately involved. The postulate that the simultaneous stimulation of 1-adrenoceptors inhibits -adrenergic stimulation of PLN and TN-I phosphorylation is supported.  相似文献   
A novel 2D NMR experiment, 2D HE(NE)HGHH, is presented for the assignment ofarginine side chain 1H and 15N resonances inuniformly 15N-labeled proteins. Correlations between1H, 1Hand 1H are established on the basis of3J(15N,1H) heteronuclear scalarcoupling constants, and sequence-specific assignments are obtained by overlapof these fragments with 1H chemical shiftsobtained by assignment procedures starting from the polypeptide backbone.Since guanidino protons exchange quite rapidly with the bulk water, the 2DHE(NE)HGHH pulse scheme has been optimized to avoid saturation and dephasingof the water magnetization during the course of the experiment. As anillustration, arginine side chain assignments are presented for two uniformly15N-labeled proteins of 7 and 23 kDa molecular weight.  相似文献   
A cladistic analysis of the lower Hymenoptera, including all the ‘symphytan’ families and the apocritan families Stephanidae, Megalyridae, Trigonalyidae, Ibaliidae, Vespidae and Gasteruptiidae, has been undertaken. A total of 98 characters were scored for 21 taxa. Twenty equally parsimonious minimum-length trees were obtained. The phylogenetic status of the Xyelidae is uncertain: they might be monophyletic. or the Xyelinae might be the sistergroup of the rest of the Hymenoptera. The non-xyelid Hymenoptera are probably monophyletic; the phylogeny Tenthredinoidea + (Megalodontoidea + (Cephidae + (Anaxyelidea + (Siricidae + (Xiphydriidae + (Orussidae + Apocrita)))))) is proposed for this clade. The Blasticotomidae are probably the sistergroup of all othe Tenthredinoidea, but tenthredinoid phylogeny is otherwise uncertain. Substantial homoplasy occurs within the ‘siricoid’ families, making the relative positions of the Anaxyelidae and Siricidae uncertain. The Stephanidae might be the sistergroup of the rest of the Apocrita; the phylogeny of the remaining apocritan taxa included is insufficiently elucidated. The phylogeny proposed here supports the hypothesis that the appearance of parasitism in the Hymenoptera took place in the common ancestor of Orussidae + Apocrita, the host of which was probably wood boring insect larvae. The exact larval mode of feeding of the ancestral hymenopteran cannot be determined due ot the diversity of lifestyles in the basal lineages of the order.  相似文献   
C1 domains are compact alpha/beta structural units of about 50 amino acids which tightly bind two zinc ions. These domains were first discovered as the loci of phorbol ester and diacylglycerol binding to conventional protein kinase C isozymes, which contain 2 C1 domains (C1A and C1B) in their N-terminal regulatory regions. We present a comprehensive list of 54 C1 domains occurring singly or doubly in 34 different proteins. Many C1 domains and C1 domain-containing proteins bind phorbol esters, but many others do not. By combining analysis of 54 C1 domain sequences with information from previously reported solution and crystal structure determinations and site-directed mutagenesis, profiles are derived and used to classify C1 domains. Twenty-six C1 domains fit the profile for phorbol-ester binding and are termed "typical." Twenty-eight other domains fit the profile for the overall C1 domain fold but do not fit the profile for phorbol ester binding, and are termed "atypical." Proteins containing typical C1 domains are predicted to be regulated by diacylglycerol, whereas those containing only atypical domains are not.  相似文献   
GroEL-mediated protein folding.   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
I. Architecture of GroEL and GroES and the reaction pathway A. Architecture of the chaperonins B. Reaction pathway of GroEL-GroES-mediated folding II. Polypeptide binding A. A parallel network of chaperones binding polypeptides in vivo B. Polypeptide binding in vitro 1. Role of hydrophobicity in recognition 2. Homologous proteins with differing recognition-differences in primary structure versus effects on folding pathway 3. Conformations recognized by GroEL a. Refolding studies b. Binding of metastable intermediates c. Conformations while stably bound at GroEL 4. Binding constants and rates of association 5. Conformational changes in the substrate protein associated with binding by GroEL a. Observations b. Kinetic versus thermodynamic action of GroEL in mediating unfolding c. Crossing the energy landscape in the presence of GroEL III. ATP binding and hydrolysis-driving the reaction cycle IV. GroEL-GroES-polypeptide ternary complexes-the folding-active cis complex A. Cis and trans ternary complexes B. Symmetric complexes C. The folding-active intermediate of a chaperonin reaction-cis ternary complex D. The role of the cis space in the folding reaction E. Folding governed by a "timer" mechanism F. Release of nonnative polypeptides during the GroEL-GroES reaction G. Release of both native and nonnative forms under physiologic conditions H. A role for ATP binding, as well as hydrolysis, in the folding cycle V. Concluding remarks.  相似文献   
Lanne于1987年提出了生物催化剂工程(Biocatalyst engimeering)和介质工程(Medium enineering)的概念[1].有机相生物催化中溶剂的选择也是介质工程的内容之一。纯酶在有机相中的催化作用已有大量报道[2],但对完整细胞研究甚少。本文以甲基单胞菌(Methylomonos)Z201完整细胞为生物催化剂,丙烯环氧化为指标反应,研究有机溶剂对活性的影响并对催化活性-溶剂疏水性进行了相关性分析。研究了水-十六烷两相体系中十六烷含量和搅拦速度对丙烯环氧化速度的影响和细胞的操作稳定性。  相似文献   
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