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Cell volume and doubling time have been determined for exponentially growing Tetrahymena pyriformis cells in broth medium with and without glucose and in media made from these media by dilution with water. The cells tolerate media with dry weights from 105 down to 0.06 g/L. In the diluted media the cells have small volumes and the doubling time is increased. When the cell volume increase per time per cell in a given medium is expressed as a function of the cell volume in this same medium, a direct proportionality is found. From this equation the minimum cell volume of division competence (MVDC) can be found. It is 2,100 microns 3 for T. pyriformis at 28 degrees C. The lag period resulting from an upshift of exponentially growing cells from diluted media to more concentrated media is a function of the initial and resulting cell volumes and MVDC. The increase in cell volume per unit of time for a given cell depends on the dry weight of the medium. This parameter can be transformed to mass increase per cell surface area per time, which represents rate of nutrient uptake. When plotted against the dry weight of the media, a Michaelis-Menten-like curve is obtained with two Km values of 3.8 and 0.08 g/L with corresponding Vmax values of 20 and 4 ng/cm2.s. The low Km value (0.08 g/L) indicates that Tetrahymena is able to take up nutrients from highly diluted media. The high value of Vmax (20 ng/cm2.s) increases the ability of growth in more concentrated media.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Twelve species of captive ungulates were studied to determine behavioral responses to the presence of a zookeeper within the exhibit and in front of the exhibit, with and without zoo visitors present. Significant differences in behavior occurred between species for nearly all behaviors observed. A significantly greater occurrence of vigilance and approach behavior was directed toward the zookeeper while within the exhibit relative to when the zookeeper stood in front of the exhibit. A significantly lower occurrence of eating or drinking occurred when the zookeeper was inside the exhibit. Significant differences occurred across size categories in the occurrence of approaching the zookeeper. The most frequently scored behavior was visual orientation. Statistically significant differences in the occurrence of visual orientation directed by females toward the zookeeper existed across size category, with more vigilance by species with larger body size. A statistically higher occurrence of vigilance toward the zookeeper was directed by female ungulates but not by males when the zoo was closed to the public. Although no statistical significance was found regarding the intraspecific vigilance of males, data on females revealed significant differences across species and across size categories. When data regarding vigilance toward the public were analyzed, statistically significant differences existed between species for females only. Likewise, when data regarding interspecific vigilance were examined, statistically significant differences were found across size categories for females, but not for males. The potential roles of vigilance in the wild are discussed in reference to its role in captivity.  相似文献   
Empis borealisfemales form swarms, and males carrying a nuptial gift come to swarms to mate. Males either mated with one of the females (accepted swarms) or left swarms without mating (refused swarms). Males mated with the younger (low wing-wear) and relatively larger females in accepted swarms. They seemed to be able to judge the relative size of the females but to ignore their absolute size. Visiting males stayed shorter in accepted swarms as female size variation increased. This probably reflects their greater ease in choosing a mate among females of relatively different sizes. Females in accepted swarms tended to be larger and to have less worn wings than females in rejected swarms.  相似文献   
Solitary gynes of two species of social bees, Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) malachurumand L. (E.) pauxillum(Hymenoptera: Halictidae), were observed in the field and in the laboratory during the solitary (spring) phase of their life cycles. Fighting over nests among gynes of the former species is common when nests are being provisioned and can result in serious injury or even death to one or both interactants. The payoff is occasional acquisition of a nest. In contrast, fighting was never observed in the field among gynes of L. pauxillum.Several factors determine the outcome of such fights in L. malachuram,these include relative sizes of the two opponents as well as nest ownership. Dyadic interactions in the laboratory reveal that size influences the behavioral strategies of the gynes of both species, with the larger of two individuals in a dyadic interaction being on average more aggressive. Furthermore, in a second experimental series with L. malachurum,application to the smaller gyne of synthetically derived macrocyclic lactones found in the species' Dufour's gland pheromone mixture significantly decreased the aggressive tendencies of the larger such that its behavior was no longer significantly different from that for the smaller gyne. Therefore, among gynes, aggressive pheromonal signaling, coupled with other possible signal modalities, is probably an integral part in the communication system.  相似文献   
Mortality of eggs during incubation was estimated for three ocypodid crabs,Scopimera globosa, Ilyoplax pusillus andMacrophthalmus japonicus, and the influence of incubation sites was discussed. These crabs all lived in isolated burrows and fed on sediments during day time low tide.S. globosa andI. pusillus inhabited the upper intertidal sandflats, whereasM. japonicus inhabited the lower intertidal mudflats. Females of bothS. globosa andI. pusillus remained in their plugged burrows without feeding throughout incubation and the mortality of eggs was low despite large broods relative to body size. On the other hand, females ofM. japonicus fed actively on surface mud during incubation and the mortality of eggs was high despiite small broods relative to body size. InS. globosa andI. pusillus, the ovaries of ovigerous females were small until egg-hatching, whereas inM. japonicus, the ovaries grew rapidly during incubation and females were able to produce consecutive broods. I conclude that incubation of eggs in burrows may be advantageous in species which inhabit the upper interidal sandflats, even though the crabs cannot forage during incubation, since otherwise their eggs would be exposed to strong heat stress and desication during the summer. Furthermore, such species may produce few large broods because of less frequent interruption of feeding than that associated with production of many small broods.  相似文献   
Development of the echinate pollen grains inFarfugium (Compositae: Senecioneae) has been studied by a combination of transmission electron microscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy with a freeze fractured method. The inner surface of the callose wall surrounding each microspore does not possess an echinate pattern before primexine deposition begins. The primexine formation coincides with the initiation of spines. The freeze fractured primexine shows probacula which form transverse rods. The developing exine has an inner spongy substructure. The endexine is formed by the accumulation of the electron dense lamellae with white lines after the dissolution of the callose wall. In the present study, it is confirmed that the developmental process of pollen formation revealed in the field emission scanning electron microscope is consistent with the results obtained using the transmission electron microscope.  相似文献   
Summary A study of pollen development in wheat was made using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Microspores contain undifferentiated plastids and mitochondria that are dividing. Vacuolation occurs, probably due to the coalescence of small vacuoles budded off the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). As the pollen grain is formed and matures, the ER becomes distended with deposits of granular storage material. Mitochondria proliferate and become filled with cristae. Similarly, plastids divide and accumulate starch. The exine wall is deposited at a rapid rate throughout development, and the precursors appear to be synthesized in the tapetum. Tapetal cells become binucleate during the meiosis stage, and Ubisch bodies form on the plasma membrane surface that faces the locule. Tapetal plastids become surrounded by an electron-translucent halo. Rough ER is associated with the halo around the plastids and with the plasma membrane. We hypothesize that the sporopollenin precursors for both the Ubisch bodies and exine pollen wall are synthesized in the tapetal plastids and are transported to the tapetal cell surface via the ER. The microspore plastids appear to be involved in activities other than precursor synthesis: plastid proliferation in young microspores, and starch synthesis later in development. Plants treated with the chemical hybridizing agent RH0007 show a pattern of development similar to that shown by untreated control plants through the meiosis stage. In the young microspore stage the exine wall is deposited irregularly and is thinner than that of control plants. In many cases the microspores are seen to have wavy contours. With the onset of vacuolation, microspores become plasmolyzed and abort. The tapetal cells in RH0007-treated locules divide normally through the meiosis stage. Less sporopollenin is deposited in the Ubisch bodies, and the pattern is less regular than that of the control. In many cases, the tapetal cells expand into the locule. At the base of one of the locules treated with a dosage of RH0007 that causes 95% male sterility, several microspores survived and developed into pollen grains that were sterile. The conditions at the base of the locule may have reduced the osmotic stress on the microspores, allowing them to survive. Preliminary work showed that the extractable quantity of carotenoids in RHOOO7-treated anthers was slightly greater than in controls. We concluded that RH0007 appears to interfere with the polymerization of carotenoid precursors into the exine wall and Ubisch bodies, rather than interfering with the synthesis of the precursors.  相似文献   
The feeding ecology of whitefish, Coregonus , larvae in oligotrophic Lake Sarnen and eutrophic Lake Hallwil is presented, taking into consideration the size of the prey ingested in relation to the mouth size of larvae and to the availability of zooplankton.
When larvae grow from 10 to 16 mm their mouth width increases from 500 to 1000 μm while their gape height, with the mouth open at 45 and 90°, increases from 200 to 400 μm and from 400 to 700 μm, respectively, whichever lake is considered.
The differences found in the mean prey width between the two lakes arise in part from the composition of diets, and in part from differences in size of the available prey organisms. Whatever the origin of the larvae and the taxon we consider, larvae seem to ingest the most abundant prey size without selecting the biggest ones available even if, from a mechanical point of view, they would be able to ingest them.
Taking into account the generally low density of zooplankton in the uppermost layer of the lake, we conclude that whitefish larvae eat in the manner such as to decrease the cost of prey capture, in terms of energy and time, by choosing the more abundant prey available.  相似文献   
Synopsis Thirty one species of shallow water teleosts were captured from the NE coast of New Zealand. Ocular morphology was assessed in terms of eye size, pupil shape, theoretical sensitivity and acuity based on retinal morphology, and regional distribution of photoreceptors within the retina. Eye size was relatively or absolutely larger in carnivores than herbivores. Diurnal planktivores and nocturnal species of small body size maximise vision by having relatively large eyes. Anterior aphakic spaces were present in most of the species examined, and 25% of the species also had posterior aphakic spaces. Theoretical sensitivity was generally higher among nocturnal than diurnal species, however, a number of benthic and pelagic carnivores showed retinal specialization for enhanced sensitivity. Diurnal species displayed high spatial acuity, with maximum acuity occurring in carnivorous species. Crepuscular species had either high or low acuity, whereas that of nocturnal species was generally lower than in diurnal species. Ten species displayed regional variation in rod density, with crepuscular and nocturnal species showing streaks of high rod density in the retina. Eleven species of carnivores displayed regional variation in cone density, with highest density usually occurring in the caudal part of the retina. In most of the species with areas of high cone density, there was a forward visual axis that coincided with the location of the aphakic space, suggestive of accomodation along that axis.  相似文献   
桂林甑皮岩洞穴遗址第四纪孢粉分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王丽娟 《人类学学报》1989,8(1):T001-T002
本文对桂林甑皮岩洞穴古人类遗址的文化层堆积物和钙华板系统采样进行孢粉分析研究,分析了当时的植被演替和气候变化、古人类的生活环境以及文化层和钙华板形成的地质时代。  相似文献   
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