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Hybridomas lend themselves particularly well to large scale cultivation techniques since they grow as single cells in suspension without requiring attachment to a substrate. Furthermore, many cell strains have been adapted to grow in serum-free (SF) media to a similar cell density and antibody production as in serum containing media. This review will concern itself mainly with the cultivation of hybridomas in SF-media in bioreactors of various types with the ultimate goal of producing large quantities of monoclonal antibodies (mAb).  相似文献   
α-Tropomyosin from rat cardiac muscle was shown by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to become phosphorylated when tissue slices were incubated in Eagle's medium supplemented with 32Pi. In the adult rat and mouse heart the level of phosphorylation was ~30%, but the level was much higher in the foetal heart (60–70%). A similar developmental trend was observed in skeletal muscle from the rat and mouse, where phosphorylated forms of both α- and β-tropomyosins were observed. When rat cardiac cells were grown in tissue culture in the presence of 32Pi, radioactivity was incorporated into the region of the gel containing tropomyosin.  相似文献   
Summary Genetic variability in the non-compound portion of the genomes of compound-chromosome (CC) strains intended for genetic control can be increased by the use of bridging strains which can be crossed to both CC and normal strains. Two bridging systems are described for chromosome-5 CC strains of Lucilia cuprina. The first system relies on the established viability and fertility of males trisomic for chromosome 5R. Males carrying the (5L.YL)23 half-translocation, a C(5R), and a normal chromosome 5 were crossed successfully to a CC strain and a normal strain. The second system uses a pair of reciprocal whole-arm 4;5 translocations to generate gametes disomic for 5R and nullosomic for 5L, which in combination with C(5L)-bearing gametes form viable near-euploid offspring with only small duplications and deficiencies. These offspring (C(5L); (4L.5R)357; (4R.5R)194; (4L.4R)) were crossed successfully with both CC and T(4;5)357/ + individuals. The latter were in turn crossed successfully with normal strains. The T(Y;5)23 system allows replacement of the non-CC genome with wild material more rapidly than the T(4;5)357/T(4;5)194 system, but unlike the latter does not allow replacement of the Y chromosome in the CC strain. The double translocation system is currently being used in L. cuprina.  相似文献   
Summary Hysteresis, oscillations, and pattern formation in realistic biochemical systems governed by P.D.E.s are considered from both numerical and mathematical points of view. Analysis of multiple steady states in the case of hysteresis, and bifurcation theory in the cases of oscillations and pattern formation, account for the observed numerical results. The possibility to realize these systems experimentally is their main interest, thus bringing further arguments in favor of theories explaining basic biological phenomena by diffusion and reaction.  相似文献   
Summary This article is concerned with the determination of kinetic parameters of the Calvin photosynthesis cycle which is described by seventeen nonlinear ordinary differential equations. It is shown that the task requires dynamic data for several sets of initial conditions. The numerical technique is based upon an algorithm for non-linear optimization and Gear's numerical integration scheme for stiff systems of differential equations. The sensitivity of the parameters to noise in the data is tested with a method adapted from Rosenbrook and Storey. A preliminary set of parameters has been obtained from a preliminary set of experimental data. The numerical methods are then tested with synthetic data derived from these parameters. The mathematical model and the results obtained in the simulation are used as an aid in designing new experiments.  相似文献   
随着后基因组时代的到来,工业微生物的代谢工程改造在工业生产上发挥着越来越重要的作用。而基因组规模代谢网络模型(Genome-scalemetabolicmodel,GSMM)将生物体体内所有已知代谢信息进行整合,为全局理解生物体的代谢状态、理性指导代谢工程改造提供了最佳的平台。乳酸乳球菌NZ9000(Lactococcuslactis NZ9000)作为工业发酵领域的重要菌株之一,由于其遗传背景清晰且几乎不分泌蛋白,是基因工程改造和外源蛋白表达的理想模式菌株。文中基于基因组功能注释和比较基因组学构建了L.lactisNZ9000的首个基因组规模代谢网络模型iWK557,包含557个基因、668个代谢物、840个反应,并进一步在定性和定量两个层次验证了iWK557的准确性,以期为理性指导L. lactis NZ9000代谢工程改造提供良好工具。  相似文献   
革兰氏阴性细菌的外膜由脂多糖、磷脂、外膜蛋白和脂蛋白等成分组成,是细菌抵御外界有害物质的首要物理屏障,与细菌致病性和耐药性密切相关.外膜各组分依赖特定的系统进行跨膜转运,包括脂多糖转运系统(lipopolysaccharide transport, Lpt)、脂质不对称维持系统(maintenance of lipid asymmetry, Mla)、β-桶状装配机器(β-barrel assembly machinery,Bam)以及脂蛋白定位系统(localization of lipoprotein,Lol).这些系统能够保证细菌外膜的完整与稳定,被视为维持细菌生命活动的"命门".因此,本文系统地综述革兰氏阴性细菌外膜主要成分的跨膜转运系统结构与功能,并对其未来研究方向进行展望,为新型靶向抗菌类药物研发提供新的思路.  相似文献   
Despite the challenges wildland fire poses to contemporary resource management, many fire‐prone ecosystems have adapted over centuries to millennia to intentional landscape burning by people to maintain resources. We combine fieldwork, modeling, and a literature survey to examine the extent and mechanism by which anthropogenic burning alters the spatial grain of habitat mosaics in fire‐prone ecosystems. We survey the distribution of Callitris intratropica, a conifer requiring long fire‐free intervals for establishment, as an indicator of long‐unburned habitat availability under Aboriginal burning in the savannas of Arnhem Land. We then use cellular automata to simulate the effects of burning identical proportions of the landscape under different fire sizes on the emergent patterns of habitat heterogeneity. Finally, we examine the global extent of intentional burning and diversity of objectives using the scientific literature. The current distribution of Callitris across multiple field sites suggested long‐unburnt patches are common and occur at fine scales (<0.5 ha), while modeling revealed smaller, patchy disturbances maximize patch age diversity, creating a favorable habitat matrix for Callitris. The literature search provided evidence for intentional landscape burning across multiple ecosystems on six continents, with the number of identified objectives ranging from two to thirteen per study. The fieldwork and modeling results imply that the occurrence of long‐unburnt habitat in fire‐prone ecosystems may be an emergent property of patch scaling under fire regimes dominated by smaller fires. These findings provide a model for understanding how anthropogenic burning alters spatial and temporal aspects of habitat heterogeneity, which, as the literature survey strongly suggests, warrant consideration across a diversity of geographies and cultures. Our results clarify how traditional fire management shapes fire‐prone ecosystems, which despite diverse objectives, has allowed human societies to cope with fire as a recurrent disturbance.  相似文献   
According to the principles and methods of ecology and system engineering, we set up an evaluation indicator system for multi-component and multiple cropping systems, evaluated the comprehensive benefits of multi-component and multiple cropping systems using grey relation clustering analysis and screened out the optimized model based on research done in the upland red soil in Jiangxi Agricultural University from 1984 to 2004. The results show that the grey relation degree of “cabbage/potato/maize — sesame” was the highest among 23 multi-component and multiple cropping systems and was clustered into the optimized system. This indicates that “cabbage/potato/maize — sesame” can bring the best social, economic and ecological benefits, increase product yield and farmers’ income and promote sustainable development of agricultural production. Therefore, it is suitable for promotion on upland red soil. The grey relation degree of “canola/Chinese milk vetch/maize/mung bean/maize” was second, which is suitable for implementation at the city outskirts. In conclusion, these two planting patterns are expected to play important roles in the reconstruction of the planting structure and optimization of the planting patterns on upland red soil. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2006, 26(8): 2532–2539 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   
利用排除法和引入昆虫的方法相结合,研究越南篦齿苏铁(Cycas elongata)的传粉媒介.结果表明,越南篦齿苏铁靠风媒传粉和虫媒传粉的雌株结实率分别55.3%和57.2%,自然传粉的结实率为63.5%,说明风和象鼻虫都是越南篦齿苏铁的有效传粉媒介.越南篦齿苏铁散粉高峰在白天,夜间散粉很少,在3.0 m以内风传花粉的密度较高,3.0 m之外的密度急剧下降.可见,风媒和虫媒都是越南篦齿苏铁的有效传粉途径,与泽米铁类植物为专一寄主性昆虫传粉的结论不一致.  相似文献   
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