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自然情况下的捕食是以植物为中介发生的。作者采用植物模型作为捕食环境,测试了单纯的物理因素(避难所)对七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctata L.捕食桃蚜Myzus persicae(Sulzer)的功能反应的影响。结果表明,避难所的存在能造成七星瓢虫捕食量和捕食率极显著下降,对雄虫的影响显著比雌虫强,且在中等猎物密度时影响更为突出。Logistic回归分析发现,七星瓢虫雌虫和雄虫无论避难所是否存在,功能反应类型均为HollingⅡ型。避难所不存在的情况下,雌、雄成虫的圆盘方程分别为N a=1.0259 N0/(1+0.003078 N0)和N a=0.9246 N0/(1+0.002127 N0),避难所存在的情况下,其圆盘方程分别为N a=0.9500 N0/(1+0.00342 N0)和N a=0.6463N0/(1+0.002262 N0)。避难所的存在能导致两性成虫瞬时攻击率极显著下降,但仅雄虫处置时间极显著延长,说明雄虫在环境异质性较高时捕获猎物更困难。  相似文献   
The following work provides basic information about the life history of 10 Cuban species of the family Poeciliidae. Adult fish stocks were captured in their natural habitat, and litters obtained from them were raised and maintained in captivity for 19 weeks. For each species, we present the mean value of newborn length (TLo), age at sexual maturity (AM), total length at sexual maturity (TLM), as well as the patterns of postnatal growth in aquarium conditions, which were described using size–age curves and nonlinear regression equations (Richards model). There are differences in growth dynamics among species. In general, growth rates differ for both sexes in all poeciliids studied, males maturing earlier than females, who reach higher values of total length at the 19th week (TLf). Sexual size dimorphism could be explained by the specific roles of each sex (fecundity in females and early maturity in males) while differences in growth among species could be related to their distribution patterns in the wild. The data summarized in this contribution can be useful for the conservation of these fish species. Zoo Biol 32:251–256, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
《Chronobiology international》2013,30(5):1124-1134
Using structural equation modeling, it can be shown that long weekly working hours and work on weekends, nights, and in shifts have detrimental effects on psychovegetative health. Employees' reported subjective work-life balance also decreases with increasing number of hours worked/week, days worked on weekends, or at nights, and with working shifts. A decrease in work-life balance in turn increases the risk of psychovegetative impairments (PVIs). Thus, long and unusual working hours increase the risk of psychovegetative health impairments both directly and indirectly, moderated by the subjective work-life balance. In fact, the indirect effects of working time on PVIs via the work-life balance seem to be stronger than the direct effects. Results of a cross-validation study of four independent and representative samples from Germany and the European Union (N?>?50,000) indicate high structural stability of these results and thus an increased validity and range for generalization. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   
1. The niche variation hypothesis predicts that among‐individual variation in niche use will increase in the presence of intraspecific competition and decrease in the presence of interspecific competition. We sought to determine whether the local isotopic niche breadth of fish inhabiting a wetland was best explained by competition for resources and the niche variation hypothesis, by dispersal of individuals from locations with different prey resources or by a combination of the two. We analysed stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen as indices of feeding niche and compared metrics of within‐site spread to characterise site‐level isotopic niche breadth. We then evaluated the explanatory power of competing models of the direct and indirect effects of several environmental variables spanning gradients of disturbance, competition strength and food availability on among‐individual variation of the eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). 2. The Dispersal model posits that only the direct effect of disturbance (i.e. changes in water level known to induce fish movement) influences among‐individual variation in isotopic niche. The Partitioning model allows for only direct effects of local food availability on among‐individual variation. The Combined model allows for both hypotheses by including the direct effects of disturbance and food availability. 3. A linear regression of the Combined model described more variance than models limited to the variables of either the Dispersal or Partitioning models. Of the independent variables considered, the food availability variable (per cent edible periphyton) explained the most variation in isotopic niche breadth, followed closely by the disturbance variable (days since last drying event). 4. Structural equation modelling provided further evidence that the Combined model was best supported by the data, with the Partitioning and the Dispersal models only modestly less informative. Again, the per cent edible periphyton was the variable with the largest direct effect on niche variability, with other food availability variables and the disturbance variable only slightly less important. Indirect effects of heterospecific and conspecific competitor densities were also important, through their effects on prey density. 5. Our results support the Combined hypotheses, although partitioning mechanisms appear to explain the most diet variation among individuals in the eastern mosquitofish. The results also support some predictions of the niche variation hypothesis, although both conspecific and interspecific competition appeared to increase isotopic niche breadth in contrast to predictions that interspecific competition would decrease it. We think this resulted from high diet overlap of co‐occurring species, most of which consume similar macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   
Understanding genetic variation for complex traits in heterogeneous environments is a fundamental problem in biology. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Fournier‐Level et al. ( 2013 ) analyse quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing ecologically important phenotypes in mapping populations of Arabidopsis thaliana grown in four habitats across its native European range. They used causal modelling to quantify the selective consequences of life history and morphological traits and QTL on components of fitness. They found phenology QTL colocalizing with known flowering time genes as well as novel loci. Most QTL influenced fitness via life history and size traits, rather than QTL having direct effects on fitness. Comparison of phenotypes among environments found no evidence for genetic trade‐offs for phenology or growth traits, but genetic trade‐offs for fitness resulted because flowering time had opposite fitness effects in different environments. These changes in QTL effects and selective consequences may maintain genetic variation among populations.  相似文献   
One of the simplest predator-prey models that tracks the quantity and the quality of prey is the one proposed by [I. Loladze, Y. Kuang, and J.J. Elser, Stoichiometry in producer-grazer systems: Linking energy flow with element cycling, Bull. Math. Biol. 62 (2000) pp. 1137–1162.] (LKE model). In it, the ratio of two essential chemical elements, carbon to phosphorus, C:P, represents prey quality. However, that model does not explicitly track P neither in the prey nor in the media that supports the prey. Here, we extend the LKE model by mechanistically deriving and accounting for P in both the prey and the media. Bifurcation diagrams and simulations show that our model behaves similarly to the LKE model. However, in the intermediate range of the carrying capacity, especially near the homoclinic bifurcation point for the carrying capacity, quantitative behaviour of our model is different. We analyze positive invariant region and stability of boundary steady states. We show that as the uptake rate of P by producer becomes infinite, LKE models become the limiting case of our model. Furthermore, our model can be readily extended to multiple producers and consumers.  相似文献   
Neurotransmitters are the compounds which allow the transmission of signals from one neuron to the next across synapses. They are the brain chemicals that communicate information throughout brain and body. Fullerenes are a family of carbonallotropes, molecules composed entirely of carbon, that take the forms of spheres, ellipsoids, and cylinders. Various empty carbon fullerenes (Cn) with different carbon atoms have been obtained and investigated. Topological indices have been successfully used to construct effective and useful mathematical methods to establish clear relationships between structural data and the physical properties of these materials. In this study, the number of carbon atoms in the fullerenes was used as an index to establish a relationship between the structures of neurotransmitters (NTs) acetylcholine (AC) 1, dopamine (DP) 2, serotonin (SE) 3, and epinephrine (EP) 4 as the well-known redox systems and fullerenes Cn (n = 60, 70, 76, 82, and 86) which create [NT].Cn; A-1 to A-5 up to D-1 to D-5. The relationship between the number of carbon atoms and the free energy of electron transfer (ΔGet(n); n = 1–4) is assessed using the Rehm-Weller equation for A-1 to A-5 up to D-1 to D-5 supramolecular [NT].Cn complexes. The calculations are presented for the four reduction potentials (Red.E1 to Red.E4) of fullerenes Cn. The results were used to calculate the four free energy values of electron transfer (ΔGet(1) to ΔGet(4)) of the supramolecular complexes A-1 to A-8 up to D-1 to D-8 for fullerenes C60 to C120. The first to fourth free activation energy values of electron transfer and the maximum wavelength of the electron transfers, ΔG#et(n) and λet (n = 1–4), respectively, were also calculated in this study for A-1 to A-8 up to D-1 to D-8 in accordance with the Marcus theory.  相似文献   
An analytical and computational framework for the derivation of solitary solutions to biological systems describing the cooperation and competition of species and expressed by the system of Riccati equations coupled with multiplicative terms is presented in this paper. It is demonstrated that relationships between these solitary solutions can be either direct or inverse. Thus, an infinitesimal perturbation of one population would lead to an infinitesimal change in the other population – if only both solitary solutions are coupled with the direct relationship. But, in general, that is not true if solitary solutions are coupled with the inverse relationship – an infinitesimal perturbation of one population may result into a non-infinitesimal change in the other population. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of solitary solutions are derived in the space of the system's parameters and initial conditions.  相似文献   
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