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Summary The theories of the stochastic processes are applied to construct mathematical models for describing the processes of population change as an ever changing the distribution of individuals in a space. These models consist of two mathematical expressions which are named the spatial distribution probability function (Q n (t)) and the transition probability function (P i,n (t)), respectively. The former gives the spatial distribution at any future time. Given an actual spatial distribution at any time, the latter function converts it to the spatial distribution at any future time. According to these models, we discussed the time sequence of the mean crowding-mean density relation (Iwao andKuno, 1971) in some population processes such as mortality, birth, immigration, growth, and their combined processes.  相似文献   
Populations of the vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus, in a lowland woodlot of Hokkaido were studied for the presence of effects of prebaiting on censusing by the capture-recapture method. A grid of 121 live-traps, spaced 5 m apart, was laid out on each of two plots, one of which alone was prebaited three days long. Owing to very high densities and great trap-efficiency, sufficient and favourable samples could be available for statistical analysis, except the trend of delayed catch for young in sampling. The population on either plot, however, proved to be markedly variable in catchability of unmarked animals in the course of trapping; while the probability of recapture was counted as invariable on the average from day to day, the recapture frequency was different between juveniles, subadults and adults. Needless to say, the catchability was distinctly greater for marked voles than for unmarked ones, whether prebaited or not, through the trapping period, except that the first-day catchability for unmarked ones on the prebaited plot seems not to be significantly lower than that for marked ones. Consequently, it turns out that the prebaiting has almost never helped to eliminate the important bias induced by differential trap-response of marked and unmarked animals; its contribution is only that the catchability for unmarked ones is slightly higher on the part of the prebaited plot on earlier days of the period. In accordance with the heterogeneous catchability, the Γ-form distribution analogous to the geometric could be applied with thorough fitness to the capture frequency in order to estimate the whole populations. The fact that the estimates are reliable, being not at any rate underestimates, was further confirmed by the result of a follow-up work conducted by means of the removal method with wider trap-spacing which brought forth distinct underestimation chiefly referable to unexposure to traps of the partial populations. The subject of unexposure was discussed by laying stress on the relation between minimum range length and trap-spacing.  相似文献   
C. A. Toft 《Oecologia》1987,73(3):338-350
Summary This paper documents population structure in a solitary wasp, Microbembex cubana (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae, Nyssoninae), on a small (15 km2) Bahamian island. A relatively isolated portion of this population was studied April–June 1985. The population comprised small aggregations of territorial males and nesting females. Individuals of both sexes were with rare exceptions faithful to a home aggregation during their one- to two-month adult lifespans, conducting all reproductive activities there. Individuals from different aggregations, however, mixed daily during these activities: feeding on nectar, hunting for provisions and retiring to clustered sleeping burrows. Significant variation occurred among the nine breeding aggregations in size, density, sex-ratio (which was on average 2:1 in favor of males) and survival (which was 0.93–0.99 per individual/per day and which was not higher for females than for males). Aggregations retained the same characteristics for longer than the life expectancies of individuals in them.Factors affecting reproductive success and survivorship in M. cubana are complex: they are apparently only partially overlapping between males and females and subject to spatial variation. Patterns in the data suggest several hypotheses about how behavior, morphology and habitat interact to shape population processes. I propose that aggregations arise and are characterized by considerable behavioral inertia because individual M. cubana use conspecifics as sources of information on resource quality. Because M. cubana occurs in secondary habitats, individuals retain flexibility in responding to better opportunities for reproduction, but this population exhibits more viscosity than reported for other ground-nesting solitary Hymenoptera.  相似文献   
M. A. Farris 《Oecologia》1987,72(3):434-439
Summary I investigated the extent and adaptive importance of genetically-based variation in plant water relations in two populations of the annual plant Cleome serrulata found growing along relatively short (<30 m) and mild soil moisture gradients. Field measurements of predawn plant water potentials showed that plants at the dry end of the moisture gradients had consistently lower Plant in May and June of 1984; differences up to 0.9 MPa were seen along the gradients. Seeds were collected from maternal plants growing along the moisture gradients and then grown under well-watered conditions in the greenhouse. Pressure-volume curves were constructed for a total of 92 seedlings from 25 maternal plants when the seedlings were four weeks old.Considerable genetic variation in the four highly correlated water potential components was seen in both populations, suggesting relatively high heritabilities (h20.5). A partial correlation analysis revealed that cell wall elasticity was higher in seedlings from maternal plants which grew in the dry portions of each site. This suggested that natural selection had acted on this character during one or more previous generations. It appears that slight variations in the physiological genotype can significantly affect overall fitness in C. serulata.  相似文献   
Summary Diversity as a measure of individual variation within a population is widely agreed to reflect the number of different types in the population, taking into account their frequencies. In contrast, differentiation measures variation between two or more populations, demes or subpopulations. As such, it is based on the relative frequencies of types within these subpopulations and, ideally, measures the average distance of subpopulations from their respective lumped remainders. This concept of subpopulation differentiation can be applied consistently to a single population by regarding each individual as a deme (subpopulation) of its own, and it results in a measure of population differentiation T which depends on the relative frequencies of the types and the population size. T corresponds to several indices of variation frequently applied in population genetics and ecology, and it verifies these indices as measures of differentiation rather than diversity. For any particular frequency distribution of types, the diversity is then shown to be the size of a hypothetical population in which each type is represented exactly once, i. e. for which T =1. Hence, the diversity of a population is its differentiation effective number of types. This uniquely specifies the link between the two concepts. Moreover, again corresponds to known measures of diversity applied in population genetics and ecology. While population differentiation can always be estimated from samples, the diversity of a population, particularly if it is large, may not be. In such cases, it is recommended that population differentiation is estimated and the corresponding sample diversity merely computed. Finally, a solution to the problem of measuring multi-locus diversities is provided.  相似文献   
M. Laurain 《Geobios》1980,13(1):21-43
The assemblages of Crassostrea gryphoïdes of the Loupian's quarry is constitued of differents morphotypes which result of ecological effects (population density, locality and position in the assemblage). The selection of individuals with her life position shows two lots of Ostreidae the morphology of which is statistically different. The observations about Crassostrea of outcrops of Rhone's Valley and Touraine confirm the relations between position (liable to population's density) and morphology. The two types which are point out are often recognize as different species describe by E.F. von Schlotheim, 1813: Crassostrea gryphoïdes and Crassostrea gingensis. Therefore this two species must be consider as synonymous.  相似文献   
This study utilized the preference the pseudoscorpion, A. minimus, displays for certain sizes of the springtail, F. candida, in order to assess the population consequences of this selective predation. Although predation drove half of the treated collembolan populations to extinction, the populations which survived were not reduced in size and were in fact larger than most of the control populations (Figs. 1 and 2). During the first two weeks of the experiment, the predators apparently fed mainly on the original adults and the larger individuals of the second generation, thus increasing available space and improving the prey's chances for successful reproduction. The resulting demographic shift accounts for the significant decrease in mean length that occurred in the experimental populations without any accompanying significant change in their total numbers. Some effects of density, food, and age-structure on the fecundity of F. candida, acting in concert with the effects of size-selective predation, may lead to a variety of population consequences. In some circumstances, predation may cause increased production with decreased mean size, and no drastic change in standing crop. In different circumstances, a local population may become extinct. These results should further our understanding of the sporadic record of establishment and growth displayed byspringtail populations in the small, moist litter patches where they tend to aggregate.  相似文献   
A substantial explication of the edge effect has been attempted by use of capture-recapture data for a vole population (Microtus montebelli), gathered intwo plots of 100×100 m or less during 12 days, cheked twice daily, in August 1970; the sample was quite sufficient for the aim. The edge effect as guessed by increased catch per trap is usually suspected to ensue from range-settlers in the outside boundary strip of a plot and immigrants. But by a theoretical analysis I could attain a tentative conclusion that no increased catch per trap will occur unless any invasion takes place. Then it follows that, apart from the effect of invasion, the role of the adjoining outside settlers in the edge effect is essentially required to be studied in the light of knowledge on the truth of size and shift in home range. The variation in range behavior for 183 adult voles, captured 6 times or more, could be grouped into eight types, of which the range-conservative type possessed 52% of the sample and the group of the type was justly utilized for giving averages of range size. Besides, it was seen from the observed frequency of types that a considerable number of immigrants onto the census plot were induced perhaps being allured by trap baits, but the majority of them proved to be assigned to the voles that have their ranges inside the assessment line ofDice ; the rest referable to effective immigrants was only a few (7%). I could perceive no reason such as disproves the idea ofDice 's additional boundary strip. Viewed from maps of ingress shift of ranges, the effect of ingress must have been greater in the outer trap rows than in the inner within the plot, so that it might well be called edge effect in general; such effect, however, is seen gradually diminishing toward the center, and hence it is almost unlikely that one should find any clear-cut intra-plot assessment lines demarcating such an inner square as quite free from edge effects. Averages of observed range length and width (ORL and ORW), as reliable measures for the true range size, were determined from the above group of specimens; as a result, the remarkable concept of elliptic range shape was established by regarding ORL as long axis and ORW as short one, and, directly from these averages, the mean range sizes worked out at 0.04 for females and 0.09 for males in acreage which proved to be surprisingly well agreeable with those of isotope-revealed ranges for voles given byGodfrey (1954) andAmbrose (1969). The catchability for marked voles () was estimated by the maximum likelihood method by use ofJolly 's formulae (1965), but that for unmarked ones () was made by the regression census formula; as a result it was shown that the population was clearly of π>p type and that the trap-experience that voles underwent one month or more ago can make them retain as high catchability as π.  相似文献   
Summary The vole,Eothenomys smithi, in highlands of Shikoku was studied to disclose ups and downs of adrenal activities under the influence of the breeding level in natural populations. It has proved that the vole's adrenal in both sexes may be much more strongly by rise and fall of the fertility as well as by shift of the age structure in populations than the rat's. Therefore, as for perhaps all kinds of small mammals, we consider necessary to follow a pertinent procedure to avoid thoroughly these sources of error in studies to draw any conclusion for or against theChristian's theory. The present data analysed by such a method failed to afford any confirmative proofs; the fact that the pregnancy rate was increased in parallell to the density is against his view. However, never the whole content of the theory has been invalidated by these results.  相似文献   
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