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Mammalian cell line generation typically includes stable pool generation, single cell cloning and several rounds of clone selection based on cell growth, productivity and product quality criteria. Individual clone expansion and phenotype-based ranking is performed initially for hundreds or thousands of mini-scale cultures, representing the major operational challenge during cell line development. Automated cell culture and analytics systems have been developed to enable high complexity clone selection workflows; while ensuring traceability, safety, and quality of cell lines intended for biopharmaceutical applications. Here we show that comprehensive and quantitative assessment of cell growth, productivity, and product quality attributes are feasible at the 200–1,200 cell colony stage, within 14 days of the single cell cloning in static 96-well plate culture. The early cell line characterization performed prior to the clone expansion in suspension culture can be used for a single-step, direct selection of high quality clones. Such clones were comparable, both in terms of productivity and critical quality attributes (CQAs), to the top-ranked clones identified using an established iterative clone screening approach. Using a complex, multi-subunit antigen as a model protein, we observed stable CQA profiles independently of the cell culture format during the clonal expansion as well as in the batch and fed-batch processes. In conclusion, we propose an accelerated clone selection approach that can be readily incorporated into various cell line development workstreams, leading to significant reduction of the project timelines and resource requirements.  相似文献   
We isolated a mouse genomic clone that hybridized with small RNA present in the cytoplasm of the brain. The RNA was about 150 nucleotides long. This RNA seemed to be specific to the brain, since it was not found in the liver or kidney. The clone DNA contained a sequence homologous to 82-nucleotide "identifier" core sequence of cDNA clones of rat. The sequence contained a split promoter for RNA polymerase III and was flanked by a 12-nucleotide direct repeat (ATAAATAATTTA).  相似文献   
以国审油茶(Camellia oleifera)良种‘华硕’种子为材料,在已构建的转录组和表达谱数据库基础之上,采用RACE技术,克隆获得油茶脂酰辅酶A脱氢酶基因的全长c DNA序列,命名为Co ACAD(基因登录号KJ910338)。该基因c DNA全长为2702 bp,含有2487 bp的开放读码框,编码828个氨基酸,分子量为92.4113 k D,理论等电点p I为8.47,具有2个比较明显的跨膜区和酪氨酸蛋白激酶活性位点LVHGDFRIDNLVF,存在5个亚结构域;在Co ACAD基因c DNA全长序列的基础上构建表达载体,其中原核表达载体在宿主细胞BL21(DE3)中成功诱导表达,获得表观分子量约为93 k D的目的蛋白;实时荧光定量PCR分析表明,Co ACAD基因在果实膨大期和成熟期上调表达,预示着Co ACAD基因可能在种子发育过程中参与能量供应过程的调控。  相似文献   
水葫芦苗(Halerpestes cymbalaris)的生长特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以调查统计的方法在中国科学院海北定位站研究了高寒湿地植物水葫芦苗无性系的生长特征、形态特征以及能量分配规律。结果表明:匍匐茎只有1条的水葫芦苗最多,占35.29%,匍匐茎有4条的水葫芦苗只占8.82%。同一水葫芦苗无性系中,随着匍匐茎数目的增多,分株数、间隔子数、茎总长和匍匐茎比节问重变小。分株一般在第一级最高,末级较低;第1条匍匐茎的间隔子较长。随水葫芦苗匍匐茎数目的增多,用于无性繁殖的分株干重比例逐渐增加,用于有性繁殖的花的干重比例下降。水葫芦苗无性系这种生长特征、形态特征以及能量分配规律是其生物—生态学特性和所处高寒湿地生境共同决定的。  相似文献   
Painted surfaces in the Chapel of the Holy Nail in the medieval ex-hospital of Siena show five areas of oxidation and blackening. Most were treated with Paraloid B72 acrylic resin 40 years ago. To study deterioration of the painted surfaces by scanning microscopy with X-ray dispersion microanalysis, fragments obtained from the five areas were analyzed directly and after hydration. Hydrated fragments treated with Paraloid showed a compact, shiny, impermeable surface. The acrylic resin forms a layer that inhibits interaction of the painting with the environment, including transpiration and gaseous exchange. Element composition of paint layers of different colours revealed gold, iron (oxides in ochre) and lead (oxide) tempered with lime and/or gypsum. A few microbial cells were found on all fragments. To study biological deterioration in the five areas, fragments were hydrated and incubated in minimal culture medium without added carbon source to select bacteria capable of using carbon sources in the medieval fresco. Analysis did not reveal any spores or hyphae, and excluded physical and mechanical damage. Bacteria of the genus Bacillus were isolated only from untreated samples. Paraloid resin forms an inert film over the mural, preventing access to microbes able to use nutrient sources in the painted layer. The screening of 16S rRNA libraries from enrichment cultures showed wide phylogenetic diversity. Forty-four percent of the clones retrieved from the clone library were affiliated with the order Firmicutes, confirming the prevalence of aerobic spore-formers among the colonizing microflora. Firmicutes therefore presumably produced extracellular material which made water available to other bacteria which may have converted thiosulphate in the medieval tempera to sulphur globules. Sulphur is a known oxidant of metallic pigments, in this case aluminium, which may explain the blackening of the untreated sample.  相似文献   
亚高山竹类占据着野生大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)食物组分的99%,竹子的生命周期与大熊猫的生活史密切相关,竹子的更新和生长直接影响着大熊猫的生存与保护.为了弄清大熊猫的采食利用和人为砍伐是否促进或制约竹子的繁殖更新,应用样方法、定位观察法,连续研究了卧龙自然保护区大熊猫栖息地内野化培训大熊猫采食、人为砍伐和对照样方中拐棍竹无性系种群的更新动态.结果表明,在相同种群数量和环境条件的基础上(p>0.05),被大熊猫采食竹子的比例为67.07%,致死率29.07%;人为砍伐竹子的比例为65.67%,致死率46.68%,可见与大熊猫采食相比,砍伐更为影响拐棍竹种群的生存.从出笋数量来看,不同处理方式有利于拐棍竹无性系种群的更新(p<0.05),尤其是人为砍伐措施大大提高了竹子的出笋率,但人为砍伐样方的竹笋质量(地径和株高生长)却远低于大熊猫采食和对照样方,未能达到大熊猫觅食的选择利用标准.不同年份之间,各种处理方式下的拐棍竹出笋数量波动较大(p=0.006~0.035),并随着恢复时间的延长,逐渐趋于相似(2007,p=0 825).不同处理方式之间,拐棍竹无性系种群的年补充率,各年份均具有显著性差异(p<0.05,除2007年外),年死亡率仅2003年和2004年有明显的差异(p<0.05),2005~2007年均不显著(p>0.05).拐棍竹无性系种群的年补充率与年死亡率之间表现出年补充率﹥年死亡率的格局(p<0.05),唯有大熊猫采食样方的2004年和2005年、人为砍伐和对照样方的2005年的年死亡率略高于年补充率(p>0.05),这表明拐棍竹无性系种群对大熊猫采食和人为砍伐具有无性系整合的补偿效应.  相似文献   
This study examined the microbial community in an acidic stream draining across the Yun-Fu pyrite mine (Guangdong, China), where extremely acidic mine water is a persistent feature due to the intensive surface mining activities. Analysis of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that microbial populations varied spatially and seasonally and correlated with geochemical and physical conditions. After the stream moves from underground to the surface, the microbial community in the acidic water rapidly evolves into a distinct community close to that in the downstream storage pond. Comparisons of TRFLP peaks with sequenced clone libraries indicated that bacteria related to the recently isolated iron-oxidizer Ferrovum myxofaciens dominated the acidophilic community throughout the year except for the samples collected in spring from the storage pond, where Ferroplasma acidiphilum -like archaea represented the most abundant group. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans -affiliated organisms increased along the acid stream and remained common over the year, whereas Leptospirillum ferrooxidans -like bacteria were negligible or even not detected in the analyzed samples. The data indicate that changes in environmental conditions are accompanied by significant shifts in community structure of the prokaryotic assemblages at this opencast mining site.  相似文献   
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