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Summary Rudist and stromatoporid associations of the Campanian from Central Oman are nearly monospecific. They are dominated byDurania aff.nicholasi, Vaccinites vesiculosus, Torreites milanovici or phaceloid and massive stromatoporids. Several other rudist genera play a secondary role. The thickness of the associations is rarely more than one metre. Solitary corals do not occur in the associations. Colonial corals are less common, although they are up to 1 m high and show considerable diversity. There are no binders. The reef structure indicates variable hydrodynamic conditions. They are always associated with very shallow water. The pureDurania aff.nicholasi patches with large colonial corals andTorreites milanovici are presumably the most rigid structures. The near monospecific associations ofVaccinites vesiculosus are widely distributed. Although mostly preserved in situ, strong currents, presumably caused by tropical storms, have repeatedly impaired and interrupted growth. The specific growth characteristics of the shell of some rudists, especially the radiolitids, enable an estimation of the individual lifespan. Frameworks of approximately 1 metre thickness probably developed in ±100 years. The sediments of the complete sections are predominantly bioclastic.  相似文献   
Habitat preference, seasonal occurrence, starvation resistance, hatching eggs ofBranchipus schaefferi, and effects of predation onB. schaefferi were studied.Branchipus was only present in turbid, unvegetated ponds and absent in ponds which contain higher aquatic vegetation and theSpirogyra sp. The first individuals ofB. schaefferi appeared in April when water temperature was 10 °C and the last adults in November at a water temperature of 3.5 °C. Up to 6 reproducing generations were observed during this period. Abundance ofB. schaefferi was higher in temporary ponds than in permanent ponds. Sex ratio was close to unity for most of the year. Body size ofB. schaefferi males and females was significantly positively correlated with pond volume. Without foodB. schaefferi could survive for 1.5 to 2 days at 20 °C and 4 to 5 days at 10 °C. Hatching success of eggs decreased when eggs were dried for 7 months. Freezing of eggs had no effect on hatching success. From] the predators tested,Chaoborus sp. larvae clearly selected smallB. schaefferi; one consumed approximately 6Branchipus d–1 at a density of 6 to 12 prey 1–1. The other predators, dragonfly larvae, and larvae and adults ofTriturus alpestris selected alternative prey types, for exampleTubifex sp. and ostracods.  相似文献   
Summary The genusPlebeia has a special significance for the study of social evolution of stingless bees: morphologically primitive, its species display a wealth of behavioural evolution, especially with respect to the oviposition process. We comparePlebeia remota with the few other members of the genus studied so far.Related to its subtropical geographical range, brood production is seasonal (there is no brood in the colony in colder months), and adult workers occur as summer and winter bees. The nest is in tree cavities, and the involucrum is absent or restricted to the winter period. Brood cells are arranged in horizontal combs, and new cells are built completely synchronously. Each series consists of up to 50 cells, their number being mainly dependent on colony size. Construction speed is remarkably constant, allowing 4–6 batches per 24 hours. Cell building and provisioning are activities of a small group of specialized workers.The oviposition cycle follows the classical subdivisions for stingless bees. During the patrolling phase a worker may offer a trophic egg in a most remarkable way: while retreating backward from the queen she bends the abdomen under thorax and head, and lays an egg on the comb. This egg is eaten by the queen or a worker.The provisioning, oviposition and operculation of all cells occur simultaneously, each cell is provisioned by 4–9 workers. Localization of a cell by the queen may be facilitated by its characteristic guard, which defends the cell against the approaching queen. The degree of synchronization within a batch is very high: the duration per cell lasts 420–950 sec, the batch of up till 50 cells needs only 557–1160 sec. Operculation is done by a worker that was not involved in the previous steps.Males are generally produced by the queen. Several male producing cycles per year occur. In orphan colonies laying workers give rise to males, and in queenright colonies workers may occasionally reproduce as well.Division of labour follows the general pattern for stingless bees; however, cell building and provisioning are activities of a specialized group of workers.  相似文献   
The main molecular techniques which can be used to generate genetic markers, and the applications of these markers to studies of fish populations are outlined. Published and ongoing studies, in the authors' laboratories, on brown trout and Atlantic salmon are used to compare the resolution and applicability of allozyme, mitochondrial DNA and minisatellite (variable number of tandem repeats) markers for studies on population structuring, genetic variation within populations, and the impact of the accidental and deliberate introduction of non-native salmonids on the genetic make-up of natural populations.  相似文献   
Thirty-two partial phytochrome sequences from algae, mosses, ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms (11 of them newly released ones from our laboratory) were analyzed by distance and characterstate approaches (PHYLIP, TREECON, PAUP). In addition, 12 full-length sequences were analyzed. Despite low bootstrap values at individual internal nodes, the inferred trees (neighbor joining, Fitch, maximum parsimony) generally showed similar branching orders consistent with other molecular data. Lower plants formed two distinct groups. One basal group consisted of Selaginella, Equisetum, and mosses; the other consisted of a monophyletic cluster of frond-bearing pteridophytes. Psilotum was a member of the latter group and hence perhaps was not, as sometimes suggested, a close relative of the first vascular plants. The results further suggest that phytochrome gene duplication giving rise to a- and b- and later to c-types may have taken place within seedfern genomes. Distance matrices dated the separation of mono- and dicotyledons back to about 260 million years before the present (Myr b.p.) and the separation of Metasequoia and Picea to a fossil record-compatible value of 230 Myr B.P. The Ephedra sequence clustered with the c- or a-type and Metasequoia and Picea sequences clustered with the b-type lineage. The paleoherb Nymphaea branched off from the c-type lineage prior to the divergence of mono- and dicotyledons on the a- and b-type branches. Sequences of Piper (another paleoherb) created problems in that they branched off from different phytochrome lineages at nodes contradicting distance from the inferred trees' origin. Correspondence to: H.A.W. Schneider-Poetsch  相似文献   
Evolutionary analysis of the picornavirus family   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An exhaustive evolutionary analysis of the picornavirus family has been carried out using the amino acid sequences of several proteins of the viruses including: the capsid proteins (1D, 1B, and 1C) situated at the 5 end of the genome and responsible for the serotype of the viruses, and the viral polymerase (3D), located at the 3 end of the genome. The evolutionary relationships found among the viruses studied support the new classification, recently suggested, in contrast to the classical one, and the existence of a new genus for the picornavirus family. In the new taxonomic organization, five genera form the picornavirus family: (1) aphthoviruses, (2) cardioviruses, (3) hepatoviruses (previously classified as enteroviruses), (4) renteroviruses (which mainly constitute a combination of the previous genera rhinovirus and enterovirus), and (5) a new genus, with a new and unique representative: the echovirus 22. Our analysis also allowed us, for the first time, to propose the most probable sequence of speciation events to have given rise to the current picornavirus family.The bootstrap procedure was used to check the reliability of the phylogenetic trees obtained. The application of the method of the statistical geometry in distance space to internal branches of the tree revealed a high degree of evolutionary noise, which makes the resolution of some internal branching points difficult. Correspondence to: J. Dopazo  相似文献   
We describe, on the molecular level, a possible fuzzy and primordial translation apparatus capable of synthesizing polypeptides from nucleic acids in a world containing a mixture of coevolving molecules of RNA and proteins already arranged in metabolic cycles (including cofactors). Close attention is paid to template-free systems because they are believed to be the immediate ancestors of this primordial translation apparatus. The two classes of amnoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs), as seen today, are considered as the remnants of such a simple imprecise translation apparatus and are used as guidelines for the construction of the model. Earlier theoretical work by Bedian on a related system is invoked to show how specificity and stability could have been achieved automatically and rather quickly, starting from such an imprecise system, i.e., how the encoded synthesis of proteins could have appeared. Because of the binary nature of the underlying proto-code, the first genetically encoded proteins would then have been alternating copolymers with a high degree of degeneracy, but not random. Indeed, a clear signal for alternating hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues in present-day protein sequences can be detected. Later evolution of the genetic code would have proceeded along lines already discussed by Crick. However, in the initial stages, the translation apparatus proposed here is in fact very similar to the one postulated by Woese, only here it is given a molecular framework. This hypothesis departs from the paradigm of the RNA world in that it supposes that the origin of the genetic code occurred after the apparition of some functional (statistical) proteins first. Implications for protein design are also discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract: This study attempts to determine if the medial (MSO) and lateral superior olive (LSO), medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB), ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (VNLL), and central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICc) contain glutamatergic synaptic endings. Micropunch and microdissection procedures provided fresh samples of these auditory nuclei for the measurement of the high-affinity uptake and electrically evoked release of exogenous d -[3H]ASP. The study also determined if the LSO and MSO contain glycinergic synaptic endings by measuring uptake and release of [14C]-Gly in these nuclei, and whether the MNTB, VNLL, and ICc contain GABAergic endings by assessing the uptake and release of [14C]GABA in these structures. Several strategies optimized the evoked Ca2+-dependent release of the labeled amino acids. These included the enhancement of high-affinity uptake during loading of the markers into the tissues, inhibition of uptake during the subsequent measurement of release, and use of an electrical stimulus current that evoked maximal Ca2+-dependent release. Each of these nuclei manifested the high-affinity uptake and the evoked Ca2+-dependent release of d -[3H]Asp, suggesting the presence of synaptic endings that may use Glu or Asp as a transmitter. Similar findings suggest the presence of glycinergic synaptic endings in the LSO and MSO, and of GABAergic synaptic endings in the MNTB, VNLL, and ICc.  相似文献   
Abstract: This study attempts to determine if projections ascending from the guinea pig cochlear nucleus (CN) could be glutamatergic and/or aspartatergic. Multiple radio frequency lesions were made to ablate the right CN. The ablation was verified histologically. To identify the principal targets of CN efferents, silver impregnation methods were used to localize the preterminal degeneration of fibers in transverse sections of the brainstem 5 and 7 days after CN ablation. CN efferents projected heavily to the lateral superior olive (LSO) ipsilaterally, the medial superior olive (MSO) bilaterally, and contralaterally to the medial (MNTB) and ventral (VNTB) nuclei of the trapezoid body, the ventral (VNLL) and intermediate nuclei of the lateral lemniscus and the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICc). There were smaller projections to the lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body ipsilaterally, the dorsal and dorsomedial periolivary nuclei bilaterally, and the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus contralaterally. There were sparse projections to the VNLL and ICc ipsilaterally and the CN contralaterally, and a very sparse projection to the contralateral LSO. To determine if CN efferents were glutamatergic and/or aspartatergic, the fresh brainstem was sectioned transversely and samples of the LSO, MSO, MNTB, VNLL, and ICc were taken to measure the electrically evoked release and the uptake of d -[3H]Asp and [14C]Gly or [14C]GABA 3–5 days after the CN ablation. The release studies suggest that only certain of the histologically identified projections ascending from the CN may be glutamatergic and/or aspartatergic. CN ablation depressed d -[3H]Asp release in the MSO bilaterally and in the contralateral MNTB and VNLL, suggesting that the CN efferents to these nuclei may use glutamate or aspartate as a transmitter. It was unclear whether a marginal depression of d -[3H]Asp release in the ipsilateral LSO reflected the presence of glutamatergic CN projections to this nucleus. d -[3H]Asp release in the ICc was unaffected, suggesting that CN efferents to this nucleus may not be glutamatergic. There were no deficits in d -[3H]Asp uptake. [14C]Gly release from the LSO and MSO was unchanged. [14C]Gly uptake was unchanged in the MSO and depressed only in the contralateral LSO, possibly reflecting subnormal uptake activity in endings contributed by contralateral MNTB cells that had lost their CN efferents. [14C]GABA uptake in the MNTB, VNLL, and ICc was unchanged. [14C]GABA release was unchanged in the VNLL and ICc. [14C]GABA release was depressed only in the contralateral MNTB, possibly reflecting the loss of a small complement of GABAergic CN efferents and the reaction of GABAergic projections from the contralateral VNTB to their loss of CN efferents.  相似文献   
The effects of consecutive treatments by a lignin-degrading fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium and by steam explosion for the enzymatic saccharification of plant biomass were studied experimentally, and the optimal operational conditions for obtaining the maximum saccharification were evaluated. Beech wood-meal was treated by the fungus for 98 days and then by high steam temperatures of 170-230 degrees C with steaming times of 0-10 min. The treatment of the wood-meal by fungus prior to steam explosion enhanced the saccharification of wood-meal. The treated wood-meal was separated into holo-cellulose, water soluble material, methanol soluble lignin, and Klason lignin. The saccharification decreased linearly with the increase in the amount of Klason lignin. It was estimated by the equation for the saccharification of exploded wood-meal expressed as a function of steam temperature and steaming time that the maximum saccharification of wood-meal was obtained by consecutive treatments such as fungal treatment for 28 days and then steam explosion at a steam temperature of 215 degrees C and a steaming time of 6.5 min. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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