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目的:探讨基于标准病例(SP)的案例教学法(CBL)在普外科见习教学中的应用效果。方法:选取2014年6月至2015年6月我院见习的五年制临床本科医学生共112人,利用随机数字表的方法将其分为对照组和研究组,两组人数各56人。对研究组采取基于SP的CBL教学法,而对照组则使用传统临床带教方法,1个月后对理论、技能进行评价,并对学生和教师的满意进行问卷调查。结果:在技能考核和病例分析方面,研究组学生的得分显著高于对照组(P0.05),理论成绩无明显差异(P0.05)。对学生满意度的调查中,在"课堂气氛活跃"、"对学习兴趣的激发"、"利于理论与实践结合"以及"有利于形成正确临床思维"四个方面,研究组的满意度显著高于对照组(P0.05)。在对教师满意度调查中,认为试验组教学法的效率要高于对照组教学法(P0.05),而在"易实施性"满意度低于对照组教学法(P0.05),在"可操作性"方面差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:与传统教学模式比较,基于SP的CBL教学法具有显著的优势,能更直观的展示某种疾病的特征,使学生通过实践巩固对基础知识的记忆,值得进一步探索并推广。  相似文献   
Establishing the conditions for effective intergroup peacemaking is a formidable task in severe ethnic conflicts. Conflict resolution practitioners argue that a critical first step is developing preconditions which convince competing groups that there are opponents to whom it is worth talking, that it is possible to create structural changes conducive to a stable peace, and that an agreement is possible which can meet each side's basic concerns and needs. This article compares six theories of practice of ethnic conflict resolution: community relations, principled negotiation; human needs; psychoanalytically rooted identity; intercultural miscommunications and conflict transformation, examining how each understands ethnic conflict; the goals it articulates; the effects of good practice on participants in interventions; the mechanisms by which the project achieves its impact; and the dynamics of transfer affecting the course of a wider conflict. It is argued that clearer articulation of these assumptions will improve both theory and practice in the search for settlements to severe ethnic conflict.  相似文献   
针对新形势下生命科学专业在高等教育体系中快速发展的形势,结合当前教师队伍和青年大学生的特点,笔者对大学生物化学的课程教学现状进行了一些总结和分析,在此基础上对课程的教学方法进行了探索并提出了一些新的思路。  相似文献   
This paper compares the narratives of two men in midlife who migrated to the UK from Ireland and from the Caribbean as children, in the middle of the last century. We examine how success is narrated over the life course to show how migrants’ positioning of themselves differs from the ways in which they are positioned by outsiders, including in policy and public discourse. We conclude that while outsider narratives often polarise success and failure, insider understandings of success are dynamic and culturally and historically situated.  相似文献   
细胞生物学是生命科学专业的一门必修的专业基础课,占有非常重要的地位。鉴于我院细胞生物学课程课时安排少、实验少、与已修课程有重复内容、相关科学前沿知识不能及时更新、"填鸭式"教学模式和传统的以"讲"为主的教学方法等严重影响该课程教学质量的教学现状,提出了从课程结构体系、课程教学内容,教学方法及考核方式等方面的一系列改革探究,课程结构体系方面由专业任选课变更为专业基础课,适当增加了理论课时;从课程内容来看,取缔与已修课程的重复内容,适当补充最新科研动态、介绍相关的诺贝尔奖,积极鼓励学生参与教师的相关科研项目和申报大学生科研创新活动项目,培养学生的科研创新能力;从教学模式来看,教师要积极利用图文并茂的多媒体教学、适时放映学生喜欢看的相关电教视频、课堂上多以讨论和提问的方式教学;考核采用平时成绩加期末成绩的方式,不断提高教学效率和课堂管理水平,促进教学质量的提高。  相似文献   
欧洲云杉的扦插基质选择和穗条效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以欧洲云杉6年生母树为采穗母株,系统研究了不同插穗条件对生根和幼苗生长的响应,同时观测了网袋容器基质配比对扦插幼苗生长的影响.结果表明:扦插后20 d愈伤组织开始形成,37 d时根尖开始出现,50~65 d是生根的高峰期和根系发育期,65 d时扦插苗根系基本形成.不同基质对欧洲云杉插穗生根率影响达到极显著水平,1份泥炭...  相似文献   
生物化学授课过程中,教师通过丰富课堂资源、进行问题导向式教学、加强在线学习、建立多元化的课程考核方式及设定定时答疑制度等多种方法,激发学生学习兴趣,提升生物化学教学和学习效果,建设"笑起来""动起来"的活跃的课程。同学们普遍认为,生物化学课程内容充实有趣,教学形式多样,并且在课堂上学到了很多前沿知识。  相似文献   
Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) technology is revolutionizing the fields of population genetics, molecular ecology and conservation biology. But it can be challenging for researchers to learn the new and rapidly evolving techniques required to use NGS data. A recent workshop entitled ‘Population Genomic Data Analysis’ was held to provide training in conceptual and practical aspects of data production and analysis for population genomics, with an emphasis on NGS data analysis. This workshop brought together 16 instructors who were experts in the field of population genomics and 31 student participants. Instructors provided helpful and often entertaining advice regarding how to choose and use a NGS method for a given research question, and regarding critical aspects of NGS data production and analysis such as library preparation, filtering to remove sequencing errors and outlier loci, and genotype calling. In addition, instructors provided general advice about how to approach population genomics data analysis and how to build a career in science. The overarching messages of the workshop were that NGS data analysis should be approached with a keen understanding of the theoretical models underlying the analyses, and with analyses tailored to each research question and project. When analysed carefully, NGS data provide extremely powerful tools for answering crucial questions in disciplines ranging from evolution and ecology to conservation and agriculture, including questions that could not be answered prior to the development of NGS technology.  相似文献   
《动物学》课程教学探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
动物学是生物科学专业重要的专业基础课。结合自身教学实践,对动物学在专业课程体系和学生知识体系中地位进行再认识,并就该课程教学内容的构成、主要线索,教学过程,以及如何在教学过程中结合人文素质教育,拓宽学生视野,提高学生综合素质进行探讨。  相似文献   
李昂  李嘉  方育  刘殿刚  王亚军 《生物磁学》2013,(25):4964-4966,4987
目的:探讨医学生临床实习中在基本操作上常犯的错误,并对此提出建议和纠正措施,旨在进一步提高临床带教水平及临床教学质量。方法i总结我院临床医学专业实习生进行常见的外科临床基本操作考核成绩的情况,对错误类型等进行统计并提出合理的解决措施。结果:共考察学生90名,其中外科换药方法欠佳者22人(24.4%),消毒铺巾存在问题24人(26.6%),缝合存在问题32人(35.5%),打结存在问题38(42.2%)人,拆线存在问题19(21.1%)人。结论:加强医学生外科实习期间的无菌观念培养及强化手术基本操作是临床教学的重要环节。  相似文献   
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