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Policymaking mediates the relationships between manufacturers and consumers, thus defining the boundaries for the philosophies of production set forth by major companies. Research states that policymaking falls short in addressing the waste issues, natural resources consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and other negative impacts posed by premature obsolescence; only recently have the “right-to-repair” guidelines demanded by environmental organizations and communities of citizens been included in policymaking. The introduction of the Index of Repairability in France as information at the point of sale aims to inform consumers and support their decision-making in purchasing more repairable products. In this paper, we consider the two Indexes of Repairability publicly available to consumers—in the French legislation and iFixit—and assess their application to smartphones from three manufacturers. The study establishes links between the scores and the industrial design features that promote or hinder repairability, service factors and information for self-repair, authorized repair, and independent repair. Data collection considers the available information for consumers and citizens by using netnography and secondary data from manufacturers, policymakers, and communities of users. Our findings suggest that higher scores that indicate easier repairability are not limited to product architectures that follow design for disassembly guidelines. Smartphones that are difficult to repair can still score high, and thus be perceived as easier to repair, if manufacturers provide high quality and affordable service. This paper discusses the results of the ongoing development of repairability scores for smartphones, thus suggesting paths for future research to improve methods and policies to support a longer lifetime of products.  相似文献   
‘Dark Anthropology’ and its complementary ‘Anthropology of the Good’ have become influential and debated notions in anthropology in recent years. I here parse distinctive features of these emphases, address their relation to theory and to ethnography, and consider the stakes involved in concretely applying their conceptual designations. I discuss the general shift in anthropology from grand theory to key concept, and the topical delimitation of theory that results. In larger purview, Dark Anthropology and the Anthropology of the Good both have long theoretical genealogies as well as practical contexts of political and social understanding, including vis‐à‐vis recent events in the U.S. and elsewhere. I suggest that considering the relationship between politico‐economically structured inequality and attempts to assert positive meaning and purpose is the most productive way to ethnographically apply their alternative conceptualisations. This brings to greater focus the thorny question of whose understanding of inequality or suffering, or of moral value and positive wellbeing, is being articulated—the sentiments of the people studied, or the concepts of the analyst? It seems vital to examine both analytic and indigenous views of dark times, and of the good, to refine our understanding of both, that is, in order to consider our complementary conceptualisations in relation to both sides of the emic/etic coin. This refines our understanding of local sensibilities and also of the appropriate limit points of our own conceptual associations.  相似文献   
How unicellular organisms optimize the production of compounds is a fundamental biological question. While it is typically thought that production is optimized at the individual‐cell level, secreted compounds could also allow for optimization at the group level, leading to a division of labor where a subset of cells produces and shares the compound with everyone. Using mathematical modeling, we show that the evolution of such division of labor depends on the cost function of compound production. Specifically, for any trait with saturating benefits, linear costs promote the evolution of uniform production levels across cells. Conversely, production costs that diminish with higher output levels favor the evolution of specialization–especially when compound shareability is high. When experimentally testing these predictions with pyoverdine, a secreted iron‐scavenging compound produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, we found linear costs and, consistent with our model, detected uniform pyoverdine production levels across cells. We conclude that for shared compounds with saturating benefits, the evolution of division of labor is facilitated by a diminishing cost function. More generally, we note that shifts in the level of selection from individuals to groups do not solely require cooperation, but critically depend on mechanistic factors, including the distribution of compound synthesis costs.  相似文献   
Global environmental and resource problems ask for new ways of managing the production and consumption of resources. The implementation of new paradigms, such as the circular economy, requires decision‐makers at multiple levels to make complex decisions. For this, clear analyses and modeling of scenarios are of utmost importance. Meanwhile, as the sophistication of databases and models increases so does the need for user‐friendly tools to use them. The RaMa‐Scene web platform reduces these barriers by allowing users to visualize easily diverse impacts of implementing circular‐economy interventions. This online web platform makes use of the multi‐regional environmentally extended input–output database EXIOBASE version 3 in monetary units, which has been modified to show explicit transactions of raw materials from recycling activities.  相似文献   
Martin Wood 《Plant and Soil》1987,97(3):303-314
Summary Laboratory data for the loss of root material by barley and field data for the growth of barley plants in Syria and in England have been combined to predict the amount of material lost by barley roots during a season, and to predict the resulting microbial biomass in the rhizosphere. The predicted microbial biomass C in the rhizosphere ranged from 10–34% of the total plant biomass C depending mainly upon the value used for rate of loss of root material. Total loss of root material predicted during a season in England constituted 7.7–25.4 percent of C fixed by photosynthesis. The major assumptions made in these calculations are considered, and the predicted values discussed in relation to reported values for soil microbial biomass, CO2 fluxes from soil and associative nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   
Hans Schnyder 《Planta》1992,187(1):128-135
A photosynthate labelling method is presented which takes advantage of the natural difference in carbon-isotope composition () which exists between atmospheric CO2 (-8) and commercially available compressed CO2. Carbon dioxide with -4.0 and –27.9%., respectively, has been used for labelling. A plant growth cabinet served as the labelling compartment. CO2-free air was continuously injected at a rate of up to 54m3·h–1. Dilution of cabinet CO2 by CO2-free air was counterbalanced by addition of CO2 with known constant . Since the labelling-cabinet atmosphere was continuously exchanged at a high rate, photosynthetic carbon-isotope discrimination was fully expressed. In order to study the distribution of carbon acquired by the plant during a defined growth period, the of CO2 was modified by replacing, for example, atmospheric CO2 by CO2 with –27.9%. and the weight and 5 of plant carbon pools was monitored over time. In such an experiment the change of CO2 was followed by a rapid change of the of sucrose in mature flag-leaf blades of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The 5 of sucrose stabilized near –51%., indicating complete exchange by current photosynthate. In contrast 83% of the total carbon in mature flag-leaf blades was not exchanged after 14 d continuous labelling. Differential labelling of pre- and post-anthesis photosynthate indicated that 13% of grain carbon originated from pre-anthesis photosynthesis. Carbon-isotope discrimination and its consideration in experimentation and labelling data evaluation are discussed in detail. Since the air supplied to the labelling cabinet is dry and free of CO2, carbon-isotope discrimination and carbon turnover and partitioning can be studied over a wide range of CO2 concentrations (0–2600 cm3 · m–3) and vapor-pressure deficits.Abbreviation and Symbol PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - carbon-isotope composition Dr. G. Schleser (Forschungszentrum Jülich, FRG) and Professor S. Hoernes (Mineralogisch-Petrologisches Institut, Universität Bonn) for valuable help and advice during the initial stages of the project and Professor W. Kühbauch (Institut für Pflanzenbau, Universität Bonn) for continuing support. Technical assistance of Ute Labusch, Petra Biermann, Ludwig Schmitz and Thomas Gebbing is gratefully acknowleged.
The digital sharing economy is commonly thought to promote sustainable consumption and improve material efficiency through better utilization of existing product stocks. However, the cost savings and convenience of using digital sharing platforms can ultimately stimulate additional demand for products and services. As a result, some or even all of the expected environmental benefits attributed to sharing could be offset, a phenomenon known as the rebound effect. Relying on a unique dataset covering over 750,000 food items shared in the United Kingdom through a free peer-to-peer food-sharing platform, we use econometric modeling, geo-spatial network analysis, and environmentally extended input–output analysis to quantify how much of the expected environmental benefits attributed to sharing are offset via rebound effects under seven re-spending scenarios. We find that rebound effects can offset 59–94% of expected greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction, 20–81% of expected water depletion benefits, and 23–90% of land use benefit as platform users re-spent the money saved from food sharing on other goods and services. Our results demonstrate that rebound effects could limit the potential to achieve meaningful reductions in environmental burdens through sharing, and highlight the importance of incorporating rebound effects in environmental assessments of the digital sharing economy.  相似文献   
刻槽盆是一种内壁遍布粗糙刻划纹的特殊陶器。目前,对其功能尚没有统一的认识,而淀粉粒分析无疑将提供重要信息。本文对安徽省含山县凌家滩遗址(5500~5300 BP)发掘出土的18件刻槽盆残片开展淀粉粒分析,在陶片上发现种类丰富的淀粉粒,其中以薏苡(Coix lacryma-jobi L.)和未定禾本科(Poaceae)为主,其次是小麦族(Triticeae tribe)、壳斗科栎属(Quercus L.)和其他根茎类植物的淀粉粒,豇豆属(Vigna sp.)、莲藕(Nelumbo nucifera)和山药(Dioscorea opposita Thunb.)的淀粉粒相对较少。上述结果表明刻槽盆主要用于加工野生植物资源。值得注意的是,在器物上发现了大量受到研磨/杵捣处理的破损淀粉粒或烹煮导致的糊化淀粉粒,这表明它们应该用于研磨/杵捣和烹煮食物。淀粉粒的统计分析结果表明,先民的生业方式在不同时期发生了细微变化,薏苡和未定禾本科植物的比例虽仍占据着优势,但先民已开始有意识地减少对这两类植物的依赖,逐渐加强了对小麦族、栎属、豇豆属和根茎类植物资源的开发和利用。对具有加工痕迹的淀粉粒进行分析,发现先民在加工各类型植物时,始终采用研磨为主、烹煮为辅的方式,刻槽盆的功能在不同时期无明显变化。  相似文献   
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