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青阳参花部特征及其传粉适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对青阳参花(Cynanchum otophyllum)部综合特征、访花昆虫种类、访花行为及传粉过程进行了研究,结果表明,青阳参花结构复杂,两个子房基部离生、花柱联合与雄蕊形成合蕊柱,柱头表面被邻近花药的侧翼紧密包围形成5个柱头腔。青阳参的花粉形成独特的花粉块,一次传粉过程可以转运大量的花粉。东方蜜蜂(Apis cerana)是青阳参的主要传粉昆虫,其传粉包括两个过程:(1)当蜜蜂的口器或足插入着粉腺的槽口后借助蜜蜂的力量将花粉块从花上拔起;(2)当蜜蜂再次访花时将携带的花粉块插入其中一个柱头腔。花粉块里面的花粉粒住柱头腔中萌发出花粉管,然后沿着花柱道向下生长最后进入子房。在整个花期仡粉保持有相对较高的生活力,而其柱头可授性则在7天后逐渐降低。  相似文献   
The aquatic macrophyte Stratiotes aloides Linnaeus, which has recently received attention in studies on allelopathy, has been shown to suppress phytoplankton growth. In the Netherlands, S. aloides often co-occurs with floating filamentous algae. However, filamentous algae are generally absent in close proximity to S. aloides, resulting in gaps in filamentous algae mats. We analyzed whether those gaps may be caused by allelopathic substances excreted by S. aloides or by nutrient depletion. We studied in a field survey the colonization of natural S. aloides by filamentous algae and determined in situ nutrient concentrations in natural S. aloides stands. To analyze the relative importance of allelopathy and nutrient competition in the interaction between S. aloides and filamentous algae, we carried out field experiments. Introduction of artificial (non-allelopathic) plants in natural S. aloides stands enabled us to compare the colonization by filamentous algae of both Stratiotes sp. and artificial plants. The filamentous algae were absent in close vicinity to S. aloides. Significantly lower concentrations of ortho-phosphate and potassium were observed close to S. aloides as compared with the filamentous algae. In the field experiments the artificial plants were rapidly colonized by filamentous algae, mainly Cladophera Kützing and Spirogyra Link, while all natural plants remained free of such algae. Additionally, most nutrient concentrations did not significantly differ in the proximity of artificial or natural stands of S. aloides. The concentrations of the major growth-limiting nutrients, phosphate and nitrate, were significantly higher and nonlimiting in natural Stratiotes stands. Our main conclusion is that, although allelopathic interactions between S. aloides and filamentous algae do occur under natural conditions, nutrient competition between the two can also be an important factor.  相似文献   
N:P化学计量学在生态学研究中的应用   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
化学计量学很早就被应用于生态学研究中,但长期以来几乎被生态学家所忽视。近年来,由于认识到化学计量学研究可以把生态实体的各个层次在元素水平上统一起来,因此元素化学计量学成为近年来新兴的一个生态学研究领域。氮磷作为植物生长的必需矿质营养元素和生态系统常见的限制性元素,在植物体内存在功能上的联系,二者之间具有重要的相互作用。近年来由于人类活动的强烈影响,这两种元素的循环在速度和规模上都发生了前所未有的改变,导致一系列环境问题的出现,因此N:P化学计量学研究就显得极为重要。本文论述了N:P化学计量学在物种、群落、生态系统等各层次的应用现状,同时从分子生物学角度分析了应用N:P化学计量学的可行性,并指出了N:P化学计量学研究的应用前景和存在的缺陷。  相似文献   
Effects of habitat isolation on pollinator communities and seed set   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:28  
Destruction and fragmentation of natural habitats is the major reason for the decreasing biodiversity in the agricultural landscape. Loss of populations may negatively affect biotic interactions and ecosystem stability. Here we tested the hypothesis that habitat fragmentation affects bee populations and thereby disrupts plant-pollinator interactions. We experimentally established small ”habitat islands” of two self-incompatible, annual crucifers on eight calcareous grasslands and in the intensively managed agricultural landscape at increasing distances (up to 1000 m) from these species-rich grasslands to measure effects of isolation on both pollinator guilds and seed set, independently from patch size and density, resource availability and genetic erosion of plant populations. Each habitat island consisted of four pots each with one plant of mustard (Sinapis arvensis) and radish (Raphanus sativus). Increasing isolation of the small habitat islands resulted in both decreased abundance and species richness of flower-visiting bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Mean body size of flower-visiting wild bees was larger on isolated than on nonisolated habitat islands emphasizing the positive correlation of body size and foraging distance. Abundance of flower-visiting honeybees depended on the distance from the nearest apiary. Abundance of other flower visitors such as hover flies did not change with increasing isolation. Number of seeds per fruit and per plant decreased significantly with increasing distance from the nearest grassland for both mustard and radish. Mean seed set per plant was halved at a distance of approximately 1000 m for mustard and at 250 m for radish. In accordance with expectations, seed set per plant was positively correlated with the number of flower-visiting bees. We found no evidence for resource limitation in the case of mustard and only marginal effects for radish. We conclude that habitat connectivity is essential to maintain not only abundant and diverse bee communities, but also plant-pollinator interactions in economically important crops and endangered wild plants. Received: 7 May 1999 / Accepted: 19 July 1999  相似文献   
Computer simulations are used to predict the behavior of pollen grains with different physical properties within the acceleration field created around the ovules of the gymnosperm Ephedra trifurca. A modelling procedure is given that (1) calculates the number of pollen grains captured by an ovule's pollination-droplet and (2) gives a correlation between pollination efficiency and the physical properties (= mass, size) of different types of pollen. Based on this procedure, the number of Ephedra pollen grains captured by micropyles can be less than the number captured from other species. However, the mass and size of Ephedra pollen grains appear to coincide with those predicted to yield a local maximum of pollination efficiency, i.e. slightly larger or smaller values of either mass or size would decrease the probability of capture. In addition, the properties of Ephedra pollen grains operate synergistically in the aerodynamic environment around ovules and are focused to collide with pollination-droplets. By analogy, the properties of Ephedra pollen coincide with those predicted for a localized adaptive peak. The physical properties of pollen grain types other than E. trifurca that can maximize pollen capture are not generally represented in the aerobiology of Ephedra during the pollination season. Therefore, the phenology of pollen release, community taxonomic-composition, and the physics of particle capture play collectively important roles in the reproductive success of Ephedra trifurca.  相似文献   
Molybdenum is required for both dinitrogen fixation and nitrate assimilation. In oxic waters the primary form of molybdenum is the molybdate anion. Using radioactive [99Mol Na2MoO4, we have shown that the transport of molybdate by a natural assemblage of freshwater phytoplankton is light-dependent and follows typical saturation kinetics. The molybdate anion is strikingly similar to sulfate and we present data to show that sulfate is a competitive inhibitor of molybdate assimilation by planktonic algae and bacteria. The ability of freshwater phytoplankton to transport molybdate is inhibited at sulfate concentrations as low as 5% of those in seawater and at sulfate: molybdate ratios as low as 50 to 100 times lower than those found in seawater, Similarly, the growth of both a freshwater bacterium and a saltwater diatom was inhibited at sulfate: molybdate ratios lower than those in seawater.The ratio of sulfate to molybdate is 10 to 100 times greater in seawater than in fresh water. This unfavorable sulfate: molybdate ratio may make molybdate less biologically available in the sea. The sulfate: molybdate ratio may explain, in part, the low rates of nitrogen fixation in N-limited salt waters.  相似文献   
In its native South Africa, endemic birds pollinate the complex flowers of Strelitzia reginae (bird of paradise) through a highly complex method of pollination. The plant is cultivated worldwide in warm-temperated regions but systematic pollination of the ornithophilous species by local birds has not been reported, and, consequently, seed production is rare outside of South Africa. We found that a member of the New World warblers, Geothlypis trichas, efficiently carried out pollination of S. reginae in southern California, thereby supplementing its typical diet of insects with the energy-rich nectar of S. reginae. Only occasionally, seeds were found in plantings not visited by these birds. The pollinator service provided by the warbler increases seed production in an area outside of South Africa. This could lead to adaptive changes in the exotic species, advance species establishment and persistence and possibly promote invasive behavior in a non-native environment.  相似文献   
Adaptive radiations likely underlie much of the world’s diversity, especially that of hyper‐diverse regions. They are usually characterized by a burst of speciation early in their evolutionary history, a pattern which can be detected using population genetic tools. The Cape Floristic Region (CFR) of southwestern South Africa is home to many spectacular plant radiations. Here, we investigate the white proteas (Protea section Exsertae), a typical CFR radiation, to determine if it demonstrates the burst of speciation associated with adaptive radiations in recent models. Inferences from individual assignment, tree‐based population relationships, and pairwise F‐statistics based on 10 microsatellite loci reveal that while the white proteas radiated recently they did not radiate explosively. In addition, we found evidence that there is little gene flow between sampled populations of most species. Taken together, these results demonstrate that within a small clade, the processes underlying the radiation are different from those envisioned by current models of adaptive radiation and suggest that geographical isolation could have played a role in the diversification of the group. Our study implicates both adaptive and non‐adaptive processes in the evolution of botanical diversity of the CFR.  相似文献   
Floral scents of male and female inflorescences of three dioeciousSalix species were collected by head-space adsorption, and analysed by GC-MS. InSalix caprea andS. cinerea 1,4-dimethoxy benzene was the main compound, and male and female scents showed a high degree of resemblance. No dominant compound was found inS. repens and malefemale scent similarity was low. Floral scent inSalix is likely a strong orientation cue, guiding pollinators between male and female plants ensuring pollen transfer and pollination. We suggest that a high degree of male-female floral scent resemblance is coupled to a high degree of insect pollination. Floral scent does not promote reproductive isolation betweenS. caprea andS. cinerea.  相似文献   
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