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目的:探讨结直肠癌中IGF-Ⅱ、IGF-l R以及IGFBP-3等的阳性表达及诊断价值。方法:收集我院45例结直肠癌、33例炎性息肉、40例腺瘤以及35例正常肠粘膜组织予以免疫组织化学SP法进行IGF-Ⅱ、IGF-l R以及IGFBP-3检测,并统计结直肠腺瘤不同组织类型和结直肠癌不同Dukes分期的阳性表达差异。结果:结直肠癌组织中IGF-Ⅱ、IGF-l R以及IGFBP-3表达均呈高阳性率,并且显著高于其他3组(P0.05)。结直肠腺瘤管状、混合型、绒毛状等不同组织类型IGF-Ⅱ、IGF-l R以及IGFBP-3表达阳性率呈逐渐增高趋势,绒毛状腺瘤显著高于其他两型(P0.05)。45例结直肠癌中,Dukes分期A、B两期显著低于C期和D期,比较差异具有显著性(P0.05)。结论:IGF-Ⅱ、IGF-l R以及IGFBP-3可能在结直肠腺瘤发生、发展及进展为结直肠癌的过程中起一定作用,对结直肠癌早期诊断具有一定价值。  相似文献   
本文概述了航空、航天应激心电图(高空急性缺氧,加压供氧、加速度,失重,高温、下身负压与爆炸减压)、运动员与飞行员以及普通工作人员的非病理性心电图。此类心电图的形态改变同病理性心电图有同有异。各波段有意义的改变主要是P波与ST-T异常,心律失常中主动性异位节律、窦房结节律失常与被动性异位节律以及传导异常均可见。产生机理属于反射性或中枢性;诱因与产生机理均属功能性质。我们主张将此类异常心电图称为功能性心电图,以资区别于病理性心电图,利于科研中正确评价人体反应以及临床上鉴别诊断。  相似文献   
There is considerable variation in health and reproductive behaviours within and across human populations. Drawing on principles from Life History Theory, psychosocial acceleration theory predicts that individuals developing in harsh environments decrease their level of somatic investment and accelerate their reproductive schedule. Although there is consistent empirical support for this general prediction, most studies have focused on a few isolated life history traits and few have investigated the way in which individuals apply life strategies across reproductive and somatic domains to produce coordinated behavioural responses to their environment. In our study, we thus investigate the impact of childhood environmental harshness on both reproductive strategies and somatic investment by applying structural equation modeling (SEM) to cross-sectional survey data obtained in a representative sample of the French population (n = 1015, age: 19–87 years old, both genders). This data allowed us to demonstrate that (i) inter-individual variation in somatic investment (e.g. effort in looking after health) and reproductive timing (e.g. age at first birth) can be captured by a latent fast-slow continuum, and (ii) faster strategies along this continuum are predicted by higher childhood harshness. Overall, our results support the existence of a fast-slow continuum and highlight the relevance of the life history approach for understanding variations in reproductive and health related behaviours.  相似文献   
The flight speeds of hunting falconry birds were determined using global positioning system data loggers. Until now, the hunting flight speed of African raptors has not been directly measured. We predicted that hunting flight speeds would differ between species and that flight dynamics, such as altitude, and bird morphology, particularly wing surface area, would influence maximum and mean flight speeds. This study considered five African raptor species, which included two long-wing species, Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus and Peregrine Falcon F. peregrinus, one short-wing species, Black Sparrowhawk Accipiter melanoleucus, and two broad-wing species, African Hawk-eagle Aquila spilogaster and Jackal Buzzard Buteo rufofuscus. Maximum and mean hunt speeds differed significantly between the long- and short-wing species. There was no difference in acceleration or deceleration rates between these species, but this could be due to small sample sizes. There was a significant positive correlation between maximum hunt speed and maximum flight height for the long-wing species. Maximum and mean flight speeds were significantly negatively correlated with wing area for all five species in this study. However, following phylogenetic correction, no significant relationship between wing area and maximum hunt speeds was found. This study presents baseline data of hunting speeds in African raptors and further highlights the importance of inter-species variation, which can provide accuracy to flight speed models and the understanding of hunting strategies.  相似文献   
核糖核酸酶10由RNase10序列编码,是脊椎动物特有的生殖酶,其研究主要集中在生理功能,系统的分子进化研究相对甚少。本文,我们基于24个鲸偶蹄目代表物种的基因组分析,共获得26条RNase10序列。在偶蹄目的印度水牛和野猪中首次检测到RNase10发生基因复制,而其它22个物种均为单个基因。系统发育分析揭示鲸目的齿鲸亚目和须鲸亚目形成单系;偶蹄目的反刍亚目最先分歧,猪次目和胼足亚目形成单系。具有核糖核酸酶活性的保守功能区“CKXXNTF”发生了改变,等电点显著低于RNASE A的典型成员,揭示鲸偶蹄目RNase10可能丢失了RNASE A具有的核糖核酸活性和抗菌活性。另外,选择压力分析共检测到13个正选择位点,其中2个位点在结构半胱氨酸附近。总之,我们基于基因组分析深入揭示了鲸偶蹄目RNase10的分子进化机制,解开了鲸偶蹄目RNase10的分子进化之谜,为今后开展RNase10功能研究奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
本文在文献[1]的基础上对具有HollingⅡ类功能性反应,且食饵、捕食者两种群均具有密度制约的食饵-捕食者生态系统(E)的定性结构进行了进一步的分析,得到(E)存在唯一正平衡点的充要条件,进而在此条件下,对(E)进行全面的定性分析,特别地证明了在一定条件下,系统(E)在其唯一正平衡点外围至少存在两个极限环。  相似文献   
This work deals with a trimeric bacterial protein, RhCC, which, although belonging to the tautomerase superfamily, shows oxygenase activity. A model of the complex from RhCC and substrate 4‐hydroxyphenylenolpyruvate (4HPP), fitting the observation of extra electron densities from X‐ray diffraction of the crystal, could be built by autodocking. When subjected to molecular dynamics (MD) aided by an external random force applied to a O2 molecule placed above 4HPP, this model evolved with O2 egressing toward the bulk solvent from two nearly opposite gates. These were located between the nearly parallel helices 75 – 91 and 15 – 33 of either chain C (gate SE) or chain B (gate FL). Alternatively, with four O2 molecules in the bulk solvent, unbiased MD led to O2 entering the protein from gate SE and getting to 4HPP, while forming a stabilizing salt bridge between the 4HPP carboxylate and P1.C +NH2, thus providing scientific ground for a refined model of the complex.  相似文献   
Summary The optomotor system of Drosophila is investigated in a flight simulator in which the fly's yaw torque controls the angular velocity of the panorama (striped drum, negative feedback). Flies in the flight simulator maintain a stable orientation even in a homogeneously textured panorama without landmarks. During straight flight, torque is not zero. It consists of small pulses mostly alternating in polarity. The course is controlled by the duration (and possibly amplitude) of the pulses. The system operates under reafference control. By comparing the pulses with the visual input the system continuously measures and adjusts the efficacy of the torque output. The comparison, however, is not between angular velocity and yaw torque but, instead, between visual acceleration and pretorque, the first time derivative of torque. For comparison, the system first computes a cross-correlation. If the correlation coefficient is above a certain threshold the system calculates the external gain and adjusts its internal gain so as to keep the total gain constant. With the correlation coefficient below threshold, however, the system keeps the internal gain low despite the infinitely small external gain. We propose that for a reafferent optomotor system the coupling coefficient and the correlation coefficient of pretorque and visual acceleration are more relevant than the distinction between exafference and reafference.Abbreviation EMD elementary movement detector  相似文献   
Evolution of the amino acid substitution in the mammalian myoglobin gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Multivariate statistical analyses were applied to 16 physical and chemical properties of amino acids. Four of these properties; volume, polarity, isoelectric point (charge), and hydrophobicity were found to explain adequately 96% of the total variance of amino acid attributes. Using these four quantitative measures of amino acid properties, a structural discriminate function in the form of a weighted difference sum of squares equation was developed. The discriminate function is weighted by the location of each particular residue within a given tertiary structure and yields a numerical discriminate or difference value for the replacement of these residues by different amino acids. This resulting discriminate value represents an expression of the perturbation in the local positional environment of a protein when an amino acid substitution occurs. With the use of this structural discriminate function, a residue by residue comparison of the known mammalian myoglobin sequences was carried out in an attempt to elucidate the positions of possible deviations from the known tertiary structure of sperm whale myoglobin. Only 11 of the 153 residue positions in myoglobin demonstrated possible structural deviations. From this analysis, indices of difference were calculated for all amino acid exchanges between the various myoglobins. All comparisons yielded indices of difference that were considerably lower than would be expected if mutations had been fixed at random, even if the organization of the genetic code is taken into consideration. On the basis of these results, it is inferred that some form of selection has acted in the evolution of mammalian myoglobins to favor amino acid substitutions that are compatible with the retention of the original conformation of the protein.  相似文献   
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