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目的研究一种小分子多肽─APP5肽的模拟物P165对体外培养的大鼠胚胎海马神经干细胞(neuralstem cells,NSCs)增殖和分化的影响,以期能找到一种可代替神经营养因子的小分子物质,能够促进NSCs的增殖或分化,为将来的临床应用提供理论依据。方法(1)原代培养SD大鼠胚胎脑海马NSCs;(2)利用5-溴脱氧尿嘧啶核苷(BrdU)和神经元、星型胶质细胞、少突胶质细胞的特异性标记物微管相关蛋白2(MAP2)、胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)、2,3-环核苷酸-3磷酸二酯酶(CNPase)对培养的NSCs进行鉴定;(3)将培养的NSCs分为对照组、血清组、APP5肽反序列组和P165组,观察各组细胞形态的变化;(4)将培养的NSCs分为对照组、APP5肽反序列组和P165组,利用细胞计数,测定干细胞克隆形成率、干细胞克隆形成大小的方法分析P165对海马NSCs增殖的影响。结果(1)海马神经干细胞呈神经球聚集生长,BrdU染色阳性;加入血清后神经球周围有细胞呈放射状向四周生长,并带有突起。染色呈MAP2、GFAP或CNPase阳性;(2)海马NSCs加入P165及其反序列后细胞形态上与对照组相比没有明显改变;(3)与对照组相比,加P165后海马NSCs数量明显增加,克隆形成率和克隆形成的直径均有明显的增加,并有统计学差异。结论P165能够促进海马NSCs的增殖,但并不促进其分化。  相似文献   
水蕨颈卵器的形成与发育   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
主要运用电子透射显微镜技术对水蕨(Ceratopteris thalictroides(L.)Brongn)颈卵器形成与发育进行了研究。结果表明:水蕨颈卵器是由原叶体分生组织内颈卵器原始细胞形成的。该原始细胞经2次分裂形成3层细胞,上下两层发育成颈卵器颈部与底部的壁细胞,中层为初生细胞。初生细胞是颈卵器内雌配子发生的第一个细胞,该细胞经2次不等分裂形成1个卵细胞,1个腹沟细胞、1个双核的颈沟细胞。本研究首次阐明了水蕨颈卵器内细胞的发育顺序和特征。  相似文献   
Question: What are the consequences of frequently occurring landslides on vegetation dynamics, floristic and structural diversity? Location: 39°27′N; 31°13′W – Morro Alto, Flores Island, Azores, Portugal. Methods: Six comparable landslides were selected. Plots were placed at the top, slope and toe of landslides. Data on floristic composition and biovolume, demography and size structure of the dominant tree species (Juniperus brevifolia) were collected. Hierarchical agglomerative clustering and Principal Component Analysis were used in order to identify succession stages and compare succession pathways and vegetation recovery in different parts of the landslides. Results: Four stages of primary succession on substrates formed by landslides were identified: pioneer (Festuca‐Sphagnum grassland), assembly (JuniperusFestuca‐Sphagnum open scrub), building (Juniperus‐Sphagnum scrub) and mature (Juniperus‐Sphagnum woodland). Concerning J. brevifolia populations, the succession pathways are independent of location on the landslide. However, at the floristic level, there are some differences, mainly in the pioneer stage at the toes of landslides. Better abiotic conditions, resulting in a higher succession rate, are probably responsible for a faster vegetation recovery on landslide toes. Conclusion: Landslides trigger succession processes that enable a massive regeneration of the dominant tree species and existence of species not present in mature forests. They are also responsible for the simultaneous occurrence of vegetation of different structures. Overall, landslides increase the floristic and structural diversity of the vegetation, consequently increasing landscape heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Although various nonviral transfection methods are available, cell toxicity, low transfection efficiency, and high cost remain hurdles for in vitro gene delivery in cultured primary endothelial cells. Recently, unprecedented transfection efficiency for primary endothelial cells has been achieved due to the newly developed nucleofection technology that uses a combination of novel electroporation condition and specific buffer components that stabilize the cells in the electrical field. Despite superior transfection efficiency and cell viability, high cost of the technology has discouraged cardiovascular researchers from liberally adopting this new technology. Here we report that a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)-based nucleofection method can be used for efficient gene delivery into primary endothelial cells and other types of cells. Comparative analyses of transfection efficiency and cell viability for primary arterial, venous, microvascular, and lymphatic endothelial cells were performed using PBS. Compared with the commercial buffers, PBS can support equally remarkable nucleofection efficiency to both primary and nonprimary cells. Moreover, PBS-mediated nucleofection of small interfering RNA (siRNA) showed more than 90% knockdown of the expression of target genes in primary endothelial cells. We demonstrate that PBS can be an unprecedented economical alternative to the high-cost buffers or nucleofection of various primary and nonprimary cells.  相似文献   
Heterodimer mutant reaction centers (RCs) of Blastochloris viridis were crystallized using microfluidic technology. In this mutant, a leucine residue replaced the histidine residue which had acted as a fifth ligand to the bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) of the primary electron donor dimer M site (HisM200). With the loss of the histidine-coordinated Mg, one bacteriochlorophyll of the special pair was converted into a bacteriopheophytin (BPhe), and the primary donor became a heterodimer supermolecule. The crystals had dimensions 400 × 100 × 100 μm, belonged to space group P43212, and were isomorphous to the ones reported earlier for the wild type (WT) strain. The structure was solved to a 2.5 Å resolution limit. Electron-density maps confirmed the replacement of the histidine residue and the absence of Mg. Structural changes in the heterodimer mutant RC relative to the WT included the absence of the water molecule that is typically positioned between the M side of the primary donor and the accessory BChl, a slight shift in the position of amino acids surrounding the site of the mutation, and the rotation of the M194 phenylalanine. The cytochrome subunit was anchored similarly as in the WT and had no detectable changes in its overall position. The highly conserved tyrosine L162, located between the primary donor and the highest potential heme C380, revealed only a minor deviation of its hydroxyl group. Concomitantly to modification of the BChl molecule, the redox potential of the heterodimer primary donor increased relative to that of the WT organism (772 mV vs. 517 mV). The availability of this heterodimer mutant and its crystal structure provides opportunities for investigating changes in light-induced electron transfer that reflect differences in redox cascades.  相似文献   
The Biogeochemistry of Carbon at Hubbard Brook   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
The biogeochemical behavior of carbon in the forested watersheds of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) was analyzed in long-term studies. The largest pools of C in the reference watershed (W6) reside in mineral soil organic matter (43% of total ecosystem C) and living biomass (40.5%), with the remainder in surface detritus (14.5%). Repeated sampling indicated that none of these pools was changing significantly in the late-1990s, although high spatial variability precluded the detection of small changes in the soil organic matter pools, which are large; hence, net ecosystem productivity (NEP) in this 2nd growth forest was near zero (± about 20 g C/m2-yr) and probably similar in magnitude to fluvial export of organic C. Aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) of the forest declined by 24% between the late-1950s (462 g C/m2-yr) and the late-1990s (354 g C/m2-yr), illustrating age-related decline in forest NPP, effects of multiple stresses and unusual tree mortality, or both. Application of the simulation model PnET-II predicted 14% higher ANPP than was observed for 1996–1997, probably reflecting some unknown stresses. Fine litterfall flux (171 g C/m2-yr) has not changed much since the late-1960s. Because of high annual variation, C flux in woody litterfall (including tree mortality) was not tightly constrained but averaged about 90 g C/m2-yr. Carbon flux to soil organic matter in root turnover (128 g C/m2-yr) was only about half as large as aboveground detritus. Balancing the soil C budget requires that large amounts of C (80 g C/m2-yr) were transported from roots to rhizosphere carbon flux. Total soil respiration (TSR) ranged from 540 to 800 g C/m2-yr across eight stands and decreased with increasing elevation within the northern hardwood forest near W6. The watershed-wide TSR was estimated as 660 g C/m2-yr. Empirical measurements indicated that 58% of TSR occurred in the surface organic horizons and that root respiration comprised about 40% of TSR, most of the rest being microbial. Carbon flux directly associated with other heterotrophs in the HBEF was minor; for example, we estimated respiration of soil microarthropods, rodents, birds and moose at about 3, 5, 1 and 0.8 g C/m2-yr, respectively, or in total less than 2% of NPP. Hence, the effects of other heterotrophs on C flux were primarily indirect, with the exception of occasional irruptions of folivorous insects. Hydrologic fluxes of C were significant in the watershed C budget, especially in comparison with NEP. Although atmospheric inputs (1.7 g C/m2-yr) and streamflow outputs (2.7 g C/m2-yr) were small, larger quantities of C were transported within the ecosystem and a more substantial fraction of dissolved C was transported from the soil as inorganic C and evaded from the stream as CO2 (4.0 g C/m2-yr). Carbon pools and fluxes change rapidly in response to catastrophic disturbances such as forest harvest or major windthrow events. These changes are dominated by living vegetation and dead wood pools, including roots. If biomass removal does not accompany large-scale disturbance, the ecosystem is a large net source of C to the atmosphere (500–1200 g C/m2-yr) for about a decade following disturbance and becomes a net sink about 15–20 years after disturbance; it remains a net sink of about 200–300 g C/m2-yr for about 40 years before rapidly approaching steady state. Shifts in NPP and NEP associated with common small-scale or diffuse forest disturbances (e.g., forest declines, pathogen irruptions, ice storms) are brief and much less dramatic. Spatial and temporal patterns in C pools and fluxes in the mature forest at the HBEF reflect variation in environmental factors. Temperature and growing-season length undoubtedly constrain C fluxes at the HBEF; however, temperature effects on leaf respiration may largely offset the effects of growing season length on photosynthesis. Occasional severe droughts also affect C flux by reducing both photosynthesis and soil respiration. In younger stands nutrient availability strongly limits NPP, but the role of soil nutrient availability in limiting C flux in the mature forest is not known. A portion of the elevational variation of ANPP within the HBEF probably is associated with soil resource limitation; moreover, sites on more fertile soils exhibit 20–25% higher biomass and ANPP than the forest-wide average. Several prominent biotic influences on C pools and fluxes also are clear. Biomass and NPP of both the young and mature forest depend upon tree species composition as well as environment. Similarly, litter decay differs among tree species and forest types, and forest floor C accumulation is twice as great in the spruce–fir–birch forests at higher elevations than in the northern hardwood forests, partly because of inherently slow litter decay and partly because of cold temperatures. This contributes to spatial patterns in soil solution and streamwater dissolved organic carbon across the Hubbard Brook Valley. Wood decay varies markedly both among species and within species because of biochemical differences and probably differences in the decay fungi colonizing wood. Although C biogeochemistry at the HBEF is representative of mountainous terrain in the region, other sites will depart from the patterns described at the HBEF, due to differences in site history, especially agricultural use and fires during earlier logging periods. Our understanding of the C cycle in northern hardwood forests is most limited in the area of soil pool size changes, woody litter deposition and rhizosphere C flux processes.  相似文献   
Vertebrate embryos are able to reconstitute the body plan when early blastomeres are deleted, but it is not known whether this is accomplished by cells local to the lesion or by a readjustment of the entire pattern of the embryo. We distinguished between these two possibilities by studying which embryonic cells change primary spinal neuronal fates after deletion of a major spinal cord progenitor. After ablation of the V1.2 blastomere of the 16-cell Xenopus embryo, the spinal cord contained normal numbers of Rohon-Beard neurons and primary motoneurons, indicating that the remaining blastomeres numerically reconstituted these populations. Using lineage-tracing techniques we revealed a global response: 10 out of the 15 remaining blastomeres significantly changed the number of one or both neuronal types they produced. This widespread response indicates that position in the early embryo plays an important role in regulating the production of primary spinal neurons. However, not all cells are influenced solely by position; a vegetal cell transplanted into the position of the deleted V1.2 did not take on the neuronal fate of its new position. Thus, restitution of pattern relies on a combination of positional cues and intrinsic fate restrictions.  相似文献   
The mass spectrometric strategy including three steps is presented for primary structure determination of the N-terminally blocked peptides. First, the C-terminal sequencing is performed by using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry coupled with carboxypeptidase Y digestion. Then, the peptide is cleaved according to the obtained C-terminal sequence information and the resulting peptides are identified by mass spectrometry and Edman degradation after fractionation by reverse-phase chromatography. Finally, the N-terminal fragment is sequenced by tandem mass spectrometry. The strategy was successfully applied to the sequence determination of two novel N-terminally blocked peptides named EAFP1 and EAFP2.  相似文献   
Mitochondria and autoimmunity in primary biliary cirrhosis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Primary biliary cirrhosis is an enigmatic autoimmune liver disease that predominantly affects women and is characterized by antimitochondrial antibodies and specific destruction of small bile ducts. Interestingly, patients with this disease not only have high titer antibodies to mitochondria, but also highly directed, liver-specific CD4 and CD8 cells directed at the same mitochondrial autoantigens. These mitochondrial autoantigens are all members of the 2-oxo dehydrogenase complex family and include the E2 component of pyruvate dehydrogenase as the major autoantigen. Moreover, the epitopes recognized by CD4, CD8 T cells and autoantibody, are all directed within the same region, namely the lipoyl domain of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex-E2. All cells in the body have mitochondria but there appear to be specific destruction of biliary cells. We believe that this specific destruction is secondary to a highly directed mucosal response that focuses on biliary cells because of the involvement of a polymeric immunoglobulin receptor, the presence of immunoglobulin A in mucosal secretions, and the unique apoptotic properties of biliary epithelium.  相似文献   
The objective was to examine primary cilia at the apical surface of corneal endothelial cells after using different fixatives. Female albino rabbits (2 kg) were euthanised at 15:00 h and the corneas fixed immediately (usually with an isotonic 2% glutaraldehyde-cacodylate fixative) either after dissection, by application fixative at 4 degrees C, by immersion of the eyeball in fixative at room temperature (RT), or by application of an isotonic or a hypertonic (Karnovsky-type) fixative at RT. Images at 2000x were taken from the central corneal region, and number and length of primary cilia assessed. The length was the same regardless of method (overall average of 1.67+/-0.70 microm), but the incidence of primary cilia was hypertonic fixative (87% of cells) >cold drop fixation (71%), >whole globe immersion (68%) >dissect then fix methods (67%) >RT drop fixation (34%). The first four methods however yielded cells with unacceptable artefacts (especially distortion). More details should be provided of the primary fixation method used.  相似文献   
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