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There is growing interest in the use of metformin to extend lifespan and prevent the onset of age‐related disorders in non‐diabetic individuals. The impact of metformin on lifespan and aging has been studied in several model organisms, with varying effects. We conducted a systematic review of studies that performed laboratory experiments investigating the effect of metformin on overall lifespan in healthy Mus musculus mice and in Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes. Lifespan results for mice and nematodes were analyzed in separate meta‐analyses, and there was a significant amount of heterogeneity across experiments within each species. We found that metformin was not significantly associated with an overall lifespan‐prolonging effect in either mice or nematodes. For nematodes, however, there was a lifespan‐prolonging effect in experiments using live OP50 Escherichia coli as a food source, an effect that was larger when metformin was started earlier in life. Our work highlights the importance of testing compounds in a diversity of model organisms. Moreover, in all species, including humans, it may be necessary to study the effect of metformin on aging in both younger and older cohorts.  相似文献   
Rapamycin treatment has positive and negative effects on progression of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in a recombinant inbred polygenic mouse model, male NONcNZO10/LtJ (NcZ10). Here, we show that combination treatment with metformin ameliorates negative effects of rapamycin while maintaining its benefits. From 12 to 30 weeks of age, NcZ10 males were fed a control diet or diets supplemented with rapamycin, metformin, or a combination of both. Rapamycin alone reduced weight gain, adiposity, HOMA‐IR, and inflammation, and prevented hyperinsulinemia and pre‐steatotic hepatic lipidosis, but exacerbated hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and pancreatic islet degranulation. Metformin alone reduced hyperinsulinemia and circulating c‐reactive protein, but exacerbated nephropathy. Combination treatment retained the benefits of both while preventing many of the deleterious effects. Importantly, the combination treatment reversed effects of rapamycin on markers of hepatic insulin resistance and normalized systemic insulin sensitivity in this inherently insulin‐resistant model. In adipose tissue, rapamycin attenuated the expression of genes associated with adipose tissue expansion (Mest, Gpam), inflammation (Itgam, Itgax, Hmox1, Lbp), and cell senescence (Serpine1). In liver, the addition of metformin counteracted rapamycin‐induced alterations of G6pc, Ppara, and Ldlr expressions that promote hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia. Both rapamycin and metformin treatment reduced hepatic Fasn expression, potentially preventing lipidosis. These results delineate a state of “insulin signaling restriction” that withdraws endocrine support for further adipogenesis, progression of the metabolic syndrome, and the development of its comorbidities. Our results are relevant for the treatment of T2D, the optimization of current rapamycin‐based treatments for posttransplant rejection and various cancers, and for the development of treatments for healthy aging.  相似文献   
A number of studies have shown that primates monitor and select plant species in their diet as a function of their secondary compound composition. The possibility also exists that secondary compounds, when used in appropriate concentrations, may have a beneficial, medicinal aspect. In this regard, synthesis of a variety of data suggested a connection between selection of Balanites by Ethiopian baboons, and the distribution of schistosomiasis. To test the hypothesis that the secondary compounds in Balanites might be selected for ‘medicinal purposes’, we conducted an experiment on the effect of adding the active principle, diosgenin, to the food of schistosome-infected mice. The hypothesis was that this steroidal saponin might alter the host's hormonal milieu, making a less hospitable environment for the adult schistosomes. Sacrifice of the mice showed diosgenin-fed animals to have an augmented rather than decreased response to the disease. However, the data support the developing literature that shows that the host's hormonal environment has a major effect on the parasitic diseases they are subject to, and that the hormonal environment can be dramatically influenced by the secondary compounds in the diet.  相似文献   
体细胞来源及培养代数对核移植重构胚发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨体细胞来源及培养代数对核移植重构胚发育的影响,实验采用电融合法将小鼠2—细胞胚胎卵裂球、胚胎干细胞(ES)、胎儿成纤维细胞、耳成纤维细胞、尾尖成纤维细胞、睾丸支持细胞和精原细胞以及不同培养代次的胎儿成纤维细胞进行了核移植。结果显示:2—细胞胚胎卵裂球供核重构胚发育最好,囊胚率为7.4%;ES细胞重构胚虽然发育率低,但仍有囊胚出现,比例为0.7%;胎儿成纤维细胞重构胚最高发育阶段为桑椹胚,比例为0.2%;精原细胞重构胚只能发育到8-细胞阶段,比例为0.3%;其他几类细胞重构胚则仅能发育至4-细胞阶段。不同培养代数的胎儿成纤维细胞重构胚除第3代外都可发育到8-细胞阶段,且发育率差异不显著,但第一代细胞重构胚2-细胞发育率(40.7%)显著低于2、3和4代细胞重构胚。结果表明:不同分化程度的细胞核移植后,重新编程的难易程度是不一样的,分化程度越高则重新编程越难;未调整细胞周期的ES细胞由于多数处于S期,所以重构胚发育率很低;体外培养传代有利于体细胞核移植后重新编程。  相似文献   
利用近年来发展起来的代表性差异分析cDNA-RDA(cDNA-representational difference analysis)技术筛选BXSB红斑狼疮小鼠发病相关基因.发现了3个新的表达序列标签(EST)片段,在GenBank中的登录号分别为AF060113, AF060111, AF060110,同时发现了一些已知与自身免疫病相关的基因如逆转录病毒衣壳蛋白、Line-1逆转录酶等.通过RDA技术可能发现系统性红斑狼疮发病相关新基因,为自身免疫病的理论研究提供新的思路和方法.  相似文献   
抗性淀粉对HFA小鼠肠道菌群的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 以人源菌群(HFA)小鼠为研究模型,观察抗性淀粉(RS)对高脂饮食诱导的肥胖小鼠肠道菌群的多样性的影响.方法 将30只无菌小鼠接种健康人志愿者的粪便悬液构建HFA小鼠模型后,随机分成3组,一组喂养含20%的抗性淀粉的高脂饲料(RS组),一组喂养纯高脂饲料(CK组),一组喂养普通饲料(CONV组),取第0周和第8周的小鼠新鲜粪便,用PCR-DGGE分析3组小鼠的肠道菌群的相似性和多样性.结果 3组小鼠在第0周时肠道菌群多样性的相似度达到79%~87%,与人的肠道菌群相似性达到39%,说明构建HFA小鼠模型成功,第8周时,3组之间的均匀度(E)和Shannon指数差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),而丰富度(S)在高脂组(CK)与普通饲料组(CONV)和抗性淀粉组(RS)之间差异都有统计学意义(P<0.05),说明高脂饮食引起肠道菌群多样性增加,而抗性淀粉则能降低这种多样性.结论 抗性淀粉可以显著影响HFA小鼠的肠道菌群多样性.  相似文献   
农杆菌介导转化小麦幼胚获得抗除草剂再生植株   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用农杆菌介导法转化小麦品种G54授粉10 d后的幼胚,经5‰和2‰ PPT筛选获得83株正常再生植株.PCR及Southern杂交检测证明其中8株再生苗为转bar基因植株,这些植株对除草剂Basta的抗性明显提高.实验结果还证明,高糖浓度的培养基对愈伤组织诱导、植株再生及生根都有显著的促进作用;在感染液和共培养基中添加乙酰丁香酮有利于转化株的筛选.  相似文献   
Disturbances of circadian rhythms are associated with many types of mood disorders; however, it is unknown whether a dysfunctional circadian pacemaker can be the primary cause of altered emotional behavior. To test this hypothesis, male and female mice carrying a mutation of the circadian gene, Clock, were compared to wild-type mice in an array of behavioral tests used to measure exploratory activity, anxiety, and behavioral despair. Female Clock mutant mice exhibited significantly greater activity and rearing in an open field and a greater number of total arm entries in the elevated plus maze. In addition, female Clock mutant mice spent significantly more time swimming in the forced swim test than wild-type mice on both days of a 2-day test. Male Clock mutant mice also exhibited increased exploration of the open field and increased swimming in the forced swim test; however, behavioral changes were less robust in Clock mutant males compared to Clock mutant females. These changes in behavior were not dependent on the expression of a lengthened free-running period but were more or less striking depending on the testing conditions. These data indicate that the Clock mutation leads to increased exploratory behavior and increased escape-seeking behavior, and, conversely, does not result in increased anxiety or depressive-like behavior. These results suggest that the Clock gene is involved in regulating behavioral arousal, and that Clock may interact with sex hormones to produce these behavioral changes.  相似文献   
侯宁  王剑  李振华  曹阳  范开吉  杨晓 《遗传》2012,34(3):326-334
以往的miRNA芯片研究结果显示, miR-27b在人类心脏疾病标本和压力负荷引起的小鼠心肌肥厚模型中表达水平明显升高, 提示其在心脏疾病发生过程中发挥了重要功能。为研究miR-27b在心脏组织中的功能, 文章建立了在心肌细胞特异性 a-肌球蛋白重链(a-MHC)启动子(5.5 kb)控制下过表达miR-27b的转基因小鼠。通过Real-time PCR检测, 发现miR-27b前体和成熟体表达水平在转基因小鼠心脏组织中明显升高。miR-27b转基因小鼠不仅出现心肌肥厚, 还表现出明显的心肌纤维化。进一步研究表明心肌纤维化的关键调节分子金属基质蛋白酶13(MMP13)是miR-27b的靶分子, 在miR-27b转基因小鼠中MMP13显著下调, 胶原分子I和 III则显著上调。此外, 还发现miR-27b转基因小鼠会出现心脏超微结构的损伤。以上研究结果表明, miR-27b可能通过抑制MMP13促进心肌纤维化。  相似文献   
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