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Isolated cell walls (thecae) from the scaly flagellate green alga Tetraselmis striata Butcher contain the unusual 2-keto-sugar acids 3-deoxy-manno-2-octulosonic acid (Kdo), 3-deoxy-5-O-methyl-manno-2-octulosonic acid (5OMeKdo), and 3-deoxy-lyxo-2-heptulosaric acid (Dha). In addition, galacturonic acid, galactose, gulose, and arabinose are present. EDTA-extraction yielded an insoluble fraction that retains the shape of the cell walls and contains no 2-keto-sugar acids. Methylation analysis demonstrated the presence of terminal hexose, GalA, Dha, and Kdo as well as 2-substituted hexose, 4-or 8-substituted Kdo, and 4,8-disubstituted Kdo. However, most of the carbohydrate material (about 60%) was not methylated. Periodate oxidation of the cell wall preparation showed the presence of 2-substituted Gul, 4- or/and 5-substituted and 7- or/and 8-substituted Kdo, which is in agreement with the methylation analysis. Again, a significant amount of carbohydrate material was not degraded, indicating complex substitution patterns. Oligosaccharides were generated by partial hydrolysis and fractionated using gel permeation chromatography and high-pH anion-exchange chromatography. Oligosaccharides contained either GalA and Kdo, or Gal, Kdo, Dha, and Gul, respectively. The structure of a GalA and Kdo containing disaccharide was established using 1 H NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   
The small green flagellate symbiotic in the Noctiluca miliaris Suriray from Southeast Asia has been examined by light and electron microscopy. The flagellate is very similar to Pedinomonas minor Korschikoff. The deeper flagellar depression and the habitat distinguish this species of Pedinomonas from P. minor. It is not a euglenoid as originally proposed, since it contains starch. Characters distinguishing it from Micromonas are described. The new combination Pedinomonas noctilucae (Subrahmanyan) comb, nov. is proposed for this flagellate.  相似文献   
The flagellar hair ultrastructure of 16 strains of species of the prasinophycean genera Mantoniella, Mamiella, Pseudoscourfieldia, Nephroselmis, Tetraselmis, Scherffelia, Pterosperma, and Pyraminonas was examined in detail by whole-mount electron microscopy. The flagellar hairs of all genera displayed a high degree of ultrastructural complexity that was completely conserved within each strain. In all strains, flagellar hairs occurred on the sides of the flagella (lateral hairs); in several strains, special flagellar hairs also were found on the flagellar tips (tip hairs; absent in the Chlorodendrales and in Nephroselmis). Two groups of lateral hairs were distinguished: 1) T-hairs (“Tetraselmis-type” flagellar hairs), characterized by a smooth, tubular shaft of ca. 15 nm diameter and an overall length of 0.5–1.3 μm, and 2) Pt-hairs (“Pterosperma-type lateral flagellar hairs”), which were considerably longer (ca. 1.5–5.4 μm), characterized by a thick shaft of ca. 30 nm diameter, which was covered with a layer of regularly spaced small particles of ca. 10 nm diameter. In both groups of flagellar hairs, a strain-specific number of subunits (1–101) in linear arrangement was attached to the distal end of the shaft. Tip hairs were either structurally related to T-hairs (Mamiellales, Pseudoscourfieldia) or represented a separate group, Pt-hairs (“Pterosperma-type flagellar tip hairs”; Pterosperma, Pyramimonas). In four genera (Mantoniella, Mamiella, Pseudoscourfieldia, Nephroselmis), both groups of lateral hairs occurred together on the same cell. Interestingly in these taxa the Pt-hairs were exclusively attached to the shorter immature flagella (no. 2), but, in contrast, in Mantoniella and Pseudoscourfieldia the tip hairs were restricted to the longer mature flagellum (no. 1). Thus, flagella of different developmental status differ in their hair-scale complement. The occurrence, distribution, and ultrastructure of flagellar hairs can be used to identify and classify prasinophytes at all taxonomic levels.  相似文献   
The sterols of seven unicellular algae widely used in mariculture and belonging to different classes (Prasinophyceae, Haptophyceae, Eustigmatophyceae, and Diatomophyceae) were examined for free and combined forms. Under standard culture conditions, all synthesized free sterols and combined forms (steryl esters, acyl steryl glycosides, and steryl glycosides). Free sterols were dominant in five of the species. In contrast, sterols were mostly esterified in the eustigmatophyte Nannochloropsis oculata (Droop) Hibberd and the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle et Heimdal, whereas in another diatom, Chaetoceros calcitrans (Paulsen) Takano, glycosylated forms represented over 60% of total sterols. The pennate diatom Haslea ostrearia (Gaillon) Simonsen synthesized large amounts of steryl glycosides consisting mainly of an unusual sterol, 23,24-dimethylcholest-5-en-3β-ol, occurring in some dinoflagellates.  相似文献   
Nitrogen uptake rates were measured as a function of time following saturating additions (15 μMg-at N·?1) of 15N-labelid ammonium, urea, and nitrate to N-starved cultures of the picoflagellate Micromonas pusilla Butcher. Uptake rates were estimated from both the accumulation of 15N into the cells and the disappearance of nitrogen from the medium. Transient elevated (surge) uptake rates of NH4+ and urea were observed after enrichment. During the first 5 min the initial urea and NH4+ uptake rates were 2- and 4-fold greater than the maximum growth rate (μMmax)observed prior to No3? depletion in the cultures. The elevated urea uptake rates declined quickly to a relatively constant value, whereas the initial rates of NH4+ uptake declined rapidly but were followed by a subsequent increase prior to remaining roughly constant. Nitrate was not taken up as readily by N-starved M. pusilla as the reduced N forms. Although NO3+ uptake commenced immediately after enrichment (i.e. no lag period) the N-Specific rate over the next 6 h averaged half the μMmax observed during NO3? replete conditions.  相似文献   
The effects of mercury and cadmium on the intracellular level of nonproteinaceous thiols in a unicellular green alga Tetraselmis tetrathele (West) Butcher (Prasinophyceae) were investigated by using a fluorescent dye, 5-chloromethylfluorescein (5CMF), as a probe for nonproteinaceous thiols. The 5CMF fluorescence was observed in cytoplasm, and the intensity of the fluorescence was decreased by exposure of the cells to HgCl2. Analysis of the fluorescent intensity of 5CMF by flow cytometry made it possible to distinguish cells in three states during the dying process caused by HgCl2: a normal state, a thiol-depleted state, and a dead state. Depletion of nonproteinaceous thiols began within 30 min, and they were completely depleted at 2 h. Most cells died after 24 h of exposure to more than 3.0 μM HgCl2, whereas exposure up to 1.0 mM CdCl2 did not cause depletion of nonproteinaceous thiols or cell death within 48 h.   HPLC analyses revealed that glutathione was a major nonprotein thiol in T. tetrathele and that it was oxidized by exposing the cells to HgCl2. Phytochelatins, which play a great role in the tolerance to heavy metals of higher plants and many algae, could not be found in T. tetrathele. However, a tripeptide, Arg-Arg-Glu, was found to be abundant, and it showed ability to bind Hg2+, suggesting that it functions to scavenge heavy metals as well as thiol molecules.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic organisms discovered from the earliest Lower Proterozoic phosphorites (2.04 Ga) of the Kola Peninsula are described. These are fossil forms Pechengia melezhiki gen. et sp. nov., which are tentatively assigned to green algae of the class Prasinophyceae.  相似文献   
A new marine microalga from the Mediterranean Sea, Crustomastix stigmatica Zingone, is investigated by means of LM, SEM, TEM, and pigment and molecular analyses (nuclear‐encoded small subunit [SSU] rDNA and plastid‐encoded rbcL). Pigment and molecular information is also provided for the related species Dolichomastix tenuilepis Throndsen et Zingone. Crustomastix stigmatica has a bean‐shaped cell body 3–5 μm long and 1.5–2.8 μm wide, with two flagella four to five times the body length. The single chloroplast is pale yellow‐green, cup‐shaped, and lacks a pyrenoid. A small bright yellow stigma is located in the mid‐dorsal part of the cell under the chloroplast membrane. An additional accumulation of osmiophilic globules is at times seen in a chloroplast lobe. Cells lack flat scales, whereas three different types of hair‐like scales are present on the flagella. The main pigments of C. stigmatica are those typical of Mamiellales, though siphonein/siphonaxanthin replaces prasinoxanthin and uriolide is absent. The pigment pool of D. tenuilepis is more similar to that of Micromonas pusilla (Butcher) Manton et Parke and of other Mamiellales. The nuclear SSU rDNA phylogeny shows that the inclusion of C. stigmatica and D. tenuilepis in the Mamiellales retains monophyly for the order. The two species form a distinct clade, which is sister to a clade including all the other Mamiellales. Results of rbcL analyses failed to provide phylogenetic information at both the order and species level. No unique morphological or pigment characteristics circumscribe the mamiellalean clade as a whole nor its two daughter clades.  相似文献   
Chlorophyll a:b ratios for Chlorella capsulata Guillard, Bold & MacEntee, Chlorosarcinopsis halophila Guillard, Bold,& MacEntee, Nannochloris atomus Butcher and Micromonas pusilla (Butcher) Manton & Parke were found to be 1.74, 2.46, 1.89, and 1.53, respectively. Compared to previously published values in marine planktonic algae, these ratios are similar to the average value (2.17, SD = 1.12) reported for 25 species in 15 genera. Both the new data and previously published data support the hypothesis that marine algae have lower chlorophyll a:b ratios than do other chlorophyll b containing plants.  相似文献   
Photosynthetic antenna systems are mainly involved in the absorption of light energy required for photosynthesis. The typical green plants arrange chlorophylls a and b and carotenoids, including lutein and 9′‐cis neoxanthin, in their antenna systems; such antenna systems have prospered on earth. Therefore, these antenna systems should be highly evolved and should adapt to the photoenvironments in which plants grow. However, little information is available on the diversity and evolution of antenna systems in green plants as a whole. To approach this, the present study focused on the antenna systems in the Prasinophyceae, an assemblage of early diverging lineages of green plants and analyzed their photosynthetic pigments in detail. In the present study, various novel blue–green light‐absorbing siphonaxanthin series were detected in the early diverging species of the Prasinophyceae and the distribution of these carotenoids was revealed. Additionally, to clarify the evolution of antenna systems in the Ulvophyceae, a highly developed green algal group that specializes in inhabiting various aquatic environments, members of the Cladophorales belonging to this class were selected and their carotenoid compositions were determined to compare them with the molecular phylogenetic tree constructed on the basis of the 18S rRNA gene sequences of the Cladophorales. In this review, these data will be summarized and the remarkable variation of photosynthetic pigments will be presented. A possible scenario detailing the evolution of antenna systems in green plants will be elucidated.  相似文献   
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