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The ultrastructure, morphology, and histology of somatic embryogenesis in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) were examined using light and electron microscopic techniques. Somatic embryogenesis was initiated from zygotic embryo explants cultured 8 d after pollination. Formation of a ridge of tissue began 3–4 d after culture (DAC) by divisions in the epidermal and subepidermal cells of the scutellum. Ridge formation was accompanied by a decrease in vacuoles, lipid bodies, and cell size, and an increase in endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Proembryonic cell masses (proembryoids) formed from the scutellar ridge by 10 DAC. Proembryoid cells had abundant Golgi bodies and ER while the amounts of lipids and starch varied. Somatic embryos developed from the proembryonic masses 13 DAC and by 21 DAC had all the parts of mature zygotic embryos. Although shoot and root primordia of somatic embryos were always less differentiated than those of zygotic embryos, scutellar cells of somatic and zygotic embryos had similar amounts of lipids, vacuoles, and starch. Somatic scutellar epidermal cells were more vacuolated than their zygotic counterparts. In contrast, somatic scutellar nodal cells were smaller and not as vacuolated as in zygotic embryos. Somatic embryogenesis was characterized by three phases of cell development: first, scutellar cell dedifferentiation with a reduction in lipids and cell and vacuole size; second, proembryoid formation with high levels of ER; and third, the development of somatic embryos that were functionally and morphologically similar to zygotic embryos.  相似文献   
Replication-defective recombinant adenovirus, Adex4SRLacZL, was used as a vector for transferring exogenous genes in mouse zona pellucida-free eggs at the pronuclear stage. The vector contained the E. coli LacZ reporter gene under the control of the SRα promoter (SV40 early promoter-fused HTLV-I LTR), and the expression of the reporter gene was examined during preimplantation development in culture. Histochemical staining of the embryos for β-galactosidase activity showed that the exogenous LacZ gene as expressed in 98% of the embryos at the morula-blastocyst stages. As in the microinjection method, the exogenous genes could be pursued from the 2-cell stage. Neither apparent morphological changes nor cytotoxic effects were observed. Both the percentages of embryos expressing reporter genes and the rate of development to the blastocyst stage were higher in the adenovirus vector-treated embryos than in the microinjected ones. These results suggest that the adenovirus vector system is a useful tool in investigating the genetic control of early mammalian development. © 1995 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary The cellular retinoic acid-binding proteins (CRABPs) are thought to modulate the responsiveness of cells to retinoic acid (RA). We have previously shown that primary cultures of murine embryonic palate mesenchymal (MEPM) cells express both CRABP-I and CRABP-II genes and that this expression is regulated by RA and transforming growth factor β (TGF-β). These cells also express high levels of TGF-β3, which is also regulated by RA and TGF-β. We have used an antisense strategy to investigate the role of the CRABPs in retinoid-induced gene expression. Subconfluent cultures of MEPM cells were treated for several days with phosphorothioate modified 18-mer oligonucleotides antisense to CRABP-I or CRABP-II and then with all-trans-retinoic acid at a concentration of 3.3 μM or 0.33 μM for 5 or 22 h. Total RNA was then extracted and the expression of TGF-β3, retinoic acid receptor β (RAR-β), and tenascin was assessed by northern blot analysis. Antisense oligonucleotides to CRABP-I partially inhibited the RA-induced TGF-β3, RAR-β, and tenascin mRNA expression. The corresponding mis-sense oligonucleotides were without effect. Antisense oligonucleotides to CRABP-II also partially inhibited RA-induced expression of these genes. As with the CRABP-I antisense, mis-sense oligonucleotides to CRABP-II had no effect. These data suggest that both CRABPs modulate the responsiveness of MEPM cells to retinoic acid. Inhibition of endogenous CRABP expression renders MEPM cells less responsive to RA with respect to induction of TGF-β3, RAR-β, and tenascin gene expression. These results have important implications for our understanding of the role of the CRABPs in retinoid teratology.  相似文献   
Summary In the genusMusa, germination is extremely variable and relatively difficult. Even more difficulties are faced when producing hybrids. The seed yield of hybrids in breeding programs is usually low and often, to ensure the viability and survival of seeds, it is necessary to attempt to germinate a large excess of these seeds. In this context,in vitro embryo culture might be an invaluable tool for obtaining desirable hybrid plants in a short time. Seeds ofMusa velutina were sown in seed trays in a peat-based mixture. Thein vivo seed germination reached 78% but only after 9 mo. Because of this delayed and intermittent germination, embryos were excised from seeds and inoculated onto half-strength Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium, with or without supplementation with various concentrations of gibberellic acid. Light and dark conditions were also used to test their effect on embryo germination. After 2 wk, 82% of embryos germinated in the dark on medium containing 0.1 μM gibberellic acid. Addition of gibberellic acid increased the shoot length and root number over the gibberellic acid-free treatment. Similarly, dark conditions gave a significant increase over light conditions for all the parameters except root number where light or dark conditions did not make any difference. Thus, the present study highlights the importance of various components of thein vitro culture ofMusa embryos and the advantage over direct use of greenhouse-sown seeds both in terms of the time taken to germinate and the final percentage.  相似文献   
Summary— Immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy indicated that the antibody raised against the nuclear antigen Ki-67 of mammalian cells recognized antigenic determinants of early Drosophila embryos, localized on the outside of the nuclear envelope. Hence, the nuclear envelope of Drosophila appears to share a similar epitope with the chromosome scaffold of mitotic mammalian cells. With the progression of mitosis the antigen persisted around the mitotic spindle region and was also found in the pole regions at metaphase and anaphase. The antibody also stained the equatorial regions of the spindles from anaphase to late telophase. The antibody may therefore be used as a biochemical marker of the nuclear envelope for studying nuclear membrane biogenesis and behavior during the mitotic divisions of the Drosophila embryo.  相似文献   
Plant regenerated organs such as shoots, bulbs, microtubers, corms, embryos, etc. have been successfully proliferated in the bioreactor. The use of a bioreactor leads to the development of technology suitable for large scale plant propagation. The basic construction and characteristics of various types of bioreactor systems are reviewed in relation to shoot and embryo cultures. A pilot scale 500 liter bioreactor system was applied to the production of large scale Stevia rebaudiana shoots.Abbreviations DW dry weight - EC electrical conductivity - FW fresh weight - ORP oxidation-reduction potential  相似文献   
The variation for embryo production in anther ofSolanum phureja was examined as a function of maximum greenhouse temperature prior to bud harvest and innate responsiveness among anthers within a bud. Four clones ofS. phuyreja were grown in a greenhouse under a 16-h photoperiod. The temperature was monitored continuously. Buds (60 per day on 10 days) were collected and the anthers cultured in two groups of five flasks (30 anthers per flask). In the first group, each flask contained the 30 anthers from six buds; in the second group, each flask contained one anther from each of 30 buds. Significantly smaller coefficients of variation were observed for the second group, suggesting that variation for embryogenic capcity among buds was greater than that among anthers within a bud. Variation in embryo yield as a function of greenhouse temperature was examined by stepwise regression analysis. Embryogenic capacity of one clone was adversely affected by high temperatures (31–37°C) that occurred two and seven days before bud harvest. However, similarly high temperatures appeared to enhance the androgenic response of another clone. Conversion of anther-derived embryos over three subcultures to fresh regeneration medium was examined as a function of anther donor or clone, cold pretreatment of embryos, and morphological classification of embryos. Only clonal origin significantly affected conversion rate which ranged from 12.5% to 46.0%. Conversion rate declined on each serial subculture.Abbreviations BA N6-benzyladenine - GA3 gibberellic acid, IAA-indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   
The effect of exogenous ABA on acquisition of desiccation tolerance has been well documented for the embryos of several species. including maize ( Zea mays L.). It has also been suggested that endogenous ABA plays a role in regulating the same phenomena. To test this hypothesis, endogenous ABA was quantified by radioimmunoassay. Our results show that: (1) during embryogenesis in maize, endogenous ABA increase-concomitantly with the acquisition of desiccation tolerance: (2) ABA deficient embryos of the vp 5 mutant are desiccation intolerant, but tolerance can he induced by exogenous ABA: and (3) desiccation tolerance is acquired if desiccation sensitive embryos undergo a slow drying treatment, during which ABA increases. However, when embryos were preincubated in fluridone to prevent ABA accumulation during slow drying, desiccation tolerance was induced in spite of the low level of endogenous ABA in the embryo. Our results cast doubts on an exclusive role of ABA in the acquisition of desiccation tolerance in maize embryo.  相似文献   
Presence and role of jasmonate in apple embryos   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
(-)Jasmonic acid (JA) was identified in extracts front embryos of apple (Mulus domestica) by combined gas chromatography-mass spectromelry. Quantification of JA in embryos isolated from seeds at different perexts of stratification by gas chromalography combined with mass spectrometry/selective ion monitoring indicated a sharp peak at day 30. At the same time the maximal ratio of conjugated to free JA was found by enzyme-linked imrnunosorbent assay (ELISA). Germination of embryo.s was stimulated by added JA and inhibited by salieylhydroxamic acid (SHAM, an inhibitor of lipoKygenase). Both stimulation and inhibition disappeared in embryos stratified for more than 30 days. Methyl jasmonate was more effective in stimulation of embryo germination than free JA. while JA-isoleucine inhibited germination. The possible mechanism responsible for changes in JA level as wel! as the role of JA and its conjugates in removal of dormancy in apple seeds are discussed.  相似文献   
In this study we examined the biosynthesis of abscisic acid (ABA) by developing corn (Zea mays L.) embryos. Three comparisons were made: ABA biosynthesis in embryos isolated from kernels grown in vitro with those grown in the field; the developmental profile of ABA content with that of biosynthesis; and ABA biosynthesis in corn embryos lacking carotenoid precursors with ABA biosynthesis in normal embryos. Embryos were harvested at various times during seed development and divided into two groups. Endogenous levels of ABA were measured in one group of embryos and ABA biosynthetic capacity was measured in the other group. The ABA biosynthetic capacity was measured with and without tetcyclacis (an inhibitor of ABA degradation) in embryos from both field-grown and in-vitro-grown corn kernels. Reduced-carotenoid (either fluridone-treated or genetically viviparous) embryos were also included in the study. Corn kernels developing under field and in-vitro conditions differed from each other in their responses to tetcyclacis and in their profiles of ABA biosynthesis during development. Therefore, in-vitro kernel culture may not be an appropriate substitute for field conditions for studies of embryo development. The developmental profiles of endogenous ABA content differed from those of ABA biosynthesis in isolated embryos of both in-vitro-and field-grown kernels. This indicated that ABA levels in the developing embryos were determined by import from the maternal tissues available to the embryos rather than by in-situ biosynthesis. In embryos with reduced levels of carotenoids, either fluridone-treated or genetically viviparous embryos, ABA biosynthesis was low or nonexistent. This result is expected for the presence of an indirect pathway of ABA biosynthesis and in the absence of ABA precursors.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - DAP days after pollination  相似文献   
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