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The protein pattern analysis of the venoms of different Vespoidea species (Dolichovespula, Vespa, and Polistes) reveal strong similarities between both social wasp species of the genus Dolichovespula (arenaria and maculata) and between the other social wasp species of Vespa (mandarinia and tropica). Species of Polistinae (Polistes arizonensis, aurifer, canadensis and rothneyi grahami) appear to have evolved early, but there are not enough characters to establish monophyly of subfamily Polistinae.  相似文献   
We undertook a study to explore the potential of microsatellite loci as genetic markers for investigating kinship patterns in a social waspParachartergus colobopterus. A plasmid library with small inserts was screened for several oligonucleotide repeat motifs. Positive clones were sequenced and several were selected for further work. PCR primers were constructed that would amplify the tandem repeat region and a number of female wasps were scored for variation in the number of tandem repeats at these loci. The five amplified loci were far more variable than allozymes, with an average heterozygosity of 0.35. This work was supported by NSF Grants BSR-9021514 and IBN-9210051.  相似文献   
【目的】蝇蛹金小蜂Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae(Rondani)是杨梅园等果园果蝇类害虫蛹期常见寄生蜂种类,在对果蝇类害虫的生物防治上具有重要价值。本文旨在探讨使用家蝇蝇蛹为替代寄主繁育蝇蛹金小蜂的方法。【方法】探讨分别以家蝇蛹和果蝇蛹繁育的蝇蛹金小蜂对家蝇和果蝇蝇蛹的选择性,并比较了在两种寄主上繁育的蝇蛹金小蜂在大小、寿命、产卵期、后代产量和性比等方面的差异。【结果】结果表明与果蝇蛹相比,家蝇蛹明显较大,在家蝇蛹上发育的蝇蛹金小蜂后代个体也明显较大;家蝇蛹和果蝇蛹发育的寄生蜂雌蜂寿命为(13.4±4.11)和(3.94±2.49)d、产卵期分别为(11.4±4.11)和(3.13±2.42)d、单头雌蜂后代雌蜂数量分别为(34.31±31.83)和(7.88±3.58)头,在家蝇蛹上繁育的寄生蜂明显具有较长的寿命和产卵期、更多的雌雄蜂后代数量;在对家蝇蛹和果蝇蛹的选择上,繁育自家蝇和果蝇的蝇蛹金小蜂雌蜂选择频率的差异不大。【结论】利用家蝇蛹繁殖的蝇蛹金小蜂在寄生果蝇蛹时具有更大优势,在繁殖蝇蛹金小蜂控制杨梅园等果蝇的为害时,可以选择家蝇蛹作为替代寄主。  相似文献   
1. Human alteration of natural ecosystems to agroecosystems continues to accelerate in tropical countries. The resulting world-wide decline of rain forest causes a mosaic landscape, comprising simple and complex agroecosystems and patchily distributed rain forest fragments of different quality. Landscape context and agricultural management can be expected to affect both species diversity and ecosystem services by trophic interactions. 2. In Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, 24 agroforestry systems, differing in the distance to the nearest natural forest (0-1415 m), light intensity (37.5-899.6 W/m(-2)) and number of vascular plant species (7-40 species) were studied. Ten standardized trap nests for bees and wasps, made from reed and knotweed internodes, were exposed in each study site. Occupied nests were collected every month, over a period totalling 15 months. 3. A total of 13,617 brood cells were reared to produce adults of 14 trap-nesting species and 25 natural enemy species, which were mostly parasitoids. The total number of species was affected negatively by increasing distance from forest and increased with light intensity of agroforestry systems. The parasitoids in particular appeared to benefit from nearby forests. Over a 500-m distance, the number of parasitoid species decreased from eight to five, and parasitism rates from 12% to 4%. 4. The results show that diversity and parasitism, as a higher trophic interaction and ecosystem service, are enhanced by (i) improved connectivity of agroecosystems with natural habitats such as agroforestry adjacent to rain forest and (ii) management practices to increase light availability in agroforestry, which also enhances richness of flowering plants in the understorey.  相似文献   
To evaluate the role that a trap‐nest cover might have on sampling methodologies, the abundance of each species of trap‐nesting Hymenoptera and the parasitism rate in a Canadian forest were compared between artificially covered and uncovered traps. Of trap tubes exposed at eight forest sites in six trap‐nest boxes, 531 trap tubes were occupied and 1216 individuals of 12 wasp species of four predatory families, Vespidae (Eumeninae), Crabronidae, Sphecidae and Pompilidae emerged over 2 years, and no bee species were found. Results indicated that artificial covering led to a significant increase in the number of nested tubes of Ancistrocerus adiabatus, Ancistrocerus antilope, Ancistrocerus campestris and Auplopus mellipes, and significant effects of covering were not found for the other species. No significant difference in the overall parasitism rate between covered and uncovered traps was noted. These suggested that the covering technique could provide more opportunities for some wasp species to colonize trap nests.  相似文献   
Illustrated identification keys are provided for higher taxa and all genera of social wasps found in South‐East Asia.  相似文献   
Distribution patterns of the number of foundresses per newly established nest (foundress group size, FGS) of two primitively eusocial, independent-founding wasps, Ropalidia fasciata and R. plebeiana, were studied using zero-truncated distribution models. The distribution pattern of the FGS of R. fasciata is significantly different from a zero-truncated Poisson distribution but fits the zero-truncated negative binomial distribution well, indicating a strongly contagious distribution. R. plebeiana sometimes establishes new colonies by reusing old nests. In this case, distributions are strongly contagious. Competition among foundresses may be one reason for the contagious distribution of FGS in R. fasciata and in cases of old-nest reuse by R. plebeiana, but further studies, especially on the behaviour of foundresses in relation to FGS, are necessary. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
热带雨林三种榕树隐头果昆虫群落结构与功能群生态特性   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
鸡嗉果榕Ficus semicordata、苹果榕Ficus oligodon、对叶榕Ficus hispida是西双版纳热带雨林和次生林中最常见的树种,它们是热带雨林生态系统中的一类先锋种。在每一种榕树隐头果内外,形成了给榕树传粉功能群、寄生子房制造瘿花功能群、复寄生其它昆虫功能群、蛀食和取食隐头果功能群、捕食性天敌功能群、刺吸隐头果汁液功能群、取食熟果加速果实腐烂分解功能群等昆虫组成的群体。本工作在西双版纳勐仑国家自然保护区、植物园沟谷雨林、植物园榕树园等样地内对鸡嗉果榕、苹果榕、对叶榕3种榕树隐头果内外的昆虫种群结构和功能群生态学特性开展了研究。结果表明:样地内采集到141037号昆虫标本,隶属6个目,18个科,42属,61种。从种类上比较,捕食功能群、蛀食及取食功能群最丰富,占榕树隐头果昆虫总种数的57.4%。从个体数量上来看,传粉类群的数量最大,占总数的68.6%。每一种榕树与传粉功能群(榕小蜂)之间构成了种内专一的互惠共生关系,这种关系是由于榕树必须依赖榕小蜂的传粉而获得有性繁殖,而榕小蜂也必须依赖榕树隐头果内部分小花子房作为繁殖与生存场所才能正常繁衍后代形成的,它们相互之间在生物界中形成了最密切的协同进化关系。传粉昆虫功能群、捕食昆虫功能群对榕树隐头果的生长发育起着促进的作用,而其它功能群或多或少均对榕树隐头果的生长发育起着损害性作用,特别是制造瘿花的非传粉小蜂功能群破坏性最大,次之是蛀食和取食功能群、刺吸果汁功能群、分解功能群对隐头果也起到危害作用,而复寄生昆虫功能群则对传粉功能群造成种群下降,从而致使传粉功能降低,对榕树隐头果起着间接的负作用。  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. The ecological hypothesis predicts that multiple foundress colonies of social wasps may have a better survival rate and produce more brood per capita than single foundress colonies. With the aim of verifying if these characteristics exist in the primitively eusocial wasp species Belonogaster juncea juncea (L.), we monitored 49 foundations, including 13 single and 36 multiple foundress colonies, in Cameroon.
2. Multiple foundress colonies were significantly more successful than single foundress colonies in producing at least one adult.
3. The total productivity of the colonies increased significantly with the number of associated foundresses, but the productivity per capita did not. No single foundress colony reached the sexual phase, while eight (21.6%) multiple foundress colonies did. Males were produced in only five colonies, so that the sex ratio was biased in favour of females.
4. These results suggest that because of the strong ecological constraints on solitary nesting, survival and high colony productivity are two advantages of multiple foundress colonies in B. j. juncea .
5. The decreasing per capita productivity concomitant with an increasing number of females noted in this study illustrates once again Michener's paradox. The coefficient of variance of the per capita productivity significantly decreased with group size, as Wenzel and Pickering suggested in the model they created to explain the paradox.
6. Ecological factors may act in conjunction with other factors, such as genetic relatedness between associated foundresses, to promote joining behaviour in B. j. juncea .  相似文献   
Although nests are central to colonial life in social insects, nests are sometimes damaged by predators or natural disasters. After nest destruction, individuals usually construct new nests. In this case, a sophisticated mechanism like the scent trail pheromone used in large insect colonies that recruit individuals to new nest sites would be important for the maintenance of eusociality. In independent-founding Polistes wasps, it is well known that queens enforce workers physiologically on the natal nests even if evidence of trail pheromone use has not been exhibited. We investigated the effect of the queen on an alternative strategy for the maintenance of eusociality by first females after nest destruction in the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes chinensis. We predicted that the first females in queen-absent colonies have various behavioral options after nest destruction. Even if the females construct new nests cooperatively with other individuals, the new nest construction should be conducted more smoothly in queen-present colonies because the queens regulate the behavior of wasps. We made wasps construct new nests by removing the entire brood from existing nests. The presence of the queen did not cause variation in the alternative strategy of the first females, as the first females (workers) usually constructed new nests cooperatively irrespective of the queen-presence. Thus, the workers in the queenpresent colonies affiliated to the new nest construction more smoothly and constructed new nests more efficiently than workers in the queen-absent colonies. Our results suggest that the presence of the queen is important for maintaining eusociality in primitively eusocial wasps after nest destruction. Received 8 February 2005; revised 5 October 2005; accepted 17 October 2005.  相似文献   
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