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The accuracy of toad snapping towards moving worm dummies under various levels of dim illumination (from absolute threshold to moonlight) was videorecorded and related to spike responses of retinal ganglion cells exposed to equivalent stimuli. Some toads (at ca. 16 °C) successfully snapped at dummies that produced only one photoisomerization per 50 rods per second in the retina, in good agreement with thresholds of sensitive retinal ganglion cells. One factor underlying such high sensitivity is extensive temporal summation by the ganglion cells. This, however, is inevitably accompanied by very long response latencies (around 3 s near threshold), whereby the information reaching the brain shows the dummy in a position where it was several seconds earlier. Indeed, as the light was dimmed, snaps were displaced successively further to the rear of the dummy, finally missing it. The results in weak but clearly supra-threshold illumination indicate that snaps were aimed at the advancing head as seen by the brain, but landed further backwards in proportion to the retinal latency. Near absolute threshold, however, accuracy was too good, suggesting that the animal had recourse to a neural representation of the regularly moving dummies to correct for the slowness of vision.  相似文献   
1.  We examined the retinas of 2 species of stomatopods in the superfamily Squilloidea, Cloridopsis dubia and Squilla empusa, and 2 species of the super-family Lysiosquilloidea, Coronis scolopendra and Lysiosquilla sulcata, using microspectrophotometry in the visible region of the spectrum.
2.  Retinas of all species included numerous photostable pigments, such as green reflecting pigment, hemocyanin, colored oil droplets, and vesicles. Both lysiosquilloid species also had intrarhabdomal filters within specialized photoreceptors of the midband.
3.  Squilloid species contained a single visual pigment throughout all photoreceptors, with peak absorption at medium wavelengths (near 515nm). Retinas of lysiosquilloids contained a diversity of visual pigments, with estimated max values ranging from 397 to 551 nm.
4.  Spectral sensitivity functions were estimated for the lysiosquilloid species based on estimates of visual pigment nax, photoreceptor dimensions, and specific absorbances of the visual pigments and intrarhabdomal filters. Ommatidia of midband Rows 1 to 4 contained pairs of narrowly tuned spectral receptors, appropriate for spectral discrimination, while ommatidia of midband Rows 5 and 6, and all peripheral ommatidia, had broad spectral sensitivity functions.
5.  Lysiosquilloid stomatopods have retinas that closely resemble those of gonodactyloids both structurally and in their visual pigment diversity. In contrast, squilloids have retinas that are much simpler. These differences appear to be related to the habitats and activity cycles of species belonging to the 3 major superfamilies of stomatopod crustaceans.
Aberrant expression of MEG3 has been shown in various cancers. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of MEG3 on glioma cells and the use of potential chemotherapeutics in glioma by modulating MEG3 expression. Cell viability, migration and chemosensitivity were assayed. Cell death was evaluated in MEG3 overexpressing and MEG3 suppressed cells. MEG3 expression was compared in patient-derived glioma cells concerning IDH1 mutation and WHO grades. Silencing of MEG3 inhibited cell proliferation and reduced cell migration while overexpression of MEG3 promoted proliferation in glioma cells. MEG3 inhibition improved the chemosensitivity of glioma cells to 5-fluorouracil (5FU) but not to navitoclax. On the other hand, there is no significant effect of MEG3 expression on temozolamide (TMZ) treatment which is a standard chemotherapeutic agent in glioma. Suppression of the MEG3 gene in patient-derived oligodendroglioma cells also showed the same effect whereas glioblastoma cell proliferation and chemosensitivity were not affected by MEG3 inhibition. Further, as a possible cell death mechanism of action apoptosis was investigated. Although MEG3 is a widely known tumour suppressor gene and its loss is associated with several cancer types, here we reported that MEG3 inhibition can be used for improving the efficiency of known chemotherapeutic drug sensitivity. We propose that the level of MEG3 should be evaluated in the treatment of different glioma subtypes that are resistant to effective drugs to increase the potential effective drug applications.  相似文献   
多数重要的功能基因属于多基因家族,这些家族成员间存在功能冗余,高效的多基因干扰体系对研究多基因家族成员的生物学功能及其分子调控机制具有重要意义。对pCAMBIA1301载体改造,构建了适用于植物的多基因干扰体系pCAMBIA1301m和pCAMBIA1301s。使用该多基因干扰体系构建了四基因的干扰载体pCAMBIA1301m:35S∷SlPP2C1-2-3-4,4个目标基因为来源于番茄PP2C家族A组的PP2C1PP2C2PP2C3PP2C4,并通过遗传转化导入番茄,用GUS染色和PCR检测转基因阳性植株,再利用RT-qPCR技术检测T1和T2代转基因植株中目标基因的干扰效率,用T2代种子分析转基因番茄对ABA敏感性。结果表明,应用该干扰体系成功获得了四基因干扰的转基因植株35S∷SlPP2C1-2-3-4。在转基因番茄中4个目标基因的表达量显著低于野生型,其干扰效率均高于70%,转基因番茄种子萌发具有强烈的ABA不敏感性。多基因干扰体系能高效地同时沉默多个目标基因。  相似文献   
升流厌氧污泥层反应器动力学模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用碘离子作示踪剂,采用矩形脉冲示踪法测定升流厌氧污泥层(UASB)反应器的流动分布。建立了申级返混加沟流模型。模型简单,能够反映反应器流动分布,具有较强的拟合能力和良好的适用性。运用流动模型和Monod方程,建立了UASB反应器稳态模型,并对模型参数进行了估计。通过灵敏度分析,进水基质浓度S。,废水流量Q,最大比基质降解速率,μmax 对出水基质浓度有较大影响。在稳态模型的基础上又建立了UASB反应器动态模态,利用此模型,对出水基质浓度序列Se,和产气量序列Qg进行计算预测,平均偏差分别5.40%和7.46%,标准偏差分别为7.02%和9.66%。  相似文献   
实验分别在出生后4周龄的幼年和成年鲁氏菊头蝠(Rhinolophusrouxi)上进行。使用移动声刺激装置,高频喇叭可在动物头部前方水平方向180度、垂直方向60度的范围内移动。玻璃微电极记录单个神经元的听反应。实验考察了幼年和成年动物下丘神经元的听空间特性,共观察了301个神经元,其中幼年动物148个,成年动物153个。结果表明,4周龄的幼年动物下丘听神经元已表现出方向敏感性,即每个听神经元均有一个特定的最佳反应中心和反应域。但神经元听反应中心在听空间的分布相当弥散,大多数位于对侧水平方向20—80度、垂直方向上下15度范围内。而成年动物听神经元反应中心的分布则相当集中,局限地分布于对侧水平方向28-50度,垂直方向0—10度范围内,两者构成明显差异。  相似文献   
The esterification of lauric acid with geraniol catalyzed by the commercially immobilized lipase preparation from Mucor miehei, Lipozyme(R), was studied in well-stirred flasks. The enzyme support was characterized in terms of its internal and external surface area, protein location, and protein content. It was found that the enzyme was mainly located on the external surface of the support, therefore, internal diffusional limitations were not important. It was also shown that the protein content of the support depends on the size of the particle, with smaller particles containing higher amounts of protein per unit weight. Under the conditions studied, the reaction was not under external mass transfer limitations, and the initial reaction rate depended on the size of the support particles. This was mainly due to the different protein contents on the support as a function of particle size and not to internal or external mass transfer limitations. Also, it was found that the inhibition exerted by water was predominantly a physical effect due to its accumulation around the enzyme. It was also found that the reaction was substrate inhibited by lauric acid, but not by geraniol. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The dose response effect of a new adenosine analogue, GR 79236 (N-[1S trans-2-hydroxycyclopentyl] adenosine) upon insulin sensitivity was examined in human adipocytes. The influence of adenosine upon insulin sensitivity for suppression of lipolysis and stimulation of glucose transport was examined. Removal of adenosine by use of adenosine deaminase stimulated lipolysis to the same extent as did 10–9 M noradrenaline. GR79236 brought about dose dependent inhibition of lipolysis with half-maximal effect at 11.3±7.8×10–9 M. When lipolysis was stimulated by noradrenaline alone the subsequent inhibition of lipolysis brought about by GR79236 was significantly greater than that of insulin. To examine adenosine effects on the insulin signalling pathway separately from those on lipolysis, the insulin sensitivity of glucose transport was examined. Removal of adenosine brought about a small but significant increase in the concentration of insulin required for half-maximal stimulation of glucose transport. Adenosine agonists offer promise as new agents for the modulation of metabolism in diabetes and other states of insulin resistance.  相似文献   
The stress sensitivity, determined in copper exposureexperiments and in survival in air tests, and thegenetic structure, measured by means of isoenzymeelectrophoresis, were assessed in populations of theBaltic clam Macoma balthica (L.) from itssouthern to its northern distribution limit, in orderto test the hypotheses that near the distributionlimit the clams would be more stress sensitive andwould have a lower genetic variability. Thepopulations in west and north Europe show a stronggenetic resemblance. The populations in the sub-ArcticWhite Sea are genetically slightly different, and showa low stress sensitivity. The populations in theArctic Pechora Sea are genetically very distant fromthe other populations, and show the lowest stresssensitivity. Near the southern distribution limit, inagreement with the hypotheses, genetic variability islow and stress sensitivity high. On the other hand, incontrast to expectation, near the northerndistribution limit, in the populations of the PechoraSea, the genetic variability was higher, thus notreduced, and the stress sensitivity was low comparedto all other populations. Yet, it remains a questionif such is due to gradual physiologicalacclimatization (and ongoing differential selection)or to genetic adaptation.  相似文献   
Along a thermal gradient and under a LD 1212 h cycle, nurse workers of the ant Camponotus mus select for the brood two different temperatures daily: 30.8°C at the middle of the light period (circadian phase = 90°), and 27.5°C 8 h later, during the dark period (CP = 210°). Brood-carrying activity proved to be self-sustained, running its two daily bursts free with a similar period of 23.5 h, under both LL and DD. The LD alternation acted as a strong Zeitgeber. A phase-delay of the LD 1212 h cycle reset the overt rhythm at once, being both daily events locked-on to the delayed light: dark transition. However, changes in expression, non-occurrence, or even splitting of the two daily brood-carrying events during resetting depended on the phase of the delayed DL transition. By comparing the occurrence of activity with predictions based on a threshold curve of thermal sensitivity, results indicated that an immediate resetting of the involved pacemaker actually takes place. Nurse workers do not directly control the total time spent by the brood at the selected temperature. Instead, the endogenously-driven thermal sensitivity triggers their thermal-searching behavior at two critical times of the day, when environmental temperature is expected to reach its maximum and minimum.  相似文献   
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