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A system of highly synchronized chloroplast divisions was developed in the unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae De Luca, Taddei, & Varano. Chloroplast divisions were examined by epifluorescence microscopy following treatments with light and inhibitors. When the cells during stationary phase were transferred into a new medium under a 12:12 h LD cycle, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and cell nuclei divided synchronously in that order soon after the initiation of dark periods. More than 40% of the cells contained dividing chloroplasts. To obtain a system of highly synchronized cell division and chloroplast division, the cells synchronized by a 12:12 h LD cycle were treated with various inhibitors. Nocodazole and propyzamide did not affect cell and organelle divisions, whereas aphidicolin markedly inhibited cell-nuclear divisions and cytokinesis and induced a delay in chloroplast division. More than 80% of the cells contained dividing chloroplasts when cells synchronized by light were treated with aphidicolin for 12 h. This synchronized system will be useful for studies of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of organelle divisions .  相似文献   
A single-strand-specific endonuclease from mung bean sprouts is widely usedin molecular biology. However, the biological role of this enzyme is unknown. We studied the spatial and temporal activity of single-stranded DNA endonucleases in mung bean seedling by following enzyme activity that linearizes supercoiled plasmid DNA, a characteristic of this type of enzyme. The formation of a linear molecule from supercoiled DNA was found to occur in two distinguishable steps. The first, which involves introducing a nick into the supercoiled DNA and relaxing it, is very rapid and complete within a few seconds. The second step of cleaving the opposite strand to generate a unit-length linear duplex DNA is a relatively slow process. Analysis of the DNA cleavage sites showed the nuclease preferentially cuts supercoiled DNA at an AT-rich region. Varying levels of nuclease activity could be detected in different tissues of the mung bean seedling. The highest activity was in the root tip and was correlated with histone H1 kinase activity. This implies a link between nuclease activity and cell division. Induction of cell division in mung bean hypocotyls with auxin promoted formation of root primordia and considerably increased the activity of single-stranded DNA endonucleases. The nuclease activity and histone H1 kinase activity were reduced in mung bean cuttings treated with hydroxyurea, but not in cuttings treated with oryzalin. The potential function of single-stranded DNA endonucleases is discussed.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the role of cell division in plant development, we isolated several plant genes which encode homologues of animal and yeast cell cycle regulators known as cyclins.Through the use of degenerate primers and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) we isolated a Brassica sequence which showed homology to the cyclin box functional domain found within cyclin proteins. Southern blot analysis indicated that Brassica napus has a large number of genes containing cyclin box-related sequences. This was further supported by the isolation of cyclin box sequences from six different genomic clones. In addition, we have isolated two different cyclin cDNA clones, BnCYC1 and BnCYC2, from a Brassica napus shoot apical cDNA library. Both of the cDNA clones contain a destruction box regulatory domain similar to animal mitotic cyclins.Northern blot analysis using BnCYC2 shows mRNA levels which correlate well with the level of cell division in various tissues. Messenger RNA abundance was highest in 1–3 mm leaves, root tips and shoot apices. The mRNA detected using BnCYC1 was restricted to young leaves and the shoot apex, suggesting divergent, organ-specific roles for cyclin family members. The results demonstrate that the plant cyclin gene family is more extensive than previously demonstrated and consists of genes expressed in all dividing tissues as well as a subset of developmentally specific members.  相似文献   
Cells and protoplasts isolated from three different tissues of sunflower hypocotyls and cultured either in liquid or agarose medium were compared in terms of their volume, DNA content, division potential and embryoid formation. Epidermal and external cortical cells differ from other tissue cells by their small size, their weak response to plasmolysis and their low DNA content (around 1C). They contribute only very weakly to the dividing protoplast population. In contrast, protoplasts from cortical and medullar cells both have similar division potential, reaching 50%. The nuclear DNA content of these two cell types, as well as their corresponding protoplasts, has a 2C value, taking root tip cells in G0 phase as standard. The culture conditions induce the same specific response in protoplasts isolated from both tissues: exclusively loose colony formation in liquid medium, and mainly production of embryoids in agarose medium.  相似文献   
Summary The genusPlebeia has a special significance for the study of social evolution of stingless bees: morphologically primitive, its species display a wealth of behavioural evolution, especially with respect to the oviposition process. We comparePlebeia remota with the few other members of the genus studied so far.Related to its subtropical geographical range, brood production is seasonal (there is no brood in the colony in colder months), and adult workers occur as summer and winter bees. The nest is in tree cavities, and the involucrum is absent or restricted to the winter period. Brood cells are arranged in horizontal combs, and new cells are built completely synchronously. Each series consists of up to 50 cells, their number being mainly dependent on colony size. Construction speed is remarkably constant, allowing 4–6 batches per 24 hours. Cell building and provisioning are activities of a small group of specialized workers.The oviposition cycle follows the classical subdivisions for stingless bees. During the patrolling phase a worker may offer a trophic egg in a most remarkable way: while retreating backward from the queen she bends the abdomen under thorax and head, and lays an egg on the comb. This egg is eaten by the queen or a worker.The provisioning, oviposition and operculation of all cells occur simultaneously, each cell is provisioned by 4–9 workers. Localization of a cell by the queen may be facilitated by its characteristic guard, which defends the cell against the approaching queen. The degree of synchronization within a batch is very high: the duration per cell lasts 420–950 sec, the batch of up till 50 cells needs only 557–1160 sec. Operculation is done by a worker that was not involved in the previous steps.Males are generally produced by the queen. Several male producing cycles per year occur. In orphan colonies laying workers give rise to males, and in queenright colonies workers may occasionally reproduce as well.Division of labour follows the general pattern for stingless bees; however, cell building and provisioning are activities of a specialized group of workers.  相似文献   
Darwin's concept of progress was an economic one, with the accumulation of adaptations having a strong analogy to technological innovations. This interpretation makes it easier to understand his differences with Lamarck and others whose views he considered metaphysically objectionable. It also clarifies his relationship to Malthus and such features of his theory as the episodic nature of evolutionary change. His position is consistent with modern theories of biotic invasions and long-term evolutionary trends. It also accords well with current efforts to produce a synthesis between biology and economics.  相似文献   
一种水稻卷叶性状的遗传分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对水稻卷叶品种流岗卷叶粳与4个平展叶品种及1个卷叶标志基因(rl3)系的杂交或回交后代进行了考察。结果表明,流岗卷叶粳的卷叶特性以单基因不完全显性方式遗传; 该基因与rl3基因不等位,当rl3位点处于隐性纯合时两者以累加方式发生互作。这一等位基因可作标志基因使用,暂定名为Rl(t)。 Abstract:Liugangjuanyejing is a rolled leaf mutant of rice.A genetic study on the rolled-leaf character was carried out by crossing it with four flat-leaf cultivars and a genetic marker line (with a rolled-leaf allele rl3).The results showed that this character was controlled by an incomplete dominant gene which was non-allelic to rl3 locus and that there existed additive effect between the two loci when the rl3 locus was homozygous recessiveness.This new rolled-leaf allele was provisionally named as Rl(t) and could be used as a genetic marker of rice.  相似文献   
Effects of water stress on male gametophyte development in plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Male reproductive development in plants is highly sensitive to water deficit during meiosis in the microspore mother cells. Water deficit during this stage inhibits further development of microspores or pollen grains, causing male sterility. Female fertility, in contrast, is quite immune to stress. The injury is apparently not caused by desiccation of the reproductive tissue, but is an indirect consequence of water deficit in the vegetative organs, such as leaves. The mechanism underlying this stress response probably involves a long-distance signaling molecule, originating in the organs that undergo water loss, and affecting fertility in the reproductive tissue, which conserves its water status. Much research has been focused on the involvement of abscisic acid in this regard, but the most recent evidence tends to reject a role for this hormone in the induction of male sterility. Stress-induced arrest of male gametophyte development is preceded by disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism and distribution within anthers, and an inhibition of the key sugar-cleaving enzyme, acid invertase. Since invertase gene expression can be modulated by sugar concentration, it is possible that decreased sugar delivery to reproductive tissue upon inhibition of photosynthesis by stress is the signal that triggers metabolic lesions leading to failure of male gametophyte development. Received: 31 October 1996 / Revision accepted: 18 February 1997  相似文献   
Selective degradation of cyclins, inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases and anaphase inhibitors is responsible for several major cell cycle transitions. The degradation of these cell cycle regulators is controlled by the action of ubiquitin—protein-ligase complexes, which target the regulators for degradation by the 26S proteasome. Recent results indicate that two types of multisubunit ubiquitin ligase complexes, which are connected to the protein kinase regulatory network of the cell cycle in different ways, are responsible for the specific and programmed degradation of many cell cycle regulators.  相似文献   
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