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The end-Triassic biodiversity crisis was one of the most severe mass extinctions in the history of animal life. However, the extent to which the loss of taxonomic diversity was coupled with a reduction in organismal abundance remains to be quantified. Further, the temporal relationship between organismal abundance and local marine redox conditions is lacking in carbonate sections. To address these questions, we measured skeletal grain abundance in shallow-marine limestones by point counting 293 thin sections from four stratigraphic sections across the Triassic/Jurassic boundary in the Lombardy Basin and Apennine Platform of western Tethys. Skeletal abundance decreased abruptly across the Triassic/Jurassic boundary in all stratigraphic sections. The abundance of skeletal organisms remained low throughout the lower-middle Hettangian strata and began to rebound during the late Hettangian and early Sinemurian. A two-way ANOVA indicates that sample age (p < .01, η2 = 0.30) explains more of the variation in skeletal abundance than the depositional environment or paleobathymetry (p < .01, η2 = 0.15). Measured I/Ca ratios, a proxy for local shallow-marine redox conditions, show this same pattern with the lowest I/Ca ratios occurring in the early Hettangian. The close correspondence between oceanic water column oxygen levels and skeletal abundance indicates a connection between redox conditions and benthic organismal abundance across the Triassic/Jurassic boundary. These findings indicate that the end-Triassic mass extinction reduced not only the biodiversity but also the carrying capacity for skeletal organisms in early Hettangian ecosystems, adding to evidence that mass extinction of species generally leads to mass rarity among survivors.  相似文献   
One of the most important fundamental questions connecting chemistry to biology is how chemistry scales in complexity up to biological systems where there are innumerable possible pathways and competing processes. With the development of ultrabright electron and x-ray sources, it has been possible to literally light up atomic motions to directly observe the reduction in dimensionality in the barrier crossing region to a few key reaction modes. How do these chemical processes further couple to the surrounding protein or macromolecular assembly to drive biological functions? Optical methods to trigger photoactive biological processes are needed to probe this issue on the relevant timescales. However, the excitation conditions have been in the highly nonlinear regime, which questions the biological relevance of the observed structural dynamics.  相似文献   
Vertical stratification is a key feature of tropical forests and structures plant–frugivore interactions. However, it is unclear whether vertical differences in plant-frugivore interactions are due to differences among strata in plant community composition or inherent preferences of frugivores for specific strata. To test this, we observed fruit removal of a diverse frugivore community on the liana Marcgravia longifolia in a Peruvian rain forest. Unlike most other plants, Marcgravia longifolia produces fruits across forest strata. This enabled us to study effects of vertical stratification on fruit removal without confounding effects of plant species and stratum. We found a high number of visits of a few frugivore species in the understorey and a low number of visits of many different frugivores in the canopy and midstorey. Whereas partial and opportunistic frugivores foraged across strata with differing frequencies, obligate frugivores were only found eating fruits in the higher strata. Avian frugivores foraging in the canopy were mainly large species with pointed wings, whereas under- and midstorey avian foragers were smaller with rounded wings. Our findings suggest a continuous shift in the frugivore community composition along the vertical gradient, from a few generalized frugivores in the understorey to a diverse set of specialized frugivores in the canopy. This shift in the frugivore community leads to correlated, reciprocal changes from specialized to generalized plant-frugivore interactions. Thus, we conclude that vertical niche differentiation between species in tropical forests persists even when food resources are available across strata. This highlights its role for promoting biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   
Frataxin is a kinetic activator of the mitochondrial supercomplex for iron-sulfur cluster assembly. Low frataxin expression or a decrease in its functionality results in Friedreich's Ataxia (FRDA). With the aim of creating new molecular tools to study this metabolic pathway, and ultimately, to explore new therapeutic strategies, we have investigated the possibility of obtaining small proteins exhibiting a high affinity for frataxin. In this study, we applied the ribosome display approach, using human frataxin as the target. We focused on Affi_224, one of the proteins that we were able to select after five rounds of selection. We have studied the interaction between both proteins and discussed some applications of this specific molecular tutor, concerning the modulation of the supercomplex activity. Affi_224 and frataxin showed a KD value in the nanomolar range, as judged by surface plasmon resonance analysis. Most likely, it binds to the frataxin acidic ridge, as suggested by the analysis of chemical shift perturbations (nuclear magnetic resonance) and computational simulations. Affi_224 was able to increase Cys NFS1 desulfurase activation exerted by the FRDA frataxin variant G130V. Importantly, Affi_224 interacts with frataxin in a human cellular model. Our results suggest quaternary addition may be a new tool to modulate frataxin function in vivo. Nevertheless, more functional experiments under physiological conditions should be carried out to evaluate Affi_224 effectiveness in FRDA cell models.  相似文献   
Predator behaviors influence, and are influenced by, prey and competitor behaviors. Jaguars (Panthera onca), pumas (Puma concolor), and ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) coexist throughout their geographic range as the three largest predators in a multi-predator community across diverse environments. This study tested for non-random segregation and overlap in the activity patterns of these felids and their shared prey in the southern buffer zone of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, in southern Mexico, using camera traps during February to August 2019. We detected little temporal segregation between the nocturnal activities of jaguars, pumas, and ocelots, although pumas were more active closer to dawn. Jaguars had low activity overlap with species likely to be common prey, whereas ocelots had high overlap with their potential prey. Pumas displayed finer-scale similarities in activity with species likely to be common prey. In an understudied area of conservation importance, this study shows that temporal segregation is an unlikely mechanism of coexistence. Further research should incorporate spatio-temporal avoidance and dietary differences to improve our understanding of the mechanisms that drive coexistence between generalist species in a diverse assemblage of threatened felids. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   
Marine algae are one of the most important sources of high-value compounds such as polar lipids, omega-3 fatty acids, photosynthetic pigments, or secondary metabolites with interesting features for different niche markets. Acetabularia acetabulum is a macroscopic green single-celled alga, with a single nucleus hosted in the rhizoid. This alga is one of the most studied dasycladalean species and represents an important model system in cell biology studies. However, its lipidome and pigment profile have been overlooked. Total lipid extracts were analyzed using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (HILIC-HRMS), tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The antioxidant capacity of lipid extracts was tested using DPPH and ABTS assays. Lipidomics identified 16 polar lipid classes, corresponding to glycolipids, betaine lipids, phospholipids, and sphingolipids, with a total of 191 lipid species, some of them recognized by their bioactivities. The most abundant polar lipids were glycolipids. Lipid classes less studied in algae were identified, such as diacylglyceryl-carboxyhydroxymethylcholine (DGCC) or hexosylceramide (HexCer). The pigment profile of A. acetabulum comprised carotenoids (17.19%), namely cis-neoxanthin, violaxanthin, lutein and β,β-carotene, and chlorophylls a and b (82.81%). A. acetabulum lipid extracts showed high antioxidant activity promoting a 50% inhibition (IC50) with concentrations of 57.91 ± 1.20 μg · mL−1 (438.18 ± 8.95 μmol Trolox · g−1 lipid) in DPPH and 20.55 ± 0.60 μg · mL−1 in ABTS assays (918.56 ± 27.55 μmol Trolox · g−1 lipid). This study demonstrates the potential of A. acetabulum as a source of natural bioactive molecules and antioxidant compounds.  相似文献   
Sexually selected traits, such as male weapons, are highly variable in shape and size across species. However, little is known about the mechanisms that may govern this variation. Because males with greater investment in weapon size tend to win more fights, but also pay higher costs related to weapon development and maintenance, larger weapons should be expected only in species in which victory in male–male fights generate reproductive benefits that outweigh investment costs. Here, we hypothesized that the reproductive characteristics that increase the chances of winners to access females or to fertilize eggs will favor the evolution of larger weapons. To evaluate this hypothesis, we conducted a meta-analysis using arthropods as model organisms. To measure investment in weapon size, we gathered both Pearson correlation coefficient and the standardized (but non centralized) slope values for the relationship between weapon size and body size. We found that none of the reproductive characteristics we investigated was related to male weapon size. Thus, it seems that greater certainty of accessing a female or fertilizing female eggs with a victory does not modulate the investment in male weapon size. Perhaps the cost–benefit ratio between weapon size investment and reproductive success is not the main factor driving the variation in weapon size.  相似文献   
Rational design of high-efficiency N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) palladium catalyst is of great importance to modern organic synthesis, especially in chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Herein, we fabricate a polymer network containing N-heterocyclic carbene palladium (PNNHC-Pd) catalytic active sites via an immobilization process. The N-heterocyclic carbene palladium can serve as a promising linkage of polymer network as well as an effective catalytic active site owing to its structural preference and strong σ-donating ability with palladium species. The results display that N-heterocyclic carbene palladium disperses homogeneously in polymer network, thus rendering PNNHC-Pd excellent catalytic activity, high stability and superior reusability in palladium-catalyzed Suzuki–Miyaura coupling reaction in aqueous medium. This work provides a new insight into the development of heterogenization of homogeneous catalysts based on polymer network.  相似文献   
Peptide tag systems are a robust biophysical and biochemical method that is widely used for protein detection and purification. Here, we developed a novel tag system termed “HiP4” (histidine plus four amino acids) whose epitope sequence comprises only seven amino acids (HHHDYDI) that partially overlap with the conventional 6x histidine tag (6xHis-tag). We produced a monoclonal antibody against the HiP4 tag that can be used in multiple immunoassays with high specificity and affinity. Using this system, we developed a tandem affinity purification (TAP) and mass spectrometry (TAP-MS) system for comprehensive protein interactome analysis. The integrated use of nickel bead purification followed by HiP4 tag immunoprecipitation made it possible to reduce nonspecific binding and improve selectivity, leading to the recovery of previously unrecognized proteins that interact with hepatitis B virus X (HBx) protein or TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TARDBP or TDP-43). Our results indicate that this system may be viable as a simple and powerful tool for TAP-MS that can achieve low background and high selectivity in comprehensive protein–protein interaction analyses.  相似文献   
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