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Global change influences species’ seasonal occurrence, or phenology. In cold‐adapted insects, the activity is expected to start earlier with a warming climate, but contradictory evidence exists, and the reactions may be linked to species‐specific traits. Using data from the GBIF database, we selected 105 single‐brooded Holarctic butterflies inhabiting broad latitudinal ranges. We regressed patterns of an adult flight against latitudes of the records, controlling for altitude and year effects. Species with delayed flight periods towards the high latitudes, or stable flight periods across latitudes, prevailed over those that advanced their flight towards the high latitudes. The responses corresponded with the species’ seasonality (flight of early season species was delayed and flight of summer species was advanced at high latitudes) and oceanic vs. continental climatic niches (delays in oceanic, stability in continental species). Future restructuring of butterfly seasonal patterns in high latitudes will reflect climatic niches, and hence the evolutionary history of participating species.  相似文献   
Detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) is a crucial tool for fighting the COVID‐19 pandemic. This dataset brief presents the exploration of a shotgun proteomics dataset acquired on SARS‐CoV‐2 infected Vero cells. Proteins from inactivated virus samples were extracted, digested with trypsin, and the resulting peptides were identified by data‐dependent acquisition tandem mass spectrometry. The 101 peptides reporting for six viral proteins were specifically analyzed in terms of their analytical characteristics, species specificity and conservation, and their proneness to structural modifications. Based on these results, a shortlist of 14 peptides from the N, S, and M main structural proteins that could be used for targeted mass‐spectrometry method development and diagnostic of the new SARS‐CoV‐2 is proposed and the best candidates are commented.  相似文献   
A large number of post‐translational modifications (PTMs) in proteins are buried in the unassigned mass spectrometric (MS) spectra in shot‐gun proteomics datasets. Because the modified peptide fragments are low in abundance relative to the corresponding non‐modified versions, it is critical to develop tools that allow facile evaluation of assignment of PTMs based on the MS/MS spectra. Such tools will preferably have the ability to allow comparison of fragment ion spectra and retention time between the modified and unmodified peptide pairs or group. Herein, MMS2plot, an R package for visualizing peptide‐spectrum matches (PSMs) for multiple peptides, is described. MMS2plot features a batch mode and generates the output images in vector graphics file format that facilitate evaluation and publication of the PSM assignment. MMS2plot is expected to play an important role in PTM discovery from large‐scale proteomics datasets generated by liquid chromatography‐MS/MS. The MMS2plot package is freely available at https://github.com/lileir/MMS2plot under the GPL‐3 license.  相似文献   
This study identifies the main changes in protein expression in human breast tumors compared to normal breast tissue. Malignant tumors (32) and normal breast tissue samples (23), from formaldehyde‐fixed, paraffin‐embedded specimens are subjected to discovery proteomics using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, with spectral counts for quantitation. The dataset contains 1406 proteins. Differential expression is measured using a method that takes advantage of estimates of the percentage of tumor on a slide. This analysis shows that the major classes of proteins over‐expressed by tumors are RNA‐binding, heat shock and DNA repair proteins. RNA‐binding proteins, including heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (HNRNPs), SR splice factors (SRSF) and elongation factors form the largest group. Comparison with results from another study demonstrates that the RNA‐binding proteins are associated specifically with malignant transformation, rather than with cell proliferation. HNRNP and SRSF proteins help define splice sites in normal cells. Their over‐expression may dysregulate splicing, which in turn has the potential to promote malignant transformation.  相似文献   
The Cre/loxP system is a powerful tool that has allowed the study of the effects of specific genes of interest in various biological settings. The Tyr::CreERT2 system allows for the targeted expression and activity of the Cre enzyme in the melanocyte lineage following treatment with tamoxifen, thus providing spatial and temporal control of the expression of specific target genes. Two independent transgenic mouse models, each containing a Tyr::CreERT2 transgene, have been generated and are widely used to study melanocyte transformation. In this study, we performed whole genome sequencing (WGS) on genomic DNA from the two Tyr::CreERT2 mouse models and identified their sites of integration in the C57BL/6 genome. Based on these results, we designed PCR primers to accurately, and efficiently, genotype transgenic mice. Finally, we discussed some of the advantages of each transgenic mouse model.  相似文献   
Recent advances in environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis using high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) enable evaluation of intraspecific genetic diversity in a population. As the intraspecific genetic diversity provides invaluable information for wildlife conservation and management, there is an increasing demand to apply eDNA analysis to population genetics and the phylogeography by quantitative evaluation of intraspecific diversity. However, quantitative evaluations of intraspecific genetic diversity using eDNA is not straightforward because the number of eDNA sequence reads obtained by HTS may not be an index of the quantity of eDNA. In this study, to quantitatively evaluate genetic diversity using eDNA analysis, we applied a quantitative eDNA metabarcoding method using the internal standard DNAs. We targeted Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis) and added internal standard DNAs with known copy numbers to each eDNA sample obtained from three rivers during the library preparation process. The sequence reads of each Ayu haplotype were successfully converted to DNA copy numbers based on the relationship between the copy numbers and sequence reads of the internal standard DNAs. In all rivers, the calculated copy number of each haplotype showed a significant positive correlation with the haplotype frequency estimated by a capture‐based survey. Furthermore, estimates of genetic indicators such as nucleotide diversity based on the eDNA copy numbers were comparable with those estimated based on a capture‐based study. Our results demonstrate that eDNA analysis with internal standard DNAs enables reasonable quantification of intraspecific genetic diversity, and this method could thus be a promising tool in the field of population genetics and phylogeography.  相似文献   
Melanoma can develop in a congenital melanocytic nevus (CMN). In fact, a large CMN is associated with a high risk of developing melanoma. Although melanomas arising from CMNs are thought to have a pathogenesis distinct from conventional melanomas, no studies have been conducted on the evolution or tumor heterogeneity of CMN melanomas. We applied multi‐region whole‐exome sequencing to investigate the clonal nature of driver events and evolutionary processes in CMNs and melanomas arising from CMNs. In two patients, we observed an independent subclonal evolution in cancerized fields of CMNs and chromosome 8q amplification in both melanomas arising from CMNs. The amplification of MYC, located in chromosome 8q, was correlated with the percentage of tumor cells expressing high levels of MYC protein detected in melanoma cells by immunohistochemistry. Our analysis suggests that each CMN cell may evolve sporadically and that amplification of MYC might be a key event for melanoma development in CMNs.  相似文献   
Primary melanocytes isolated from skin and expanded in culture have been widely used for laboratory research and clinical applications. The conventional method to isolate primary melanocytes from skin usually requires about 3–4 weeks of culture for melanocytes to grow sufficiently to passage. Considering that melanocytes comprise only 3%–7% of epidermal cells in normal human skin, it would be extremely helpful to increase the isolation efficiency and shorten the initial culture time to quickly meet various application needs. Here, we report that adding Y‐27632, a Rho kinase inhibitor, into the initial culture medium for 2 days can dramatically increase the yield of melanocytes. We found that Y‐27632 can promote keratinocyte attachment and survival in the melanocyte culture system, resulting in not only better recovery, but also increased proliferation of melanocytes by a paracrine signaling pathway. More specifically, Y‐27632 significantly induced keratinocyte expression of stem cell factor, which played an important role in enhancing the growth of melanocytes. In summary, Y‐27632 could profoundly enhance the yield of primary melanocytes in the initial culture through paracrine effects on keratinocytes.  相似文献   
Climate change is currently affecting both biodiversity and human activities; land use change and greenhouse gas emissions are the main drivers. Many agricultural services are affected by the change, which in turn reflects on the basic provisioning services, which supply food, fibre and biofuels. Biofuels are getting increasing interest because of their sustainability potential. Jatropha curcas gained popularity as a biodiesel crop, due to its ease of cultivation even in harsh environmental conditions. Notwithstanding its high economic importance, few studies are available about its co‐occurrence with pests of the genus Aphthona in sub‐Saharan Africa, where these insects feed on J. curcas, leading to relevant economic losses. Using ecological niche modelling and GIS post‐modelling analyses, we infer the current and future suitable territories for both these taxa, delineating areas where J. curcas cultivations may occur without suffering the presence of Aphthona, in the context of future climate and land use changing. We introduce an area‐normalized index, the ‘Potential‐Actual Cultivation Index’, to better depict the ratio between the suitable areas shared both by the crop and its pest, and the number of actual cultivations, in a target country. Moreover, we find high economic losses (~?50%) both in terms of carbon sequestration and in biodiesel production when J. curcas co‐occur with the Aphthona cookei species group.  相似文献   
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